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1、牛津英语9A Unit2 高频考题集锦一、选择题1.(2018吉林中考)- -Excuse me, I wonder_the plane can land on time.-Wait a minute, please. Let me check it out.if B.which C.that D.who2.(2018甘肃天水中考)We all know that light _ faster than sound.A.travels B.to travel C.travelling D.travelled3.(2019江苏东台第二教育联盟月考)-I dont know_or not_.一Ne

2、ither do I. You may ask his teacher.whether, he is at school B.if, he is at schoolC.that, he is at school D.whether, is he at school4.(2019 ;江苏江阴一中考试)- uld you please tell me_?-Of course.Many people in Shiyan know it.A. where is Mount WudangB.how can I get to Wulong RiverC.what is Shennongjia famous

3、 forD.if there will be a new airport in Shiyan5.(2019 江苏高邮阳光双语初中月考)- -Can you guess if Mike_swimming this afternoon ? -I think he will go with us if he _ free.A.will go, is B.will go, will be C.goes ,is D.goes, will be6.(2019江苏宜兴周铁学区月考)- -Excuse me, could you please tell me _ ?-Yes, there is a histo

4、ry museum .how often do you go to the history museumB.are there any good museums in KunmingC.how long it takes to get to the history museum D.if there are any good museums in Kunming7.(2019 ;江苏泰兴实验中学月考) dnt knw she_could finish the work by the end of this month.A. whether B. what C. when D.how8.(201

5、9 江苏苏州吴中区10月联考) -What did your teacher say to you just now?-He asked me_.how could I work it out B.when did I go to the libraryC.why I am late for school D.if I had got ready for the exam9.(2019 江苏如皋实验中学月考 )- -What did the young lady ask just now?-She wondered _what time was it B.whether the book ha

6、d come outC.if could she use the computer D.when she will get her passport10.( 2019 ;江苏淮安金湖实验初中月考)The teacher told us that the sun _ in the east.A.had risen B. has risen C. rose D. rises11.(2019江苏东台第二教育联盟月考)-Lets play football on the playground.-Its too hot outside. I would rather _ at home than_out

7、.A.to stay; go B.staying; going C.stay; to go D.stay; go12. ( 2019江苏常州前黄实验学校月考)一-I wont have time to go shopping with you this afternoon.一But you _ me yesterday.A. asked B.shouted C. promised D.knew13.(2019江苏射阳外国语学校周练)- Why not _ John toy car for his birthday?-Good idea! He is crazy about cars.A.buy

8、 B.buying C.to buy D.buys14.(2019 江苏常州前黄实验学校月考)-v ddd t g t London next weekend. I was wondering_ _you could go with me.A.if B. when C.that D. where15.(2019 江苏淮安洪泽实验中学月考)-_ a volunteer is great.-I think so. Some of us want_ _ volunteers in our free time.A.Being; being B.To being; being C.Being; to b

9、e D.To being; to be16.(2018江苏淮安淮阴第一次月考)I think_necessary to accept this advice because its_to me.A.its;valuable B.that ; valuable C.this;valuable D.it;value17.(2019江苏常熟一中阶段测试,)I have no difficulty _ writing but I have some difficulty _pronunciation.A.in ;in B.on;with C.in;with D.with;in18.(2019江苏丹阳八

10、中月考)Wearing red can make _easier for us to take action.A.that B.it C.this D./19. ( 2019江苏赣榆汇文双语学校月考)This pair of jeans looks nice_ Sandy because she looks very nice_ blue.A.on;in B.in;on C.for;on D.to;in20.(2018江苏盐城建湖第一次月考)- -What a heavy rain! - - So it is. Id rather _on such a rainy day.A.dont go

11、out B.not go out C.not to go out D.not going out21.(2018江苏苏州昆山期中) Your father coughs a lot. Youd better _ him_any more.A. remind ; not smoke B.to remind; not to smokeC.remind;not to D.to remind; not smoke22.(2018江苏镇江新区月考)WhenIamfeeling blue,Iprefer_orange_myselfup.A.towear;thancheer B.towear;tocheer

12、C.wearing;tocheering D.wearing;thancheer23.(2017江苏淮安田家炳中学期中)- -Im not sure_ you eat vegetables every day.-I know_they are good for our health ,so I eat them every day.A.if;that B. that;if C.that; that D.if;if24.(2018安徽中考)-Im afraid I might forget to buy the bread after work.- Dont worry. I will _you

13、 then.notice B. allow C. remind D. promise25.( 2018江苏苏州中考,)-Im Daisy, not Jessie.一Sorry, I have difficulty _ peoples names.A.remembering B. remember C.to remember D. remembered26.(2018河南中考)- -Its useless to regret what has been done. Dont make those mistakes again.-I wont. Thats a(n)_.A.order B.deci

14、sion C. promise D.agreement27.(2018江苏苏州中考)-Little Jenny looks unhappy today.-Dont worry. A box of chocolates will _ her_.A.give;up B. wake;up C.cheer;up D.pick;up28.(江苏连云港中考)-Im thirsty. Id like a glass of orange juice. What about you, Dad-I prefer a cup of coffee_ nothing in it.A.with B. without C.

15、for D.to29.(江苏无锡中考)-HowcanJuliesaybad wordsaboutme?Ithoughtweweregoodfriends.-Whotoldyouthat?Friendsneed_courage B.distance C.trust D.shame30.(2016江苏南京中考)一-Areyougoingcamping thisafternoon?-Atyphooniscoming.Imnotsure_theroadtothe mountainswillbeclosed.A.which B.what C.whether D.why31.(2015江苏南通中考)-Whereareyougoingto spendyoursummerholiday,Jenny?-Ihaventmadeayet.Imgoingtotalkaboutit withmyfamilytomorrow.A.decision B.promise C.journey D.suggestion二、翻译


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