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1、2022-6-201词类分类重点、难点3.名词、冠词1.形容词、副词4.代词2.介词、数词1.抽象名词、物质名词具体化抽象名词、物质名词具体化2.常见不可数名词常见不可数名词3. 专有名词口语交流中常见用法专有名词口语交流中常见用法1.最高级的表达方式最高级的表达方式2.倍数表达倍数表达3.多个形容词修饰一个名词多个形容词修饰一个名词4.加不加加不加-ly均是副词意义有区别均是副词意义有区别的词的词5.比较级、同级比较级固定搭配比较级、同级比较级固定搭配1.it引起的易混句式引起的易混句式2.one,ones,that,those3.人称代词在短文改错中的考查人称代词在短文改错中的考查4. 不

2、定代词的考查不定代词的考查第1页/共292页2022-6-202动词时态语态分类重点、难点解题关键5.动词时态6.动词语态1.根据语境,找时间点或时间段2.紧扣概念进行选择1.根据句意辨别词义2.主语与动词构成的主被动关系第2页/共292页2022-6-203情态动词和虚拟语气分类重点、难点解题关键 理解句义 结合记忆理解句义 记忆3.情态动词+have done8.情态动词7.虚拟语气2.表示对现在和过去的推测第3页/共292页2022-6-204形式作用第4页/共292页2022-6-2059.非谓语动词重点、难点解题关键非谓语动词作状语与独立主格结构、状语从句的非谓语动词作状语与独立主格

3、结构、状语从句的区分。区分。非谓语动词作定语。非谓语动词作定语。with复合结构和复合结构和as引导的状语从句的区别。引导的状语从句的区别。既可以接不定式又接既可以接不定式又接v-ing做宾语有区分的动词。做宾语有区分的动词。it做形式主语和形式宾语的句式。做形式主语和形式宾语的句式。使役性动词的过去分词和使役性动词的过去分词和v-ing的理解。的理解。不定式各种形式的考查不定式各种形式的考查 。1. 非谓语动作与主句动作发非谓语动作与主句动作发生的时间先后生的时间先后2. 与逻辑主语之间的关系与逻辑主语之间的关系第5页/共292页2022-6-206准确理解语意捕捉关键词结合基础知识解题简单

4、句10.简单句 并列句并列句分类重点、难点解题关键并列句第6页/共292页2022-6-207语法一致 原则意义一致原则就近一致原则分类记忆规则联系语意解题11.主 谓 一 致重点难点解题方法分类集体名词集体名词, 以以-s结尾的学科名词结尾的学科名词,常见不可数常见不可数 名词名词,复数名词复数名词,不可数名词具体化不可数名词具体化并列主语并列主语And连接的名词表示一个人或物用单数,多连接的名词表示一个人或物用单数,多个用复数;个用复数;or, not onlybut ,eitheror, not so muchas., neithernor,notbut; every/each/no/m

5、any a/more than oneand every量词做量词做主语主语a quantity of, a kind of, a mountain of , a pile of, a box of,数词修数词修 饰主语饰主语much, an amount of, a great deal of, lots of, plenty of, the rest, the remaining, the majority of第7页/共292页2022-6-208 13.强调句句型强调句句型 (重难点)(重难点) 句中加语气词句中加语气词等词汇来强调等词汇来强调强强调调 12.助动词助动词do +V助动

6、词助动词do的形式随的形式随主语和时态而变化主语和时态而变化特殊疑问句式特殊疑问句式 特殊疑问词特殊疑问词be+ it + that ?一般疑问句式一般疑问句式(be动词放句首)动词放句首)反意疑问句式反意疑问句式( 必须和主句一致必须和主句一致 )强调句用在名词性从句中强调句用在名词性从句中surely, really, certainly, definitely, utter, sheer, such, so等等倒装句倒装句a.强调句子的主语时,要与强调句的谓语动 词一致。b.表语一般不能用这一句型进行强调c. 条件、让步状语从句不能强调d.强调because引导的原因状语从句,但强调的原

7、因状语不能用as,since来引导e.可强调so that引导的目的状语从句,但不能强调so that引导的结果状语从句 f. 对由until引起的短语或从句,要注意否定前移注意陈述句句式陈述句句式It is/was that/who第8页/共292页2022-6-209名词性从句状语从句定语从句主语从句宾语从句表语从句同位语从句asas引导9 9种 时间、条件、原因、让步、目的、结果、方式、比较、地点状语从句复 合 句关系词介词+ +关系词 介词+which/whom 介词+where/whose +n. 复合介词短语+which 介词+which=关系副词as与which引导非限制性定语从

