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1、HitachiBy Cheryl, Catherine, Ivy, Linda and Vianne 1. Briefing of Hitachi 2. introduction of its product line 3. operating environment 4. future strategy for competing in the international businessCorporate Profile Corporate Name :Hitachi, Ltd. Founded date: February 1, 1920 Headquarter: Tokyo Corpo

2、rate Profile Management :Hiroaki Nakanishi Capital :444,997million yen Number of employees:323,540 Net sales: 9,665,883 million yen It has 40 subsidiaries in Japan while 36 globally, including USA, Canada, China, Singapore, HongKong(China), Britain, Holand, South Africa and so on.Product line Mainly

3、 divided as two kinds- 1. for customers 2. for businessOperating environment Political environment Legal and Regulatory environment Technological environment Ideology-individualism Most of the countries HITACHI operates in are adopters of individualism like the United States. There are fewer and few

4、er purely collectivist or socialist societies, although totalitarianism still exists in several countries and regions. Political system-democracy With its European roots and strong presence in Northern and Western Europe, Democracy is now the practice of most of the countries in the world. Many coun

5、tries are experiencing transitions from more socialist to democratic systems. Legal and Regulatory environment Legal environment- Among others things, there are four foundations on which laws are based around the world. They are Islamic law, Socialist law,Common law and Civil or code law. Also, ther

6、e are some principles help form the international legal and regulatory framework within which MNCs must operate such principle of sovereignty, nationality principles, territoriality principle and so on. Regulatory issues-apart from some general international laws, there are some specific laws and si

7、tuations that can have a direct impact on international business such as privatization. An increasing number of countries is moving toward privatization. Technological environment The technological environment is changing quickly and is having a major impact on international business. This will cont

8、inue in the future. For example, digitization, higher-speed telecommunication, and advancements in biotechnology. As for the country for entering, compared with developed countries, Hitachi will pay more attention to developing countries as the economic growth of developing countries is very fast.De

9、veloped countries:1.Ready market2.Confined infrastructure facilities3. Adequate capitalDeveloping countries: 1. Great potential market2.less-developed infrastructureFuture strategy next-generation electronics, life sciences environment and new energy social innovation Besides, since Hitachi has set up q


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