1、优秀范文How to win love 1. As a human being, one can hardly live in a good condition without love. As the old saying goes, no man is an island. In other words, on one cant live a happy life without love from family, friends or lover. I think none of us will deny that life will become happier, more inter
2、esting and significant if one is loved by other people. How to win love? Many people believe that love can be won based on following aspects: First, love should be won on condition of similar interests or attraction of opposite sexes, or even kin. Second, whatever the comment, love must be won firml
3、y based on trust and understanding. Thirdly, concern on other people must not be omitted to win love. With different outlooks, individuals may have different principles in winning love. As far as I am concerned, I think that winning love dont depend on whether one is rich or poor, health or disease,
4、 but on whether he is honest, passionate and tolerant to other people. If one treats other people with an honest and tolerant heart with passion, he will win love eventually. This is because love is in everyones heart.2. The youth frequently ask how to win love. In my opinion, before planning to win
5、 love, you have to understand exactly the meaning of true love. It is impossible to gain something the meaning of which you don t know. So, what is the authentic love?The most vital meaning of love is to tolerate imperfection. As we all know, there is no perfect thing in the world, hence, nobody is
6、perfect but God. You must be aware of many sides of the other person, including his/her limitation, inconsistencies and flaws. In a love relationship, besides happiness, there are times of boredom, real strain etc. Someone says that love comes into an imperfect world to make it livable. Therefore, t
7、o know the person from whom you are going to win love is the first step. Then, enduring tough times when you feel like giving up and experiencing an impasse. Additionally, love is independence-not excessive dependence on the person for your meaning and survival. Love is freeing, so, please give more
8、 space for you and the person you love to develop. Simply put, you will win love, if you completely understand Fromms words: Mature lunion under the condition of preserving ones integrity, ones individuality. In loveoccurs that two beings become one and yet remain two. 3. Love makes the world go aro
9、und .Love to us is what water to fish; Love shines the most beautiful light of humanity, we born in it and lives by it. How to win love? It is an important lesson that we should learn. My views are as follows. First, one who wants to get love should have a heart full of love himself, a man with a lo
10、ving heart will be endowed with a good opportunity to win love from others. Second, an old saying goes that the quickest way to get love is to show love to the one we love deeply. If we love someone, dont shun it, but speak it out, then, we will win love in return.In my opinion, Love isnt all about
11、looking at a good looking woman/man and hearing fireworks go off all the time. Thats usually physical attraction, but its normal at the beginning of the relationship. Love is respect, wanting to help that person in any aspect of his life; protect him from any harm; feeling safe with that person; pro
12、ud of being with him; sharing your hopes and dreams together, feeling like you can conquer the world together! This is the true love. Love is so precious a gift that we should treasure it and at the same time we should win love from others properly. The Fourth Millennium in My Eyes 优秀范文1. Technology
13、 has shrunk the globe and stretched our lives and our minds, and, this situation will continue as long as human society exists. What will the fourth millennium look like? In my eyes, a thousand years later, there will be great changes in many areas. But, the future will not be utterly foreign, becau
14、se human nature will not change. Taking education, new electronic equipments and new modes of education will be popularized, such as on line schools. All the revolution, however, will not make the schoolroom obsolete, for the interactions among forming characters. As for computer, it will be student
15、s and teachers are essential to the students used in all kinds of fields to serve usnot control. Blooming virtual society, for instance e-community, will increase communicating convenience and ways of entertainment. Yet, virtual reality will never make us permanent antisocial shut-ins. Because, bein
16、g social species, humans have instincts to communicate by face-to-face contact. All in all, people in the world of 3000, I think, will live in the world in which technology will enrich rather than dominate human lives. 2. As a human being, one cant live eternal life. The next millennium is always a
17、secret in ones eyes. However, as the old saying goes, the science and technology is the first productivity. In other words, we can imagine the fourth millennium according to this truth. Science and technology have make human life world-shaking. What will the fourth millennium become? I believe that
18、human life in the fourth millennium can sum up as following aspects: Firstly, more materials will be used for producing clothes for a comfortable purpose. Secondly, whatever the comment, foods will be more various and more healthy. Thirdly, living space for human being may be not only in the earth.
