国际星级酒店前厅部前台接待岗位技能培训标准RM-FO-GS-22-02 MICE Group会议团接待_第1页




1、 PAGE 4LOCAL STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURESLSOP No.:RM FO-GS-22-02Effective Date:Division:Front OfficeRevised Date:Section:ReceptionPrepared by : Approved by:SUBJECT:MICE Group 会议团接待_OBJECTIVE目的:Make sure the MICE group C/I,C/O smoothly.确保会议团入住,退房顺利进行POLICY政策:MICE group must be handled with utmost pr

2、ofessionalism and tact, keep communication with related department, share information in time会议团的接待需专业合理对待,和各个相关部门保持联系,随时分享相关信息。PROCEDURES 程序: 1.Preview group profile 预览团队主单Check group profile with Opera system to ensure all the information are matched. 确保团队主单信息与Opera系统中吻合。 *Group name, Block code,

3、Master bill, Billing instruction, Date. Room type, Room rate, Total No. of rooms. 团队名称,团队代码,主帐号,账目说明,日期,房型,房价,总房数。 *Organizer name & Contact no. Billing signature authorizer, Resort coordinator name & Contact no. 团队联系人姓名及联系方式,有效签单人,酒店团队协调员姓名及联系方式。Ensure VIP guests information has been correct update

4、d in Opera system, including: VIP Level, VIP Title, Arrival & Departure Date/Time, Transportation arrangement. 确保贵宾信息已准确输入Opera系统,包括:贵宾级别,贵宾头衔,预到和预退日期/时间,接送机安排。Post group profile on Information Board. 将团队主单及最新信息张贴在信息板。2. Rundown Meeting 团队沟通会Review group profile, highlighted those unclear points by

5、the GSA who in charge of the group. 负责接待团队的前台员工再次回顾团队主单,并标示出仍不清楚的重点。 *Highlight guest special request, double check whether we could offer it or not. 标示出客人特殊要求,并再次确认我们是否能够满足其要求*Confirm with organizer on how to handle cancellation, no show, early departure, extra booking, late check-out arrangement.

6、与团队会务者确认怎样操作预定取消,未到店,提前离店,增加预定以及延迟退房*If transportation is arranged by outside vendor, the vendors is required to inform us in advance, when the bus depart the airport with how many guest to ensure we could get rooms ready. 如接机服务非酒店安排,需要求接机人员在班车离开机场时提告知前我们预到人数,以便酒店提前准备房间*Group lounge arrangement. 团队接

7、待区的安排*Verify who will in charge guest accommodation from organizer side. 确认会务方负责客人接待的人员*Take notes from organizers request & discuss. 记录会务者的要求并协商*Pass the information to all front office section. 传递会议信息给前厅所有分部门3. Arrival Preparation 团队预到准备* Check group rooming list with Opera system to ensure all gu

8、est reservations have keyed in the system with correct information. 核对团队客人名单是否与Opera中信息符合* Pre-block rooms as much as possible, first priorities for those special request reservation. 提前预分房间,对于有特殊要求的预定需优先安排* Prepare group kit, group check-in envelop with information as follow: Guest name, arrival &

9、departure date, arrival time, room type. 准备团队信息夹,团队入住钥匙袋并注明以下信息:客人姓名,入住日期,退房日期,预到时间,房间类型。* Inform IT & Engineering in advance for pre-set up group lounge. 通知电脑房,工程部提前检查团队接待区域设施设备,以确保所有设施设备能够正常运转* Full-set Stationary preparation. 所需文具充分准备Check-In Procedure团队入住程序* Group coordinator is required to assi

10、st on group room assignment according to group arrival time. 团队协调员需根据团队抵店时间排房或调整房号* Coordinate with housekeeping to trace the room status according to rooming list arrival time. 根据预到时间与客房部沟通随时更新房间状态* If the room key will be distributed by organizer, issue the key to organizer in advance, confirm and

11、 register each room No. and got the organizers signature 如房间是由会务组分发给客人,提前把房卡提供给会务组,同时候登记所给房号,总房数,房型,要求会务组签字确认。* If the key will be distributed by Reception, F/U the FIT C/I procedure. 如房卡是由酒店接待人员发放,则遵从散客办理入住程序。* Guest check-in sequence need to be control and coordinate with organizer, check-in must

12、follow one by one check-in. 客人办理入住时,需得到会务负责人的协调,以确保客人办理入住时的秩序井然* Confirm the late arrival guest with organizer, hand over to night shift GSA & Night Manager careful on handle No Show如有晚到客人与团队会务者沟通确认,并与夜班前台员工,夜班经理沟通。妥当处理未到店房间* Print out group in-house report by room no. and ask organizer to sign. the

13、 report should be file with group kit. 打印团队住店明细表,与会务者签字确认。将已经签字的报表存放于团队资料夹内* Room rate double check 仔细检查房价* If group have no show reservation, a document need to be file with group kit, confirm with Event on next day. 如有未到预定,需在夜审前打印出报表,存档。于次日与宴会销售确认* Double check group morning call with DTS by daily

14、 basis. 与总机确认团队每日叫醒服务以确保叫醒服务准时传递5. Daily Check 团队日常检查* Ensure daily group in-house print & file with group kit, as well as make sure all room rate is correct 确保打印每日团队在店明细报表,并存档于团夹中,同时确保每日房价正确* Master bill check, to ensure daily group master all expense supporting to be found & filed with group kit 总

15、帐检查,确保每日总帐中每笔消费小单存档于团队夹中* Ensure update information pass to all Front Office sections 确保及时将团队任何更新信息需告知相关部门* Any room early departure and room add on should conform Event or organizer and make comments on PMS. 有任何提前离店及房间增加需及时告知宴会统筹或会务组确认,并在系统中详细备注。6. Check Out 团队退房* Ensure guest bill correct printing

16、, guest settle all the bill belong to themselves accordingly. 确保客人帐单打印的准确性,客人结清所有属于自己的账单。* Ensure guest and organizer to sign any guest bill which organizer agreed to pay by master and file the bill with group kit 让客人和会务者签字确认所有被授权由主帐支付的客帐,并将此类客帐全部存档于团夹里* Ensure organizer to sign any guest bill which organizer agreed to pay by master and file the bill with group kit 让团队会务者签字确认所有被授权由主帐支付的客帐,并将此类客帐全部存档于团夹里* Ensure all the master bill supporting is ready before check the master bill 确保总帐中各类费用明细小单齐备* Ensure Organizer sign the master bill and file it, and master checked out once all expense are


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