8、句 区别 suchas/ the same as 限制性与非限制性关系副词关系代词陈述语序 引导词从属接连词that/whether,在句中不成分作连接代词 what/who/whom/whose/which/whatever/whwhat/who/whom/whose/which/whatever/whoever/whomever/whichever oever/whomever/whichever 在句中作主语、宾语、表语或定语连接副词 when/where/why/how/whenever/wherever/when/where/why/how/whenever/wherever/how

9、everhowever在句中作状语分类第9页/共292页2022-6-2010主从复合句分类重点、难点解题关键17.状语从句16.名词性从句15.定语从句细读题干划分句子成分不缺成分用that,”是否”用whether,缺什么成分补什么成分+语意记忆翻译第10页/共292页2022-6-2011The machine has _ cover.The machine has _ cover.A Asteel strong red a steel strong red a B Ba steel red strong a steel red strong C Ca red steel strong

10、a red steel strong D Da red strong round a red strong round 第11页/共292页2022-6-2012The _ means of getting from The _ means of getting from place to place in the city is by place to place in the city is by bus.bus.A. most commonly useful public A. most commonly useful public B. most commonly public use

11、dB. most commonly public usedC. public used more commonly C. public used more commonly D. most commonly use publicD. most commonly use public第12页/共292页2022-6-2013He went to bed, _.He went to bed, _.A Acold and hungrycold and hungryB Bcoldly and hungrily coldly and hungrily C Cfull of hungryfull of h

12、ungryD Dbeing cold and hunger being cold and hunger 第13页/共292页2022-6-2014His health is _.His health is _.A Aas poor, if not poorer as poor, if not poorer than his sisterthan his sisterB Bas poor as, if not poorer as poor as, if not poorer than his sisters than his sisters C Cpoor as his sisters, if

13、poor as his sisters, if not poornot poorD Das poor, if not poorer as poor, if not poorer than his sisters than his sisters 第14页/共292页2022-6-2015They all looked at the They all looked at the master _ and felt quite_.master _ and felt quite_.A Asad ; sadsad ; sadB Bsadly ; sadly sadly ; sadly C Csad ;

14、 sadlysad ; sadlyD Dsadly ; sad sadly ; sad 第15页/共292页2022-6-2016I hope it was as _ as the I hope it was as _ as the one you lent me.one you lent me.A AwellwellB Bgood good C CbetterbetterD Dbest best 第16页/共292页2022-6-2017She is more diligent than She is more diligent than all _ students in her all

15、_ students in her class.class.A Athe otherthe otherB Banother another C Cany otherany otherD Dother other 第17页/共292页2022-6-2018The apple tastes _ and The apple tastes _ and sells _.sells _.A Awell ; wellwell ; wellB Bgood ; good good ; good C Cgood ; wellgood ; wellD Dwell ; goodwell ; good第18页/共292

16、页2022-6-2019At the meeting, they kept At the meeting, they kept _ all the time._ all the time.A AsilentsilentB Bsilencely silencely C CsilentlysilentlyD Dquietly quietly 第19页/共292页2022-6-2020The _ practice you have, The _ practice you have, the _ mistakes youll the _ mistakes youll make.make.A Amuch

17、 ; littlemuch ; littleB Bmore ; fewer more ; fewer C Cmore ; lessmore ; lessD Dmore ; fewestmore ; fewest第20页/共292页2022-6-2021I did what I should do, I did what I should do, nothing was _ the praise.nothing was _ the praise.A AworthyworthyB Bworth being worth being C Cworthy ofworthy ofD Dworth of w

18、orth of 第21页/共292页2022-6-2022He is _ interested in He is _ interested in English. He often works English. He often works at it until _ into the night.at it until _ into the night.A Adeep ; deepdeep ; deepB Bdeeply ; deep deeply ; deep C Cdeep ; deeplydeep ; deeplyD Ddeeply ; deeplydeeply ; deeply第22

19、页/共292页2022-6-2023The weather is not _ hot.The weather is not _ hot.A AsuchsuchB Bsuch a such a C CthatthatD Dthan than 第23页/共292页2022-6-2024_ should help _._ should help _.A AStrong people ; weak Strong people ; weak oneoneB BThe strong ; weak The strong ; weak people people C CStrong ; weakStrong

