已阅读5页,还剩44页未读 继续免费阅读




1、CompetitionCompetition 12021/3/27England22021/3/2732021/3/2742021/3/27What make is it?它是什么牌子的它是什么牌子的?Its a + car它是一辆。它是一辆。52021/3/27 Lesson 7 Are you a teacher?62021/3/27New Words 新单词新单词1 I pron.我我2 am v.be动词动词3 are v.be动词动词4 name n.名字名字5 what a.& pron.什么什么6 nationality n.国籍国籍7 job n.工作工作8 keybo

2、ard n.电脑键盘电脑键盘9 operator n.操作人员操作人员10 engineer n.工程师工程师72021/3/27Language points: 1.人称代词人称代词主格主格 宾格宾格I 我 you 你,你们 she 她 he 他 it 它 they 他们 we 我们 me you her him itthemus82021/3/27为了更直观的为了更直观的理解理解,我们我们看下面的这些看下面的这些句子句子:Shelikeshim.她喜欢他。Welikeyou.我们喜欢你们。Youlikeus.你们喜欢我们。Theylikeus.他们喜欢我们。Welikethem.我们喜欢它

3、们。Ilikeyou.我喜欢你。Youlikeme.你喜欢我。Helikesher.他喜欢她。92021/3/27顾名思义顾名思义,主格主格用作主语用作主语,宾格用作宾语宾格用作宾语。在实际运用中在实际运用中,主格和宾格代词有时会混主格和宾格代词有时会混淆。淆。下面是常见的问题下面是常见的问题:在复合结构里在复合结构里,人称代词的主格和宾格人称代词的主格和宾格在单独使用时在单独使用时,没有问题没有问题,如很少人会犯下这样的错误:*(2)Her knew what had happened. (1)Peter spoke to I.102021/3/27但在复合结构中,错误就难免了,如:*(3)

4、Wilcox spoke to myfriend and I.*(4)He and her knew what had happened.*(5)This is between you and he., 这种错误是可避免的。这种错误是可避免的。第一第一,在在有有介词的复合结构中介词的复合结构中特别要特别要注意注意,第二第二个人称代词个人称代词,必须必须用宾语用宾语,如如:for you and me和和between Maria and him.112021/3/27I用am,you用are,is连着他,她,它; 4. Be动词用法动词用法122021/3/27单数名词用单数名词用is,is,

5、复数名词全用复数名词全用areare。This is an apple.This is an apple.They are apples.They are apples.132021/3/27Look and answer What is Roberts job? He is an engineer.142021/3/27 1. Is Robert a new student? Yes, he is a new student.2. What nationality is Robert? He is Italian.3. What is Sophines job? She is a keybo

6、ard operator.152021/3/27 Lets learn the text162021/3/27172021/3/27182021/3/27192021/3/271. I _from Australia.2. She _ a student.3. Jane and Tom _my friends.4. My parents _very busy. 5 5. I _ at school. 6 6. He _ at school. Practice: 用适当的用适当的Be动词填空动词填空202021/3/27homework 1背诵第7课单词和课文 2写第7课单词,每个写5遍2120

7、21/3/27222021/3/27New Words 新单词新单词1 policeman n.警察警察2 policewoman n.女警察女警察3 taxi driver 出租汽车司机出租汽车司机4 air hostess 空中小姐空中小姐5 postman n.邮递员邮递员6 nurse n.护士护士7 mechanic n.机械师机械师8 hairdresser n.理发师理发师9 housewife n.家庭妇女家庭妇女10 milkman n.送牛奶的人送牛奶的人232021/3/27242021/3/27doctorteacherstudent252021/3/27Police

8、+ man-Whats your job?-I am a policeman.262021/3/27police + woman-Whats her job?-She is a policewoman.policewoman272021/3/27taxi driver282021/3/27taxi drivertaxi driver n.出租车司机出租车司机drive v. 驾驶驾驶drive a taxi / bus/ careg. My mother drives to work.drivers license (美美) n. 驾驶执照驾驶执照292021/3/27air hostess3

9、02021/3/27postmanpostmen312021/3/27postman= post + manpost n.邮件 v. 邮寄post a letter 寄封信post office 邮寄This is your post.mail e-mail322021/3/27nurse332021/3/27mechanic- I am not a mechanic.- You are not a mechanic, either.342021/3/27hairdresser- Your new hairstyle is so smart.- Thank you.352021/3/27hou

10、sewifedo houseworkeg. The housewife is doing housework.eg. My mother often does housework.362021/3/27milk + man- Whats Toms job?- Is he a postman?- No, he isnt. He is a milkman.soya-bean milk 豆浆- I drink Soya-bean milk every morning.372021/3/27New Words 新单词新单词1 policeman n.警察警察2 policewoman n.女警察女警察

11、3 taxi driver 出租汽车司机出租汽车司机4 air hostess 空中小姐空中小姐5 postman n.邮递员邮递员6 nurse n.护士护士7 mechanic n.机械师机械师8 hairdresser n.理发师理发师9 housewife n.家庭妇女家庭妇女10 milkman n.送牛奶的人送牛奶的人382021/3/27 7. 复数问题复数问题(1)policeman-policemen (2) policewoman-policewomen(3)postman-postmen(4)Milkman-milkmen392021/3/27练习题练习题402021/3

12、/27He is American.He is a German.She is air hostess.He is a policeman.She is Korean student.She is a Chinese.He is Italian.()()()()TU REORFAL SE?()()()ana412021/3/271.Shes housewife .2.Robert is engineer .3.She is policewoman .4.He is student .5.Sophie is keyboard operator .6.She is nurse .7.This is

13、 apple . Fill in a or an :aaaaaanan422021/3/27Summary:1.Whats your job? I am a teacher. 2. Are you French? Yes, I am./ No, I am not3. What nationality are you ?I am Chinese.432021/3/271.Ann is from_, she is _(America)2.Tony is French, so his nationality is_3.Is he_ engineer? A. A B. an C. the D. 不填不

14、填442021/3/271. I am a teacher. (改为疑问句改为疑问句)Are you a teacher?2. I am a new student. (改为疑问句改为疑问句)3. I am French. (改为疑问句改为疑问句)Are you a new student?Are you French?452021/3/271. He is an engineer. (改为疑问句改为疑问句)Is he an engineer?2. He is a policeman. (改为疑问句改为疑问句)3. He is Italian. (改为疑问句改为疑问句)Is he a policeman?Is he Italian?462021/3/271.


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