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1、2022春期3895国开电大专科管理英语1期末一体化考试题库说明:题目为随机组合。第一大题交际用语第一类:首句为空白的试题首字母I TOC o 1-5 h z ?m afraid not.But Ill be free this afternoon.答案Can you spare me a few minutes now?.m not sure what Pll do.I hope to watch TV and enjoy myself.答案What are your plans for summer vacation ?J t takes about 3 hours 答案How long

2、will the journey take?.Its my pleasure.答案Would you please fax the document for me?一 ?.ts lovely.I have never been to such beautiful place like that.答案How about your trip?.ve called the maintenance worker.答案This copier needs repairing.首字母M ?My mother is retired.My father is a manager.答案What do your p

3、arents do?首字母N ?Nothing much.答案Whats up?首字母P.Please accept my sincere regrets for not being able to join you.答案Im just wondering if you could come to join us. ?Please call me Mary.Thats my first name.答案How shall I address you首字母T一 ?.he round-trip air fare for a person is only $188.答案What is the exac

4、t air fare?第二类:次句为空白的试题首字母AAnything else I can do for you?Thank you!答案Thats all.Are you ready,folks?.答案Yes,Im ready.ril have the vegetable salad.首字母CCan you copy these papers for me?.答案Ok.Just wait a moment please. Could you please give me a hand?.答案Sure,what is the matter?首字母DDad,this is my roommat

5、e,Andrea.答案Hello9Andrea.I!ve heard so much about you.Do you have any plans for tomorrow morning?.答案No.I have nothing planned tomorrow.首字母EExcuse me where is the post office?Sorry Pm new here.答案Thank you all the sameExcuse me,Yes,its 8633-2788.If you have any other questions,don*t hesitate to ask.答案c

6、ould you please tell me whats the telephone number on my desk?首字母GGood morning,can I help you?.答案Pd like to borrow a book named Gone With the Wind from your library.首字母HHelloJd like to speak to Phil.Hefs out to lunch now.答案Would you mind calling back later?Hello,Im David Chen.Nice to meet you.答案Nice

7、 to meet you too.Hello,this is John speaking.Could I speak to Mike?.答案Hold the line,please.Hello,Yang Lin speaking.答案This is Carol here.HelloJd like to speak to Phil.Hes out to lunch now.答案Would you mind calling back later?Hello,Im David Chen.Nice to meet you.答案Nice to meet you,too.Hello,This is Yan

8、g Lin speaking.答案This is Carol here.Hello,Yang Lin speaking.答案This is Carol here.Hello. Could Is peak to Mike?PH get him to phone.答案Hold the line,please. ello. Sky Travel Agency.May I help you?00答案Yes,Id like to make reservations to Beijing on the flight ZH8147 at 6:pm on December 19th.Hey,Derek,whi

9、ch do you think is harder to learn,marketing or designing?.答案PersonallyJ think designing is more difficult.Hey,Tom.You look so pale. Whats wrong?.答案I didnft sleep well last nightHey,You look so pale.Whats wrong?.答案I didnft sleep well last night.Hi,Pm Melinda Smith,the new secretary. Nice to meet you

10、 here.i,Im Mike Brown from the Training Center.答案I hope youll be happy working here.Hi,Im Melinda Smith,nice to meet you all here.答案Nice to meet you,tooHi,Melinda.Can I make a brief introduction of the office work to you?.答案Thank you!Itfs very kind of you.首字母II would like to make an appointment for

11、the meeting.Which day would you prefer,Tuesday or Thursday?.答案Well,either time will do.d like to apply for a library card.答案Fill out the application form first,please.-Id like to invite you for dinner on Saturday.答案Thank you for your kind invitationJll be there on time.Its rather cold in here.Do you

12、 mind if I close the window?答案No,go ahead.ve got the system running,but I cant open my file.答案Let me see if I can get it to work.首字母MIl ay I see your tickets,please?.答案SureMay I speak to Tom?Im sorry.He isnTt in the office now.Yes,of course答案Can I leave a message?一May I use your bike for a moment?答案

13、By all means.Mom,must I finish my homework now?No,you.You may have supper Arst答案neednt首字母PiPlease give me a hand to print out the report,wont you?.答案Of course I will.首字母SSally,Mary Brown.Nice to meet you.Pm Sally Johnson,the Sales Manager.答案this is our new secretary首字母TThank you for inviting me.答案Th

