已阅读5页,还剩10页未读 继续免费阅读




1、 七九年级各单元知识点汇总及对应考点年级上/下册单元(Unit)题 目重要知识点(基础知识略)对应中考真题/习题解析七年级上Starter1 Good morning!1、常见的见面问候语:How do you do?/Goodmorning!/Afternoon!/Evening!2、大写字母的用法:3、be的用法:4、fine/good /Ok的区别:5、元音字母A和E的读音规则:6、thank you!的用法:1、常考:问候语;大写字母的用法;fine/thank you的用法。2、分数比例:大约1、2分3、常考题型:单选、完型1、(福建晋江中考)当你晚上和朋友分手时,你会跟对方说:_.

2、A.Good afternoon! B.Good night!C.Good evening!2、(武汉中考)-How are yourparents(父母)?-_.A.Im OK.Thanks. B.She iswell.Thanks C.They (他们)arefine,thanks.2Whats this in English?1、不定冠词a/an的用法:2、指示代词this/that的用法:3、特殊疑问句的结构:4、元音字母I和O的读音规则:1、常考:a/an 的用法:2、考点大概占1、2分:3、常考题型:单选、完型、短文填空. 1、(浙江温州)-Whos that man?-Jerem

3、y Lin.Hes_Americanbasketball player.A.a B.an C.the D./3What color is it?1、特殊疑问句的构成及回答:2、26个字母的书写规则:3、五个元音字母:4、定冠词the的用法:1、常考:the的用法:2、考点占1、2分:3、常考题型:单选、完型和短文填空.1、(贵州毕节)-Whos that girl?-You mean_one with longblond hair? Thats Jacksdaughtter.A.a B.an C. theUnit1My names Gina.1、重点单词first/last/number的讲解

4、2、英文和中文名字表达法:3、人称代词,物主代词的讲解:4、如何询问姓名,及介绍自己:5、如何打招呼:6、如何询问电话号码及回答:7、Miss/Mrs/Ms的区别:8、be的用法及时态:1、常考:形容词性、名词性物主代词;人称代词、物主代词2、所占1、2分3、常考题型:单选、完型1、(重庆)Please send_bestwishes to Mary.A.I B.me C.my D.mine2、(河北)George reads thenewspaper every morning.Thats_habit.A.he B. him C. his D.himself2This is my siste

5、r.1、重点词parent/family的讲解2、thes与those的区别及用法:3、who引导的特殊疑问句:4、词组have a good time及类似短语:5、连词and的用法:6、here,副词时放在句首,构成倒装句:7、序数词first/second/third:8、picture与photo的区别:9、I/she/he/they 的区别用法:1、常考:指示代词:this/that/these/those的区别用法;人称代词;I/she/he/they 的区别用法:2、中考占1、2分3、常考题型:单选、完型1、(广西柳州)-Whatare_teachers doing?-They

6、are having a meeting(正在开会).A. this B. that C. those2、(南宁中考)My friend Tomcomes from Canada and _is atall boy with blue eyes.A. he B. his C.she D.it3Is this your pencil?1、含有指示代词this/that作主语的一般疑问句,做答时,常用it代替this或that2、no/not,thank/thanks,excuse me/Im sorry的辨析:3、句型What/How about.+n./v.ing?意为:如何,好吗?怎么样?4

7、、词组:thank sb. for sth./doingsth.5、词组:help sb.with sth./ helpsb.to do sth.6、词组:ask sb.for sth.7、疑问副词how引导的特殊疑问句:1、各个知识点都是考点2、考分大概在1-2分3、常考题型:单选、完型、短文填空1、(湖南中考)-Is that your schoolbag?-_,Its his schoolbag.A.Yes, it is. B. Yes, it is aschoolbag D. No, it isntschoolbag.4Wheres my schoolbag?1、含有be动词的一般疑问

8、句:2、名词性物主代词的用法:3、由how引导的特殊疑问句的用法:4、some与any的区别用法:5、介词on/in/under的用法:6、bring与take的区别: 7、名词所有格: 8、英语日期的表示法:9、英语时间的表示法:1、常考:some与any的区别,名词所有格,名词性物主代词,介词的用法。2、常考题型:单选、完型、短文填空等3、考分:每个题型大概都在1、2分左右1、Helen and Mary are goodfriends ._often helpeach other.A、Them B、TheirsC、They D、Their5Do you have a soccer bal

