



1、英汉对照的英语短诗精选英语短诗精选古英语诗歌根植于英国,由最初的口头吟诵到后来的书面文学,其内容丰富,题材多样。下面是WTT带来的英汉对照的英语短诗,!英汉对照的英语短诗篇一Hold fast to dreams 紧紧抓住梦想,For if dreams die 梦想假设是消亡Life is a broken-winged bird 生命就象鸟儿折了翅膀That can never fly.再也不能飞翔Hold fast to dreams 紧紧抓住梦想,For when dreams go 梦想假设是消丧Life is a barren field 生命就象贫瘠的荒野,Frozen only

2、 with snow 雪覆冰封,万物不再生长英汉对照的英语短诗篇二Who has seen the wind? 谁曾见过风的相貌?Neither I nor you; 谁也没见过,不管你或我;But when the leaves hang trembling, 但在树叶震动之际,The wind is passing through.风正从那里吹过。Who has seen the wind? 谁曾见过风的面孔?Neither you nor I; 谁也没见过,不管你或我;But when the trees bow down their heads, 但在树梢低垂之际,The wind i

3、s passing by.风正从那里经过。英汉对照的英语短诗篇三There are balms for all our pain; 我们所有的痛苦都能得到抚慰;But when youth,the dream,departs 可是梦境似的青春一旦消逝,It takes something from our hearts, 它带走了我们心中的某种美妙,And it never es again.从此一去不复返。We are stronger, and are better, 我们变得日益坚强、更臻完美,Under manhoods sterner reign; 在严峻的成年生活驱使下;Still

4、 we feel that something sweet 可是仍然感到甜美的情感,Following youth, with flying feet, 已随着青春飞逝,And will never e again.不再返回。Something beautiful is vanished, 美妙已经消逝,And we sigh for it in vain; 我们枉自为此叹息;We behold it everywhere, 尽管在天地之间,On the earth, and in the air, 我们处处能见青春的魅力,But it never es again! 可是它不再返回!英汉对照

5、的英语短诗篇四I Think I CanIf you think you are beaten,you are; If you think you dare not,you don't;If you want to win but think you can't;It's almost a cinch you won't.If you think you'll lose,you're lost;For out of the world we find Success begins with a fellow's will;It's all in a state of mind.Life's battles don't always go To the stronger and faster man,But sooner or later the man who wins Is the man who thinks he can.假如你认为你败了,那你就一败涂地;假如你认为你不敢,那你就会退缩;假如你想赢但是认为你不能;那么毫无疑问你就会失利。假如你认为你输了,你就输了;因为


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