14、ank you for coming.his is John.答案Hello,John.Nice to meet you.his is Melinda speaking from Qiaoxiang Community Service Center.Let me see.There will be some visits to our community library and learning center答案Im calling for the arrangement of the visit next Monday.首字母UUnbelievable! I have failed the

15、driving test again!This is not the end of the world.答案Cheer up!首字母WWell have a charity book sale together with Menglin Publishing House next month.Yes.I think the Music Square is large enough.答案Could you give any suggestion on the location ? What color would you like?.答案I want the green oneWhat is y

16、our job?Pmaccountant答案aWhat time does the office open?答案I think it opens at 8.Why dont you come and join us for a dance?.答案I cantbut thank youWill you show me how to use this software?答案SureYoull master it in no time.Would you like to go to the concert with us this evening?.答案Id love to,but Im busy

17、tonight.Would you mind helping me for a minute,Barbara?What do you want me to do?答案I,d be glad to.Wow,this place is amazing.答案Thank you.第二大题词汇与结构第一类:空在前面的试题首字母Aafter introduction, you can ask about their journey答案To break the ice首字母Eeye contact is very important in western culture答案Keeping首字母Hhas no

18、t yet been decided.答案When to hold the meeting首字母Mmeans to do what you should do on time答案To be punctualmeans to do what you should do?答案To be punctual,。!! time首字母Tthe paperless management is widely used now, some important files are still kept as hard copies.答 案Althoughthese honors he received a sum

19、 of money答案Besides首字母Wwine do you need for the party?答案How much首字母Yyou deal with the data files,the more familiar you get with them答案The moreyou get along with your neighbours,the more familiar you get with them答案The moreyour plan and donft stop until it is finished答案Follow第二类:空在中间的试题首字母AA good tour

20、 guide tells visitors.答案what they couldnt miss during the tripA secretary mustbig pile of files and correspondence in office答案deal withA wellob description can answer a lot of questions from job seekers.答案writtenAfter you arewith all these jobs,we will discuss it.答案familiarAre you still lookinga job

21、?答案for首字母CCan weanother worker to help Jimmy or find another solution?答案assignCan you explain your arrangements?答案in detailCharles regrettedthe TV set last year.The price has now come down答案buyingChildren under fifteen are not permitted to see such kind of moviesbad for their mental development.答案as

22、 isChildren under fifteen are not permitted to see such kind of moviesbad for their mental development.答案which isCopying files under Linux is similarcopying files under DOS.答案to首字母DDo not do anythingshould go against his will.答案thatDo you require a deposit(定金)toa reservation?答案confirmDo you understa

23、ndthe teacher said?答案whatDo you want to fly first orclass?答案economyDoes David?答案like flyingDont be afraidask a lot of questions.答案to首字母EEveryone in these schoolsEnglish well答案speaksEveryone is veryto this boy.答案friendly首字母HMad you come five minutes earlier, youthe train to Beijing.But now you missed

24、 it答案wouldhave caughtHave youto say to me?答案anything elseHe cangood English.答案speakHe has been looking forward toto England for a long time答案goingHe has learned English and German.Now he is going to learnlanguage答案anotherHe published the journalfrom 1990 to 2020.答案annuallyHe said this wouldcompanies

25、 from creating new jobs.答案preventHelunch in the canteen right now.答案is havingHello, everyone.Fd like toto you our new secretary, Melinda Smith.答案introduceHow do Ithe gym?(考点:动词词组的使用)答案get to首字母II have an English classa week.答案three timesI have been looking forward tofrom my parents答案hearingI heard L

26、ilythe song once.答案singI like the working atmosphere here.Its very答案friendlyI like the workinghere答案atmosphereI thinkis impolite to call people by their first names答案itI usually go to the officetrain.答案byI will give you to finishit.答案two weeks1 timeJd like to book a table for ten under the name of J

27、ordan?p.m.December 24山.答案at,onId love to have a break,but I cantthe time now.答案spareIf there are changes, don!t forgetthe related persons know答案to letIf you have any questions here, please tell us.Well all beto help you答案readyIll make a list of all the documents on this filemake it more clearly答案in