9、l?1、一般现在时have 的用法2、辨析:lets 与let us3、sound系动词的用法4、形容词:interesting/boring/fun/difficult/relaxing:5、watch/only/after 的讲解:6、its +adj.+for sb. to do sth.1、常考:形容词的用法,it 固定句型,系动词等。2、中考常考题型:单选、完型、对话补全等。3、考分3、4分左右。1、-What kind of books do youlike? -I like funnystorybooks.Theyre very_.A.boring B.lazy C.quietD

10、.interesting6Do you like bananas?1、一日三餐表示法2、think about的用法3、food/fruit可数与不可数的区别4、sure用作副词的用法5、how about/what about 的用法6、常用于提建议的句型:Lets ./whynot +动词原形?7、可数名词变复数8、词组:ask sb.about sth./wantsb.to do sth.1、常考可数名词变复数/ask sb.about sth./wantsb. to do sth./how about句型等3、题型:单选、完型等1、Tony wants_a job as alangua

11、ge teacher in China.A.to find B.findingC.find七年级上7How much are these socks?1、how much /how many 的用法区别:2、can I help you ?特殊场合的用法3、need的用法4、Here you are!here放句首,倒装5、buy/sell 后加双宾语6、in+颜色,表示穿颜色的衣服7、基数词的用法1、各个知识点都是考点2、考分大概在1-2分3、常考题型:单选、完型、短文填空1、-_?-Yes,please. I want asweater.A. How much B. Can I help

12、youC.Excuse me D.What will youtake 8When is your birthday?1、固定句型:when is sb.sbirthday?/ how old are you ?2、at/on/in 的区别3、固定短语:school trip/basketballgame/school Day/art festival/ havea good time!4、序数词的用法 1、常考:单选,短文填空,补全对话,完型,1-3分1、-_.-My birghday isNovember 11th.A、When is his birthday?B、When is her b

13、irthday?C、Happy birthday to you.D、When is your birthdya?9My favorite subject is science.1、句型:whats your favoritesubject?2、because 与have 的用法3、词组:be useful to do sth.4、辨析:Mrs./Miss/Ms./Mr.5、辨析:lesson/class6、特殊疑问句的构成:1、题型主要有单选,完型,大概在1-3分1、He cant go to school_heis ill.A.because B.but C.and D.so 下Unit1C

14、an you play the guitar?1、speak/talk/say/tell 的区别2、join与take part in 的区别3、draw与paint的区别4、特殊疑问句的两种语序5、词组:be good at/for/to6、选择疑问句的构成7、祈使句的构成8、情态动词can的用法1、考分1-3分, 题型有完型、单选、短文填空等1、With the help of the newtechnology(技术), you _e-mail your friends by mobilephone. A. can B.mustC.need D. should2What time do

15、you go to school?1、what time/when 引导的特殊疑问句2、频度副词的用法3、at/in/on 的区别4、英语钟点时刻的表达方式5、sometimes/sometime/sometimes/some time的区别用法6、taste/look/sound/smell 系动词用法1、常考频度副词的用法,sometimes/sometime/sometimes/ some time 的区别2、考分每个题型大概在1-2分3、题型有单选,完型,短文补全1、Though they are far away fromschool, the children who live i

16、nmountains_go to schoolonfoot.A.ever B.always C. neverD.hardly ever七年级上3How do you get to school? 1、take+a/the+表示交通工具的名词2、by+表示交通工具的单数名词或on/in+限定词+表示交通工具的名词3、everyday与every day4、how often/how long/how far/howsoon的区别5、cross/across/crossing的区别6、句型:Its+adj.+to do sth.7、be afraid of sth./be afraid ofdoi

17、ng sth.1、常考题型为,单选,完型,短文填空等2、分数大概在2-3分1、-_is it from your hometo the bus station? -Its about5 kilometers. You should takeNo.3 bus.4Dont eat in class1、祈使句的用法2、情态动词have to 与must3、Arrive, reach与get的用法辨析4、Listen与hear用法辨析5、in class/in the class/afterclass 6、help sb.(to)dosth./helpsb.with sth.7、Too many, t

