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1、最熟悉的最熟悉的“陌生人陌生人”高考英语一词多义、熟词僻义高考英语一词多义、熟词僻义 厦门双十中学厦门双十中学 王庆华王庆华 2017-12-08 play avenue 阅读之本阅读之本 完形之根完形之根 写作之魂写作之魂词词 汇汇 Wilkinson (1972) once said: Without grammar, very little can be conveyed; Without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed.词汇应掌握的度词汇应掌握的度?音音pronunciation形形spelling义义meaning性性part of speech

2、用用usagepolysemy 音、形、义、性、用 如:appreciate音: 英 priet 美 priet形 :appreciate义: 鉴赏;感激性:动词 appreciation 名词用:后面接代词、名词或动词-ing形式作宾语,即 appreciate sth., appreciate doing sth. I would appreciate it if 如果,我将不胜感激。 back bk名词:名词: 1. 背部;背 2. 后部、后面;末尾 3. 脊柱;脊梁骨 4. (椅子等的)靠背 5. (书等的)最后几页、末尾形容词:形容词:1. 背后的;后面的 2. 过去的;旧时的a b

3、ack number of the magazine 一份过期杂志3. 到期未付的;拖欠的 back pay/tax/rent副词:副词:1. 向后;在后;在背面 2. 与(某物)有距离 3. 控制住;忍住 4. 回原处;恢复原状 5. 以前动词:动词: 1. (使)后退,倒退 2. 帮助;支持 3. 下赌注于 4. 伴奏;伴唱 5. 位于(某物的)后面Have a try!1. A warm sunshine announces the coming of spring.2. Her new hat certainly becomes her.3. He was aching for hom

4、e.4. Who did it still remains cloudy.5. The dining car was coupled onto the last coach(车厢).6. Dont be cross with himafter all,he meant to help.7. Were of the same build.8. I will leave you to do as you like.9. The wooden bridge is not strong enough to allow the passage of lorries.10. She pictured he

5、rself at school in a foreign country.显示、预告显示、预告适于、适合适于、适合渴望渴望不明朗的不明朗的 联合、连接联合、连接生气的生气的体格、体型体格、体型听任听任通过、通行通过、通行想象想象 所谓熟词生义的“生”,是相对而言的。一般分为两种情况: 1、一种是一词多义一词多义中的衍生义,只是这个衍生义与基本义间的联系不容易想到,这需要在日常在日常词汇词汇学习学习时时,培养结合培养结合具体的语境具体的语境由词汇的基本义推测其衍生义的能力由词汇的基本义推测其衍生义的能力; 2、另一种是“生义”与基本义联系不紧密,不需要建立彼此间的联系,这需要在词汇学习时注意一些

6、低义频的释义注意一些低义频的释义,特别是与基本义联系不大的释义。例:2017年全国I卷阅读理解D篇 A build-it-yourself solar still(蒸馏器)is one of the best ways to obtain drinking water in areas where the liquid is not readily available. readily 1.quicky and easily 快速地,便利地e.g. Boats are readily available to visitors. 游客可以很方便地租到船只。 The information is

7、 readily accessible on the internet. 这些信息在因特网一查就能找到。 2. quickly, willingly and without complaining 乐意地e.g. Jack readily agreed to help. 杰克爽快地答应帮忙。 To construct a working still, use a sharp stick or rock to dig a hole four feet across and three feet deep. across 熟义:v. 横过、越过 生义:1.到/在对面(adv./prep.) e.g

8、. He lives across the street. The school is across the street. 生义: 2.宽(adv.) e.g. The river is 50 meters across. Then lay the tube in place so that one end rests all the way in the cup and the rest of the line runs upand outthe side of the hole. rest (v.)生义:1. (目光等)停留 e.g. As she spoke, her eyes res

9、ted on her husbands face. 2. 靠放;搁在 e.g. His head was resting on her shoulder. 3. 取决;在于 e.g. The final decision rested with the president. 4. 使轻松;使舒适 e.g. It rests me to take a walk along the lake. Next, cover the hole with the plastic sheet, securing the edges of the plastic with dirt and weighting

10、the sheets center down with a rock. secure 熟义 adj. 安全的;可靠的;稳定的 生义 v. 1. 获得,得到 e.g. Boyds goal secured his teams place in the final. 2. 使安全,保护 e.g. Troops were sent to secure the border. 3. 将【某物】固定;缚牢,系紧 e.g. John secured the horse firmly to the tree. weight 生义 v. 用重物固定;使负重 E.g. The fishing nets are

11、weighted down with lead. 渔网是靠铅坠下沉的 The low point of the sheet must be centered directly over, and no more than three inches above, the cup. center 熟义: n. 中间、中心、中央 生义:n. 中锋 v. 1. 集中;使聚集于一点 e.g. The coal mines are centered in Shanxi Province. v. 2. 把 放在中部;居中 e.g. They centered the mirror on the wall.

