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1、2018-1-18段的扩展的任务是为了完成如下任务的其中一部分:一篇议1. 好处2. 坏处3. 影响4. 原因2018-1-18最怕的句子之间没联系在一篇议的结构被安排好之后,你需要做的就是把段落的细节处理好。这也是很多同学一直纠结的地方。问题1:写了一句话之后,接下来完全不知道该怎么继续下去。索性换个方向再写,导致两三句话之间没有任何逻辑联系;问题2:写了一句话之后,接下来的一句对前一句完全是简单的换词重复,并没有起到更进一步解释的作用。问题3:各种我难以启齿。总之就是前言不搭后语!2018-1-18接下来的段属于 小段落风格。这里所说的小段落 并不代表字数一定会很少,而是说整个段落 只负责

2、解释和展开一个 idea。在议写作中,小段落出现的几率是极大的 。12018-1-18这是最的段落展开逻辑Topic sentence + Explanation + For exle + ( 反向假设/对比/总结重复)提前规划旅行的重要性It is important to plan a holiday trip carefully because it helps people to save money as well as enjoy the vacation better. For ex le people need to think about how muoney to allo

3、t for things including transpor ion food and ho s. In particular ho s and transpor ion at peak seasons can be incredibly expensive if not booked with plenty of time in advance. In addition if tourists make a precise plan to pay a visit to a country during its most important festivals then they will

4、be able to engage more in local culture and therefore have more memorable experience.家长对孩子的影响On the one hand parents play a critically important role in sha childrensbehavior . More specifically educating them to understand the need to obey rulesand respect others always begins responsibility of par

5、ents. For exbuy a ticket their children will acthe home and is widely thought to be thele if parents always wait patiently in line to he same manner by imi ion. By contrastchildren of parents who often run a red light are likely to cause the community alot of trouble.22018-1-18互联网的好处The erne s revol

6、utionized communication bet n people. More specificallyit is easy for everyone to ke n contact with friends fami s teachers andbusiness partners. For exusine egotiations can be conducted smoothlythrough camera meetings and contracts can be suc sfully achieved electronically. Such contributions made

7、by the ernet save a considerable amountof time and money.有难度的很有趣On the other hand difficult hobbies can sometimes be more exciting . If an activity is more challenging we might feel a greater sense of satisfaction when we managetot suc sfully. For ex le film editing is a hobby t requires a high leve

8、lof knowledge and expertise.became competenthiy case it took me around two years before Iivity but now I enjoy it muore n I did when Istarted. I be ve t many hobbies give us more pleasure when we reach a higher level of performance because the results are better and the feeling ofachievement is grea

9、ter.保护动物并不是浪费资源的I also disagree with the idea t protecting animals is a waste of resour . It is usually the protection of natural habi s t ensures the survival of wild animals and most scientists agree t these habi s are also cru l for human survival. For ex le rainforests produce oxygen absorb carb

10、on dioxide and stabilise the Earths climate. If we destroyed these areas the costs of managing the resulting changes to our planet would far outweigh the costs of conservation. Instead by protecting wild animals and their habi s we ma a he natural balance of all life on Earth.32018-1-18稳定心态对体育比赛的作用O

11、n the other hand many peop e ve t a stable and itive mentality to a great extent determines the results of sports competitions. In other words athletes aiming at winning medals must be able to stay calm throughout the gameor not easily give up even in an uphill battle. One of the most obvious ex les

12、 ofthis is the shooting competition where the ability to focus on thebe affected by the crowds is far more important n physical strength.and not to文化商业化带来的坏处Using traditional cultures as money-making touris traction may destroy them . This is because the way they are originally performed needs to be

13、 altered to meet the needs of tourists. For ex le in order to help audieneasily understand the meaning of a traditional dance the moves have to be simplified as a resultleading to the loss of authenticity of traditional ways of life.如果实在不会解释的话 ,就直接用举例来支撑吧Topic Sentence + 知识细化 + 知识细化 + (知识细化 )举例的时候多用

