1、语料库在英语教学中的应用外研社2008暑期高校教师研修班研修汇报汇报人 李静第1页,共34页。主讲专家梁茂成 教授北京外国语大学中国外语教育研究中心专职研究员, 博士生导师.李文中教授河南师范大学外国语学院院长,博士,研究方向为语料库语言学,语料库与外语教学研究,计算机辅助语言教学研究.许家金博士北京外国语大学中国外语教育研究中心专职研究员.第2页,共34页。1. 什么是语料库?2. 谁能用到语料库?3. 语料库在英语教学中的应用第3页,共34页。A collection of naturally occurring language text, chosen to characterize
2、a state or variety of a language (Sinclair 1991) Whats corpora?特点:容量大, 语料真实, 检索快捷准确电脑语料库是一个由大量在真实情况下使用的语言信息集成的, 可供计算机检索的,专门作研究使用的巨型资料库.第4页,共34页。语料库的类型原始语料库(raw corpora) 将现实中使用的口头和笔头语用文字形式收集起来,按一定的原则(语域, 语体,历时,共时等)归类汇编起来的各种语料库.驸码语料库(annotated corpora), 这是指对原始语料进行了词性,语法,语音,语义或语篇的语料库学习者语料库(learners cor
3、pora), 即非母语学习者的口头和书面语料库,其中包括注有学习者拼写和语法差错标记以及改错提示的语料库. 如ICLE(国际英语学习者书面语料库), LINDSEI(国际英语学习者口语语料库), (中国英语学习者书面语料库)(桂师春 2001)和(中国学生英语口笔语语料库.(文秋芳 王立非 )第5页,共34页。Corporas UsersEFL teachersLanguage learnersTextbook makersLexicographers Corpus researchersLinguists of many kindsComputational linguistsAutomat
4、ic translationOne doesnt have to be a computer expert or a programmer to use corpora.第6页,共34页。语料库在英语教学中的应用第7页,共34页。语料库将大量有真实语境意义的实例以数据或语境共现的形式呈现在学习者面前, 能够形成一种吸引学习者注意力, 有利于强化记忆以及帮助学习者利用语境获取语义和总结规律的学习环境.第8页,共34页。利用语料库信息检验教学大纲的语法排序Can must may shall will Mindt(英国口语语料库) 的前12篇以英语为本族语者的对话语料调查中发现, will 的出现
5、频率仅次于can, 大大高于must 和may. be going to 放在 will 前教第9页,共34页。利用语料库信息编排教学内容Some 用于肯定句, any 一般用于否定句和疑问句. 50% 的any 竟是用于肯定式陈述句30%-40%的any用于否定式陈述句10% 用于疑问句初中英语教材第一册69例any 中, 44例为否定句, 25例为疑问句, 无一例为肯定句第10页,共34页。语料库直接用做课堂教材从语料库选取一批/篇文章, 或者针对某一语法句型和词汇事先从语料库里提取一批实例, 稍做处理之后便可拿到课堂上使用, 使学生接触到大量真实,新鲜的阅读材料. 由学生直接参与选材选例
6、的过程. 如将某报刊文章制作成报刊语料库光盘作为学生的英语阅读课教材.第11页,共34页。词汇教学 Variable various 第12页,共34页。语法教学关于which 的问题哪些例句显示which不是用做关系代词, 根据是什么?哪些例句中的which可以用that 替代?为什么有的例句中的which 不能用that来替代?第13页,共34页。Before class Questions we often ponderVocabulary learningWhat are the common words (常见词)and their common uses(常见用法)?How abo
7、ut the collocation(搭配) of a word? What are the probable collocates (可能搭配)of a word? What is the semantic preference(语义上的选择,情感上的倾向等) of a word?第14页,共34页。Before class Specific questions for classroom teachingHow many words are used in a text (or a collection of texts), and how often?How long are those
8、 words, sentences, and paragraphs?What are the most common words in a text?How much vocabulary is needed to read a specific text?How many words do the students already know,how many they may not know, and how many words are not on the list specified in a syllabus?How to determine the difficulty leve
9、l of a text compared with a textbook material?What are those words that the students frequently used in their writings?第15页,共34页。In class How can I paraphrase a word, a sentence, and even a whole text?How should I look for the instances of a word or a phrase in the similar context?How should I desig
10、n exercises, quizzes, and other follow-up activities based the real language data?How should I deal with grammar, lexis and patterns?How should I know which words are unique to a particular text?第16页,共34页。After class Assessing learningWhat are the typical problems encountering our learners?GrammarUs
11、e of wordUse of idioms and collocationsUse of patternsSpoken and written discoursetranslationLearning developmentWhat factors contribute to our learners proficiency?Are there any development stages?第17页,共34页。After class Testing learnersStudents writingsOther test items第18页,共34页。例一对free hand 的索引分析第19
12、页,共34页。例二搜索一下knowledge这个词在英语为母语和英语为非母语的语料中的动词搭配第20页,共34页。例三大学英语学生作文中knowledge ability society 搭配的动词有哪些,特征是什么?第21页,共34页。例 四学生习作高分组和低分组产出性词汇差异第22页,共34页。例 5利用Antcorn 软件对比分析 New York Time 和China Daily 对汶川地震报道的用词差异China Daily多次使用quake, 而 New York Time 使用词汇更丰富China Daily中出现的地名较多, 而New York Time 使用的地名较笼统第2
13、3页,共34页。常用语料库资源介绍见光盘 others, Corpus index第24页,共34页。语料库搜索软件和搜索网址介绍第25页,共34页。第26页,共34页。Using corporaMaking wordlistsRanking and sortingGrouping word families: lemmaSpecial lists: affixes, categoriesWord cluster listUsing wordlistsComparison & contrastDistribution and recurrencesIntegrating with a thir
14、d party software tool第27页,共34页。Using corporaKWIC (key word in context): word-based analysisA word stringA word sequenceCollocation & collocatesPatternsPhraseology and unit of meaningKWIC & category-based analysisPOS analysisPattern Colligation Sentence structure第28页,共34页。Using corporaText-based anal
15、ysisKeyword, key keyword, associatesPlot analysisGenre analysisDiscourse analysisSpoken discourse analysisWritten discourse analysisCritical discourse analysisSpecial discourse analysis第29页,共34页。Using corporaLearner corporaLearner language analysisContrast Interlanguage analysisAutomatic writing rat
16、ingTranslation studiesParallel texts: looking for translation factsTranslation units, corresponding units第30页,共34页。Using corporaUse in the classroomDDL (data-driven learning)Web-based learningTextbook corpusUsing multimedia corpus第31页,共34页。What elseConstructing a corpusExplore its usesDoing research第32页,共34页。But howBottom
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