1、Unit 7 Payment and L/C 支付支付与信用证与信用证pThe basic knowledge of L/C (completed): Definition and Characteristics Advantage and Limitation Type and Content ProcedurepNotifying completing the establishmentpUrging establishment of L/CpAmendments to L/C 1The Main Contents of a Letter on Payment and L/CUsually
2、, a letter on Payment and L/C concerns one of the following topics: The seller and the buyer negotiate the terms of payment. (The buyer usually asks for easier payment terms. The seller can accept or reject the buyers request. )- (Please refer to counter-offer on terms of payment.) The seller urges
3、the buyer to rush the opening of L/C The buyer applies to the Bank for the establishment of the L/C The buyer advices the seller of the establishment of the L/C The seller asks for the amendment to the L/C The seller asks the buyer to extend the L/C 2Writing Skills of Urging Establishment of L/C3写作步
4、骤写作步骤 表达方式表达方式 (1)Referring to the goods, relative order or contract.We refer to your Contract Number (关于你方关于你方第第号合同号合同)Referring to (关于关于)With regard to our contract of (关于关于的合同的合同)With reference to the contract of (关于关于的合同的合同)4写作步骤写作步骤 表达方式表达方式 (2)Complaining about non-receipt of L/C. Stating your
5、 urgent need for the L/C and inviting attention to the matter The date of delivery is approaching, but we still have not received your L/C. (交货日期已临近,但迄今为止我方尚未收交货日期已临近,但迄今为止我方尚未收到你方信用证。到你方信用证。)We wish to remind you that it was agreed when placing the order that you would establish the required L/C up
6、on receipt of our Confirmation.(我方提请你方注意,订货时双方我方提请你方注意,订货时双方约定,一接到我方确认书,你方就开立信用证。约定,一接到我方确认书,你方就开立信用证。)The goods have been ready for shipment for quite some time. we are not aware of any valid reason for further delaying the opening of the L/C(由于货已备妥多日,我们不由于货已备妥多日,我们不知道贵方有何合理理由迟迟不开证。知道贵方有何合理理由迟迟不开证。
7、)5写作步骤写作步骤 表达方式表达方式 (3)Urging the buyer to rush the opening of L/CWe would be grateful if you would expedite the establishment of the L/C so that we can ship the order in time. (希望你方能立即开信用证,以便我方按时发货。希望你方能立即开信用证,以便我方按时发货。)We want to make it clear that the L/C should be opened in time, otherwise, it w
8、ill cause us a great deal of difficulties. (请注意信用证应及时开立,否则将导致很多麻烦。请注意信用证应及时开立,否则将导致很多麻烦。)Please open the relevant L/C in time to ensure the fulfillment of the order.(请及时开立有关信用证以保证订单的请及时开立有关信用证以保证订单的执行。执行。)In order to book the shipping space at an earlier date, please open the L/C immediately. (为便于及早
9、租船定舱,为便于及早租船定舱,请尽快开证。请尽快开证。)6写作步骤写作步骤 表达方式表达方式 (4)Expecting receiving L/C in early timeWe hope you will open the L/C in time, so as to ensure early shipment. (希望你方能及时开出该信用希望你方能及时开出该信用证,以确保早日装运。证,以确保早日装运。)We look forward to receiving the relative L/C at an early date. (期待早日收到相关的信用证。期待早日收到相关的信用证。) See
10、 previous units for the similar expressionsSpecimen Letter1 - Urging Establishment of L/ CDear Mr. Smith,Re: Our Sales Contract No. C234With reference to the 4,000 metric tons of mild steel sheets under our S/C No.C234, we wish to draw your attention to the fact that the date of delivery is approach
11、ing, but we still have not received your covering Letter of Credit to date. Please expedite the opening of the L/C, so that we may execute the order smoothly.In order to avoid subsequent amendments, please see to it that the L/C stipulations are in exact accordance with the terms of the Contract.We