14、状语从句和修饰名词42018-1-18的定义However admitting the importance of money is not the same as a ming t it is the only factor contributing to being happy. As a matter o ct the definition of happiness variesgre y fromto. Children are happy to have new toys but their greaterhappiness comes from being paid attenti

15、on to andpanied by parents or friends. Similarly while many young people consider a suc sful career widecent salary as their ultimate pursuit there are still many others feeling satisfied by making contributions to the community and society they live in. In addition people heir sixties or seventies

16、would hope t they are in a healthy physical condition rather n as rich as a millionaire.带来的文化信息On the one hand I admit t getting acqua ed with culture of different plaacross the world hase incredibly easy and convenient with the help ofmedia. There are thousands of books and magazines such as Lonely

17、 Planet vividly picturing how people live their daily lives in a city thousands ofaway fromthe reader. Information about their food tradition and festival ce ration can be ac sed at almost no cost of time and money. In a similar way watching moviesbrings viewers close to a lifestyle totally differen

18、t from their own.for ex le let people know how important singing and dancing is to then moviesns.音乐的重要性panies all of us throughout our lives. As children weMusic is something tare taught songs by our parents and teachers as a means of learning language or simply as a form of enjoyment. Children deli

19、ght in singing with others and it would appear t the act of singing in a group creates a connection bet n participants regardless of their age. Later in life peoples musical preferen develop and we come to see our favourite songs as part of our life stories. Musicboth expresses and arouses emotions

20、in a way t words alone cannot. In short it is difficult to imagine life without it.52018-1-18文化商业化带来的坏处However I would argue t the inheritance of cultural traditions should not totally rely on the market because the pro s of commer lization does damage to local ways of life. For ex le in order to he

21、lp tourists understand cultural performan and shows more easily performers would have to simplify and even alter the way of ng them. As a result no longer could the original forms of dancing and ce rating be seen by the local younger generation. In a similar way local restaurants would cater for tas

22、tes of tourists by changing ingredients and cooking methods. This means t .为什么更应该投资医疗ernment investment in health care and medical research has an extremely important role to play in every society. For ex le if more free vaccines are available to young children infant and young children mortality ra

23、te could be remarkably reduced. A healthier generation of population is critically important to the development of a country. In addition if the ernment finan lly supports the research of new medicines t are more affordable to patients there would be much high ossibilities for them to receive proper

24、 medical treatment and therefore be cured. Without such investment it would be difficult to provide patients with effective medical care at a low cost as profit-driven companies are not willing to pour money o the research.使用/电子设备影响人们的面对面交流On the one hand it has been shownving a mobile phone or a ta

25、blet aroundnegatively affects people s face-to-face communication skills. 1). For those who areconstantly texting messages wi bbreviated forms of wordch as LOL or OMG it willbe rather difficult to accura y express themselves when having a real face-to-face conversation as they are not able to use th

26、e appropriate words. 2). Also sending robbing people of the ability to think and respond quickly enough. This is because they are allowed far more time to think twice before writing down a sentence which isim sible for people who are having discusor quarrelling with others.s is62018-1-18通讯科技给哪些人带来了好

27、处Digital forms of communication enable many people, mainly including students, fami s as well asentrepreneurs, to reap theum benefits. From an educational, learning can beincredibly efficient and effective, as students having the ernet connection can virtually solve all their puzzles by browsing tea

28、ching websites or asking for help from teachers simultaneously.ernet-based communication also contributes itively to strengthening family relationships and increasing closeness bet n family members. For ex le , students who attend boarding schoolsor study are able to ke n daily contact easily with p

29、arents by sending greeting messagesor camera chatting. What is more , companies can be run at a much lower cost because the ernet and computers help to expand business cheaply and because information technology allows employees to work at home, which saves most of the rents for offi pace.互联网的最大好处The

30、 greatest advantage of the ernet is t i s revolutionized communication bet n people. For ex le when studying abroad ernational students would not be bothered by the problem of homesickness as they are enabled by instant communication tools such as Facetime to talk with their fami s on a daily basis.

