1、 Li Bo lesson 1 The Hydrologic Cycle1.1 Schematic of the hydrologic cycle水文循环示意图水文循环示意图1.2 technical termsHydrologic cycleThe circulation of water from the sea, through the atmosphere, to the land, and thence, often with many delays, back to the sea or ocean through various stages and process as pre
2、cipitation, interception, runoff, infiltration, percolation, ground-water storage, evaporation and transpiration, also the many short circuits of the water that is returned to the atmosphere without reaching the sea.水文循环水文循环海洋的水,由大气携带到陆地,然后经过各阶段与过程,如降水、截留、径流、入渗、渗漏、地下水储存、蒸发和散发,从陆地返回海洋(中间经常存在许多迟滞现象)的循
3、环,也包括水从陆地返回大气而不到达海洋去的各种小循环。1.2 technical termsHydrologic equationThe water inventory The water inventory equation (inflow = equation (inflow = outflow + storage) outflow + storage) which expresses the which expresses the basic principle that basic principle that during a given time during a given ti
4、me internalinternal the total the total inflow to an area inflow to an area must equal the total must equal the total outflow plus the net outflow plus the net change in storage.change in storage. 水文方程或水量水文方程或水量平衡方程平衡方程水量平衡方程(入流水量平衡方程(入流= =出流出流+ +蓄水)表达了蓄水)表达了一基本原理,即一基本原理,即在给在给定时段内定时段内,流入一区,流入一区域的总流入
5、量必然等域的总流入量必然等于总出流量加上蓄水于总出流量加上蓄水量的净变量。量的净变量。Inventory:存货;库存Available inventory 可用的库存The total measurable supply of water of all forms of falling moisture, including dew, rain, mist, snow, hail and sleet.所能观测到的包括所能观测到的包括露、降雨、霜、雪、冰雹和霰露、降雨、霜、雪、冰雹和霰等所有形等所有形式的降水的总量。式的降水的总量。Precipitation 降水降水1.2 technical
6、terms日、月、年降水量日、月、年降水量 daily, monthly, yearly precipitation水面降水量水面降水量 channel precipation年平均降水量年平均降水量 mean annual precipitation加权平均的月降水量加权平均的月降水量 weighted mean monthly precipitation1.A fall of rain -precipitation in the form of liquid water. 降雨降雨-以液态形式的降水。以液态形式的降水。2. The amount of rain -usually expre
7、ssed in millimetres (inches) depth of water on an area, that reaches the surface of the earth. 降雨量降雨量-通常用到达地面的水深来度量,单位为通常用到达地面的水深来度量,单位为mm(或英寸)(或英寸)rainfall 降雨,降雨量降雨,降雨量1.2 technical terms最大可能降雨最大可能降雨 maximum probable rainfall点降雨量点降雨量 point rainfall(单站降雨量单站降雨量the rainfall at a single station)年平均降雨量年
8、平均降雨量 mean annual rainfall降雨强度降雨强度 rainfall intensity降雨强度频率或重现期降雨强度频率或重现期 rainfall intensity frequency, or rainfall recurrence intervalPortion of total precipitation from a given area that appears in natural or artificial surface streams.某一区域内,在天然的或人工的河流中所汇集的总降雨量的一某一区域内,在天然的或人工的河流中所汇集的总降雨量的一部分。部分。Ru
9、noff 径流,径流量径流,径流量1.2 technical terms总径流量总径流量 total runoff径流深径流深 runoff depth地下径流地下径流 ground runoff (径流的一部分入渗地下形成地下水,又径流的一部分入渗地下形成地下水,又以泉等方式流入河槽以泉等方式流入河槽)地表径流地表径流 surface runoffThe flow or movement of water through the surface into the soil body or ground.水流或流动的水从地表进入土壤或地面以下。水流或流动的水从地表进入土壤或地面以下。降雨入渗降
