1、沃尔玛公司创始人How Rolls Met RoyceHow Rolls Met RoyceMr. Rolls accompanied me to Manchester,Mr. Rolls accompanied me to Manchester,to which I was then a frequent visitor, as Ito which I was then a frequent visitor, as Ihad to look after several business concernshad to look after several business concernsth
2、ere and held a traders ticket between Londonthere and held a traders ticket between Londonand Manchester.and Manchester.I well remember the conversation I had in theI well remember the conversation I had in theDining- Car of the train with Mr. Rolls,who saidDining- Car of the train with Mr. Rolls,wh
3、o saidit was his Ambition to have a motor carit was his Ambition to have a motor carconnected with his name, so that in the futureconnected with his name, so that in the futureit may be a household word, just as much asit may be a household word, just as much asBroadwood or Steinway in connection wi
4、thBroadwood or Steinway in connection withpianos; or Chubbs in connection with safes.pianos; or Chubbs in connection with safes.I am sure neither of us at the time couldI am sure neither of us at the time couldforesee the wonderful development of theforesee the wonderful development of thecar which
5、resulted from my introduction ofcar which resulted from my introduction ofthese two gentlemen to each other.“these two gentlemen to each other.“ 1907 ROLLS-ROYCE 40/50 HP Silver GhostIt was purchased by Volkswagen in 1998.The first successful 5 & 10 store was The first successful 5 & 10 stor
6、e was startedstartedby F. W. Woolworth in 1879. The firstby F. W. Woolworth in 1879. The firstWoolworth stores in Illinois were opened inWoolworth stores in Illinois were opened inSpringfield, Joliet, Aurora, and Decatur in 1904. Springfield, Joliet, Aurora, and Decatur in 1904. 山姆有着极强的竞争意识和冒险精神,他山姆
8、神依然在不同的国家和文化中得以体现。依然在不同的国家和文化中得以体现。Forbes ChinaForbes China Top 10 of 100 Mainland Top 10 of 100 MainlandChinese CelebritiesChinese Celebrities: :Name / ProfessionName / Profession/ Pre-tax income in/ Pre-tax income in2003 (US$ Million)2003 (US$ Million) 1. 1. Who is the richest man in the text?Who
9、is the richest man in the text? Sam Walton.Sam Walton.2.2. What is special about Sam What is special about Sam Walton?Walton? He kept a simple life. He was cheerful, He kept a simple life. He was cheerful, friendly, and folksy.friendly, and folksy.3. How did he start business?3. How did he start bus
10、iness?He started as a boss of a little dime store.He started as a boss of a little dime store.4.4. What is the spirit of the company?What is the spirit of the company? Loyalty, hard work , long hour (bottom-up) Loyalty, hard work , long hour (bottom-up)5. What is the operating system of Wal- Mart?5.