18、oo much, much too的用法辨析8、Remember to do sth. /Rememberdoing sth.1、本单元知识点,中考考察热点较多,题型大概分布在单选、完型等,分数比例在2-3分1、We_be careful when were walking across the road.Therere too many cars now.A.can B.may C.must D.could5Why do you like pandas?1、why引导的特殊疑问句2、形容词的用法3、提出建议的句型:shallwe+动词原形./Why dont you + 动词原形/What/

19、 How about doing sth.?4、why + do/does + 主语+动词原形+其他 5、want sth./want to dosth./want sb. to do sth.6、介词for的用法1、本单元知识点,中考考察热点较多,题型大概分布在单选、完型等,分数比例在2-3分1、-What fun The Croods is!-Yeah!I like the movie, too. Itsso _.A. boring B.scaryC.interesting D.sad6Im watching TV. 1、现在进行时2、other/others/the other/theo

20、thers区别3、辨析:use 与with4、join与take part in5、What+ be +主语+ doing?正在做什么? 6、Id love/liketodo sth.我愿意做某事 7、anyother+可数名词单数,其他任何一个 8、wish to do sth. 希望做某事1、用现在进行时和一般现在时进行问答,学会谈论人们在做什么2、分数大概2-3分3、题型分布在单选、完型等。1、We have two foreign teachershere.One is fromEngland,and_is from America.A.another B.the otherC.oth

21、er D.the others七年级下7Its raining! 1、how引导的特殊疑问句2、与天气相关的形容词3、描述正在发生的事情4、No problem的常见用法5、could 为情态动词,意为“能;可以”表示请求许可,语气上比can委婉客气1、重点:how引导的特殊疑问句2、分数1-2分3、单选或完型1、-Hows it going ?-_.A.Its great B.You arewelcome C.Thanks a lot.8Isthereapostofficenearhere?1、学会问路的方法;学会指路的方法;学会利用地图介绍住所的方法2、there be与have 辨析:3

22、、“主语+be+介词短语”的主系表结构,用来表明某地/某人的位置,可以和therebe句型转换。4、辨析:next to 与near5、betweenand/in front of与inthe front of6、spend作动词,意为“度过”,也可表示“花费(时间、金钱)7、watch sb.doing sth./watch sb. dosth. 1、重点:there be 句型;问路与指路的方式2、分数1-2分3、单选或完型David,there_a dictionaryand some books on yourdesk.Please put them away.A.is B. are

23、C. have9What does he look like? 1、描述人的面貌;学会谈论身高、体重、发型、面部特征及着装特点2、”主语+ be+描述外貌特征的形容词”或“主语+ have/has+名,意为“看上去什么样?”3、辨析:look like与be like4、辨析: may be与maybe5、辨析:a little, little, afew,few 6、each 与every7、by the way /in the way/on theway 1. 重点:描述及询问长相 2.描述性形容词2、分数2-3分3、单选、对话补全,完型1、-There is _milk in thefr

24、idge.Please buy some on yourway home.-All right.A.much B. many C.littleD.few 10Id like some noodles. 1、would like 的用法2、there be 的句型3、man与woman作定语修饰另一名词时变法4、what kind of would you like?句型 5、句型: what size?6、with 的用法7、连词or 的用法8、it作形式主语的句型9、辨析put on 与wear1、重点it,or的用法,man与woman的变复数的用法2、分数3分左右3、单选、对话补全,完型

25、1、 is dangerous for us toswim in the river alone.A.It B.That C. This七年级下11How was your school trip? 1、一般过去时态2、辨析:quite/very,grow/plant,travel/trip3、how引导的特殊疑问句4、重点词:feed,farm,worry,luckily.5、动词辨析: all in all/in all/atall的辨析,fast与quick1、中考分在1-2分2、题型:单选、完型1、The math problem is so hard.Ireally dont kno

26、w_.A. how to do itB. how to doC. what to do it12What did you do last weekend?1、一般过去时态22、what/how引导感叹句的结构3、stay up late/stay up4、Thats why 那就是为什么5、ago与before的区别6、辨析:surprise/surprising/surprised,shoutto./shout at.1、重点考察动词或词组辨析2、题型:单选,完型,分数在1-2分1、Dont _too late,oryoull feel tired tomorrow.A.wake up B.

