1、英语国家概况英语国家概况The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandThe United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland CONTENTThe Old English Period and Middle English Period (450-1500)IThe Renaissance (1500-1660)IIThe Neo-Classical Period (1660-1785)IIIThe Romantic Period (1785-1830)IVThe Vic
2、torian Period (1832-1901)V The Old English Period and Middle English Period (450-1500)I 1.1 General Knowledge 1.2 The Old English Period 1.3 The Middle English Period 1.1 General KnowledgevIn practice, works of literature fall into four categories or genres: poetry drama Fiction/ novel Prose/essay 1
3、.2 The Old English PeriodvOld English: the epic Beowulf :folk legend of Anglo-Saxonsv 传说讲述传说讲述Beowulf是位非常强而有力的人是位非常强而有力的人,当时有一只丑陋而可当时有一只丑陋而可怕的怪物怕的怪物Grendel在四出破坏及吃人。在四出破坏及吃人。Beowulf与物恶斗后将与物恶斗后将它杀死了。它杀死了。Grendel的母亲对此怀恨在心的母亲对此怀恨在心.于是待于是待Beowulf年老年老后去找他偿命后去找他偿命, Grendel的母亲将的母亲将Beowulf拖进其湖底的巢穴并拖进其湖底的巢穴并廝
4、杀。最后被廝杀。最后被Beowulf用剑把她的头砍下来,他在湖底找刭用剑把她的头砍下来,他在湖底找刭Grendel的尸体的尸体, 也把他的头砍了带走。也把他的头砍了带走。Hrothgar王对他感激王对他感激不已不已, 送了他许多酬赏。送了他许多酬赏。 v 但好景不长但好景不长,有人从一巨龙之穴偷走了一个金杯有人从一巨龙之穴偷走了一个金杯,令巨龙极为愤令巨龙极为愤怒。於是它四出捣乱及烧毁村庄怒。於是它四出捣乱及烧毁村庄, 令人民生活大受影响。年老令人民生活大受影响。年老的的Beowulf再次堤起他的剑与外甥再次堤起他的剑与外甥Wiglaf一起去对付巨龙一起去对付巨龙(其他其他人太害怕巨龙而没人敢
5、帮助他人太害怕巨龙而没人敢帮助他.), 大战过后巨龙终被他俩所杀大战过后巨龙终被他俩所杀, 但但Beowulf也因伤重而死。也因伤重而死。 1.2 The Old English Period Wiglaf 在诗中最后对那些不敢战斗如懦夫般的战士的话: So it is goodbye to all you know and love on your home ground, the open-handedness, the giving of war swords. Every one of you with freeholds of land, our whole nation, will
6、 be dispossessed, once-princes from beyond get tidings of how you turned and fled and disgraced yourselves. A warrior will sooner die than live a life of shame. 1.3 The Middle English Period(1066-1485).v Middle English: Geoffrey Chaucer The Canterbury Tales v 作品描写一群香客(作品描写一群香客(pilgrim)聚集在伦敦一家小旅店里,准)
7、聚集在伦敦一家小旅店里,准备去坎特伯雷城朝圣。店主人建议香客们在往返途中各讲两备去坎特伯雷城朝圣。店主人建议香客们在往返途中各讲两个故事,看谁讲的最好。故事集包括了个故事,看谁讲的最好。故事集包括了23个故事,如:个故事,如:骑士骑士讲的爱情悲剧故事、讲的爱情悲剧故事、卖赎罪券者卖赎罪券者讲的劝世寓言故事、讲的劝世寓言故事、教士教士讲讲的动物寓言故事、的动物寓言故事、商人商人讲的家庭纠纷的故事、讲的家庭纠纷的故事、农民农民讲的感人讲的感人的爱情和慷慨义气行为的故事。的爱情和慷慨义气行为的故事。 1.3 The Middle English Period(1066-1485).v 作品广泛地反映
8、了当时的英国社会生活作品广泛地反映了当时的英国社会生活,揭露了教会的腐败、教士的贪婪和伪,揭露了教会的腐败、教士的贪婪和伪善,谴责了扼杀人性的禁欲主义,肯定善,谴责了扼杀人性的禁欲主义,肯定了世俗的爱情生活。了世俗的爱情生活。 The Renaissance (1500-1660) 2.1 General Knowledge 2.2 William Shakespeare II vIntellectural movement: Renaissance 文艺复兴文艺复兴v admiration of the Greek and Latin classic works.nsonnet (十四行诗十
