牛津高中英语M3U1The world of senses Reading1_第1页
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1、Before the classWith more attention and practice, you will get better understanding.Pay attention to the material and things we discuss in the class. You dont need to write down every word I say. Take active notes (write down what can make you feel or learn something). Picture-talking: Whats the wea

2、ther like?cloudystormyrainyfoggysnowysunnyQuestions about the weather: Whats the weather usually like in spring/ summer/autumn/winter in our living place?Which do you think is the best season in our living place? Why?Do we sometimes have foggy days here? When?How do you feel on a foggy day?Have you

3、ever lost your way in the fog? What would you do if you lost in the fog?What sense or senses can we use on a foggy day? Talk about itHave you ever heard a blind person helped an ordinary one in foggy weather?Can you believe it?ReadingTo master the words and expressions in this reading textTo master

4、some basic knowledge of how to read a storyReading Tips在阅读时,要注意综合运在阅读时,要注意综合运用用略读略读(skimming)与与扫读扫读(scanning)这两种方法。这两种方法。 略读略读(skimming)只看文章标题、下标只看文章标题、下标题以及每个部分或者段落第一行,关注题以及每个部分或者段落第一行,关注文章中反复出现的关键词。文章中反复出现的关键词。 略读时,要用充足的时间读懂段落的略读时,要用充足的时间读懂段落的第一句和第二句,因为第一句往往是该第一句和第二句,因为第一句往往是该段的主题句段的主题句(topic sent

5、ence),而第二句,而第二句往往是对前句的延伸往往是对前句的延伸(extension)或进一或进一步的解释步的解释(explanation)。通过略读把握文章大意通过略读把握文章大意运用扫读运用扫读(scanning)迅速浏览从第三句开始迅速浏览从第三句开始的后面部分的后面部分,搜寻作者对开头两句的支持句搜寻作者对开头两句的支持句(supporting sentences),并同时注意文章中间并同时注意文章中间是否有转折词是否有转折词(transition),因为这些词常常因为这些词常常会把文章的思路逆转或加入其它重要的信息。会把文章的思路逆转或加入其它重要的信息。当读到段落的最后一句时当读

6、到段落的最后一句时,我们又要使用略我们又要使用略读读,这时必须再次放慢速度这时必须再次放慢速度(slow down your pace)直到完全消化作者对段落的小结直到完全消化作者对段落的小结(conclusion),因为该小结有可能与主题句截因为该小结有可能与主题句截然相反或引导读者进入下一个段落。然相反或引导读者进入下一个段落。通过扫读寻找特定信息或特定词组通过扫读寻找特定信息或特定词组a general idea certain informationtitles and headingsthe first and last sentences of paragraphsthe firs

7、t and last paragraphspictures and chartsScan the text forkey words and phrases, dates, etc.Do not need toread the whole text.Reading a storystoryHow- a plot (故事情节故事情节)Who- main charactersWhen- a certain time periodWhere- a placeWhat- a problem to be solveda climax or a surprise endingSkimming to get

8、 general ideasSkimmingReading Comprehension I The main characters of the story are _. A. Polly and the weatherman B. the bus conductor and Polly C. Polly and the old blind man D. the helpful stranger and the grateful helper2. The story is about _. A. a terrible fog in London B. a young woman being f

9、ollowed by a tall man C. Polly, who found her way home in a fog D. how Polly, lost in a fog, was helped by an old manCareful reading to solve difficult points本模块的本模块的careful reading主要是针对句型和主要是针对句型和短语的解释,教师可以根据学生的能力来短语的解释,教师可以根据学生的能力来选择性讲解。选择性讲解。为了引导学生进行自主学习,自己查找相为了引导学生进行自主学习,自己查找相关资料学习新单词,这里不对词汇做解释。

10、关资料学习新单词,这里不对词汇做解释。但为了方便,在每个单元的但为了方便,在每个单元的language points板块中会对本单元的词汇做一个重板块中会对本单元的词汇做一个重点讲解。点讲解。1. Once out in the street, she walked quickly towards her usual bus stop. 一走到街上,一走到街上, 她就快步向平常乘车的公交车站走去。她就快步向平常乘车的公交车站走去。 Once out in the street是是Once she was out in the street的省略形式。当从句主语与主的省略形式。当从句主语与主 句

11、主语一致时,从句可省略主语和系动句主语一致时,从句可省略主语和系动 词。例如:词。例如: First aid, if (it is) properly done, can save a persons life. 急救如果做得得法,能拯救人的性命。急救如果做得得法,能拯救人的性命。 I wont go to the party unless (I am) invited. 除非邀请我,否则我不会参加这个聚会。除非邀请我,否则我不会参加这个聚会。2. Sorry, Miss, replied the man, the truth is that it is too foggy for the b

