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1、.*;六册一单元 A SHORT HISTORY OF WESTERN PAINTINGArt _ influence by the customs and faith of a people. Styles in Western art _change many times. _ there are so many different styles of Western art, it would be impossible _ describe all of them in such a short text. _consequent, this text will describe on

2、ly the most important ones, _start from the sixth century AD.The Middle Ages 5thto the 15thcentury ADDuring the Middle Ages, the main aim of painters was _represent religious themes. A conventional artist of this period was _interest in showing nature and people _ they really were. A _典型的 picture at

3、 this time was full of religious symbols, _ created a feeling of respect and love for God. _ it was _明显的 that ideas were changing in the 13thcentury _ painters like Giotto di Bondone began to paint religious scenes_ a more realistic way.The Renaissance 15thto 16thcenturyDuring the Renaissance, new i

4、deas and values gradually replaced those _hold in the Middle Ages. People began to concentrate _ on religious themes and adopt a more humanistic attitude _ life. At the same time painters returned to classical Roman and Greek ideas about art. They tried to paint people and nature _ they really were.

5、 Rich people wanted to _拥有 their own paintings. so they could decorate their superb palaces and great houses. They _pay famous artists _ paint pictures of _them, their houses and 财产 as well as their activities and _achieve.One of the most important_discoveryduring this period was _ to draw things in

6、 perspective. This technique _ first _use by Masaccio in 1428. When people first saw his paintings, they were _相信、认为 that they were looking through a hole in a wall at a real scene. If the rules of perspective _not discover, one would have been able to paint such realistic pictures. _ coincidence, o

7、il paints were also developed at this time, _ made the colors used in paintings look richer and _deep. _ the new paints and the new technique, we would not be able to see the many great masterpieces _ which this period is famous.Impressionism late 19thto early 20thcenturyIn the late 19thcentury, Eur

8、ope changed a great deal, from a mostly agriculturalsocietyto a mostly industrial _. Many people moved from the countryside to the new cities. There were many new inventions and social changes. Naturally, these changes also _lead to new painting styles. Among the painters _ broke away from the tradi

9、tional style of painting _be the Impressionists, _ lived and worked in Paris.The Impressionists were the first painters _ work outdoors. They were eager _ show how light and shadow _fall on objects at different times of day. _, because natural light changes so quickly, the Impressionists had to pain

10、t quickly. Their paintings were not as _detail as _of earlier painters. At first, many people disliked this style of painting and became very angry about it. They said that the painters were _care and their paintings were ridiculous.Modern Art 20thcentury to todayAt the time they _create, the Impres

11、sionist paintings werecontroversial, _ today they_accept _the beginning of _ we call“modern art. This is _ the Impressionists encouraged artists_ look at their environment in new ways. There are scores of modern art styles, but _ the Impressionists, many of these painting styles might not exist. On

12、the one hand, some modern art is abstract; that is, the painter does not attempt_ paint objects _ we see them with our eyes, but_ concentrates _ certain qualities of the object, _use color, line and shape _represent them. On the other hand, some paintings of modern art are so _real that they look li

13、ke photographs. These styles are so different. Who can predict _ painting styles there will be in the future? 2 The Best of Manhattans Art GalleriesTheFrick Collection 5thand Madison Avenues Manyartlovers would rather _visit this small art gallery _ any other in New York. Henry Clay Frick, a rich Ne

14、w Yorker, _ die in 1919, _leave his house, furniture andart_collect tothe American people. Frick _偏爱 pre-twentieth century Western _paint and this_well represent in this excellent collection. You can also _探究 Fricks beautiful home and garden _它们都很值得参观。Guggenheim museum 5thAvenueand 88thstreetThis mu

15、seum _拥有5000 superb modern paintings, _雕刻品 and drawings.Theseartworks are not all _展览出来 atthesame time.The_展览会 is always changing. It will _吸引 those _love impressionist and post-impressionist paintings.TheGuggenheim Museum building is world famous. When you walk intothegallery you _ _感觉上像 you are in

16、side a fragile white seashell.Thebestway _ see thepaintings is to startfromthetop floor and walk down tothebottom.There are no stairs, just a circular path.Themuseum also has an _excel restaurant.MetropolitanMuseumofArt 5thAvenueand 82ndstreetThe _名声 of this museum _在于 the _vary of its art collectio