9、四行诗)ndrama The drama types are tragedy, comedy. 2.1 General Knowledge 2.2 William Shakespeare (1564-1616) 2.2 William Shakespeare (1564-1616)Shakespeares Birthplace The Globe Theatre:rebuilt near its original location on the south bank of the Thames River in London.2.2 William Shakespeare (1564-1616
10、) Sonnetv莎士比亚十四行诗集莎士比亚十四行诗集:154首诗,作于首诗,作于1592年至年至1598年年 v“莎士比亚体莎士比亚体”(Shakespearean),由三节四行),由三节四行诗和两行对句组成,每行诗和两行对句组成,每行10个个音节音节v韵式韵式Rhyme 为为ABAB,CDCD,EFEF,GG。 Sonnet 141In faith I do not love thee with mine eyes,For they in thee a thousand errors note;But tis my heart that loves what they despise,Wh
11、o in despite of view is pleased to dote.Nor are mine ears with thy tongues tune delighted;Nor tender feeling to base touches prone,Nor taste, nor smell, desire to be invitedTo any sensual feast with thee alone.But my five wits, nor my five senses canDissuade one foolish heart from serving thee,Who l
12、eaves unswayed the likeness of a man,Thy proud hearts slave and vassal wretch to be.Only my plague thus far I count my gain,That she that makes me sin awards me pain. vComedy: 爱情、友谊、婚姻爱情、友谊、婚姻 A Midsummer Nights Dream (1595) Merchant of Venice (1598) As You Like It (1599) Twelfth Night (1601)DramaDr
13、ama: 37-Comedy, histarical play , tragedy 2.2 William Shakespeare (1564-1616)vTragedies :nRomeo and Juliet (1595)nHamlet (1601)nOthello (1604)nKing Lear (1605)nMacbeth (1606) 2.2 William Shakespeare (1564-1616)Q. Which play is regarded as a milestone in Shakespeares dramatic development?A: Hamlet. 2
14、.2 William Shakespeare (1564-1616)vTo be, or not to be (from Hamlet 3/1) To be, or not to be: that is the question: Whether tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, Or to take arms against a sea of troubles, And by opposing end them? 2.2 William Shakespeare (1564
15、-1616)Q. What makes Shakespeare so famous?A: His great understanding of human nature and his ability to find universal human qualities and to put them in dramatic situations.人与宇宙、人性、灵与肉、人生终极目标等根本性的问题,人与宇宙、人性、灵与肉、人生终极目标等根本性的问题,属于超道德的范畴属于超道德的范畴 The Neo-classical Period (1660-1785)III 3.1 Historical Ba
16、ckground 3.2 Representatives v The 17th century: the Bourgeois Revolutionv John Milton: Paradise Lost (失乐园失乐园)v 揭示了人的原罪与堕落。诗中叛逆之神撒旦,因为反抗上帝的权威被打入地狱,却毫不屈服,为复仇寻至伊甸园。亚当与夏娃受被撒旦附身的蛇的引诱,偷吃了上帝明令禁吃的分辨善恶的树上的果子。最终,撒旦及其同伙遭谴全变成了蛇,亚当与夏娃被逐出了伊甸园。该诗体现了诗人追求自由的崇高精神 3.1 Historical Background 3.1 Historical Background T
17、he 18th century : Peaceful development The Industrial RevolutionClassicism :Alexander PopevSatire (讽刺文学讽刺文学) came to full growth. Alexander Pope Jonathan Swift Daniel Defoe 3.2 Representatives 3.2.3 Daniel Defoe 3.2.1 Alexander Pope 3.2.2 Jonathan Swift 3.2.2 Alexander Pope Alexander Pope (1688-1744
