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1、遵义市三H一中2019届九年级九月月考 英语试题卷考号:班级:姓名第一部分听力(共2小节,满分30分)第一节听力选择(共15小题,每小题1.5分)A.图片理解请听句子,从A、B、C中选择与句子意思相符的正确的图片。B.小对话理解请听小对话及问题,从 A、B、C中选择正确的答案()6. A. By watching TV.By using the Internet.From her Chinese friends emails.()7. A. In three weeks.B. In three days.C. In two weeks.()8. A. The stranger.()9. A.

2、Thanksgiving.)10. A. In the first store.B. The policeman. C. The teacher.B. April Fool s Day. C. Christmas Day.B. In the second store. C. In the third stor e.C.长对话理解请听长对话,从A、B、C中选择能回答所给问题的最佳答案。()11. What does the man probably do?A. A doctor.B. A teacher.C. A policeman.()12. Where is the girl from?A.

3、 Japan. B. England.C. America.()13. How old was the girl when she started studying English?A. Five years old. B. Eleven years old.C. Sixteen years old.()14. What does the girl think of making foreign pen pals?A. Boring.B. Difficult.C. Helpful.()15. What does the man ask the girl to do to improve her

4、 listening skills?A. Learn English songs. B. Listen to VOA or BBC.C. Listen carefully in class.第二节听力填空(共5小题,每小题1.5分)D.短文理解请听短文,根据其内容填写表格。5 玉1 PE E-1 ivEI已 Its,on a small(16).AA-Tiat PHAt 6二。O amHe gets up and mak*s (1 下)fcrr ttiehot - 1gue sts _At S:OO amHe IS 7 somediild.nen to school.At g;OQ amMu

5、sends mails. newrspapcn-s and ma a_zrines to a. 11 die houses.Then lie helps liis vriEe in tiie ed.第二部分语篇完形(共2小节,满分25分)第一节完形填空(共10小题,每小题1.5分,共计15分)阅读短文,根据其内容,从 A、 B、C D中选出最佳答案Years ago, I used to smok曝烟)after lunch or dinner. When I visited my brother,I would smoke 21and make sure that my niece (侄女)

6、wouldn t see me22 Iknew that she always did everything I did. I didn t want her to think smoking was right.However, when I went to the study room to smoke, she would 23 me and watch me smoke from behind the door.Most of my family didn t know I was24 . A few months later, when wewere at a big family

7、party, my niece looked at me and said,“ I love you, aunt. I just wayou to know that smoking will make you 25 and die quickly. And you keep 26 in the study room, thinking I wouldn t see y7u. Soou know it is wrong sinceyou are hiding it! ”“What? they shouted. Everyone was28 when they heard that. Hera2

8、9 .”mother looked at her and said, “Noyour aunt doesn smoke. You must have madeThe girl answered, “Why are you trying to make me lie? That s worse thansmoking.30 fell into silence. Soon after that, I stopped smoking and I hoped myniece wouldn t remember. I didn t want to leave a bad impression 印象)on

9、 her.)21. A. freely B. politelyC. secretlyD. slowly)22. A. becauseB. soC. butD. or)23. A. stop B. followC. tellD. trust)24. A. player B. patientC. writerD. smoker)25. A. nervousB. sickC. coldD. fat)26. A. hiding B. stayingC. Dropping D. living)27. A. quicklyB. SimplyC. clearlyD. quietly)28. A. scare

10、d B. shocked C. excited D. tired)29. A. differenceB. mistakeC. progressD. decision)30. A. NothingB. SomethingC. AnyoneD. Everyone第二节口语交际(共5小题,每小题2分,共计10分)情景交际()请阅读下面一段对话,根据其情景,从方框内七个选项中选出能填入对 话的五个选项。)Excuse me. (31)Well, it asbit far. You can go along the street, and then when you see a tall white b

11、uilding, turn right. The cinema is on your left. You can t miss it.(32)Of course. It will take you ten minutes to get there by bus.Good. (33)Let me see. The No. 69 bus will take you right there.(34)It s over there. Look! Many people are waiting for buses there.Thank you.(35)Where is the bus stop?You

12、 should take the No. 69 bus.Can I take a bus?That s all right.Could you tell me where WandaCinema is?Which bus can I take?It s between the park and the bank.第三部分阅读、词汇与语法(共4小节,满分75分)第一节阅读理解(共20小题,每小题2分,共计40分)阅读材料A、 B、C、 D,根据其内容选择填空。w. 4*,邕 qK: JVz!匕石hies:童/xw./,= dg= 生N4_53J2. 549-自二E5今一n&oo boo Ars1

