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1、 加拿大留学大学申请书模板 加拿大每年教育经费高达国内生产总值 (GDP)的 7.1%,而英国占比5.1%、美国占比约为4%左右。由此可见,教育产业一直是加拿大政府一项重大的投入。这里给大家分享一些加拿大留学大学申请书,欢迎阅读! 加拿大留学大学申请书 Dear _, Please give a brief evaluation of yourself as a leader.2. What do you consider to be your most important personal and professional accomplishments to date?3. Why hav

2、e you decided to enter the Fully Employed MBA Program? Why is this the appropriate time for you to begin?1. Becoming a leader in the business world has been my goal since high school. In order to succeed at any goal, one must first find a path to reach the goal, and then embark on that path. My path

3、 to becoming a leader began in high school. While studying in high school, I demonstrated great dedication, a trait necessary for a leader. I mastered several different disciplines. I passed Advanced Placement tests in Art History, Chemistry and Physics, and graduated in the top 5% of my class. I al

4、so had the opportunity to exercise actual leadership skills as President of both the Science Club and the Business Club. At the State University of California at Los Angeles, I continued to serve leadership positions while remaining committed to my studies. I won first place in the Phi Beta Lambda 3

5、1st State Leadership Conference in Management and Information Management. Although I worked 36 hours a week at two part-time jobs, in addition to participating in this conference, I was able to maintain my grades. I joined the General Education Honors Program. Upon entering the working world, I foun

6、d that the value of leadership is priceless. The climate has changed drastically, from a cooperative, serene learning environment to a place where only the fittest survive. Luckily, my leadership training from high school and college has paid of f. I was quickly promoted from purchasing agent to pro

7、curement supervisor. As a further step in becoming a business leader, I recently accepted an offer from Rain Bird to be a buyerplanner. In this role, I am in total control of two product lines that make about $15 million in sales each year. Although I have learned new ways to manage labor and produc

8、ts, in this new position I have finally found my leadership qualities to be inadequate. I need to discover how engineering changes, climate changes, and marketing promotions of Rain Bird and its competitors affect my product lines. I want to learn how information systems enhance and ease business tr

9、ansactions, and how to be more productive and efficient in this global economy. After consulting several fellow co-workers who have studied in UCLAs FEMBA Program, I think studying there would help me continue on my path of success. I have made my most important personal and professional accomplishm

10、ents as a member of APICS, the Educational Society for Resource Management. A co-worker introduced me to this organization. At first, I was reluctant to join because I thought, I already have a degree in operations management; why do I need to join an association in which I would learn nothing new?

11、As time went on I found out more and more about this prestigious organization and gradually discovered that by contributing to the it I could improve my managing abilities. I quickly became certified in Production and Inventory Management (CPIM). After about a year, I was appointed director of the S

12、an Gabriel Valley Chapter of APICS, which is the most cherished accomplishment I have to date. Running a chapter is like running a small business. There is a national body, like a government, which establishes by-laws and rules to which we have to adhere. We have to market ourselves, capture custome

13、rs(members) and make them happy by offering our products and services. We book classrooms and sponsor workshops on different aspects of manufacturing for members and non-members. Every month we have a joint meeting with the Anaheim chapter which features a renowned speaker. We also create and publis

14、h a newsletter every month to update our members about APICS and the latest manufacturing trends. Sometimes we solicit companies in the San Gabriel Valley about the possibility of offering PICS classes onsite. The greatest challenge in directing an APICS chapter is in financing all of the chapters a

15、ctivities. The most valuable benefit I have gained from being an APICS director has been the ties I have developed with fellow directors and members. In API CS, I continually meet new colleagues. They come from large and small companies, and in positions from receiving clerks to vice presidents. We

16、all meet to discuss the latest trends in manufacturing and job opportunities around the area. By learning from each other, we can improve our companies bottom lines . As an APICS director, I have learned a lot about marketing and finance. I would not have been able to gain such valuable knowledge wi

17、thout hands-on experience. The entrepreneurial abilities I have developed in this position will prove useful as I move further along my path to business success. 3. There are many reasons why I believe this is the perfect time for me to start the Fully Employed MBA Program at UCLA. With regard to ga

18、ining knowledge, I have been learning continuously since high school. During high school summer breaks, I took SAT workshops, and in college, I took classes even in summer quarters. When I graduated and started working, I studied to become CPIM-certified for APICS. Starting the MBA program now is th

19、e next most logical step in my career. In terms of career advancements, I am also pushing myself to the limit. I was quickly promoted to a supervisory level at Rain Bird and to a directing position at APICS. I want to keep my pace on this fast career track. Starting the MBA program now will surely o

20、pen doors to upper management positions within Rain Bird. With regard to personal goals, I have wanted to go to UCLA since high school. I got accepted by the undergraduate school but financial difficulties forced me to choose a state university. Getting my MBA at UCLA will be a childhood dream come

21、true. Last but not least in making this the ideal time for me to pursue an MBA is the great support from people around me. My wife believes getting an MBA will improve the quality of our lives; my parents think that with an MBA I can be an exemplary model for my brother and sister; co-workers that a

22、re already in the FEMBA program told me the program is excellent and the experience worthwhile; and my plant manager, who is a FEMBA alumna, told me it was the best two and a half years she ever spent in school. With my high expectations and support from others, I am confident that I can succeed at

23、UCLA. I am ready to start the FEMBA program this fall. Yours sincerely, 加拿大留学大学申请条件 1、麦吉尔大学 麦吉尔大学始建于1821年,是加拿大历史最悠久的高等学府,22年QS世界排名第27位。麦吉尔大学在医学、法学、工学、理学、商学、文学、神学、音乐等众多领域拥有崇高的学术地位及广泛的影响力,被公认为是当今世上最享负盛名的学府之一。 百年来,麦吉尔大学一直在国际上极富盛誉,鼎盛时期与哈佛大学双足全力,其教学及研究水准享誉世界,故有“加拿大哈佛”之称。另外,麦吉尔大学入学标准相当严格,其平均录取分数为全国所有大学之首,