19、Fourthly, vehicle which is more rapid and various will appear. All above aspects will make human life more convenient. Although human life cant be accurately described in the fourth millenni um, there is one point which can be determined in words. That is that human being will more cherish their liv
20、ing environment, their affection will become more true and virtuous and people must live a happier life. 3. 优秀范文The Organic Foods 1 Are organically grown foods the best food choices? The advantages claimed for such foods over conventionally grown and marketed food products are now being debated. The
21、 organic foods are purely natural products without using chemical agent, such as chemical fertilizer or pesticide, during the growing process. Many people believe that such foods are safer and more nutritious than the foods produced on a large scale by traditional methods. That may be right, for the
22、 natural nutrients are not destroyed in their growth cycles. Nonetheless, it is pity that there is no scientific evidence to support it. On the contrary, I know that some natural products, for instance some bee products, which are poisonous in themselves, have to be processed for diet. The key formi
23、ng the view, I think, is that the organic foods are more delicious and tasteful. Comparatively speaking, the organic foods are too costly and inefficient, for their long growing time and inadaptability to mass production, to meet needs of population growth. To sum up the above arguments, the organic
24、 foods are not the best food choices, but they can serve as a complementary to others. 2. As a human being, one can hardly live in a good condition without good supply of foods. As the old saying goes, man is iron and food is steel. In other words, food is very important necessity for human being. A
25、nd every sign points to the fact that more and more new foods, such organic ones, appear with development. What make the organic foods come into being? Many people believe that it can be explained based on following reasons: Firstly, science is more and more advanced, thus more types of food can be
26、produced. Secondly, whatever the comment, some businessmen always produce show-off of new food concept to more profit. Thirdly, more and more people favor more healthy life style and thus so-called more healthy foods, such as organic ones. As far as I am concerned, I think that appearance of the org
27、anic foods dont depend on science, business profit, but only on peoples health demands. With development of society, people want to live a better and better life. In this situation, people must want to live a healthy and a longer life. Therefore, they need choose more healthy foods, which give birth
28、 to the organic foods. 3.Are organically grown foods the best food choices? The advantages claimed for such foods over conventionally grown and marketed food products are now being debated. The organic foods are purely natural products without using chemical agent, such as chemical fertilizer or pes
29、ticide, during the growing process. Many people believe that such foods are safer and more nutritious than the foods produced on a large scale by traditional methods. That may be right, for the natural nutrients are not destroyed in their growth cycles. Nonetheless, it is pity that there is no scien
30、tific evidence to support it. On the contrary, I know that some natural products, for instance some bee products, which are poisonous in themselves, have to be processed for diet. The key forming the view, I think, is that the organic foods are more delicious and tasteful. Comparatively speaking, th
31、e organic foods are too costly and inefficient, for their long growing time and inadaptability to mass production, to meet needs of population growth. To sum up the above arguments, the organic foods are not the best food choices, but they can serve as a complementary to others. 优秀范文Technology canno
32、t change the condition of humanity 1. I agree with that technology cannot ultimately prevent us from harming one another. In so far as there is no technological solution to the enduring problem of war, poverty, and violence, for the reason that they stem from certain aspects of human nature-such as
33、aggression and greed. But twentieth-century technological innovation has enhanced the overall standard of living and comfort level of developed nations. The advent of steel production and assembly-line manufacturing created countless jobs, stimulated economic growth, and supplied a plethora of innov
34、ative conveniences. More recently, computers have helped free up our time by performing repetitive tasks and have made possible universal access to information. Of course, such progress has not come without costs. One harmful byproduct of industrial progress is environmental pollution and its threat
35、 to public health. Another is the alienation of assembly-line workers from their work. And, the Internet breeds information overload and steals our time and attention away from family, community, and coworkers. Nevertheless, on balance both the modern-industrial and computer revolutions have improve
36、d our standard of living and comfort level; and both constitute progress by any measure. In sum, if we define progress more narrowly-in terms of economic standard of living and comfort level-recent technological innovations have indeed brought about clear progress for humanity. 2. As there are two s
37、ides in every story, thus different people have different ideas about whether technology can change the condition of humanity. Narrowly speaking, it can . The past century witnessed unprecedented war and violence as well as unprecedented technological progress. Some countries brought wars and disast
38、ers to human beings in order to get more resources and territories. Also, poverty and frequent natural disasters, such as droughts and floods, are entangling people. However, broadly speaking, it can and has done. With the rapid development of science and technology, people now live a more comfortab
39、le life than ever before. And due to the computer and internet, people in different places can communicate with each other very conveniently. Global village comes into being as a result of advanced transportation system. At the time, many diseases of which doctors had no ideas in the past can be tre