31、 In addition people suffering from the same disease are able to establish an online community where they can share inspiring stories of fighting diseases as well asuseful information for recovery.练习确实简单的生活方式对环境有巨大的积极影响。如果人们 而不是.,那么. Similarly ,如果人们而不是., 那么.72018-1-18参考On the one hand some peop e ve

32、t living a less complicated life makes great contributions to environmental improvements. If people choose to spend holidays at home reading a classic novel rather n have a trip abroad for ex le they are actually helreduce greenhouse gas emis s. Long-distance travelerually make considerable damages

33、to the environmentbecause the flight they take and the servi they use consume a great deal of fossil fuels and limited resour . Similarly 为了保证文章段落不会过多,有时候需要大段落 大段落其实就是两个小段落的合并Top c sentence + idea1 ( support) + idea2 ( support )这样的段落里有明确分论点Support 一般有三种可能 :This is because./ This meanst./For exle,201

34、8-1-18联系外星人的好处of some optimists there may be greatOn the one hand from thebenefits to connecting a n life forms. 1). It is likely t our neighbours in space would lend us their far more advanced technologies to solve a series of problems on the Earth. For ex le environmental pollution could be eradic

35、ated and life- threatening diseases could be cured if we are technologically improved by our a n friends. 2). Whats more with their help and assistance human beings may be ableto make a significant step forward to livethe Earth. This means t wewould no longer be afraid o cing any catastrophe t might

36、 destroy our home planet.82018-1-18支持校服的理由People in favour of students wearing schoo iforms be ve t i s a numberof benefits. 1).requiring students to wear uniforms helps reduce peerpre re. When everyone he class is dressed he same way they are notlikely to talk about the price and taste of clothes.

37、As a result noould feela sense of superiority or being prejudiced. 2). In addition the rule of wearing schoo iforms keeps the c us safe. This is because those who are not members of the school can be easily recognized and kept outside. There are consequently less sibilities of some incidents such as

38、 theftang bullying on c us.在家工作的好处Advocates of working at home be ve t individuals benefit a lot from it. 1). It is time-saving for employees to work at home. Instead of spending hours gettingto and from work people just take a few steps to their working table. With the saved time they could do a be

39、tter job or have a better rest. 2). In addition working at home allows people to work heir own way. For ex le there is no need for them to wear suits which are not a comfortable choice for the majority of people.在家工作的坏处However I am of the opinion t this unconventional way of working causes moreprobl

40、ems. 1).ly people who work heir living room may suffer from poorhealth. They are more likely to be attacked by obesity or hypertenas theyspend the whole day without any outdoor activities. 2). Secondly there may beextremely low working efficiency. This is because people are easily distracted and dis

41、turbed by many things such a acks gadgets and visitors. 3). Finally it damages the ability o ce-to-face communication if people do all their work athome. When they have got used to sendings or having a camera meeting it isdifficult for them to communicate with others in real life.92018-1-18没有外语天分的孩子

42、就不要被强制学习外语了On the one hand advocates of the given opinion be ve t untalented students wil dergo some negative emotions if they are required to learn a foreign language. 1). One of these impacts is t they may fee confident. This is because they often frown upon what can be easily completed by student

43、s who have more talent in language study. 2). In addition forcing students weak in language study to be bilingual may have an adverse effect on their enthusiasm for study. The low self-assessment caused by their poor performance in foreign language classes redu their erest in other subjects.家里孩子多的好处

44、分析On the one hand some peop e veving more n one child in a family has a number of benefits. 1). One is t parents can have more free time of their own. This is because children take care of each other or play with each other. For ex le when the elder brother reads bed stories to the younger ones theirparents are free to do what they want. 2). In addition childre


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