12、hope to receive your favorable news soon.Yours Sincerely,8Writing Skills of Applying for L/C写作步骤写作步骤 表达方式表达方式 (1)Asking a bank for the opening of an L/CPlease open an irrevocable letter of credit in the favour of .(请开立一份以(请开立一份以为收益人的不可撤为收益人的不可撤消信用证。)消信用证。) We shall be very glad if you will arrange t
13、o issue an irrevocable L/C for the amount ofin favour of (如能安排开立以如能安排开立以为受益人的、金额为为受益人的、金额为的不可的不可撤销信用证,我们将不胜感激。撤销信用证,我们将不胜感激。9写作步骤写作步骤 表达方式表达方式 (2)Stating details of information in L/CThe L/C should state that transshipment is prohibited. (信用证应注明禁止转运。信用证应注明禁止转运。)Partial shipments are permitted becaus
14、e we can not supply all the goods you ordered at one time. (由于我们不能一次提供所有你方订购的货物,应允许由于我们不能一次提供所有你方订购的货物,应允许分批转运。分批转运。)Payment will be made against shipping documents. (应平运输单据付款。应平运输单据付款。)10写作步骤写作步骤 表达方式表达方式 (3)Enclosing the application form and expecting an early opening of L/C We enclose the applica
15、tion form for the L/C and would be glad if you can open the L/C as soon as possible.(附上信用证申请表,如能尽早开附上信用证申请表,如能尽早开证,将不胜感激。证,将不胜感激。)Please open the L/C as soon as possible.( 请尽请尽早开证。早开证。)Please arrange to have the L/C opened at your earliest convenience. (请尽早安排开出信用证。请尽早安排开出信用证。)Dear Madam or Sir:Pleas
16、e open an irrevocable letter of credit for USD 30,000 in favour of the Meihao Medical Equipment Ltd., the credit to be valid until October 30th, 2010.The documents, which may be used against negotiation, are as follows:Bill of Lading, Commercial Invoice and Packing List in triplicate.The conditions
17、of shipment of 400 sets medical equipment are as per S/C Number 968; Transshipment is prohibited and partial shipments are permitted.We have enclosed the application form for the L/C and would appreciate it if you can open the L/C as soon as possible.Yours sincerely, Specimen Letter2 - Applying for
18、L/C12Writing Skills of Advising the Seller of the Establishment of the L/C写作步骤写作步骤 表达方式表达方式 (1)Referring to the goods, relative order or contract.We refer to your Contract Number (关于你方关于你方第第号合同号合同)Referring to (关于关于)With regard to our contract of (关于关于的合同的合同)With reference to the contract of (关于关于的合
19、同的合同)13写作步骤写作步骤 表达方式表达方式 (2)Expecting an early shipmentWe are glad to inform you that L/C Number for the amount of has been established in your favour through the Bank. (很高兴告知您,以你方为受益人的金额为很高兴告知您,以你方为受益人的金额为的第的第号信用证号信用证已由已由银行开出银行开出。)We have opened an L/C in your favour through the (bank) for an amoun
20、t of .(我们已通过我们已通过银行开立了以你方为受益银行开立了以你方为受益人的金额为人的金额为的信用证的信用证。)。)The relevant L/C has already been established. (有关的信用证有关的信用证已经开出已经开出。)We have arranged with our bank to issue an L/C in your favour. (我们已和我方银行办妥向你方开出信用证的手续。我们已和我方银行办妥向你方开出信用证的手续。)14写作步骤写作步骤 表达方式表达方式 (3)Expecting an early shipmentUpon recei
21、pt of the above-mentioned L/C, please arrange shipment immediately as per the contracted date. (收到信用证后,请立即按合同规定收到信用证后,请立即按合同规定安排装运安排装运。)Please advise us when the goods have been shipped. (货物装运之后请通知我方。货物装运之后请通知我方。)Dear Mr. Hu,Sewing MachinesWe have instructed the Commercial Bank of Lagos to open a cr
22、edit for US$ 150, 000 in your favour, valid until May 30th, 2010. The credit will be confirmed by the Bank of China, Changsha, who will accept your draft on them at sight for the amount of your invoice.The documents required for negotiation are:3 Commercial Invoices2 Bills of LadingInsurance policy