40、ated now with the advanced medical technology. Technology does change humans lives.In a sum, I hold the view that technology is a double-sword. If we can utilize it properly for the purpose of making better lives for human beings, we can change the condition of humanity by technology. 3. I dont agre
41、e with the statement that technology cannot change the condition of humanity. Though some science and technology may have some hidden agendas, most of them are designed to help us lead better lives and our lives have changed a lot as well as become more glorious than before. For example, many diseas
42、es of which doctors had no ideas in the past can be treated now with the advanced medical technology. In addition, our daily lives are more and more convenient with the development of cell phones and the Internet. To say that technology cannot change the condition of humanity is too unilateral. As o
43、ur society is going forward, its not strange to see wars or violence. We can invent more advanced weapons to minimize the damage. Although poverty still exists in China and some other places in the world now, the number of the poor has dropped a lot with the help of Hybrid Rice. If science and techn
44、ology are not useful for our humanity, why there is the world famous Nobel prize? And why many countries allocate so much money on the scientific research projects every year? So I hold the view that science and technology is a double-edged sword, if we can use it properly and for the purpose of mak
45、ing better lives for human beings, we can change the condition of humanity by science and technology. 优秀范文Individualism vs. collectivism 1. Individualism and collectivism are quite different in some aspects. Are they conflicting? Generally speaking, individualism is formed in the western societies,
46、and collectivism in the eastern societies. In the west, the focus is on the individual, in the east, the focus is on the relationship between individuals. The western value evolves from Hunting Societies, in which the accent was autonomy and individualism. The eastern value comes from Planting Socie
47、ties- from which comes the notion of interrelation, interconnection and interdependence- in which suppression of individual impulses is required. From these different values evolved very different ways of doing business, and different ways of conducting ourselves within our society. To the extent, i
48、ndividualism and collectivism seem to be conflicting. With economic development, neither individualism nor collectivism can meet the demands of the global community alone. Pushed to the extreme, individualism has created tremendous indifference and cynicism, and, collectivism has caused patronage. O
49、ne mans meat is another s poison, so, they are complementary. I believe combining them is the best policy in the new maneconomic environment. 2. The values held by one culture are apt to differ from those of another. Generally speaking , individualism is a characteristic of western cultures while co
50、llectivism is a feature of eastern cultures. Individualism is the belief that every person is a distinct entity and ought to assert and achieve independence from others. Individualists advocate that society is only the means for an individual to achieve his personal goals. In the society based on in
51、dividualism, self-reliance and self-affirmation are encouraged. People can freely express their feelings without outside interference, and can state different views publicly. An individual has the right to protect his privacy , make his own decisions ,and lead his life in his own way. The individual
52、 is permitted to pursue his self-interest on the condition that he never violate the rights of other people or the laws and the social moralities which protect the equal rights of all the people. By contrast, collectivism makes emphasis on the welfare of organization or group. Individualists wont be
53、 encouraged to pursue self-interest since this may be considered a thread to the conformity and harmony of the group. An individual is seen just as a member of a group and he must sacrifice his own interest to meet the demands of the group whenever there is a conflict. Collectivists are reluctant to
54、 attract other peoples attention and they do not state different views from other people. 3. Individualism and collectivism are quite different in some aspects. Are they conflicting? Generally speaking, individualism is formed in the western societies, and collectivism in the eastern societies. In t
55、he west, the focus is on the individual, in the east, the focus is on the relationship between individuals. The western value evolves from Hunting Societies, in which the accent was autonomy and individualism. The eastern value comes from Planting Societies- from which comes the notion of interrelat
56、ion, interconnection and interdependence- in which suppression of individual impulses is required. From these different values evolved very different ways of doing business, and different ways of conducting ourselves within our society. To the extent, individualism and collectivism seem to be confli
57、cting. With economic development, neither individualism nor collectivism can meet the demands of the global community alone. Pushed to the extreme, individualism has created tremendous indifference and cynicism, and, collectivism has caused patronage. One mans meat is another mans poison, so, they a
58、re complementary. I believe combining them is the best policy in the new economic environment. 优秀范文Which one is Gold, Silence or speech? 1. Which one is Gold, silence or speech? There is an old saying: silence is gold, and speech is silver. That is to say, silence is more important than speech. I do
59、nt think so. Because boand silence have their own advantages. Silence has many advantages, for instance, it gives you more chances to listen others so that you can get more useful information and knowledge, and, it can avoid unwanted arguments. Compared with speech, silence may protect yourself, bec
60、ause, the more you speak, the more mistakes you make, the more you betray yourself. It seems that silence means everything. But, sometimes, keeping silence makes you misunderstood by others. They may think that you have nothing in your mind, or that you are reluctant to be involved in the talk. Simi
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