28、order toIm a deputy manager.!an IT company.答案work forIm afraid I wont be available then.Ia friend off at five this afternoon答案will be seeingTm looking forward totogether with you答案workingTm looking forward toyou.答案seeingImto do anything at your word答案readyIsnt it impolite to call people by their fir

29、st names?”The underlined word is of the same word class(词性) as.答案interestingt is very important for us to find abetween work life and home life答案balanceIt maybe helpful to set your watch just two minutes?答案aheadIt was on the beachMiss White found the kid lying dead.答案thatIt will take ushour to get t

30、here.答案anIts high time that he settled down in the country anda new life答案started首字母JJackto see you.Hell be here soon.答案is coming首字母KliCeeping eye contact makes the other person,welcome and comfortable答案feel首字母MMary has been a secretary in this companyshe graduated from Beijing University答案sinceMike

31、his colleagues when the phone rang答案was talking withMost tour companiesadvance payment when a booking is made答案insist onMr.Whiteshort stories, but hea TV play these days.答案writes, is writing首字母NNeither Johnhis father was able to wake up early enough to catch the morning train.答案norNowadays office wo

32、rk can be done by handvery fast speed答案at首字母OOn ourwe were told that our rooms had not been reserved.答案arrivalOn their arrival, you shouldthe following points.答案pay attention to首字母PPeople here usuallyeach other by their first names instead of family names答案callPlease give me two答案pieces of paperPlea

33、se handyour homework in time.答案inPlease payto what was discussed yesterday.答案attentionPlease see the suggestions below tothat your files are not lost答案make sureProfessor Smith promised to lookmy paper, that is, to read it carefully before the defense.答案overProfessor Smith promised to lookmy paper,th

34、at is,to read it carefully.答案over首字母SScientists have made great contributionsdevelopment of our human beings答案toSee the bottom of this page for details of how to applythis job.答案forShe doesnt have the funds toher design.答案carryoutShe feel very tired and was glad tohim答案lean onShe hasnft the funds to

35、her design答案carry outShe kept onalthough she was tired.答案workingShe wants a job where答案her management skills can be put to good useSmile a lot and befriendly as possible to everyone you meet.答案asSuch office software is popularthe executive secretaries答案with首字母TThe bus came after itfor about half an

36、hour答案had been waitedThe company hosted a(n)for their new staff答案receptionThe environmentalists and wild goatson the vast grasslands was a good indication of the betterenvironment答案attendanceThe Foreign Language Department is onsecond floor答案theThe manager will notus to use his car答案allowThe next tr

37、ainthe station at 11 oclock.答案leavesThe question neverin discussion答案came upThe secretary has a lot of things to take up in the office since sheaway for quite a few days.答案has beenThe teacher showed the studentsthe laboratory.答案aroundThe Two parties made it clear that they would notthe invitation un

38、less the Centre reduced its taxcomponent 答案acceptThe work was doneher instructions答案according toThey were successfula communication satellite答案in launchingThis book gives some usefulon how to save money.答案tipsThis is true of managementof workers答案as well asThrough the work plan, the team leader is a

39、ble tothe tasks at hand, the deadlines for completion, andthe responsible parties for effective management.答案identifyTothe ice,after introduction,you can ask about their journey答案break首字母WWe have toat the hotel before 6 pm.答案check inWhat is your job?Fmaccountant.答案anWhen will the General Manager be?

40、答案availableWith his work completed,the manager stepped back to his seat, feeling pleasedhe was a man of action.答案thatWithin the team, a work plan can tell each member whatand why.答案is being doneWithin the team,a work plan can tell each member what is beingand why.答案done首字母YYou can pick a specific ti

41、me and place and ask themthey want to go答案ifYou have more apples thando.Butare better than yours.答案we, oursYour goal is to publish a book and havemanuscript sent out to publishers by November 2016.答案the阅读理解选择题第三大题首字母 AA business itinerary is written for business trips,which should include everything

42、 from travel arrangements to hotel information and business meetings.What is a business itinerary written for?答案C.Business trips.What does the underlined word stop mean?答案B.A brief stay in the course of a journey.What can help prevent you from forgetting something important?答案A.To write down any spe

43、cial information.What does meeting information include?答案C.The name of organization,time,address,and a contact name and number.Which statement is TRUE according to the passage?答案B.Complete hotel information should be provided.首字母 AA letter of invitation is written to invite people for a business eve