23、Please advise us by cable when the sewing machines have been shipped.Sincerely yours,Gillian Reeve,Specimen Letter3 - Advising the Establishment of the L/C Writing Skills of asking the buyer for the amendment or extending of the L/C16写作步骤写作步骤 表达方式表达方式 (1)Telling the buyers that you have received the
24、 L/CWe wish to acknowledge receipt of the L/C Number for the amount of USD covering your Order Number .(你方你方第第号订单项下金额号订单项下金额为为美元的美元的号信用证已收到号信用证已收到。) Thank you for your L/C Number(谢谢你们的谢谢你们的号信用证号信用证。)We have received your L/C Number(你们的你们的号信用证已号信用证已收到收到。)See previous units for the similar expressions
25、 17写作步骤写作步骤 表达方式表达方式 (2)Pointing out the discrepancies that need amendment or stating the reasons for extendingWe find that the following two points do not conform to the contract. (我们发现信用证条款中有两点与合同不符我们发现信用证条款中有两点与合同不符。)Please delete “transshipment not allowed” as direct steamers to your port are no
26、t available and transshipment at Hong Kong is necessary. (请删去请删去“不准转船不准转船”字样。因为到字样。因为到你方港口没有直达船,必须在香港转船你方港口没有直达船,必须在香港转船。)Please amend the covering letter of credit to allow partial shipment, under advice to us.(请修改有关信用证为允许分批装运,并通知我方请修改有关信用证为允许分批装运,并通知我方。)。)Please have the L/C No.349 extended until
27、4th June, 2010 so that we may make shipment without fail. (请将请将349号信用号信用证有效期延至证有效期延至2010年年6月月4日,以便装运顺利进行。日,以便装运顺利进行。)18写作步骤写作步骤 表达方式表达方式 (3)Expecting an early amendmentYour prompt attention to the matter will be much appreciated. (请尽快办理此事,不胜感激请尽快办理此事,不胜感激。) We will not be able to ship the goods in t
28、ime if the amendments to the L/C come too late.(如果信用证如果信用证修改得太迟,我们将无法按时交货修改得太迟,我们将无法按时交货。)See previous units for the similar expressionsSpecimen Letter4 - Asking for the Amendments to L/C Dear Sirs,We have received your L/C No.3639 issued by the Chartered Bank, London for the amount of $18,000 cover
29、ing 15,000 dozen stretch nylon socks. On perusal, we find that transshipment and partial shipment are not allowed.As direct steamers to your port are few and far between, we often have to ship via Hong Kong. It would be to mutual benefit to use partial shipment because we could ship immediately what
30、ever we have on hand instead of waiting for the whole lot to be completed. Therefore, we are cabling, asking you to amend the L/C to read “Partshipments and transshipment allowed”. We would greatly appreciate it if this amendment is cabled without delay, as our goods have been packed ready for shipm
31、ent for quite some time.Yours faithfully,Dear Mr. Bean,We have received your L/C Number 189 and thank you for your cooperation.We regret that we could not ship the goods by the end of July because of the delay of your L/C. We are aware that the only vessel available this month that will leave in one
32、 or two days and the deadline for booking space has past.We would ask that you extend the shipping date and credit validity for one month respectively.Please reply as soon as possible.Yours faithfully,Specimen Letter5 - Asking for the Extension of L/CExercises21催催开信用证开信用证(1) urge the establishment o
33、f L/C (2) cash against shipping documents 凭单付现凭单付现(3) documentary L/C 跟单信用证跟单信用证(4) As the goods against your Order No.123 have been ready for quite some time, it is imperative that you take immediate action to have the covering L/C established as soon as possible.由于你方第由于你方第123号订单下的货物已备妥有相当长的时间,所以你方有号订单下的货物已备妥有相当长的时间,所以你方有必要立即采取行动,尽快开出有关信用证。必要立即采
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