1、.1我的学生是一名初中生,作为他的教师,首先我了解他的根本情况,他是一个求知欲很强的人,但是有点懒惰,上课容易走神,特别是英语总是他的弱点,无论怎么学总是不见起色,以至于到后来只要看到有关英语的东西就头疼。因此他的英语成绩不尽人意。父母对他抱以很大的期望,希望他能够考上重点高中,近而考入重点大学。而他现在的学习情况,让他的父母感到担忧。My student is a junior school student and as his teacher,I got to know a few aspects about his fundamental situation.He is a boy wi
2、th a very strong will to pursuit knowledge but he is a little bit lazy and distraction on class is the fatal reason that he always got a relatively low mark in English e*am.在第一天的两个小时的上课中,我尽量与他聊一些比较有趣的事情,当然是有关于英语的。对于他这样的情况我觉得我应该从培养他对英语的兴趣开场。从英语的一些趣味小故事,到比较知名的美国大片。我发现他的表情也变得鲜活起来。但是只要我一提到他的课本,或是一提到有关语法
3、的东西,他的眼神又开场晃悠了。这使我有种深深的无力感和挫败感。一天的两小时家教时间很快就过去了,我跟他相处得还算愉快。In the first two hours of the first day,I tried to chat with him about a few interesting matters concering English on the premises.I found he is getting more rela*ed but at the word of English te*tbook or grammar,he would look away from me a
4、nd I felt most frustrated and desperate but in all,we dealt with each other quite well.为了改善他懒惰和喜欢走神的毛病,我给他讲了我同学的经历,给他说明了学生的职责和学习的目的。他似乎懂得了什么,不时地点头表示同意。此后,我也经常给他聊类似的事,不时地与他交谈学习体会。他的听课状态比以前有了很大的改观。因此,我在以后的讲课中,对他的要求渐渐严格起来,并经常给他讲解懒惰的害处。他虽然听得进去,但改观不大,其实我认为这是可以理解的。During the following days of the tutors c
5、ourse,I told my classmatesEnglish learning e*periences and made it clear to him what our learning mitment and purposes were.He seemed to understand me and ever since then,he changed gradually and became not so lazy as we first met.在这中间休息的时间里,他会和我聊一些课外的话题,包括年轻人追捧的非主流,流行歌曲,以及他爱玩的网络游戏。对于他说的话题,我都认真去听,从这
6、些我可以更多的了解孩子的心理。我和他一起分析这些流行文化,讨论开展的趋势和之所以能流行起来的原因,从中我发现他的见解很独特,同时在我的引导下,他也能有更多更正面的阐述。通过这些交流我告诉他,在分析一个事情时要从哪几个方面考虑才会更为全面,这些思路在文章的写作上是很有用处的。我平时会布置他用简单的英语写一些小随笔或是日记。他就在这段时间拿给我看,与我分享他的喜怒哀乐。我也就趁此时机修正他句子当中的错误,拓宽他的写作思路。When we had a break,we would talk about after-class topics and I grasped every word of hi
7、m attentively in order to know his mental condition furthermore.I joined him in analyzing the current dominant fashion trend and the reason why it came into fashion.And from my inspiration and analysis,he could face these issues far more positively and I told him he should ment on an issue from diff
8、erent aspects when writing an English position and these became great help for his progress in our writing practice.And after our tutous course,I would assign a few English diaries to him and he would share with me and I would take the chance to correct his grammatical and spelling mistakes as well
9、as widening his writng thought.由于每天做家教,这就迫使我改掉了假期睡懒觉的习惯。开场的几天,他听课时,时常会走神,一副心不在焉的样子。那时,我心里会感到很恼火:自己如此卖命地讲,他却置之不理。好在我很有耐心,每当他走神时,我都会提醒他,并耐着性子给他讲下去。转眼他就要开学了,我也完毕了为期二十天的家教生活。他的学习态度比以前端正了许多,学习也知道勤奋了,以前的疑难问题根本得到了解决,写作水平也有了很大提高。他的父母很感谢我这段时间对他的帮助,看到他的进步,我也很欣慰。这些天来,我把很大的精力放在了课程容的安排上,他的进步就是我最大的喜悦。At the end o
10、f our twelve days course,his attitude towards English learing has changed a great deal and became more diligent while studing English pared with what he was before and nearly all his doubts about English grammars had been settled and meanwhile,he became really good at English writing and his advance
11、 in English was my greatest joy.这次社会实践,不但让我的实践能力,口才能力,处事能力有了比较大的提高,更是体会到了教师的苦心。我相信这些实践中的收获是在课堂上学习不到的,并且会让我受用一生I have practiced my practical ability,social ability as well as oral munication ability a great deal and had a deeper understanding of being an English teacher.I believed that I would never
12、have obtained these great treasure form my curriculum in university and these will benefit me in all my life.社会实践报告“纸上得来终觉浅,绝知此事要躬行。社会实践使同学们找到了理论与实践的最正确结合点。尤其是我们学生,只重视理论学习,无视实践环节,往往在实际工作岗位上发挥的不很理想。通过实践,专业理论知识得到稳固和提高,也就是严密结合自身专业特色,在实践中检验自己的知识和水平;通过实践,原来理论上模糊和印象不深的得到了稳固,原先理论上欠缺的在实践环节中得到补偿,加深了对根本原理的理解和