27、 put upC.stay up八年级上Unit1Where did you go on vacation?1、复合不定代词2、规则/不规则动词变为过去式的变法3、辨析quite a few/quite alittle,anywhere/somewhere,bored/boring4、seem 的用法:5、try to do /try doing 的用法6、forget to do sth./forget doingsth.7、too many /too much/much too 的区别1、中点题型是单选,大概1-2分 1、-Whats this ?-Oh, my God!Its a gif

28、t forJames. I forgot _it thisafternoon.A. to post B. postingC. post2How often do you exercise?1、频度副词2、辨析:sometimes/someime/sometime/some times,how often/howlong/how soom/howfar,use/with/in,maybe/may be,haveto/must,1、主要考查词组辨析,题型主要有单选,完型,大概在1-3分1、- do you go to thecinema? -Once a month.A. How long B.

29、How farC. How often C.How much3Im more outgoing than my sister.1、句型:Are you as friendly asyour sister?2、-Is Tara more outgoing thanTina? -No, she isnt.3、短语:be different from, infact,be similar to.as long as.1、主要考查词组辨析,题型主要有单选,完型,大概在1-3分1、-I think English is as_asmaths.-I agree with you .A. more inte

30、restingB. most interestingC. the most interestingD. interesting七年级下4Whats the best movie theater?1、常考短语:so far/be up to ./playa role/make up/for example/2、句型:How do you like it so far?3、形容词和副词的最高级4、重点单词的辨析:join/take part in1、主要考查形容词、副词的最高级2、常见短语的固定搭配3、单选,完型等。1、_do you think of theresult of the surve

31、y? It isinteresting.AWhat BWhy CHow DWho5Do you want to watch a game show?1、动词不定式作宾语2、常考短语:find out/take sbsplace/ be ready to/dress up3、固定句型:-Do you want to watchthe news?-Yes, I do.-What do you think of talk shows?-I dont mind them.1、主要考察动词不定式2、单选、完型等,大概分数在1-2分1、Hurry up! Once the concertstarts, n

32、obody _ to enterthe concert hall.A. allows B. allowedC. is allowed D. isallowing6Im going to study computerscience.1、be going to 的用法2、固定句型:-What do you want to bewhen you grow up?-I want to be abasketball player.3、常考短语:grow up/be sureabout/make sure/tke up /have to dowith1、主要考察be going to 的用法,及重点短语辨

33、析2、考分在2-3分,单选1、There _an Englishevening this week. 本周要举行 一个英语晚会。A. is going to beB. is going to haveC. are going to be7Will people have robots?1、will/shall 表示将来2、固定句型:-Do you think therewill be robots in peoples homes?-What will the future be like?3、常考短语:play a part/over andover again/ fall down/loo

34、k for 1、主要考察将来时态,固定句型等2、单选,完型、短文填空等分数在3分左右Students in Class One_the museum nextFriday.A. visited B. visit C. willv isit8How do you make a banana milkshake?1、祈使句;2、可数名词与不可数名词3、句型:How many/much 4、常考短语:turn on/ fill with/ a few/ coverwith /cut up/5、重点单词:serve/traditional/finally1、主要考查how many/howmuch 的

35、区别,动词短语2、考分在2-3分, 单选、完型Please some salt to thenoodles.A. put B. addC. mix D. make9Can you come to my party?1、情态动词can表示邀请2、句型:-Can you come to my partyon Saturday afternoon?-Sure ,Idlove to.-Sorry,I cant.3、常考短语:prepare for/helpout/turn down/ helpout4、重点单词:surprised/reply/invitation/available/invite1、

36、主要考查情态动词can 的用法,重点短语和单词的辨析2、分数在2、3分,单选、完型、对话补全 When and wherewe meet? Lets make it 3:00 at myhome.A . do B. mustC. shall D. did八年级上10If you go to the party,youllhave a great time!1、If引导的条件状语从句2、should的用法3、经典句型:What will happen ifthey have the party today?-Shouldwe ask people to bring food ?4、常考短语:ke

37、epto oneself/in theend/travel around the world5、重点单词:advice/organize/certainly1、主要考查If条件状从,should用法,单词辨析2、考分在2-3分,单选,完型You should take the doctors , and I believe you will getwell soon.A. question B. adviceC. fun D. experience下Unit1Whats the matter?1、用have 谈论健康问题2、情态动词should/shouldnt的应用3、固定句型;-Whats

