1、1Guten Tag (Hello)-Ich bin Gill-Ich bin Alice2 2Germany3Germanys Location Germany is located in central Europe, an area of 357,042 square kilometers. And the bordering countries of Germany: the east of Poland and the Czech Republic; the south of Austria and Switzerland; the southwest of France; west
2、 as Luxembourg, Belgium and the Netherlands; north as the North Sea, Denmark and the Baltic. In the North Sea, Germany has the East Frisian Islands, He Lan Island fruit ear and most of the North Frisian Islands. In the Baltic Sea, Germany has fehmarn, Rgen and Usedom Island most. A coastline of more
3、 than 1.3 thousand km. Uplands to the south, central medium for the hills and mountains and plains of the north glacier. River to the Rhine, the Danube River and the Sydney-based.45Elements(National bird)White Stork(白鹳)(白鹳)(national emblem)(National bird)(National flower)Cornflower(矢车菊)(矢车菊)Flag678W
4、iesn维森,慕尼黑啤酒节维森,慕尼黑啤酒节Wiesn, Munich black beer festival (also called October day ) every year at the end of September to early October in Munich, lasting two weeks, is the biggest Munich year activities. 9Oktoberfest originated in Germany, more than 100 years of history, its origins are generally tw
5、o arguments. One is in 1810, the Lourdes of Wales horse Westphalia married at horse racing, horse racing after the people swig of beer to celebrate the festival, the festival inherited, resulting in an Oktoberfest today. There is also a celebration that local farmers harvest barley and hops and enor
6、mous amounts of beer produced.10Besides beer,we can not ignore food !11Bite and Sup in GermanyGerman love sausage. There are more than 1500 kinds. The most popular kind in them is very smooth sausage, which made from meat. 12In Germany, people love not only sausage, but also break. It is necessary t
7、o their life. There are more than 300 kinds break. They have some unique varieties in them. 13It is rich in fresh seafood in Germany. Whether it is canned fish, frozen fish, fresh fish, smoked fish, or salad of fish, shrimp, scallop and so popular with the Germans welcome.14There is a place in south
8、ern Germany called black forest tourism resort, is rich in black cherry. Therefore, local people will be surplus black cherry clamp in chocolate cake inside, and coated with whipped cream and sprinkle with chocolate chip, and made a black forest cake. Spread to other place, with no black cherry, so
9、black forest cake also omitted black cherry, into a chocolate cake. 黑森林蛋糕黑森林蛋糕Black Forest cake15Other Delicious Foods16 BremerEs war einmal ein Mann, der hatte einen Esel, welcher schon lange Jahre unverdrossen die Scke in die Mhle getragen hatte. Nun aber gingen die Krfte des Esels zu Ende, so das
10、s er zur Arbeit nicht mehr taugte. Da dachte der Herr daran, ihn wegzugehen. Aber der Esel merkte, dass sein Herr etwas Bses im Sinn hatte, lief fort und machte sich auf den Weg nach Bremen. Dort, so meinte er, knnte er ja Stadtmusikant werden. 从前有个人,他有一只驴,那只驴已经常从前有个人,他有一只驴,那只驴已经常年没有怨言地在磨房里驮米袋了。但现在年
11、没有怨言地在磨房里驮米袋了。但现在它老了,对于磨房的工作不再适合。主人它老了,对于磨房的工作不再适合。主人考虑着要把它赶走。但那只驴意识到了主考虑着要把它赶走。但那只驴意识到了主人的用意,它逃了出来,踏上了去不来梅人的用意,它逃了出来,踏上了去不来梅的路。它想,在那里,它或许能成为一个的路。它想,在那里,它或许能成为一个城市音乐家。城市音乐家。17Die Bremer Stadtmusikanten(童话) Von nun an getrauten sich die Ruber nicht mehr in das Haus. Den vier Bremer Stadtmusikanten ab
12、er gefiels darin so gut, dass sie nicht wieder hinaus wollten. 从那以后,强盗们再也不敢进从那以后,强盗们再也不敢进那房子了,四个不来梅城市音那房子了,四个不来梅城市音乐家很喜欢那里,再也不想搬乐家很喜欢那里,再也不想搬出去了。出去了。The more story,please18Berlin:The capital and largest city of GermanyIn the northeast part of the country The beautiful scenery here is fetching in mor
13、e and more touristsThe berlin has achieved rapid development since the fall of theBerlin WallIt attracts best and talent person from all over the worldAnd lots of visitors古老与现代相融合古老与现代相融合文化与艺术魅力交相辉映文化与艺术魅力交相辉映自从柏林墙倒塌之后,它突飞猛进地发展,吸引着世上最优秀和聪明的人才自从柏林墙倒塌之后,它突飞猛进地发展,吸引着世上最优秀和聪明的人才,从艺术家到科学家到建筑设计师,还有大批的游客,从