20、; weakD DThe strong ; the weakThe strong ; the weak第24页/共292页2022-6-2025He is _ to know the He is _ to know the answer.answer.A AlikelylikelyB Bprobable probable C CmaybemaybeD Dpossible possible 第25页/共292页2022-6-2026Mary is _ to answer the Mary is _ to answer the question correctly.question correct

21、ly.A Atoo clevertoo cleverB Bso clever so clever C Cclever enoughclever enoughD Dcleverer enough cleverer enough 第26页/共292页2022-6-2027The balloon Li Mings The balloon Li Mings father has bought for him father has bought for him is _ mine.is _ mine.A Aas three times big asas three times big asB Bthre

22、e times the size of three times the size of C Cthree times big asthree times big asD Das three times the size as three times the size of of 第27页/共292页2022-6-2028My brother is _ yours.My brother is _ yours.A Athe same old tothe same old toB Bthe same age than the same age than C Cas old likeas old li

23、keD Dthe same age asthe same age as第28页/共292页2022-6-2029Shanghai is one of _ in Shanghai is one of _ in the world.the world.A Abiggest citiesbiggest citiesB Bthe biggest city the biggest city C Cbiggest citysbiggest citysD Dthe biggest cities the biggest cities 第29页/共292页2022-6-2030It is _ question.

24、It is _ question.A Athe more difficultthe more difficultB Bthe most difficult the most difficult C Ca most difficulta most difficultD Da more difficult a more difficult 第30页/共292页2022-6-2031My _ brother is five My _ brother is five years _ than I .years _ than I .A Aolder ; oldolder ; oldB Belder ;

25、elder elder ; elder C Colder ; olderolder ; olderD Delder ; older elder ; older 第31页/共292页2022-6-2032He is a successful He is a successful businessman. He always businessman. He always makes _ of his chances.makes _ of his chances.A AmanymanyB Bthe most the most C CmuchmuchD Dthe much the much 第32页/

26、共292页2022-6-2033He is _ as he looks.He is _ as he looks.A AclevererclevererB Bnot so foolish not so foolish C Cless foolishless foolishD Dmore foolish more foolish 第33页/共292页2022-6-2034Jim swims _ than I , but Jim swims _ than I , but he doesnt swim _ Mike.he doesnt swim _ Mike.A Abetter ; betterbet

27、ter ; betterB Bbetter ; as well as better ; as well as C Cbetter ; as better asbetter ; as better asD Dfarther ; far enough farther ; far enough than than 第34页/共292页2022-6-2035If there were no If there were no examinations, we should examinations, we should havehaveat schoolat schoolA Athe happiest

28、time the happiest time B Ba more happier time a more happier time C Cmuch happiest time much happiest time D Da much happier time a much happier time 第35页/共292页2022-6-2036He isHe isteacher that all teacher that all of us like himof us like himA Aa such good a such good B Bsuch good a such good a C C

29、a so good a so good D Dso good a so good a 第36页/共292页2022-6-2037It is generally believed It is generally believed that teaching is _ it is a that teaching is _ it is a science.science.A Aan art much as an art much as B Bmuch an art as much an art as C Cas an art much as as an art much as D Das much

30、an art as as much an art as 第37页/共292页2022-6-2038_ to take this adventure _ to take this adventure course will learn a lot of course will learn a lot of useful skills.useful skills.A ABrave enough students Brave enough students B BEnough brave students Enough brave students C CStudents brave enough

31、Students brave enough D DStudents enough brave Students enough brave 第38页/共292页2022-6-2039Which subject is Which subject is _ ,maths or physics ?_ ,maths or physics ?A Adifficult difficult B Bmore difficult more difficult C Cmore easier more easier D Dmore easy more easy 第39页/共292页2022-6-2040Which i

32、s Which is country, country, Canada or Australia? Canada or Australia? A Aa large a large B Blarger larger C Ca larger a larger D Dthe largerthe larger第40页/共292页2022-6-2041How beautifully she sings! How beautifully she sings! I have never heardI have never heardA Athe better voice the better voice B

33、 Ba good voice a good voice C Cthe best voice the best voice D Da better voice a better voice 第41页/共292页2022-6-2042The more you listen to The more you listen to English, English, youll feel in youll feel in speaking Englishspeaking English A Athe well the well B Beasily easily C Cthe more easilythe