12、us to run that far. “对不起对不起, 小姐小姐,” 售票员回答说售票员回答说, “现实情现实情 况是雾太浓了况是雾太浓了, 公交车跑不了那么远。公交车跑不了那么远。” 句中第一个句中第一个that引导的是表语从句。例如引导的是表语从句。例如: The problem is that we have run out of money. 问题是我们钱已用完了。问题是我们钱已用完了。 第二个第二个that(或或this)在此处等于在此处等于so, 意思是意思是 “那么那么”(或或“这么这么”), 修饰形容词或副词。修饰形容词或副词。 例如例如: Can hard work cha

13、nge a person that much? 艰辛会使人变化那么大吗艰辛会使人变化那么大吗?3. The weather might be better there and you might be able to get a taxi. 那里的天气可能好一点,您也许能叫到那里的天气可能好一点,您也许能叫到 一辆出租车。一辆出租车。在这句话中,在这句话中,might的使用暗示了说话人的使用暗示了说话人认为叫到出租车的可能性比较小。认为叫到出租车的可能性比较小。Might表示可能时,其可能程度小于表示可能时,其可能程度小于may。 She is creative and energetic.

14、She might be a good partner in the future.她既有创造力,又有活力,将来或许会是她既有创造力,又有活力,将来或许会是一个好的伙伴。一个好的伙伴。4. Now she wanted to run, but fear held her still. 现在她则想跑开,可恐惧让她挪不动脚现在她则想跑开,可恐惧让她挪不动脚 步。步。这句话中,这句话中,hold的意思是的意思是: to keep someone in a particular condition or action。still的的意思为意思为: not moving。如:如:Hold this po

15、sition for three minutes. This will help you relax.Children find it difficult to sit/stand/stay still for very long.5. Polly found herself staring up at the face of an old man with a beard. 波莉抬头看去波莉抬头看去, 发现是一位长着络腮胡子发现是一位长着络腮胡子 的老人。的老人。 find oneself doing 意识到自己不自觉在干某事意识到自己不自觉在干某事 find oneself in/at 意

16、识到自己不自觉地处意识到自己不自觉地处 于某种于某种(不好的不好的)处境中。例如:处境中。例如: Peter, who was usually shy, found himself talking to the girls. 彼得彼得, 平时很害羞的他平时很害羞的他, 发现自己竟和这帮发现自己竟和这帮 女孩搭起话来了。女孩搭起话来了。 stare 在这里意为:在这里意为:to look at sth or sb for a long time with eyes wide open, esp in a way that shows surprise or other strong feelin

17、gs。例如:例如:She likes sitting in the dark and staring at the stars in the sky.她喜欢坐在暗处,盯着天空看星星。她喜欢坐在暗处,盯着天空看星星。stare into space = look for a long time at nothing 瞪着眼睛发愣,出神瞪着眼睛发愣,出神6. Watch out for the step here. 小心这里的台阶。小心这里的台阶。 Watch out for his latest movie, which comes out next month. watch out for 留

18、心留心, 密切注意。例如密切注意。例如: Watch out for a tall man in a black hat. 密切注意一个戴黑色帽子的高个男人。密切注意一个戴黑色帽子的高个男人。7. Thank you so much for coming to my aid, said Polly in relief. “非常感谢您的帮忙,非常感谢您的帮忙,”波莉如释重负地波莉如释重负地 说道。说道。 句中句中aid是名词,短语是名词,短语come to ones aid 的意思是的意思是“来帮助某人来帮助某人”。如:如:She had an accident and was trapped

19、in her car. Luckily two passers-by came to her aid.她出了交通事故,被困在车里。幸运的是有她出了交通事故,被困在车里。幸运的是有两个过路人向她伸出了援手。两个过路人向她伸出了援手。 in relief 意为:如释重负,松了一口气。意为:如释重负,松了一口气。8. It gives me the chance to pay back the help that people give me when its sunny. 这给了我一个机会,来回报晴天时人们这给了我一个机会,来回报晴天时人们 给我的帮助。给我的帮助。 本句是主从复合句,句中本句是主

20、从复合句,句中the help 是是pay back 的宾语,其后是由的宾语,其后是由that 引导的定语从引导的定语从句,该从句中还包含一个由句,该从句中还包含一个由when 引导的时引导的时间状语从句。短语间状语从句。短语pay back sb/sth 的意思的意思是是“(向某人)偿还(某物);回报(向某人)偿还(某物);回报”。Scanning to get detailed information When Polly left work, she thought the buses would still be running.2. On the bus a tall man gav

21、e Polly great help.3. Polly set off towards Park Street. As she walked along the narrow street, the footsteps were always following her.Reading Comprehension IIScanning4. A blind man helped Polly because she once helped him.5. The blind man did something useful to pay back the help he once received.