10、雨入渗 rainfall infiltration;入渗率;入渗率 infiltration rateinfiltration 入渗,下渗入渗,下渗1.2 technical terms深层渗漏深层渗漏 deep percolation -with respect to irrigation and precipitation, that amount of water which passes below the root zone of crop or vegetation.就灌溉和降雨而言,指的是进入作物或植被根系地层以下的水。就灌溉和降雨而言,指的是进入作物或植被根系地层以下的水。pe
11、rcolation 渗透(水在饱和土壤中渗透(水在饱和土壤中运动运动)The process by which water is changed from the liquid or solid state into the gaseous state through the transfer of heat energy.水通过热传导由液态或固态变成气态的过程水通过热传导由液态或固态变成气态的过程Evaporation 蒸发,蒸发作用蒸发,蒸发作用1.2 technical terms平均年蒸发量平均年蒸发量 mean annual evaporation雪面蒸发雪面蒸发 snow evap
12、oration; 土壤蒸发土壤蒸发 soil evaporation蒸发能力蒸发能力 evaporation power; evaporative capacity; potential rate of evaporation.相对湿度相对湿度 relative humidity; 蒸发器(皿)蒸发器(皿) evaporation panThe emission of watery vapour from the living plant.有生命的植物散发水蒸汽。有生命的植物散发水蒸汽。蒸腾系数蒸腾系数 transpiration ratio; transpiration coefficien
13、t蒸散发量蒸散发量 evapotranspiration; 耗水量耗水量consumptive use潜在蒸散量或蒸腾量潜在蒸散量或蒸腾量 potential evapotranspiration Transpiration 蒸腾,蒸腾作用蒸腾,蒸腾作用1.2 technical termsVaporization, without liquefying, of the snow in deeper layers caused by the heat of the earth followed by condensation of the resulting water vapour at t
14、he surface.由于地球的热,使较厚雪层不经过液化,表面产生蒸发并随之凝结。由于地球的热,使较厚雪层不经过液化,表面产生蒸发并随之凝结。 Sublimation 升华,升华作用升华,升华作用干旱干旱 arid; 半干旱半干旱 semiarid, subarid湿润湿润 humid;半湿润;半湿润 semihumid,subhumid水文年水文年 water year;季节性河流季节性河流 ephemeral(短暂的,一年生的短暂的,一年生的) stream流域流域,排水面积排水面积 watershed;drainage basin; catchment basin; river basi
15、n; catchment area 流域年产水量流域年产水量 annual yield of drainage basin流域渗漏流域渗漏 watershed leakage; 断面断面 profile(设计设计)洪水过程线洪水过程线(design) flood hydrograph 水文过程线水文过程线 hydrograph;凝结凝结condensation壤中流壤中流 interflow;地面滞留量地面滞留量surface detention水汽水汽 water vapor; 水库水库 reservoir大气降水大气降水 the precipitation from the atmosph
16、ere地表面地表面 ground surface;在在范围内变化范围内变化 range fromto需水(情况)需水(情况)water need; 自河道取水的供水系统自河道取水的供水系统:the water supply systems that obtain their water from rivers河口河口 river mouth 干冰干冰 dry ice斜坡地斜坡地 sloping farmland汇水面积汇水面积 watershed areaAssignment:背诵教材:背诵教材lesson2的第四段的第四段condense 凝结凝结If steam touches cold
17、surfaces, it is condensed into water.蒸气接触到冷的表面就凝结成水。Moisture in the atmosphere condensed into dew during the night.大气中的水分在夜间凝结成露珠。moist 潮湿潮湿Always keep the plants moist.时刻保持植物潮湿。Not suitable for moist surroundings.不适用于潮湿环境。Water vapor accounts for about 4% by volume in moist area.在气候潮湿地区,水汽按体积占(空气体积
18、)4左右route 路线,路径路线,路径Which is the best route?哪一条是最好的路线?retard 减速减速 ,延迟,阻滞,延迟,阻滞Shortage of labour power retarded our economic development.缺乏劳动力使我们的经济发展速度减慢。retarded cement 缓凝混凝土deficit 欠缺,不足,赤字欠缺,不足,赤字Finally, this budget must reduce that deficit even further.最后,该预算必须进一步减少赤字。deficit irrigation 亏缺灌溉modification 修改,修正,改变修改,修正,改变Two months into a design project, the customer requested a modification to the product.在一个设计项目开始两个月后,客户要求对产品作修改。在一个设计
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