34、more easilyD Dthe easier the easier 第42页/共292页2022-6-2043Boris has brainsBoris has brains In fact, In fact, I doubt whether anyone in I doubt whether anyone in the class hasthe class hasIQIQ A Aa high a high B Ba higher a higher C Cthe higherthe higherD Dthe highest the highest 第43页/共292页2022-6-2044

35、Professor White has Professor White has written some short written some short stories, but he isstories, but he isknown for his playsknown for his playsA Athe best the best B Bmore more C Cbetter better D Dthe mostthe most第44页/共292页2022-6-2045The price of vegetables The price of vegetables isisthan

36、beforethan before A Amuch cheaper much cheaper B Beven higher even higher C Cstill dearer still dearer D Da lot more expensive a lot more expensive 第45页/共292页2022-6-20461. Youd better not go _ the forest. Its dangerous.2. Which room are you going to live _?3. The building is _ fire. There are some p

37、eople _ the top floor.4. Before 1990 there was no airline _ the two cities.5. Its not good to come late _ school.6. Whats wrong _ your bike?7. Thank you very much _ coming to see me.8. I couldnt finish it _ your help.9. Dont laugh _ others mistakes.10. Do the twins look _ their father?to in on onbet

38、weenforwithforwithoutatafter第46页/共292页2022-6-2047How do you usually come to school every day?-Sometimes _ bike, sometimes _ foot.Its very kind _ you to help me _ my maths.Dont read _ the sun. Its bad _ your eyes.The teacher told us the moon travels _ the earth.You must learn these words _ heart, and

39、 answer my questions _ English.Please meet your uncle _ noon _ Saturday.Thanks _ your help. I finished the work before dark.Its cold and the temperature is _ zero during the night.The teacher is writing _ red ink _ a piece of paper.The children are waiting _ the gate _ their mother.byonofwithinforar

40、oundbyinatforunderoninonatof第47页/共292页2022-6-20481. There are two classes _ Wednesday afternoon. (99南京)A. At B. in C. on D. to2. This programme was sent to the USA _ China _ satellite.A. in; of B. of; in C. from; by D. by; from3.The visitors _ Japan arrived _ Beijing Station last Tuesday morning.A.

41、from; at B. of; to C. from; to D. of; on4. Here are some presents _ you _ our best wishes.A. to; with B. for; with C. of; about D. for; for5. Lily asked her brother, Mike, not to be angry _ her.A. in B. to C. with D. for第48页/共292页2022-6-20496. Is everyone here good _ dancing?(99昆明)A. at B. on C. to

42、D. for7. They arrived _ Guangzhou _ the morning of May 25.A. at; in B. in; in C. in; on D. at; during8. Children are often told not to play _ fire.(98上海)A. on B. for C. with D. under9. No one can stop her _ going away.(98河北)A. of B. from C. to D. out of10. The easer goes _ one student _ another. (98

43、福州)A. from; for B. from; till C. from; after D. from; to第49页/共292页2022-6-205011.Youll get a nice present _ your parents _ your birthday.A. from; on B. for; at C. from; in D. of; during12.Lets wait _ her _ the corner of the street. A. on; on B. for; in C. at; at D. for; at13.Look! The two men are _ t

44、rouble. They are calling _ help.A. with; for B. in; for C. under; at D. into; out14.The boy filled the bottle _ some milk. Now its full _ milk.A. with; with B. of; with C. with; of D. off; without15.Mother always talks _ her friends _ the phone _ weekend.A. with; on; at B. to; with; on C. about; on;

45、 through D. of; by; at第50页/共292页2022-6-205116.When did he lend the dictionary _ you? -I borrowed it _ him the day before yesterday.A. from; to B. to; by C. to; from D. on; out of17.Uncle Wang lives _ a farm, but he works _ a factory.A. in; in B. to; in C. in; at D. on; in18.She came up to me, _ a sm

46、ile _ her face.A. with; in B. like; on C. with; on D. without; at19.He wanted to ask _ some books _ music.A. for; in B. about; of C. for; on D. about; about20.His school is far _ his home, but near _ mine.A. from; to B. from; from C. to; to D. to; from第51页/共292页2022-6-2052提高型 综合型1. The bridge _ the

