高一英语 Unit18《New Zealand》备课资料 旧人教版第一册_第1页
高一英语 Unit18《New Zealand》备课资料 旧人教版第一册_第2页
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高一英语 Unit18《New Zealand》备课资料 旧人教版第一册_第5页
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1、Reference for Teaching一、异域风情1.Way of LifeNew Zealand is an independent nation and a member of the British Commonwealth(英联邦).The majority of New Zealanders are of British descent,and the largest minority is New Zealands indigenous Maori who make up around 14 percent of the population.New Zealand live

2、s in burgalows(带走廊的平房),singlestory,single-unit dwellings(住处)on small lots(地).Highrise residential(住宅的)development is a recent phenomenon confined(局限于)mainly to Auckland and Wellington.Most New Zealand families have a vegetable and fruit garden on their lot where they grow some of their food.It is co

3、mmon for families to have animals as pets,especially cats and dogs.New Zealanders are keen sport participants and followers,Primary winter sports are rugby,soccer,hocky,netball(avariant of basketball,played by women),skating,skiing,and mountain climbing.The most popular summer sports are cricket(板球)

4、,tennis,swimming and sailing.2.New ZealandLand of the White CloudWith its primeval forests,mighty snowcapped peaks,gigantic jords and grumbling volcanoes,its no wonder the makers of The Lord Of The Rings films decided to shoot the trilogy in New Zealand.Rugged ranger-types can relive .The Fellowship

5、 Of The Rings by scaling forbidding mountain passes or crossing volcanic moonscapes towards the cracks of doom.For more adrenaline highs theres an unbeatable choice of good value activities,form white water rafting and jet boat rides to bungee-jumping and skydiving.For more homely Hobbit types,NZ ha

6、s many other attractions to enjoyrambling countryside,a glorious coastline and plenty of sedate places to sit and enjoy the amazing views.And then theres the terrific cuisine and wine.With two weeks or more,a good way to see the country is to start in Auckland on the North Island,then drive to Welli

7、ngton,crossing by ferry to the South Island.Take in the breathtaking scenery around Queenstown before flying home from Christchurch.Theres too much to see beyond Auckland to justify spending too much time in the city,so head south to Waitomo.Hiding beneath this hilly area are the haunting Waitomo Gl

8、owworm Caves.Drift in silence in the dark on the subterranean lake and gaze up at the spectacular living lightshow.Adventure company Waitomo Luminosa leads groups through the underground rivers riding dark rapids on inner tyres.二、知识归纳(一)settle的用法1.作及物/不及物动词,“前往居住(与in连用)”(go to and live in);“定居、安家(与i

9、n,at等连用)”(make ones home in/at)。e.g.They have decided to settle in America.他们已决定在美国定居。Tom settled his family in the countryside.汤姆让家属定居于农村。2.作不及物动词,“停留(与on连用)”(come to rest on);“暂时栖息(与on连用)”(stay for some time on)。e.g.The bird settled on a branch.鸟栖息于树枝上。Dust settled on the desk.灰尘落在了课桌上。Her eyes se

10、ttled on the baby.她的目光停留在了婴儿身上。A heavy fog settled over the airport.大雾笼罩着飞机场。3.作及物动词,“了结”(make an agreement about);“决定”(decide);“解决”(solve);“安排”(arrange);“料理”(deal with)。e.g.That settles the matter.事件就这样解决了。They settled the date for the next meeting.他们确定了下次开会的日期。The problem was settled to his satisf

11、action.这个问题解决得使他感到满意。Weve settled that well go to England,but we havent settled how to get there.我们已决定了去英国,但没有决定怎样去那儿。I must settle all my affairs before leaving for Shanghai.我在去上海之前一定要把事情料理妥当。He settled his father in a corner of the waiting room.他把父亲安顿在候车室的一个角落里。(二)population的用法1.population:“人口”,是个

12、集合名词(collective noun)。population作主语时,一般来说,当其强调整体时,表示某地整体人口是多少时,谓语动词常用单数(也就是说单独作主语时,谓语动词常用单数)。但如果population强调具体成员时,表示某地的部分人口时,谓语动词常用复数(也就是说当其被分数、百分数修饰,且在句中作主语,谓语动词常用复数)。e.g.The population of this city is nearly 300 000.这个城市的人口将近三十万。The population of the world is growing rapidly.世界人口在迅速增长。At present,3

13、8% of the Chinese population smoke.目前,百分之三十八的中国人吸烟。80% of the population in China are farmers.中国百分之八十的人口是农民。2.当问到“某地有多少人口”时,常用what/how large,而不用how many。e.g.Whats the population of this country?这个国家有多少人口?How large is the population of this city?这个城市有多少人口?3.当提到“有人口”时,往往常用has a population of或with a po