14、艺术家到科学家到建筑设计师,还有大批的游客19Berlin:Its a very beautiful ancient city 她有着她有着3000多年的建城史多年的建城史她有着众多历史各个时期遗留下来的建筑她有着众多历史各个时期遗留下来的建筑她是德国文化最大的对外窗口她是德国文化最大的对外窗口Berlin is the capital city and a state of Germany. It is the countrys largest city in area and population, and the second most populous city in the Euro
15、pean Union. Berlin is one of the most influential centers in European politics, culture and science.The city serves as an important junction of continental transportation and is home to some of the worlds most prominent universities, research faculties, and museums. 20Berlin WallThe Berlin wall, it
16、was the German capital Berlin after the second world war, the German democratic republics territory in the walls of the building, the purpose is isolation east Germany and the federal republic of Germany, which cut off things between Berlin citizens exchanges.The establishment of the Berlin wall, it
17、 is after the second world war, the cold war German division and an important landmark building. Built in 1961, 1989 down, two German return to unity.21新天鹅堡新天鹅堡目的地指南 景点介绍 发现新堡 文化地理22Schloss NeuschwansteinSchloss NeuschwansteinThe late nineteenth century building, located in the southwest in Bavaria,
18、 near the earlier high swan fort, distance phillips about 4 kilometers, Nathan town not far from Germany and Austria boundary. The castle is Bavarian king Ludwig ii of the palace. Mutual 360 room, of which only 14 a room, the other in accordance with the design completed 346 a room in 1886, because
19、the king died but not finished due to white castle stands on a mountain high, all round its lakes and surrounded. So four seasons, different scenery. But in this charm and romance, but hides behind a young emperors tragedy.23法兰克福,位于莱茵河中部的支流美因河的下游法兰克福,位于莱茵河中部的支流美因河的下游因此正式全名为美因河畔法兰克福。是德国重要因此正式全名为美因河畔法
20、兰克福。是德国重要工商业、金融和交通中心,黑森州最大城市,。工商业、金融和交通中心,黑森州最大城市,。它也是德国最大航空站、铁路枢纽。也是著名诗它也是德国最大航空站、铁路枢纽。也是著名诗人歌德的故乡;被誉为人歌德的故乡;被誉为“美茵河畔的耶路撒冷美茵河畔的耶路撒冷”、“德国最大的书柜德国最大的书柜”。 FrankfurtWhether you prefer art or performing arts, in Frankfurt, you will feel the most real cultural experience24German Film MuseumIn Frankfurt, y
21、ou can find all of Germanys most outstanding movie art museum. This is a short wavelengths, jotham square this museum is Germany for the first seat in the movie as the theme of the exhibition hall. Including kinetoscope,Edison invented in 1889 “motion-picture machine” copy, lumiere brothers invented
22、 in 1895 ect.包括:爱迪生包括:爱迪生1889年年发明的活动电影放映发明的活动电影放映机,卢米埃兄弟机,卢米埃兄弟1895年发明的年发明的“电影机电影机” 的复制品等的复制品等25Heidelberg university is the oldest university in Germany, but also the holy Roman empire after Prague and Vienna to open after the third university.In the second half of the 16th century, Heidelberg univ
23、ersity became the center of European science and culture. It emerged from Paris Sorbonne university, was founded in 1386.海德堡大学是德国最古老的大海德堡大学是德国最古老的大学,也是德意志神圣罗马帝国学,也是德意志神圣罗马帝国继布拉格和维也纳之后开设的继布拉格和维也纳之后开设的第三所大学。十六世纪的下半第三所大学。十六世纪的下半叶,海德堡大学就成为欧洲科叶,海德堡大学就成为欧洲科学文化的中心。它脱胎于巴黎学文化的中心。它脱胎于巴黎的的Sorbonne大学,成立于大学,成立于1
24、386年。年。 Universitat Heidelberg 海德堡大学海德堡大学 26Hamburg城市格言为城市格言为: Libertatem quam peperere maiores digne studeat servare posteritas(继来者(继来者 谨以尊严守护由先谨以尊严守护由先辈争取而来之自由!)。辈争取而来之自由!)。27 With about 38,000 students, the University of Hamburg (汉堡大学)(汉堡大学)is one of Germanys largest universities. about 650 of th
25、e 3,990 academic staff are full professors. About 120 professors work in the Faculty of Medicine or at the University Clinic Hamburg-Eppendorf (UKE), about 530 work in the other faculties285 church copper roof draws the outline of Hamburgs skyline 5座教堂的铜屋顶勾勒出汉堡的天际线座教堂的铜屋顶勾勒出汉堡的天际线29汉堡圣彼得教堂汉堡圣彼得教堂(St
26、. Peters Church in Hamburg)30圣凯瑟琳大教堂圣凯瑟琳大教堂(Hauptkirche Sankt Katharinen)31圣尼古拉教堂圣尼古拉教堂(The Church of St Nicola in Hamburg)32汉堡圣雅各教堂(汉堡圣雅各教堂(Hauptkirche Sankt Jacobi)33圣米迦勒教堂圣米迦勒教堂Hauptkirche Sankt Michaelis34Hamburg in opera field also very famous, Germanys first seat public opera house in Hamburg for 1678 completion. people who love art at that time in Hamburg want t
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