18、) An Essay on Criticism (1711) A little learning is a dangerous thing. To err is human. 3.2.3 Jonathan Swift Jonathan Swift (1667-1745) Gullivers Travels (1726)格列佛游记格列佛游记 Novel:游记体讽刺小说游记体讽刺小说 3.2.4 Daniel Defoe Daniel Defoe (1660?-1731) Robinson Crusoe (1719) 鲁滨孙漂流记 Novel:冒险自传体小说 The Romantic Period
19、 (1785-1830)IV 4.1 Pioneers of Romantic Poets 4.2 The Major “Second Generation” of Romantic Poets 4.1 Pioneers of Romantic Poets v Pioneers: Lake poets William Wordsworth (1770-1850) Passive Romanticism I wandered lonely as a cloudThat floats on high oer vales and hills,When all at once I saw a crow
20、d,A host, of golden daffodils;我孤独地漫游,像一朵云我孤独地漫游,像一朵云 在山丘和谷地上飘荡,在山丘和谷地上飘荡, 忽然间我看见一群忽然间我看见一群 金色的水仙花迎春开放金色的水仙花迎春开放 4.2 The Major “Second Generation” of Romantic Poets Active Romanticism: The major “second generation” of Romantic poets Lord Byron, Percy Bysshe Shelley, John Keats. 4.2 The Major “Second
21、Generation” of Romantic PoetsvPercy Bysshe Shelley (1792-1822) poems “Ode to the West Wind” (1819) Be through my lips to unawakened earth The trumpet of a prophecy! O Wind, If Winter comes , can Spring be far behind? The Victorian Period (1832-1901)V 5.1 Critical Realism 5.2 Representatives 5.1 Crit
22、ical RealismA: The critical realists described the chief traits of the society and criticized the capitalist system from a democratic viewpoint. Q. Whats the characteristic of the Critical Realism novels?Its represemtative:Charles DickensLeading form of literature: novel 5.2 Representatives 5.2.1 Ch
23、arles Dickens 5.2.3 Bronte Sisters 5.2.4 George Eliot 5.2.5 Thomas Hardy 5.2.2 Jane Austen 5.2.1 Charles DickensvCharles Dickens (1812-1870)nEmpathy for the common people 5.2.1 Charles Dickens The Pickwick Papers (1836-1837)匹克威克外传匹克威克外传brought him immediate fame Great Expectations (1860-1861) 远大前程远大
24、前程 Oliver Twist (1837) 雾都孤儿雾都孤儿 A Tale of Two Cities (1859) 双城记双城记 David Copperfield (1849-1850) 大卫大卫科波菲尔科波菲尔 Autobiography 5.2.1 Charles Dickens 5.2.2 Jane AustenvJane Austen (17751817) : 6novelsv Sense and Sensibility (1811) 理性与感性理性与感性 Pride and Prejudice (1813) 傲慢与偏见傲慢与偏见 Mansfield Park (1814) 曼斯
25、菲尔德庄园曼斯菲尔德庄园 Emma (1816) 爱玛爱玛 Pride and prejudice 班纳特五个女儿对待终身大事的不同处理,表现出乡镇中产阶级家庭出身的少女对婚姻爱情问题的不同态度,从而反映了作者本人的婚姻观。 傲慢与偏见傲慢与偏见 5.2.3 Bronte SistersvBronte sisters: Charlotte (1816-1855)Jane Eyre (1847) Emily (1818-1848)Wuthering Heights (1847) Anne (1820-1849) Jane Eyrev一位从小变成孤儿的英国女子在各种磨难中不断一位从小变成孤儿的英国女子在各种磨难中不断追求自由与尊严,坚持自我,最终获得幸福的故追求自由与尊严,坚持自我,最终获得幸福的故事。事。 v人的价值人的价值=尊严尊严+爱爱 Wuthering Heightsv爱情与复仇的爱情与复仇的离奇故事离奇故事 ,充,充满强烈的反压
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