44、nt or personal occasion.The letter should be short and clear.A soft and polite tone should be used.An invitation letter should have the date,time and the event.Always send the letter of invitation in advance.You need to let people know about at least a week before the event so that they can plan to

45、come to the event.What does the passage tell us?答案How to write an invitation letter?What kind of tone should be used to write an invitation letter?答案Soft and polite.What should be included in an invitation letter?答案Datetime and the event.?答案the receiver will need toHow long is an invitation letter s

46、ent appropriatley according to the passage?答案At least a week in advance.The reason why we should send an invitation letter in advance isplan to come to the event首字母 AA letter of invitation is written to invite people for a business event or personal occasion.The letter should be short and clear.A so

47、ft and polite tone should be used.An invitation letter should have the date,time and the event.Always send the letter of invitation in advance.You need to let people know about at least a week before the event so that they can plan to come to the event.Whats the purpose of writing a letter of invita

48、tion?答案JC.Either A or B.Which is not necessary when writing a letter of invitation?答案B.weatherThe letter of invitation should not be.答案B.easyWhy should we send the letter of invitation in advance?答案B.Because the receiver will need to plan to come to the event.Which might be the title of the whole pa

49、ssage?答案A.How to write a letter of invitation首字母AA work plan is an important tool to tell what tasks to do,when to finish,who to take,where to go and how to get there.The work plan organizes your task with a timetable of what,when and how a job needs to be done.Within the team,a work plan can tell e

50、ach member what is being done and why.内部资料1 .Which of the following statements is not mentioned in the passage?答案BA work plan helps cut down expenses.What can the clear objectives help?答案C.It can help the process of planningdeveloping and managing a project.What does the underlined word deadlines me

51、an?答案C.the point in time at which something must be completedWhich of the following statements is true according to the passage?答案A.When meeting any problems you can change your plan for more realistic timelines.The best title for the passage would be答案B.The importance of a work plan首字母HHi Joe,HOW a

52、re you?rm sitting on the balcony of my hotel.I am looking at Hyde Park in London and I am thinking about my life here.I am having a wonderful time.I like my job-it is very interesting,and my colleagues 1 .What does Xiaoyan stay in London for?答案B.She is working.What are Xiaoyans London colleagues lik

53、e?答案C.They are very nice.What does Xiaoyan think of London?答案C.She thinks it is exciting.What does Xiaoyan think of people in London?答案B.She thinks they are friendly.Whats the weather like in London when Xiaoyan is writing this letter?答案A.It is warm.首字母 H 或 YHi,Xiaoyan,You want to know about my gym.

54、When can you go to aerobics class inNew You”?答案On Saturday eveningWhen does the Tai Chi class start?答案At2: OOp.m.on Wednesday and Saturday.What is free in the gym?答案Cosmetics.Why is it best to come in the evenings?答案Because there area lot of trainers to help you.How can you pay for the class?答案By cr

55、edit card or cash.首字母IIf you thought handshakes were just a gesture of greeting,then think again! A handshake is not only away of greeting;it can also show your personality.Since we all want to set a good first impression,it is important to know the right manners for shaking hands.答案stand up and sha

56、keWhich of the following statements about the significance of handshakes is not true?答案Handshakes are just a gesture of greeting.22.1f you are seated when someone comes for a handshake,you should答案com for tablehis or her handKeeping eye contact while shaking hands makes the other person feelHow long

57、 does a handshake usually last?答案23 seconds.Which of the following words can best describe a proper handshake?答案brief and firm首字母IIf yOU thought handshakes were just a gesture of greeting,then think again! A handshake is not only away of greeting;it can also show your personality.Since we all want t

58、o set a good first impression,it is important to know the right shaking hands manners.Which of the following is an appropriate title for this passage?答案Shaking Hands Manners.According to the passage,which of following statements is True?答案It is important to know the right manners for shaking hands.W

59、hich is the proper way to shake hand?答案When someone comes for a handshakeyou should stand up.24.0nes handshake should show a feeling of答案strength and warmth25.How brief should a handshake be?答案Let go of each others hand after 2-3 seconds.首字母 I 或 SShaking Hands MannersIf you thought handshakes were j

60、ust a gesture of greeting,then think again! A handshake is not only a way of greeting it can also show your personality.Since we all want to set a good first impression,it is important to know the right shaking hands manners.1 .Which of the following statements about the significance of handshakes i


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