38、 the matter?-Ihave a stomachache.4、常考短语:have a cold/takebreaks/get off/right away/get into5、重点单词:stomach/trouble/situation.1、主要考查should/shouldnt/短语,词组的辨析2、考分在2-3分,单选,完型Must I hand in my homework now, Mr.Smith?No,you _.A. cant B. shouldntC. wouldnt D. neednt2Ill help to clean up the cityparks.1、动词不定式

39、的用法,作定语,表语,宾语等。2、固定句型:Id like to helphomeless people.-You should askhospitals to let you visit the kidsand cheer them up.3、常考短语:clean up/give away/takeafter/try out4、重点单词:feeling/interest/difficulty/kindness/satisfaction/disabled1、主要考查动词不定式的用法。单词,词组固定搭配2、单选,完型,分数在2-3分 What do you think of themovie T

40、he X-man?It is _ exciting _Id like to see it again.A. too, to B. such, thatC. as, asD. so, that3Could you please clean your room?1、重点语法:情态动词could的用法2、句型:Could we get something todrink after the movie?-Could youplease take the dog for a walk?3、重点短语:all the time/as soon as/in order to/depend on /take

41、careof4、重点单词:floor/mess/neighbor/rubbish/shirt/waste/stress 1、主要考查could的用法,词组辨析2、考分在2-3分,单选I forgot to bring mydictionary. Could I use yours? Yes, you _.A. can B. must C. couldD. should八年级上4Why dont you talk to yourparents?1、重点句型:why dont you .2、句型:-What should I do?/Whydont you forget about it ?-Wh

42、atshould I do?-He should talk to hisfriend to thathe can say hessorry. 3、常考短语:Look through/workout/get on with/in ones opinion4、重点单词:communicatin/relation/allow/argue/cause/communicate1、主要考查句型:why dontyou .2、考分在2-3分,单选,完型Could you please give me_?Aany advice Bsomeadvice Can adviceDsomeadvices5What w

43、ere you doing when therainstorm came?1、重点语法:过去进行时2、固定句型: What were you doingat eight last night? I wastaking a shower. -When it began torain, Ben was helping his mom makedinner 3、常考短语:go off/pickup/die down/have a look /takedown/as fast4、重点单词:date/area/wind/light/silence/begin1、考查时态,一般过去式2、单选,完型,短文填

44、空1.-I think you should keeptrying and dont give up.-Idont _you. I think youshould try to find other ways tosolve itA. argue with B. agree withC. talk about D. come up 6An old man tried to move themountains.1、重点语法:一般过去时,状语从句的用法 2、重点句型:-As soon as the manfinished talkiing,Yu Gong said thathis family c

45、ould continue to movethe mountains after he died.3、常考短语:once upon atime/turninto/fall in love /getmarried 4、重点单词:husband /wife/1、考查,状语从句的用法2、完型、短文填空1、 What a nice day, we shouldgo climbing _ playingcomputer game at home.A . as well as B .instead ofC . out of D. togetherwith 7Whats the highest mounta

46、in inthe world?1、重点语法:1.数词+计量词+形容词(long, wide, deep,high, tall) 表示某物有多长,多宽,多深,多高 2、重点句型:-Whats the highestmountain in the world?-How high isQomolangma?3、常考短语:feel free/take in/walkinto /fall over/ as far as/at birth1、考查形容词最高级,及其相关句型2、单选,完型1、-he was exercising at thepark yesterday morning , hefound a

47、 purse under the tree.A. WhileB. BeforeC. Though D. Suddenly8Have you read Treasure Islandyet?1、重点语法:现在完成时的用法2、重点句型:-Have you decided whichbook to write about yet?-Has Tinaread Treasure Island yet?3、常考短语:full of /hurry up/eversince/one another4、重点单词:page/fiction/fan/million/record/success/beauty/tec

48、honology.1、考查现在完成时的用法,单词辨析,以及固定搭配2、单选,完型,短文填空1. Beth _ unhappy because hefailed the English exam.A. sees B. watchesC. looks D. looks at 八年级下9Have you ever been to a museum?1、重点语法: have/ has been to +地名/have gone to/have been in +地点的句型区别:2、反义疑问句的构成:3、否定句中的“也”:主语 + neitherneither +助动词/be + 主语 /完整的否定句后

49、加either,但要加逗号隔开4、肯定中的“也”:主语+too/so+助动词/be+主语/完整的肯定句后加too,且要用逗号隔开。1、考查neither,have beento/have gone to/ have beenin+地点2、单选、对话补全,短文填空 -I think cats are as _as dogs.A. love B. lovelyC. more lovely D. most lovely10Ive had this bike for threeyears.1、重点语法:现在完成时的用法,一般过去时、现在完成时区别2、重点句型:-How long have you ha

50、dthat bike overthere?-Have you everplayed football?3、常考短语:according to/to behonest/ as for/check out/partwith/no longer/close to4、重点单词:own/search/memory/truthful/regard1、考查现在完成时与过去式的比较区别,动词短语2、单选,完型 -Can you tell me _ it isproper to raise some money forher sick daughter.A. whether B. whatC. that D.