22、Reading Comprehension IIIFill in the following chart using the information you find in the story Fog to check your understanding of the story.Part Place Time &weather Person(s) What happened P o l l y s t h o u g h t or feeling Part 1 Part 2 outside Pollys work place at 4 p.m. foggy Polly She le

23、ft work and stepped out into the fog. She wondered if the buses would still be running. at the bus stop in the street later Polly; the bus con-ductor It is too foggy for the bus to run to King Street. Part Place Time & weather Person(s) What happened P o l l y s thought or feeling Part 3Part 4in

24、 the under-ground; at Green Park stationlater Polly; a tall man A tall man in a dark overcoat is on the train. She sensed she was being watched. in Park Street; at the corner of the street When Polly got to the station, the fog lay like a thick, grey cloud. Polly; a man A rough hand brushed her chee

25、k. Her heart was beating with fear. Part Place Time &weather Person(s) What happened Pollys thought or feelingPart 5 Part 6in the street It was dark.Polly; an old manThe old man took her hand and helped her find the way. She wished for someone to come along.Fear held her still. She began to feel

26、 frightened again. outside Pollys house at King Street late that dayPolly; the old blind man The old man left to help more people in need.Polly was thankful.Post-reading activities: Suppose one of you is the editor of the newspaper that Polly wrote the letter to. And you want to interview Polly to k

27、now more about what happened to her. Please prepare some questions before the interview.Examples:When do you usually go home after work? How long does it usually take you to go home from your work place? How did you feel when you were on the train? Did anything happen? You were so frightened. What h

28、appened before you met the old man? What made you trust the old man on such a dark, foggy day? How did you feel when the old man told you that he needed to leave to help more people in need?After reading the text, we learn that _. the old blind man was always ready to help othersB. it is dangerous f

29、or Polly to go home in such a heavy fogC. if you get help from others, you should do something in returnD. everyone must give help to those in troublePost-reading activities: Complete Part C1 (P4) individually to check your reading comprehension and to test your analytical thinking skill.1 Because t

30、here was a thick fog that afternoon, and she wondered if the bus would still be running.2 Because it was too foggy for the bus to go to King Street. .3 The fog lay like a thick, grey cloud.4 The rough hand that brushed her cheek and the mans voice that was close to her ear made Polly afraid.5 He loo

31、ked old and had a beard.6 He could tell Polly was young from her voice.Answers1. What are the aspects of a story?2. Think about the meanings: confuse, forecast, glance, approach hesitate, grasp, anxious, grateful glance at, come to ones aid, watch out for, in relief, in sightDo you know the differen

32、t meanings of narrow?She won the champion by a narrow margin. Youve got a narrow view to think like that. The police have a narrow examination of all the events. The river narrows at this point. The police have narrowed down their list of suspects.adj. 勉强的,险胜的勉强的,险胜的adj. 狭隘的,不够全面的狭隘的,不够全面的adj. (正式正式

33、)精细而严密的精细而严密的v. (使使)变窄变窄v. 缩小缩小的范围的范围Some useful expressions about narrow: narrow escape narrow majority/victory/defeat by a narrow margin narrow-minded新税法将会缩小贫富差距。新税法将会缩小贫富差距。他对着太阳眯起了双眼。他对着太阳眯起了双眼。死里逃生,险些遇险死里逃生,险些遇险微弱多数微弱多数/险胜险胜/勉强击败勉强击败幅度有限地幅度有限地心胸狭窄的,不开放的心胸狭窄的,不开放的New tax laws will narrow the gap

34、 between rich and poor.He narrowed his eyes against the sun.Individual activity_ the city centre, we saw a stone statue of about 10 metres in height. (2010上海上海)A. Approaching B. Approached C. To approach D. To be approachedQuiz I: Multiple choice. Those who suffer from headache will find they get _

35、from this medicine. (2010山东山东) A. relief B. safety C. defense D. shelter The weather f_ said it was going to rain later today.2. I spent some time _ (观察观察) their customs.3. She _ (匆匆看匆匆看) around/round the room to see who was there.4. Wh_ you choose to live there are always going to be disadvantages.

36、 forecastobservingglancedQuiz II: Fill in the blanks.Wherever5. I see its app_ lunchtime, so lets take a break. 6. Do you love me? she asked. He _ (犹豫犹豫, 迟疑不决迟疑不决) and then said, Im not sure. 7. Dont _ (look at sb./sth. for a long time) at people like that, its rude.8. The drought has made farmers _ (worried同义词同义词) about the harvest.approachinghesitatedstareanxious9. The little girl held her mothers hand _ (牢牢地牢牢地).10. Im so gr_ (to you) for all that you


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