14、pulation of。e.g.China is a larger country with a population of more than 1.3 billion.中国是一个具有十三多亿人口的大国。The country has a population of more than 0.5 billion.这个国家有五亿多人口。4.当提到“某地人口比多(少)”时,我们常用larger/smaller than而不用more/less than。e.g.The population of China is larger than that of Japan.我国的人口比日本的人口多。The

15、population of this city is smaller than that of that city.这座城市的人口比那座城市的少。5.常见的一些表达方式:population explosion(人口爆炸)population boom(人口骤增)a fall/rise in population(人口的减少/增加)control population(控制人口)reach a population of(达到的人口)(三)directiondirection作名词有多种意义:“方向、说明、指示(多用复数),指导、指挥、导演”,常构成许多短语。e.g.in the direct

16、ion朝方向in the opposite/same direction朝相反/相同的方向in all directions朝四面八方follow ones directions(instructions)遵照某人的指示using directions使用说明under the direction of在的指导下e.g.The car was running in the direction of the airport.小车向机场方向驶去。The birds flew in all directions.鸟儿四下飞去了。Read the directions carefully before

17、 using the equipment.使用设备前一定要仔细阅读说明。We did the experiment under the direction of our teacher.在老师的指导下我们做了这个实验。三、词语辨析(一)be made of,be made from,be made in,be made into,be made out of,be made by,be made up of1.be made of“用制成”,指某种成品是用什么原料制成的,而且能从成品表面看出原料。e.g.The desks are made of wood.课桌是由木头做的。The wine

18、bottle is made of glass.这酒瓶是用玻璃做的。2.be made from“由制成”,也指某种成品是用什么原料制成的,但是从成品表面看不出原料。e.g.Gas is made from coal.煤气是由煤制成的。The soil is made from the dead leaves above.土壤是由上面的落叶腐烂而成的。3.be made in“由某地制造”,“产于某地”,指某产品产于某地,in后接表示地点的名词。e.g.The radio is made in Guangzhou.这台收音机是广州产的。The pen is made in Shanghai.这

19、钢笔是上海产的。4.be made into“被制成”,指用某种原料制成某种产品。e.g.Glass can be made into bottles.玻璃能被制成瓶子。Graps can be made into wine.葡萄可以酿酒。5.be made out of“用制造出”,指产品来自于某原料,在口语中,可以代替be made of/from。e.g.The cloth is made (out) of silk.这布是丝绸做的。The wine was made out of/from rice.这酒是由米酿成的。6.be made by“被制造”是被动语态,by后接动作的发出者。

20、e.g.The shoes were made by my mother.这双鞋是我妈妈做的。The tool was made by workers.这件工具是工人制造的。7.be made up of“由组成”,表示某一整体是由若干部分组成。其主动形式make up意为“组成。”e.g.The medical team was made up of ten doctors and five nurses.那支医疗队由十个医生和五个护士组成。Our grade is made up of eight classes.我们年级由八个班组成。(二)be related to,relate to,

21、have something to do with以上都作“与有关系”讲,属同义词组。口语中常用have something to do with。e.g.Light industry is closely related to the peoples life.轻工业与人民生活有密切联系。I cant relate what he does to what he says.我看他所做的和所说的完全是两回事。Perhaps he has nothing to do with this case.也许他与该案没有联系。(三)take/have possession of,in(the)posse

22、ssion of1.take possession of意为“夺取;占领”。e.g.The policeman took possession of the thiefs bag.警察夺过了小偷的包。2.have possession of意为“占有;拥有”。e.g.Hes had possession of the house for 10 years.他已经拥有那房子10年了。3.in possession of sth.意为“占有某物”,而in the possession of sb./in sbs possession则意为“为某人所占有”。二者意义完全不同,不可混淆。试比较:The

23、 widow is in possession of a large fortune.那个寡妇拥有大笔财产。The land is in the possession of the merchant.这块地为该商人所有。(四)take place,take ones place,take the place of1.take place意为“发生”,“举行”,相当于不及物动词,不能用于被动语态,主语不能是人。e.g.Great changes have taken place in our country since 1980.自从1980年以来,我们国家发生了巨大的变化。They decid

24、ed that the ceremony should take place on Thursday.他们决定仪式在星期四举行。2.take ones place意为“入座、就位”“坐某人的座位”、“代替某人的职位”。e.g.Take your place,please.We are about to start.请坐好,我们马上就出发了。Mr.Green is ill.Who will take his place to give us lessons?格林先生病了,谁来替他给我们上课呢?They took their place(=took their seats)at the small

25、 round table.他们在那小圆桌旁坐下。3.take the place of sb./sth.意为“代替或取代某人/物”。e.g.Now computers have taken the place of typewriters in the office.如今,办公室里电脑已取代了打字机。His sense of touch gradually took the place of sight.他的触觉逐渐代替了视觉。No one can take the place of your manager.没有人能够接替你们经理的工作。(=No one can take your managers place.)四、能力训练(一)单句改错1.Please compare this sentence to that one.简析:把to改为with。compareto是“把比作”的意思,而comparewith是“把同相比较”。本句题意是“请


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