13、消化。 又到暑假了,我想通过暑假实践使自己从理论走向实际,实现从课本走向社会,在实践中增长知识,锻炼自己的能力,更重要的是检验一下自己所学东西能否被社会所用,找出自己的缺乏之处,以便更好的取长补短,完成自己的学业。刚好,楼下新开了一家补习班,我到里面进展了为期一个月的实习,实习的工程是作为英语教师给二十几个五年级小学生讲课,讲课期间我感觉学到了很多东西,下面我就介绍一下我这一个月来的经历。This is the first summer vacation since I have been admitted into university and thinking that I am a no
14、rmal student in maths teaching,I am supposed to bee a teacher in a cram school to give maths lessons to a class of twenty-five pupils .我是七月十五号去的,到八月十五号完毕,期间我一共讲了三十节课,为了把握这次难得的实践时机,每天脑子里都是怎样让孩子们学到更多的东西,虽然是累了一些,但是感觉很充实,尤其是看到那些天真烂漫的小孩子,眨着眼睛问我问题的时候,我感觉特别的欣慰,毕竟这也是一份体验,一种初为人师的体验,回忆起来,真是自己的一笔珍贵的财富。I starte
15、d my lessons on July 15th and finished it on August 15th,giving thirty lessons in total.In order to take advantage of this precious chance,my brain had been stuffed with how to teach the pupils as much as possible all day long.Though a little tiring,but I felt my e*perience on those days to be very
16、abundant and meaningful.In particular,when those nave kids came to inquire me maths problems with there eye kept blinking from time to time ,I felt really consolable and relieved.At least ,it was my first e*perience of being someongs teacher and every time I recalled those days,I felt they were real
17、ly treasurable to me.讲课期间,我跟几个学生的家长交流过,从他们身上,我看到了家长望子成龙,望女成凤之心是多么强烈,更看到了父母对自己的孩子那份无私,想起自己在家辛苦忙碌的父母,不禁油然产生一种敬意,在跟家长交流期间,其中一个孩子的母亲跟我谈了许多,她说把孩子就交给我了,使我很感动,同时也感到了自己责任的重大,自己现在的身份是一名教师,既然为人师,就应该对学生负责,虽然自己现在的身份更确切说还是一名大学生,但早晚也要走向社会,现在学会对自己所做的事勇于负责任,才能对自己几年之后真正踏出校门打下一个良好的根底。七月十五号早上八点,我第一次登上讲台,刚走上讲台时,往台下扫视一下
18、,则多双眼睛在看着自己,感觉真有点紧,把事前背好的“台词全都忘了,脑子里一片空白,上家教的时候自己则有感觉,而且在学校也有试教过,为什么现在自己竟不知所措了呢.这样跟学生“对峙了几分钟,心想自己既然走到了这个位置,就临场发挥吧,管不了则多了,于是我就清了一下嗓门,开场讲课,也不知怎么的,一讲课,仿佛感觉又回到了我身上,也许是没有什么思想包袱的缘故吧,那节课完毕后,我得到了同学们和听课教师的热烈掌声,试讲顺利过关,事后我都觉得不可思议,心想自己身上还有不少潜力可以挖掘呢,不禁会心的笑了。I still remembered the first time I came onto the platf
19、orm on the morning of July 15th,when I swept down upon all those small faces staring at me,I felt e*tremely nervous and forgot every word that I have recited over and over aging the night before and went into a panic .I could not e up with a single word .Considering I had been so confident when I wa
20、s a tutoe the last summer and my e*cellent and confident performance when I attend the virtual teaching coursed back in the university,I wondered why I became so helpless at this very moment.After a few moments of mutual“strugglebetween the pupils and me,I told myself that it could never get any wor
21、se .I cleared my throat and started my class and somehow all of a sudden,all the familiar feelings of giving classes came back to me and I received most warm applaude from both the pupils and their parents at the end of the class.之后的日子,讲课慢慢步入正轨,再没有第一次登上讲台的拘谨,也敢于放开讲了,我运用在学校里学到的有关教学的知识,教孩子们学唱歌,玩游戏,让孩子
22、们在轻松愉快的气氛中学习新知识,并用适当的小活动,小游戏帮助孩子们稳固新知识.渐渐地得到更多家长和教师的认可.在这短短的一个月里,我认识了不少小朋友及他们的家长,并与他们建立了比较真诚的友谊。On the days ing afterwards,my teaching came into normal and panic nevered happened to me again like it did on my first day.I used every amount of knowledge I learned form campus to teach the pupils in a r
23、ather rela*ed and pleasant atmosphere and gradually gained the recognitong form my collegue teachers as well as the parents and in just one short months,I became a really good friend with my little pupils.最后一节课,开家长会的时候,看到那些小学生天真的脸庞,及家长们满意的笑容,我感觉我的付出没有白费,因为我得到了别人的认可,没有什么比别人对自己的认可最让人快乐的,我坚信这一点,我也有信心在以
24、后的日子里做的更好。On the last class,I felt all my mitment were not in vain when looking at the happy smiles on the pupils and parentscheeks for nothing can be more satisfactory and precious than I got recognition from ohers and I strongly believed that I could do better in the teaching work in the future.After my teacher e*perience came to an end,I though I have learned a great deal ,not only did I practice a lot and my theoretical knowledge in mathematics teaching had been deepened and
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