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1、建筑英语主讲: ARCHITECTURE ENGLISHArchitecture School of SIASUNIT NINEUNIT NINEARCHITECTURAL FUNCTIONSForm follows function is a principle associated with modernist architecture and industrial design in the 20th century. The principle is that the shape of a building or object should be primarily based upo

2、n its intended function or purpose.A Synthesis of Form and FunctionA Synthesis of Form and Function形式与功能综合 引言 ForewordBuildings are where we live and work and spend much of our leisure time; of all the arts, it is architecture that forms the closest bond between us and our environment.建筑是我们生活和工作并度过大

3、量闲暇时间的地方;在所有的艺术中,唯有建筑形成了我们与环境之间最紧密的纽带。课文翻译课文翻译 Paragraph1Architecture began as a response to the need to seek shelter from the elements and from wild beasts. The earliest shelters were not buildings but cavesbut even here the occupants claimed their territories : 40,000 years ago the Australian Abor

4、igines decorated the interior of their cave-dwellings with the oldest known expressions of art, and over 20,000 years later the people of Lascaux in present-day France ornamented their cave walls with amazingly sophisticated representations of their environment. 建筑起初是人类为了寻求躲避自然和野兽的庇护所而发明的。最早的庇护所并不是建

5、筑而是洞穴,但即使这样,居住者依然通过这些方式宣示其领地:4万年前澳大利亚原住民用已知最古老的艺术装饰其洞穴住所的内部,在2万年之后拉斯科洞拉斯科洞窟窟(现今在法国)里的人们惊人地精巧摹绘出他们的环境艺术,以此来装饰自己的洞穴墙壁。dwelling: n. 住处, 住宅 territory:n. 领土, 领地 shelter:n. 遮盖物; 避难所 Lascaux课文翻译课文翻译 Paragraph1Building techniques emerged many years later still, as a nomadic hunter-gatherer lifestyle gave wa

6、y to a settled way of life based on agriculture.建造技术出现多年以后, 游牧狩猎聚居的生活方式才逐渐让位于以农业为基础定居生活方式。a nomadic : adj.游牧的; 流浪的 settled: adj.固定的;稳定的;定居的Australian aboriginal cave art课文翻译课文翻译 Paragraph2-1Making the Most of ThingsUntil as recently as the 1850s, structural methods were essentially determined by the

7、 limits of building technology, the availability of materials, and regional conditions. In forested areas builders used timber; in rocky landscapes they used stone. Sometimes early builders cut directly into the solid rock of cliff faces, as in the 13th century BC temple of Ramesses at Abu Simbel in

8、 Egypt and the 1st AD treasury at Petra in Jordan.千物之建千物之建直到19世纪50年代;结构方法本质上由建造技术的限制材料的可用性和区域条件所决定。在森林地区多用木材,在多岩地区则用石头。有时早期的建设者们直接从悬崖面上切割坚固岩石,例如公元前13世纪埃及阿布辛波阿布辛波的拉美西斯拉美西斯古庙和公元1世纪约旦约旦佩特拉的法老宝库。essentially : adv. 实质上; 本来 treasury : n. 国库, 宝库Temple of Ramesses at Abu SimbelTreasury at Petra课文翻译课文翻译 Para

9、graph2-2In places where there was neither timber nor rock, human ingenuity devised mud brick-molded blocks of sun-baked earth, the oldest manufactured building material that is still widely used today. The roof of Catalhoyuk, a Bronze Age settlement in Turkey from about 7000 BC, are of mud and brick

10、, as is the core of the Ziggurat at Ur. And in our times the Great Mosque at Djenne in the West Africa is the worlds largest mud brick building.在那些既没有木材也没有石头的地方,人类的创造发明了用日光烘焙土制造泥砖模块,这种最古老的人造建筑材料至今仍然被广泛使用。加陶岗聚加陶岗聚落落的屋顶,一个公元前7千年的青铜器时代青铜器时代的土耳其定居点,都是由泥和砖建成的,与乌尔城的齐格拉特神塔齐格拉特神塔的核心相似。在我们的时代,西非的德甲尼德甲尼大清真寺是这

11、个世界上最大的泥砖制建筑。devise : v. 设计; 图谋; 发明CatalhoyukZigguratthe Great Mosque at Djenne课文翻译课文翻译 Paragraph3-1Two Basic TechniquesPost-and-beam, the earliest structural method, is still widely used today. A horizontal beam carries the weight of the floor above it and is supported by vertical posts. The Palace

12、 at Knossos has masonry walls serving as posts, and timber beams; about 3,000 years later, Chinas Forbidden City, Japans Castle of the White Heron, and Shakespeares Globe Theatre in London employed timber posts and beams. 两种基本技术两种基本技术柱和梁,这种最早的结构方法,现今仍然被广泛使用。水平梁承载其上屋顶的全部重量,其又被垂直的柱子支撑。科诺科诺索斯宫殿索斯宫殿有砌筑的