17、n. This _包含 more than 5000 yearsofcivilization from many partsoftheworld, _include America, Europe, China, Egypt, Africa and South America.Themuseum displays _ _ 不仅仅是 just the visual _delight of art. It introduces you to ancient waysofliving. You can visit an Egyptian Temple, a fragrant Ming garden,

18、 a _典型的 room in an 18thcentury French house and many other special _exhibitMuseumofModernArt53rdStreetbetween 5thand 6thAvenuesIt is _amaze that so many great worksofartfromthelate 19thcentury tothe21stcentury _house inthesame museum.ThecollectionofWesternart_include paintings by such famousartists

19、_ Monet, Van Gogh, Picasso, and Matisse. A few wordsof _warn : the _ _入场费 is not cheap andthemuseum isoften very _拥挤的.Whitney museumofAmericanArt 945 Madison Avenuenear 75thStTheWhitney _hold an excellent collectionof_同时代的American painting and sculpture. There are no _永久的 displays in this museum and

20、 exhibitions change _一直. _ two years,theWhitney _举行 a special exhibitionofnewartby _liveartists.The museum also shows videos and films by contemporary videoartists. Unit 2 Poem There are _vary reasons _ people write poetry. Some poems tell a story _ describe something in a way _ will give the reader

21、 s strong _impress. _ try to _传递、表达 certain _情感。 Poets use many different forms of poetry _express _them. In this text, _, we will look at a few of the simpler forms. Some of the first poetry a young child learns in English is nursery rhymes. These rhymes like the one on the right A are still a comm

22、on type of childrens poetry. The language is _详细并且富有想象力,and they _使快乐 small children because they rhyme, have strong rhythm and a lot of _repeat. The poems may not _有意义 and even seem _自相矛盾, _ they are easy _learn and recite. By _play with words in nursery rhymes, children learn about language. Some

23、simple poems are like B and C _ list things. List poems have a _灵敏的 line length and repeated phrases _ give both a pattern and a rhythm to poem. Some rhyme like B _ others do not like C.I sawafish-pondall _着火,I sawahouse bow _asquire,I sawaperson twelve-feet high, I sawacottage in the sky, I sawabal

24、loon _makeoflead, I sawacoffin _丢 down dead, I saw two sparrows runarace, I saw two horses making lace, I sawagirl just likeacat, I sawakitten wearahat, I sawaman _ saw these too,And said _ strange theyall were true. Our first football matchWe would have wonIf Jack _score that goal,If wed had just a

25、 few more minutes,If we _train harder,If Ben had passed the ball to JoeIf wed had thousands of fans _scream,If I hadnt taken my eyes _ the ballIf we hadnt _熬夜 so late the night before.If we hadnt _.放松警觉If we hadnt _用完精力。We would have wonIf wed been better!Another simple form of poem that students ca

26、n easily write is the cinquain, a poem _组成 five lines. _ these, students can _传递 a strong picture in just a few words.Haiku is a Japanese form of poetry that_组成 17 syllables. It is not a traditional form of English poetry, _ is very_受人欢送 English writers. It is easy _write and , like the cinquain, ca

27、n give a clear picture and create a special feeling _use the minimum of words. The two haiku poems F and G above are _translate from the Japanese._ she awaits her husband.On and on the river flows.Never looking back,_transform into stone.Day by day upon the mountain topWind and rain revolve_ the tra

28、veler returnThis stone would utter speechDid you know that English speakers also enjoy other forms of Asian poetry-Tang poems from China _尤其? A lot of Tang poetry _translate into English. This Tang poem H is a _translate from the Chinese._ so many different forms of poetry _选择, students may _最终 want

29、 to write poems of their own. It is easier _ you might think and certainly _值得一试。 Unit 3 Advice from GranddadDear James, It is a beautiful day here and I_sit under the big tree at the end of the garden. I have just returned from _long bike ride to an old castle. _ seems _amaze that at my age I am st

30、ill fit enough _ cycle 20 kilometers in an afternoon. Its my birthday _ two weeks time and Ill be 82 years old! I think my long and active life must be _归功于the healthy life I live. This brings me to the real reason _ my letter, my dear grandson. Your mother tells me that you _start smoking some time