11、 What is the operating system of Wal- Mart? Bottom-up (Japanese Way) Bottom-up (Japanese Way)6.6. Why did Walton set up a college Why did Walton set up a college scholarship and disaster relief fund?scholarship and disaster relief fund? For his employees children. For his employees children.7. 7. Wh
12、y do some famous persons try to avoid Why do some famous persons try to avoid being recognized in public most of the being recognized in public most of the time? time? They feel awkward to be disturbed They feel awkward to be disturbed unexpectedly, but some times they feel unexpectedly, but some ti
13、mes they feel lucky if they are in trouble or in difficulty.lucky if they are in trouble or in difficulty.8. Was Sam a stingy employer 8. Was Sam a stingy employer or generous or generous boss? boss? A generous boss A generous boss9. How did Sam make people around him9. How did Sam make people aroun
14、d him better persons? better persons? He influenced his inferiors or He influenced his inferiors or employers employers positively by actions, and way of thinking.positively by actions, and way of thinking.10. What is your impression of Sam 10. What is your impression of Sam Walton?Walton? Hard work
15、ing, persistent, with high morality. Hard working, persistent, with high morality. discount, remote, get away with, local, by/from all account, cheerful, blend in/into, reserve, open up, headline, hold to, carry on, folk, make up, system, qualify,put off, scholarship, cultivate, reward, come/get abo
16、ard, deserve,They usually give you a discount if you buy They usually give you a discount if you buy multiple copies.multiple copies.They offer a 10 percent discount on rail travel They offer a 10 percent discount on rail travel for students.for students.1. Discount 1. Discount noun C a reduction in
17、 the usual price:a reduction in the usual price:Traditional retailers whove openedTraditional retailers whove openedcyber-stores may offer special discounts cyber-stores may offer special discounts to online shoppers.to online shoppers.discount storediscount storediscount warehousediscount warehouse
18、discount verbdiscount verb T often passive discounted goods / rates discounted goods / rates verb T verb T to decide that something or someone is notto decide that something or someone is not worth consideration or attention: worth consideration or attention:You shouldnt discount the possibility of
19、hisYou shouldnt discount the possibility of his coming back. coming back.remote galaxiesremote galaxiesIt happened in the remote past, so no one It happened in the remote past, so no one worries about it any moreworries about it any more.They take little interest in a conflict far from They take lit
20、tle interest in a conflict far from their homes and remote from their everyday their homes and remote from their everyday blems. 2. Remote adjective2. Remote adjective1) far away in distance, time or elation:1) far away in distance, time or elation:2) describes an area, house or village
21、that is 2) describes an area, house or village that is a long way from any towns or cities:a long way from any towns or cities:a remote mountain villagea remote mountain villageThe chances of a visit by Martians toThe chances of a visit by Martians tothe Earth are remote.the Earth are remote.3) slig
22、ht: 3) slight: a remote possibilitya remote possibilityHer manner was remote and cool.Her manner was remote and cool.4) not very friendly or showing little interest in 4) not very friendly or showing little interest in other people:other people:a system or device for controllinga system or device fo
23、r controllingsomething such as a machine orsomething such as a machine orvehicle from a distance, by using vehicle from a distance, by using electrical or radio signals:electrical or radio signals:remote control n.remote control n. C or U C or UHave you seen the remote control for the Have you seen
24、the remote control for the TV anywhere?TV anywhere?The bomb was The bomb was detonateddetonated by remote by remote control. (cause to explode)control. (cause to explode)remote-controlled adj.remote-controlled adj.a remote-controlled model aircrafta remote-controlled model aircraft1) an arrangement
25、with a bank 1) an arrangement with a bank to keep your money there and to to keep your money there and to allow you to take it out when you allow you to take it out when you need to: need to:3. account (BANK)3. account (BANK) (or bank account)(or bank account)lIve opened an account with Ive opened a
26、n account with a building society.a building society.UK: She paid the cheque or money UK: She paid the cheque or money into / her account. into / her account.lUS: She deposited the check in her US: She deposited the check in her account. account.I need to draw some money out of my account.I need to
27、draw some money out of my account.2) an agreement with a shop or company 2) an agreement with a shop or company that allows you to buy things and pay for that allows you to buy things and pay for them later:them later:3) a written or spoken 3) a written or spoken descriptiondescription of an of an e
28、vent: event:She gave a thrilling account of her life in the jungle.He kept a detailed account of the suspects movements.Several eyewitnesses accountsSeveral eyewitnesses accountsdiffered considerably from the officialdiffered considerably from the officialversion of events.version of events.on accou
29、nt of on account of sthsth because of something:because of something:He doesnt drink alcohol on account of his health.He doesnt drink alcohol on account of his health.to think of someone or something in the stated to think of someone or something in the stated way; judge:way; judge:She was accounted a genius by all who knew She was accounted a genius by all who knew her work.her work.be of no/little account to sb.be of no/little account to sb. not important to sb. not important to sb. Its
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