13、 NMcm1a= 3,1_: MN今-93 N ,-Q;- 5HN 事事当-55Tliis TtHxamaNiii.e tzri&s to lriti- out til 曰 sscnr&trS o natruorE to di ildrn 口在 Fd 5 tc Q It pfysq,tiflF1 ft uh 五uifYiir ats,- ilrTi azn_it U7L d tl = 11FL il-CTUTL riTU&Hlt- I t in clxxdc-sg-Etm&s s t?irrie-satrou. tcliian d an imals.KLids 3.tedhyI3.tCU t

14、u t TFierm. 七 uiti uou ramw clii Idren to lazm and。、-苴natxj.r.X,Tiat male &s dTici? W:lig:re do c?dlcars come firom.? *_-4 j品_ 1 门与日,,:i?亡 does re searc?ti cm ti巨 xrcsrld and natuzr witli paet aud pzrusenLtels7 exi t oers _artiststi irilcezrs_ axid scient ists_ *=4.用工 VrcwC njG J ccTi also afifer oi

15、artoems- wames and p unn 1 &s to dii Id i*i&n 巨鱼白oys_ It oxa. n dfen their 已yes to the v- orld of:twaozrts_ histozry. fiotiem. and wui 曰cu-it is a十,r 口汁c h ilT曰 fesr 2-11 il0.自。1 T to:Ld()36. How much will you pay for two years Ranger Rick Magazine?A. $ 29.95.B. $ 44.91.C. $ 49.95.D. $ 59.90.()37. W

16、hich of the following is TRUE about the four magazines?Boys Life is the cheapest magazine of the four.Ranger Rick Magazine encourages children to love reading.Zoobooks Magazine can help answer children s questions.Ask Magazine includes games, nature, sports and science.()38. Jerry loves cartoons, so

17、 he should buy.Ranger Rick MagazineZoobooks MagazineAsk MagazineBoys Life()39. The four magazines are all fit for.mothersB.childrenC. teachersD.old people()40. What information do all the four magazines have in common?A. Nature.B.News.C. Sports.D.History.BMany people like to travel by train. But som

18、etimes train tickets can be very expensive. A young man recently showed that. His name is Tom Church. Instead of taking the train, he bought a car and paid for petrol, insurance and road tax汽油、保险和道路税 ).What was the result? He spent less than his train ticket!Tom Church was a 27-year-old from London.

19、 He wanted to visit a friend in Bristol. But when he got to the train station, he found that the train ticket cost too much. So he gave up the train trip and decided to buy a used car. It would be cheaper.Tom Church said, “It s a very old car, but it is fine and runs fast. And the engine发动机) is so s

20、mall that I could get the cheapest road tax. The cost is 206.81. It is less than just one train ticket. And I still have a car at the end of it! ” The car itself cost just 80, but road tax cost 81.38. It seems funny. The insurance cost 2 20.43, and the rest was for petrol.Tom said that he would prob

21、ably sell this car after the trip. There would be some unused road tax, so he might get back some money.()41. Where did this story happen?A. In the USA.B. In the UK.C. In China.D. In Japan.()42. Why did Tom choose to buy a car to travel?A. Because he missed the train.Because he collected used cars.B

22、ecause the train was full of people.Because he wanted to save some money.()43. Tom got the cheapest road tax because.the car s engine was smallthe car was a second-hand carthe traffic was not very busy D. the car was not too old()44. How much did the petrol cost Tom?A. 64.B. 45.43.C. 25.D. 20.43.()4

23、5. What would Tom do next?A. Buy a new car. B. Take the train. C. Forget his friend. D. Sell this used car.CKris and Kia, a couple from Philadelphia have been working as animal rescuert!(l!者)for almost ten years. Four years ago, they started feeding and caring for wild and homeless cats. They now ca

24、re for over 45 cats.“We feed them and provide them with water, twice a day. My little son Shon started showing interest in helping us feed and care for the cats about two years ago. At that time he was three, Kris told Love Meow. Some cats wouldn t allow Kris and Kia to touch them, but when they saw

25、 Shon, they regarded him as a friend.“ From the beginning he alwayshad the magic touch! The cats like him!”One of the cats, Bug, always got away every time the couple tried to catch him until he met Shon. We found Bug and his sister Lady. We fed them and tried catching them. But Bug always evaded us

26、, Kris told Love Meow. “Hevas completely wild, and wouldn (tome close to us at all until Shon came with us one day. Bug walked right up to Shon, rubbing (摩擦)against his legs and letting him pet him. And from that day on, Bug went from a wild cat to a friendly cat.Shon wants to be the superhero and g

27、uardian 行护者)of his cat friends. Now he doesri t want to miss a day helping them.()46. What can we know from the passage?Kris and Kia have an only son.Kris and Kia feed cats three times a day.Shon is five years old now.Shon now cares for over 45 cats.()47. The underlined word “evaded means.kept away

28、from B. got close toC. looked afterD. depended on()48. What was the problem of the couple before their son came to help?A. Their homeless cats refused to drink.It was hard to find homes for all the cats.Some wild cats were difficult to feed.Some cats wouldn t allow the couple to touch them.()49. Acc