31、 ago and now you are finding it difficult _放弃它. Believe me, I know _easy it is _ begin smoking and _多么难 it is to stop. You see, during _青春期 I also smoked and _上了瘾 cigarettes. _顺便说一下, did you know that this is because you become addicted _ three different ways? First, you can become physically addict

32、ed to nicotine, _ is one of the hundreds of chemicals in cigarettes. This means that after a while your body _习惯有 nicotine in it. So when the drug_ leave your body, you get withdrawal symptoms. I remember _feel _坏脾气 and sometimes even in pain. Secondly, you become addicted through habit. _ you know,

33、 if you do the same thing _反复, you begin to do it _自动地. Lastly, you can become _精神上addicted. I believed I was _happy and _ relax after _have a cigarette, so I began to think that I could only feel good _ I smoked. I was addicted in all three ways, so it was very difficult _ quit. But I _最后确实成功了. Whe

34、n I was young, I didnt know much about the harmful effects of smoking. I didnt know, for example, that it could _对有危害 your heart and lungs or _it was _difficult for smoking couples to become pregnant. I certainly didnt know their babies may have a _small birth weight or even be _不正常 in some way. _我也

35、不知道 that my cigarette smoke could affect the health of non-smokers. _, _ I did know was _my girlfriend thought I smelt terrible. She said my breath and clothes _smell, and _ the ends of my fingers were turning yellow. She told me that she wouldnt go out with me again _ I stopped! I also noticed that

36、 I became _breathe quickly, and that I wasnt enjoying sport as much. When I was _take off the school football team _ I was unfit, I knew it was time _ quit smoking. I _send you some advice I found on the Internet. It might help you to stop and _加强 your resolve. I _我确实希望这样 because I want you to live

37、as long and healthy a life _ I have.Love from GrandadHow can you stop_smoke? It is not easy to stop smoking, _ millions _已经成功戒掉,你也能行 。_这里有一些建议Prepare yourself. _确定 a day to quit. Dont choose a day that you know is going to be _stress,_例如 the day of an exam. _列一个清单 all the benefits you will get from

38、stopping smoking. Then throw away your last packet of cigarettes. _有决心. _每次 you feel like _smoke a cigarette, _提醒 yourself that you are a non-smoker. _再读 the list of benefits you _write earlier. Break the habit. _ smoking a cigarette, do something else. Go for _ walk, clean your teeth, drink some wa

39、ter, clean the house, In fact, do anything _ your mind and _尤其 your hands _使忙.Relax. If you start to feel nervous or _stress, do not _伸手够 a cigarette. Try some deep breathing _ Do some _relax exercises every time you _感到很有压力Get help if you need it. Arrange _stop smoking with a friend _you can talk a

40、bout your problems, _ join a stop-smoking group. If you feel desperate, you might like to talk to a doctor or chemist about something to help you, like nicotine chewing gun. Keep tryingDo not _绝望 if you have to try several times _ you finally stop smoking. If you _一直变弱 and have a cigarette, do not f

41、eel _shame. Just try again. You _将最终成功.HIV/AIDS:ARE YOU AT RISK? HIV is a virus. A virus is a very small living thing _ causes disease. There are many different _ virus, for example, the flu virus or the SARS virus. HIV weakens a persons immune system; that is, the part of the body _ fights disease.

42、 You can have HIV in your blood for a long time, _ eventually HIV will damage your immune system _ much that your body can no longer _抵抗疾病. This stage of the illness _call AIDS. If you develop AIDS, your chances of _survive _be very small.HIV _ spread through blood or the fluid that the body makes d

43、uring sex. For a person to become infected, blood or sexual fluid that carries the virus, has to get inside the body through broken skin or by injection. One day scientists will find a cure _ HIV/AIDS. _ that happens, you need to protect yourself. Here are some things you can do_以确保 you stay safe. I

44、f you inject drugs: Do not share your needle _ anyone else. Blood from another person can stay on or in the needle. If a person has HIV and you use the same needle, you could inject the virus into your own blood. Do not share anything else that a person has used while_ inject drugs. Blood could have

45、 spilt on it. If you have sex with a male or a female:Use a condom. This will prevent sexual fluid passing from one person to another. The following statements are NOT true. A person cannot get HIV the first time they have sex. WRONG. If one sexual partner has HIV, the other partner could become inf