24、也就是说麦吉尔大学是全加拿大最难进的大学。 热门专业:商科与经济学、教育学、工程学、环境学、生命科学、数学与计算机科技、文科与社会科学 本科申请条件 学术要求:申请者需要提交高中成绩单(高一、高二和高三年中成绩单)和所有可用会考考试的成绩。注意,SAT不能用作代替会考学术水平测试(APT)。 成绩要求:每年最低录取要求通常是85%或更高。 语言要求:托福最低90分,各个单项不低于21分;或者雅思总分6.5,各单项不低于6.0分。 硕士申请条件 学术要求:全日制四年本科相关毕业证及学士学位证。 成绩要求:建议3.2。 语言要求:雅思7.0(单项不得低于6.5);TOEFL分数要求93.0(单项不

25、得低于21) 2、蒙特利尔大学 蒙特利尔大学创建于1878年,主校区位于加拿大魁北克省蒙特利尔市,是一所以法语为主要授课语言的公立大学。在各类大学排名中,蒙特利尔大学长期是加拿大名列前十的医博类大学,是加拿大U15研究型大学 联盟成员、国际公立大学论坛成员,学校各种学术研究成果在全加拿大综合排名第二,因此也被叫做“法语世界的哈佛”。 虽然在国内,相比于多伦多大学、滑铁卢大学等学校,蒙大的知名度不高。但在蒙特利尔当地、甚至是整个加拿大,蒙大的知名度和认可度都是一等一的! 优势专业:心理学、历史、电影研究、比较文学、计算机、化学和物理专业、博物馆研究、互动传媒 本科申请要求 学术要求:要求在高中学

26、习完所有的课程毕业或者是在国内的本科学习完一年的课程。 成绩要求:要求高中学习成绩的均分不能低于80分。 语言成绩:托福不低于90分;或者雅思总分不低于6.0(写作不低于6.0,其他项目不低于5.5)。对于英语分数不合格的学生可以提前申报蒙大的英语课程。 需要注意的是,蒙特利尔大学本科主要都是以法语教学为主,所以申请本科课程还需要递交TFL的考试成绩。 硕士申请要求 学历要求:拥有认可的大学学士学位或者同等学历。 成绩要求:要求大学时期均分成绩在75%以上。 语言要求:TFI法语考试达标,一般需达500分;或者雅思总分6.5,每个单项不低于6.0;或者托福不低于83分。若语言成绩未达标则需参加

27、学校安置的法语课并通过考试(学习时间9-12周)或直接到进入到蒙大进行法语学习(约1年),语言考试合格后再进入相关专业。 3、康考迪亚大学 康考迪亚大学位于加拿大第二大城市蒙特利尔的一所知名综合类公立大学。康考迪亚大学拥有约4.6万在校学生,来自全球130多个国家,是加拿大办学规模和国际化程度的高等院校之一。 康考迪亚大学设有100多个本科专业及100多个硕博专业,授课语言为英文,排名方面位列加拿大综合类大学前十。其中,商学院被普遍认可为世界一流的商学院,是加拿大第1所通过国际高等商学院协会(AACSB)认证的商学院(全球仅不到5%的商学院获此认证),众多知名商界精英与金融界领袖都曾在此求学。

28、 优势专业:商科、建筑工程、航空工程、计算机科学、软件工程、会计学、精算学、电影学 本科申请要求 学历要求:高中毕业文凭,如果参加了高考,需要提交高考成绩。 语言要求:雅思总分7.0+;或者TOEFL90+。 注意:高中文科生,一般不可申请理工科专业。 硕士申请要求 学历要求:拥有四年制课程的学士学位证书,部分专业会要求具有相关专业背景。 GPA要求:建议大学时期均分成绩在80-89分。 语言要求:各学院对英语语言成绩要求不同,以文理学院为例:要求雅思总分6.5+,各单项不低于6.5分;或者托福90分及以上,各单项不低于20分。个别学院及项目的要求更高。 GMATGRE:商科提交GMAT,理文

29、工建议提交GRE。 4、多伦多大学 多伦多大学于公元1827年始建,坐落于加拿大多伦多,前身是国王学院,是加拿大知名公立研究型大学,被公认为加拿大综合实力第1的顶尖学府,世界顶尖的高等教育机构之一,在22年QS世界排名中位列第26位。学校现共分三个校区UTSC、UTSG、UTM,其中圣乔治校区位于多伦多市中心。 优势专业:心理学、医学技术专业、公共卫生排名、人类生物科学专业、生物技术专业、金融专业、采矿与矿物工程专业 本科申请要求 学历要求:高中毕业文凭,递交高二的会考成绩单,而且会考的成绩必须要达到A等级。如果参加了高考,需要提交高中毕业证书与高考成绩。 成绩要求:高考分数建议75%-80%,三年平均成绩建议85%以上。 语言要求:雅思6.5(6.0),或者托福100分,其中写作不能低于22分。如果没有合格语言成绩的同学可以提前申请预科。 其他要求:可能会要求面试,一般报考商科的学生需要进行面试。 硕士申请要求 学历要求:拥有认可的大学学士学位或同等学历。 成绩要求:一般要求平均分75%或以上。 语言要求:雅思7.0(6.5),或者托福79分(写作21,口语18,阅读13,听力13)。 5、约克大学 约克大学成立于1959年,坐落于加拿大第1大城市多伦多北郊。设有10个学院以及26个别的研究中心


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