51、how九年级上Unit1How can we become good learners?1、语法:by+动词-ing形式表示方式、方法 2、重点句型:-How do you study for a test?-Istudy by working with a group?3、常考短语:be born with/lookup/connect.with/pay attention to4、重点单词:discover/expression/active/pronounce/patient.5、so.that与such.that的区别1、考查介词by的用法,短语,及词组辨析2、单选、完型Excuse

52、me, do youknow_?About five minutes walk.A. where the hospital isB. how far the hospital isC. how I can get to the hospital2I think that mooncakes aredelicous!1、重点语法:that/if/whether引导的宾语从句 ;感叹句2、句型:-What a great day!-Billwonders whether theyll have zongziagain next year?3、常考短语:put on/shoot down/usedt

53、o do/not onlybut also4、重点单词:warn/lay/present/dead/admire/relative/lie/stranger5、have to 与must, lie与lay,between 与among 的区别:1、考查宾语从句2、单选,语法填空、完型Miss Lin ,could you tell me_about the localeducation ?-I think WWW. fzedu. gov. CNNwill be helpful .A. how can I find informationB. what information can I get

54、C. Wher e I can get the news 八年级下3Could you please tell me wherethe restrooms are?1、语法:疑问词引导的宾语从句2、句型:-Excuse me, could youplease tell me how to get to thebook store?3、常考短语:on ones /the way to, look forward to/betweenand/pass by/pardonme/a pair of 4、重点单词:stamp/suggest/rush/direction/impolite/request

55、/correct5、lets 与let us 的区别1、考查宾语从句结构,用法,常用短语的用法,词组辨析2、单选,完型,短文填空,考分在2-3分Miss Lin ,could you tell me_about the localeducation ?-I think WWW. fzedu. gov. CNNwill be helpful .A. how can I find informationB. what information can I getC. Where I can get the news4I used to be afraid of the dark.1、语法:used

56、to的语法2、句型:-I used to be afraid ofthe dark.-Its very important forparents to be there for therechildren.3、常考短语:used to/deal with/beproud of /take pride in /from timeto time/in person4、重点单词:humorous/silent/interview/absent/general/fail/require/seldom/helpful5、辨析:used to do sth./be used todoing sth./be

57、 used to do sth.6、辨析:in front of 与in the frontof 的辨析1、考查used to /used todoing sth.的区别,词组搭配2、单选、完型We decide to make _ arule for us room-mates to turnoff the lights at 10:30 pm.A. that B. thisC. it D. one5What are the shirts made of?1、重点语法:一般现在时的被动语态2、句型:-What are the shirts madeof?-It was made in Tha

58、iland.-Nomatter what you may buy, you mightthink about products were made inthose countires.3、常考短语:be made of /be knownfor/ be used to/be made from/.4、重点单词:local/produce/traffic/international/complete/avoid/widely/ complete1、考查现在时被动语态,重点单词用法,辨析2、单选,填空They do eye exercises twice aday , so _of them_gl

59、asses.A. few, put onB. few , wearC. a few , put onD. a few, wear九年级上6When was it invented?1、语法:一般过去时的被动语态2、句型:-When was the telephoneinvented?-Its said that a Chineseruler called Shen Nong was thefirst to discover tea as a drink.3、常考短语:by accident/ takeplace/all of a sudden/ divide into4、重点单词:style/

60、remain/smell/pleasure/daily5、such 与so 的用法1、考查一般过去时的被动语态2、单选、完型考分在2-3分The first day of school, myteacher says “I” _a word inEnglish.A. are B. amC. is D. be7Teenagers should be allowed tochoose their own clothes.1、语法:含有情态动词的被动语态2、句型:-Do you think teenagersshould be encouraged to make theirown decision


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