46、ected.You can tell by looking at someone _是否 or not they have HIV.WRONG. Many people _carry HIV look perfectly_ health. It is only when the disease _ progress to AIDS _a person begins to look sick. Only homosexuals get AIDS.WRONG. Anyone _ has sex with a person_ infect with H1V/AIDS risks _get the v

47、irus. Women are slightly _ likely to become infected than men. If you hug, touch or kiss someone with AIDS or visit them in their home, you will get HIV/AIDS.WRONG. You can only get the disease from blood or sexual fluid. _fortunate, people with HIV sometimes lose their friends _因为偏见. Many people ar

48、e afraid that they will get HIV/AIDS from those infected with HIV!AIDS. For the same reason, some AIDS patients cannot find anyone to look after them when they are sick. You can get HIV/AIDS from mosquitoes. WRONG. There is no evidence of this. Unit 4 Global warming The Earth is becoming warming-But

49、 does it matter?Duringthe 20th century the temperature of the earth _rise about one degree Fahrenheit. That probably does not seem much to you or me, _ it is a rapid increase when _compare to other natural _change. So how has this_产生_ does it matter? Earth Cares Sophie Armstrong _探究these questions.

50、_毫无疑问 the earth is becoming warmer see Graph 1 and that it is human activity_ has caused this global warming _而不是 arandombut _naturephenomenon. All scientists_赞同the view that the increase in the earths temperature is _由于 the burning of fossil fuels like coal, natural gas and oil _ produce energy. So

51、me byproducts of thisprocess _ call greenhouse gases, the most important one of _is carbon dioxide. Dr Janice Foster explains: There is a natural phenomenon that scientists call the greenhouse effect. This is when small amounts of gases in the atmosphere, like carbon dioxide, methane and water vapou

52、r, trap heat from the sun and _因此 warm the earth. _ the greenhouse effect, the earth would be about thirty-three degrees Celsius cooler _ it is. So, we need those gases. The problem begins when we add hugequantities ofextra carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. It means that more heat energytends_trap

53、 in the atmosphere _cause the global temperature _go up. We know that the levels of carbon dioxide _ increase greatly over the last 100 to 150 years. It was a scientist_ call Charles Keeling, _ made accurate measurements of the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere from 1957 to 2019. He _find t

54、hat between these years the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere went up from around 315 parts to around 370 partspermillionsee Graph 2. All scientists accept thisdata. They also agree that it is the burning of more and more fossilfuels that _result inthis increase in carbon dioxide. So how high will th

55、e temperature increase go? Dr Janice Foster says that over the next 100 years the amount of warming could be as low _ 1 to 1.5 degrees Celsius, _ it could be as high as 5 degrees. _, the attitude of scientists towards this rise is _complete different. _一方面, Dr Foster thinks that thetrend_ increases

56、the temperature by 5 degrees would be acatastrophe. She says, We cant predict the climate well enough _ know what _expect , _ it could be very serious. Others _ agree with her think there may be a rise of several metres in the sea level, or predict severe storms,floods, droughts, famines, the spread

57、 of diseases and the _disappear of species. _另一方面, there are those, like George Hambley, _他反对this view, believe that we should not worry about high levels of carbon dioxide in the air. They predict that any warming will bemildwith few bad environmentalconsequences.In fact, Hambleystates, More carbon

58、 dioxide is _actual a positive thing. It will make plants _长得更快; crops will produce more; it will encourage a greater range of animals - all of _ will make life for human beings better. Greenhouse gases continue tobuild upin the atmosphere._即使we start reducing the amount of carbon dioxide and other

59、greenhouse gases, the climate is going tokeep onwarming for decades or centuries. No one knows the effects of global warming. Does that mean we shoulddo nothing? _, are the risks too great?WHAT CAN WE DOABOUT GLOBAL WARMING?DearEarthCare, Iamdoingaproject_代表myschoolabout global warming. SometimesIfe

60、el that individuals can have little effect_such huge environmental problems. _, 1 still think people should advocate_improve in the way we use energy today. AsIm not sure _从哪里开场myproject,I_感谢任何建议 you may have. Thank you! Ouyang GuangDearOuyang Guang,There are many people _ have a commitment like you


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