47、river is made _ big stone.A. on; from B. over; of C. above; in D. of; into2. He stayed _ his uncles _ a week.A. in; for B. with; till C. at; for D. for; about3. I cant swim _ the river _ a piece of wood.A. across; without B.through; with C.over; on D. in; by4. The desk _ the teacher is _ the classro

48、om.A. of; in front B. to; in front ofC. at; before D. for; in the front of5. John cut the pear _ four pieces _ a knife.A. in; by B. into; with C. with; by D. to; in第52页/共292页2022-6-20536. The other day I met a friend _ my way to school.A. of me on B. of my on C. In D. of mine on7. Its easy _ us to f

49、inish the work _ time.A. for; on B. of; in C. for; before D. of; at8. We, League members, should be strict _ ourselves _ our work.A. in; in B. with; with C. with; in D. in; with9. She asked me to sit _ her and help her _ Chinese.A. between; at B. beside; with C. before; in D. on; of10. Lin Tao answe

50、red all the questions _ the last one _ usual.A. except; as B. besides; as C. except; on D. but; in第53页/共292页2022-6-205411.Jims gone _ England with his family and he wont be back _ Monday.A. for; on B. to; at C. for; till D. to; until12._ Christmas Eve, children all over Britain put a stocking _ the

51、end of their beds before they go to sleep.A. At; by B. During; in C. On; at D. In; before13.Is the girl _ red _ duty today?A. with; on B. on; for C. of; at D. in; on14._ a few years time, it will be covered _ many thousands of trees.A. In; with B. After; by C. In; on D. After; over15.Many old things

52、 _ show were used _ keeping tea hot.A. at; to B. on; for C. for; on D. in; as16.English is spoken _ a first language _ most people in the USA.A. by; as B. as; by C. for; of D. like; in第54页/共292页2022-6-205517.We visited him _ his workplace _ the young trees.A. in; beside B. at; along C. at; among D.

53、to; between18.It will stop the sand _ moving _ the rich farmland in the south.A. from; toward B. from; to C. into; towards D. at; down19.Whats the difference _ a sheep and a goat?A. from B. to C. between D. among20.They got _ the foot of the mountain just now.A. at B. in C. to D. off21.My father ret

54、urned at 10 oclock _ of June 15.(重庆)A. in the night B. by the night C. on the night D. at night第55页/共292页2022-6-205622.He often mistakes me _ my brother.(2000黑龙江)A. to B. as C. for D. with23.China has built a Great Green Wall _ the northern part _ the country.A. to; in B. across; of C. across; on D.

55、 at; of24.Thank you very much _ lending the eraser _ me.A. for; at B. to; to C. for; to D. to; for25.Since you are _ trouble, why not ask _ help?(2000安徽) A. in; for B. in; to C. with; for D. with; to26.My aunt arrived here _ a warm spring morning.A. in B. at C. on D. by27.His father has been _ Austr

56、alia _ 1998.(汕头)A. to; in B. in; since C. to; from D. in; from28.Mr. Black was angry _ Jim _ laughing _ him. A. at; for; to B. for; with; onC. with; for; with D. with; for; at 第56页/共292页2022-6-2057The young oftenThe young oftenthe old in our townthe old in our town A Ahelps Bhelps Bwants to help wan

57、ts to help C Chelp Dhelp Dhelping helping He had never envied the He had never envied the richrichmoneymoney A Ahis Bhis Btheir their C Cones Dones Dher her 第57页/共292页2022-6-2058 Id like Id likeinformation about the information about the management of your hotel, management of your hotel, pleaseplea

58、se Well, you could have Well, you could have word with the managerword with the manager He He might be helpfulmight be helpfulA Asomesome; a Ba Banan; somesome第58页/共292页2022-6-2059Father went to his doctor Father went to his doctor forforabout his about his heart troubleheart troubleA Aan advice an

59、advice B Badvice advice C Cadvices advices D Dthe advices the advices 第59页/共292页2022-6-2060Mr. Wang gave usMr. Wang gave uson how to improve our on how to improve our EnglishEnglish A Aso good an advice so good an advice B Ba good advice a good advice C Csome good advices some good advices D Da piec

60、e of good advice a piece of good advice 第60页/共292页2022-6-2061 Such a magazine is Such a magazine isexcept when you have except when you have time to killtime to kill A Aof little value of little value B Bmuch value much value C Ca lot of values a lot of values D Dof great value of great value 第61页/共


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