29、ording to the passage, Shon.was born to be a superheroshows his ability to raise animalsgets some money by helping his parentshas strong interest in helping the cats)50. What s the best title for the passage?A change in a wild cat s life.A very young cat rescuer.A special way to care for cats.A rich

30、 and kind couple.DMany things can cause driving accide nts. The following suggestionscan help you to cut down the number of traffic accidents while you are driving.Firstly, keep your eyes on the road. When you are driving, you should be doing just that and nothing else.Secondly, keep as much space a

31、s you can between your car and other cars. If you are traveling at a speed of 10 miles per hour, it is wise to leave at least one cars length 长度) between your car and the car in front of you. In heavy traffic, it is difficult to leave that much space between cars. But you should try to keep enough d

32、istance (距离)between your car and the car ahead of you.Thirdly, never use your telephone. There is no good reason to be talking on a telephone while you are driving. If you do need to make a call, wait until you have parked before doing so.Fourthly, never, ever drink and drive. If you drink and drive

33、 and the traffic police catch you, you will pay the price. You will have a huge fine ( 罚金)to pay, and you can t use your driving license for some time. After you drink, you can t drive safely as usual. If you have to drink, you can have a designated driver 代驾),take a taxi or take a bus. It will just

34、 cost you a little money.Finally, be polite all the time. Even if some drivers make you angry, don. t shout alYou may never see them again in the future.()51. What does the passage mainly talk about?Some terrible traffic accidents.Suggestions for safe driving.What we have to do while driving.What we

35、 need to do after accidents.()52. When there is a car in front of you, you should.keep enough distancealways drive very slowlyfollow the car all t he timepass the car quickly()53. From the passage, we can know that.taking a taxi or bus is a good way to travelfinding a designated driver is very expen

36、siveyou have to pay fines if the police catch you driving after drinking.you wouldn t drive forever if the police catch you driving after drinking ()54. When some drivers make you angry, you should.A. never talk to them B. never shout at themC. wait for them D. give them a lesson()55. Which of the f

37、ollowing sentences is WRONG according to the passage?You should keep your eyes on the road while driving.You an t drive safely as usual after you drink.You d better park your car in aesalace before making a call.You should always leave one car s length between your car and others.第二节任务型阅读(共5小题,每小题2分

38、,共计10分) 阅读短文E,回答问题及翻译画线部分的句子。EThis is a story about a model and a hen. The model loves her pet so much that she goes everywhere with her pet. But 34-year-old Summer Rayne Oakes always stays together with her hen named Kippee as she travels around.While many people like dogs, Oakes takes her pet hen

39、everywhere she goes. And best of all, she gets free eggs for breakfast. It s the best part. You can t get any fresher,the New York Post.Oakes has been with the hen since last May. Oakes took Kippee home after meeting her at the Wild Bird Fund when she was just a chick. Kippee was an Easter gift but

40、was then abandoned (抛弃)by her last owner after the holiday. “ She jumped up onto my arm and she was so comfortable there, Oakes says. “She chose me. ” Kippee travels around and draws attention. We re so disconnected (兑节)from farm and forest life here in New York City, Oakes says .So she s a great to

41、ol for me to teach other people.”Oakes认为Kippee应该和其他的母鸡一起玩儿而不是一直和她在一起。She hasrecently raised $3,500 to rebuild a chicken coop 鸡笼)at a nearby community center. It ll be good for her, says Oakes.Oakes house is a greenhouse with more than 700 plants. It is like the nature inside. Kippee enjoys her time

42、living there.What s the best thing that Oakes gets from Kippee?How long has Kippee been with Oakes?Where did Oakes meet Kippee first?将画线句子译成汉语。将画线句子译成英语。第三节语篇填空(共10小题,每小题1.5分,共计15分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。Whatever our age is, eye care is very important to us. However, most of us don pay

43、much attention to the (61)(important) of eye care. It is said that if we take care o f our bodies, then we can surely be healthy. That is why we should giv e enough care to our eyes and look after them (62)(correct).There are several causes leading to poor eyesight砚力),like not enough food and aging(

44、老化).Televisions, computers and reading are also the causes of having poor eyesight. If you work in front of the computer, it is necessary for you (63)(take) a break every once in a while.Something dirty can cause redness and it ll make you feel uncomfortable. It sfor your eyes, too. Do you know how

45、to solve it? Well, if this (64)(happen), the best way is to clean your eyes by (65)(use) cold water. Also, you must try your (66)(well) to protect your eyesight from ultraviolet rays(紫外线).To do it, you can wear a pair of sunglasses. It not only makes you cool, but also serves (67)a great way to take good care of your eyes. What (68)great thing!Eating healthy foods will be good for your eyesight. You should remember that Vitamins A, C and E are good (69)eyes. So, tr


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