13、墙体当作柱子和木梁来承重;大约3千年后,中国的紫禁城、日本的白白鹭城鹭城和伦敦的莎士比亚环球大莎士比亚环球大剧院剧院都采用了木制柱子和梁。The Palace at Knossos Castle of the White HeronShakespeares Globe Theatre课文翻译课文翻译 Paragraph3-2Where permanence was important, early builders preferred stone. The elements could be rough-hewn and unornamented, like those of Stonehen

14、ge, or perfectly proportioned and exquisitely carved, like those the Parthenon, built over 2,000 years later. 对早期的建造者们而言,永久性是非常重要的,因而他们选择石头作为材料。这些元素可能是粗凿的和未装饰的,就像巨石阵巨石阵那样;或者有着完美的比例和精细的雕刻,就像2千年后建造的帕特农神庙一样。hew : v. 砍, 劈 exquisitely: adv. 精巧地; 敏锐地Stonehenge课文翻译课文翻译 Paragraph4-1But stone beams could not

15、 provide large spans between supports, which severely limited the enclosure of space, so the second important structural innovation was the arch, which can span considerable distances. Tapered blocks of stone, called voussoirs, are supported on a timber framework until the keystone is dropped into t

16、he crown of the arch. The keystone locks the structure into place and the framework can be removed.但是石制横梁不能够在支撑之间提供更大的跨度,这就严格的限制了空间的围合,所以第二个重要的结构性创新就是拱,其能横跨大为可观的距离。逐渐变细的石块,叫做楔形拱石,由木制框架来支撑直到拱顶石插入拱的冠部。拱顶石固定住了结构,使框架不能移动。span : n. 墩距; 跨度 taper : v. 逐渐变细, 成锥形Keystone in Arch课文翻译课文翻译 Paragraph4-1In the 1s

17、t century BC and the 1st century AD the Romans used this technique to build the Pons Fabricius and ceremonial Arch of the Titus in Rome, and the Aqueduct in Remoulins now known as the Pont du Gard.在公元前1世纪和公元1世纪,罗马人使用这种技术在罗马建造了法布里修斯桥和纪念性的提图斯凯旋门,以及勒穆兰的水渠水渠,也就是现在熟知的加尔桥。Pons FabriciusArch of the TitusPo

18、nt du Gard课文翻译课文翻译 Paragraph5Elaborations of the arch such as the vault (an extended arch) and the dome (an arch revolved) developed with the Roman invention of concrete at the height of the Roman Empire in the 1st and 2nd centuries AD. Clad in marble or other stone, concrete formed the structure co

19、re of buildings such as the Colosseum; or it could be left exposed, as in the dome of the Panthenon. 拱的精巧性,例如拱券(延伸的拱)和穹顶(拱的连续旋转),随着公元1至2世纪罗马帝国巅峰时期发明的混凝土一起发展。以大理石或其他石材来覆面,混凝土形成了建筑的结构核心部分,例如古罗马圆古罗马圆形大剧场形大剧场;或者直接裸露,就如帕特农神庙的穹顶一样。Clad: v. 以 . 覆盖的 revolve : v. 旋转,循环往复课文翻译课文翻译 Paragraph6-1After the fall of

20、 Roman Empire the secret of concrete was lost and vaults were built with brick. In the 6th century, Byzantine architects extended the possibilities of dome construction with the invention of the pendentivea triangular piece of masonry joining a four-pieced square base to a circular dome.在罗马帝国灭亡之后,混凝

21、土工艺的秘密就失传了,拱顶便用砖来建造。在6世纪,拜占庭建筑师们通过发明帆拱帆拱扩大了穹顶建造的可能性,即由一块石砌三角形结合四块方形基础从而形成一个的圆形的穹顶。pendentive : n.帆拱,穹隅 circular :adj. 圆形的; 循环的课文翻译课文翻译 Paragraph6-2This brilliant innovation, which allowed greater freedom of plan and space, found its greatest expression in the church of Hagia Sophia in Istanbul. The

22、exteriors of most Byzantine churches were quite plain, but the interiors glittered with gilt mosaics and colored marbles.这个杰出的发明使得空间布局有了更大的自由,在伊斯坦布尔的圣索菲亚大教堂中有着最壮观的表现。绝大多数拜占庭教堂的外观都是非常朴素的,但内部却闪耀着金色的马赛克和彩色的大理石。gilt : adj. 镀金的; 金色的 glitter:v. 灿烂, 辉耀, 闪烁Hagia Sophia课文翻译课文翻译 Paragraph7Early medieval buildings such as Krak des Chevaliers in Syria and the Tower of London, both built in the 11th century, were mili


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