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1、Unit6As His Name Is, So Is He!+ Lead-in Questions Lead-in Questions+ Introduction of English Introduction of English Names NamesHow to address your family members, close friends and other people? Watch the video clips and find out. How to address people ? How to address people ? Relation RelationWay

2、s to address themWays to address themFamily membersGrandfather/mother, mum, dad, uncle, aunt, niece, nephew, cousin, etc.Those you are not familiar with1. Title + last name: Mr./Mrs./Miss Smith2. For the people having a job or a high status: e.g.: Doctor/Judge/Professor Lin3. An informal way: call l

3、ast name at work, on sports team or when talking about sports. An English name consists of first / given name, An English name consists of first / given name, middle name and family name /surname;middle name and family name /surname; Introduction of English names Introduction of English namesWilliam

4、 Jeremy Smith (full name)William (first name/given name/forename) Mr. Smith (title + surname/last name/ family name)l Noral Dianel Miss Jamesl I will adopt my husbands family name.President ClintonWilliam Jefferson Clinton Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton Hillary Diane RodhamBarack Hussein Obama Hussein

5、 means the light of Allah (God) in Arabic. Chinese name English name surname + given namevs first name + middle name + surname general statement: Similarity: They are all passed from father to son.Difference: 1.position (first/last) 2.womens surname after marriage Cultural differences in naming Engl

6、ish Bible or mythology (Elizabeth) Religious name (Jack) Geology (Kent) Family ancestor (Johnson) Chinese Meaning or implication Sound Memorable event Geology all work and no play makes jack a dull boy 只工作不玩,聪明的孩子也会变傻。 jack on/of both sides 模棱两可,两面派 jack is as good as his master 万事皆通而一无所长的人 make one

7、s jack 发财发财 jack in office 自命不凡的小官吏,官僚 jack of straw 稻草人 Jack of all trades; 杂而不精的人 All shall be well, Jack shall have Jill. 有情人终成眷属2. Do you know the meaning of some English names?2. Do you know the meaning of some English names?Girls namesBoys namesEmilyAmbitious JackGodly SarahTrue Princess Thoma

8、sDependable Elizabeth Gods Oath WilliamDetermined Guardian LindaBeautiful MatthewGift of the Lord OliviaSymbol of Peace KenHandsome Alan Charles David Edward John 英俊的人英俊的人 普通一员普通一员 被爱的人被爱的人 财富的守卫者财富的守卫者 上帝的礼物上帝的礼物 3. More English names and their implications3. More English names and their implicatio

9、nsHi, I am Alan. Michael Richard Robert Stephen William Victor 上帝的使者 勇敢的人 名声赫赫的人 王冠 强大的捍卫者 胜利者 Richard Alice Angela Anna Catherine Diana Elizabeth 真理 天使 优雅、仁慈 纯洁、真诚 月亮女神 献身上帝的人 Diana Helen Lily Mary Ruth Sarah Susanna 光芒 百合花 海上明星 美丽 公主 纯白、可爱LilyAre you satisfied with your name? What is the meaning o

10、f your Chinese name? MannerTastesQualitiesPersonalityAppearanceNameImageImageAnswer the following questions 1. How did Debbie feel about her first name and why? 2. What did the writer think of Debbies name change? 3.According to the writer, why did one prominent magazine consistently refuse to print

11、 “Joe” in his by-line? 4.In paragraph 5, why did the woman feel ill at ease? 5. How can name-based prejudices affect classroom achievement. 6.According to the author, what can you do if your name doesnt seem to fit you?Text StructureIntroduces the topicimportance of namesPart II (4-7)Explains positi

12、ve and negative effects of names on lifePart III (8)Concludes the necessity of changing namesPart I (1-3)By citing a typical example of a womans experience concerning her names, the author directs the readers interest to the topic.Text AnalysisName self-confidence Topic: what you are called can affe

13、ct your life. 句型提炼句型提炼Typical patterns for emphasizing sth.: Naturally, sb. / sth. does not cause / lead to / result in but sb. / sth. surely helps if only by doing. 当然,当然,某一结果并不是由某人或某物带来的某一结果并不是由某人或某物带来的,但这肯定给某人带来好处但这肯定给某人带来好处/坏处,虽说仅坏处,虽说仅仅是仅是应用:当然,仅有乐观态度还不能确保你生活应用:当然,仅有乐观态度还不能确保你生活幸福,但它的确会给你幸福,但它的

14、确会给你带来好处带来好处,虽说仅仅,虽说仅仅是改变了你对生活的态度。是改变了你对生活的态度。Naturally, optimism alone does not ensure you a happy lifebut it surely helps if only by changing your attitude toward life.Throughout history Names identify describe + As his name is, so is he! (人如其名人如其名) the Bible Websters Dictionary Definition: approv

15、al or disapproval !Part Two Making contrast (对比法对比法) is a typical method of paragraph development adopted in this passage so as to clarify the main points.The main idea: Peoples names are related to their achievement or behavior. Point A: affect classroom achievement grades on the same essays written by boys with good names and bad names; Result:


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