12、他们把镜子挂在墙的中央。 When the container is full, you can suck the refreshment out through the tube, and wont have to break down the still every time you need a drink. refreshment 熟义 (精力或精神上的)恢复 生义:1. (u.)饮食、食物和饮料 e.g. We worked all day without refreshment. 我们不吃不喝地工作了一整天。 2. (plural)茶点、点心 e.g. Refreshments w

13、ill be served after the meeting.历届高考单选题举例历届高考单选题举例1.Encourage your children to try new things. But try not to _ them too hard. (2009全国I卷) A. draw B. strike C. rush D. pushpush :逼迫,敦促2. If you leave the club, you will not be _back in. (2009全国II卷) A. received B. admitted C. turned D. movedadmit:准许进入、加

14、入(俱乐部、组织)等;接收入学3. Do you have enough to _ all your daily expenses? (2009年山东省) Oh, yes, enough and to spare. A. cover B. spend C. fill D. offercover: 包括;采访,报道;涉及;钱足够之用;走过4.Though having lived abroad for years , many Chinese still _the traditional customs. (2008湖北) A. perform B. possess C. observe D.

15、supportobserve: 遵守规则,法律等; 庆祝5. The professor could tell by the _ look in Marias eyes that she didnt understand a single word of his lecture.(2011浙江) A. cold B. blank C. innocent D. freshblank:茫然的6. The fact that she never apologized _ a lot about what kind of person she is. (2008山东) A. says B. talks

16、 C. appears D. declaressay: v. 显示,表明;n. 决定权;发言权e.g. The chairman has the final say (= has the right to make the final decision about something ) . 主席有最后决定权 一词多义一词多义:在英语词汇学习中给中国学生带来最大困难的是一些出现频率较高、词义较多、用法灵活且与其他词搭配能力强的“高频多义词”。在处理高频多义词时我们提倡建立基本义 (或词源义) 也称“根义”(通常放在第一层释义) 和衍生义之间的联系,紧紧抓住贯穿始终的基本义,从而理解并记住其他相

17、关义项。这种方法可以避免死记硬背词汇的各个义项,轻松攻克高频多义词这一难关,同时还培养依据基本义在语境中推测词义的能力和理解语用意义的能力。基本基本词汇词汇study, accuse, beauty, crime, memory,Monday, July, forty, ninth, eightieth, biology, handsome, etc.重点重点词汇词汇take, get, promote, however, although, convenient, experience, develop, in turn, forgive, accessible, etc.生僻生僻词汇词汇a

18、lgebra, bent(n.), arbitrary, buffet, bungalow, belly, appendix, alley, tentative, explicit, etc.其他词汇:gap, complain, charitySolution以以考试说明考试说明附录词汇为核心附录词汇为核心 如:mine pron. 我的 mine v.& n. n. 矿,矿藏,矿山,矿井;地雷,水雷 v. 开采,采矿;埋设地雷 command n.& v.命令,指挥,掌握 command respect 赢得尊重 command temper 控制脾气heart, club

19、, diamond, spadeCall a spade a spadesuits of poker cardsWord Formationpure purely purify purity impureimpurity熟练掌握英语构词法熟练掌握英语构词法 一、【派生法】在词根前面加前缀或在词根后面加后缀,从而构成一个与原单词意义相近或截然相反的新词的方法叫作派生法。 二、【合成法】 英语构词法中把两个单词连在一起合成一个新词,前一个词修饰或限定后一个词,这样的方法就是合成法。 三、【转化法】 英语构词法中把一种词性用作另一种词性而词形不变的方法叫作转化法,有的名词可以作动词,有的形容词可以作

20、副词或动词等。Word Formation1. Compoundingcowboy, snowstorm, eggplant, sad-looking, not-for-profit,forget-me-not, fun-loving, short-sighted, English-speaking 2. Conversionhand(n.)hand(v.) clean(v.) clean(adj.)better(adj.) better(v.) present(n.) present(v.)out(adv.) out(v.) nurse(n.) nurse(v.) 3. Derivation

21、1) prefix: anti-smoking, dishonest, pre-professional, incorrect,multicultural, enable, reconsider, nonsense, impatient, unfair 2) suffix: abusive, acceptable, participation, popularize, cancerous, countless, official, courageously, wisdom, forgetful,eastwards, foolish, warmth, shorten, thirsty, simplify, musician四、四、【截短法截短法(缩略法缩略法)】将单词缩写,词义和词性保持不变的英语构词法称为截短法,主要有截头、去尾、截头去尾等形式。1.截头telephone phone airplane plane2.去尾mathematics math examination examkilogram kilo laboratory lab taxicab taxi3.截头去尾influenza flu refrigerator fridgeprescription script五、五、【混合法混合法(


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