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1、Chapter Review 1-1Fill in the blanks:1. A root with a vowel added to aid in pronunciation is called a(n) _.2. A word part that comes before a root is a(n) _ .3. Combine the word parts dia-, meaning “through,” and -rhea, meaning “flow,” to form a word meaning “passage of fluid stool.” _4. Combine the

2、 root psych, meaning “mind,” with the suffix -logy, meaning “study of,” to form a wordmeaning “study of the mind.” _Multiple choice: Select the best answer and write the letter to the left of each number._ 5. Which of the following is a compound word?a. urinaryb. skeletalc. gastrointestinald. corona

3、rye. artery_ 6. The adjective for thorax isa. thoraxicb. thoracicc. thorald. thoriale. thoraxial_ 7. An acronym is formed froma. a proper nameb. Latin or Greekc. a compound wordd. the first letter of each word in a phrasee. two or more rootsCase Study 1-1: Multiple Health ProblemsSecondary to Injury

4、D.S., a 28-year-old woman, was treated for injuries sustained in a train derailment accident. During the course of her treatment, she was seen by several specialists. For pain in her knee and hip joints, she was referred to an orthopedist. For migraine headaches and blurry vision, she consulted a ne

5、urologist. For pain on urination and occasional bloody urine, she saw a urologist. Later, for a persistent dry cough and problems resulting from a fractured nose, she was referred to an otorhinolaryngologist. During herinitial course of treatment, she had a CT scan of her abdomen and brain and an MR

6、I of her hip andknee. Both imaging studies required her to lie motionless on her back for 45 minutes.Several months after the accident, D.S. was still experiencing some discomfort, and she decided to investigate alternative therapies. She made an appointment with a naturist practitioner who speciali

7、zed inhomeopathy and herbal medicine. Before her appointment, she browsed in the Nutra-Medica Shop, which carried nutritional supplements, vitamin and mineral products, homeopathic remedies, and herbal formulas.She planned to ask the therapist about some of the products that she saw there, which inc

8、luded remedies with the trade names Pneumogen, Arthogesia-Plus, Renovite, Nephrostat, and Hematone.CASE STUDY QUESTIONSMultiple choice: Select the best answer and write the letter to the left of each number._ 1. The -ist in the word neurologist is a:a. prefixb. rootc. suffixd. combining forme. conju

9、nction_ 2. Endo- in endoscopic is a:a. rootb. suffixc. combining formd. prefixe. derivation_ 3. MRI stands for magnetic resonance imaging. This term represents a(n):a. combining formb. acronymc. prefixd. suffixe. abbreviation_ 4. D.S. needed plastic surgery on her nose to repair the postfracture def

10、ormity. This procedureis called a(n):a. septoscopeb. rhinoplastyc. neurectomyd. cardioplastye. rhinitis_ 5. Several of the radiological imaging studies required D.S. to lie on her back for 45 minutes.This position is referred to as:a. supineb. pronec. lateral recumbentd. lithotomye. Trendelenburg_ 6

11、. The products Renovite and Nephrostat are named for their action on the:a. lungb. nervesc. liverd. hearte. kidney_ 7. The pn in Pneumogen is pronounced as:a. p d.upb. pa e.fc. nFill in the blanks.8. Use Appendix 4 to find roots that mean blood. _9. Use the index to find the chapter that contains in

12、formation on imaging techniques.10. Use the flash cards at the back of this book to find the meaning of the word part endo-._11. Another word part with the same meaning as endo- is _12. Use Appendix 3 to look up the meaning of the roots in otorhinolaryngology.ot/o _rhino _laryng/o _13. Use Appendix

13、3 to find the meaning of the word part homeo-_.14. When the word larynx has a suffix added, the x is changed to a_.15. Appendix 2 tells you that the abbreviation CT in CT scan means_.C H A P T E R 1 Answer SectionAnswers to Case Study Questions1-7. c d b b a e c8. hem/o, hemat/o9. chapter 710. in; w

14、ithin11. intra-12. ear; nose; larynx13. same, unchanging14. g15. computed tomographyAnswers to Chapter Exercises1. combining form2. Prefix3. Diarrhea4. Psychology 5-7. c b d 8. dis-FUNK-shun 9. RU -ma-toyd10. kron-o LOJ-ik11. FAR-inks12. narcotic13. nitrogen14. surface15. vascular16. thoracicChapter

15、 Review 2-1Identify the suffix that means “condition of” in each of the following words:1. egotism 2. anemia3. stenosis (4. dystrophy (5. acidosis 6. anesthesia Give the suffix in the following words that means “specialty” or “specialist”:7. psychiatry 8. orthopedist 9. obstetrics10. urologyGive the

16、 name of the specialist in each of the following fields:11. pediatrics 12. dermatology13. pharmacy 14. gynecologyIdentify the adjective suffix in each of the following words that means “pertaining to” or “resembling”:15. physiologic 16. local17. cutaneous 18. lymphoid 19. cellular 20. basic21. saliv

17、ary 22. oral 23. rheumatoid 24. virile25. anatomical 26. circular 27. exploratory Write the plural for each of the following words. The word ending is underlined:28. patella (kneecap)29. prognosis (prediction of disease outcome)30. bacterium (type of microorganism)31. fungus (simple, nongreen plant)

18、32. protozoon (single-celled animal)33. pharynx (throat)34. apex (high point; tip)Write the singular form for each of the following words. The word ending is underlined:35. foramina (openings)36. nuclei (center; core)37. ganglia (small masses of nerve tissue)38. vertebrae (spinal bones)39. indices (

19、directories; lists)40. carcinomata (cancers)Case Study 2-1: Health Problems on ReturnFrom the Rain ForestE.G., a 39-year-old archaeologist and university professor, returned from a 6-month expedition in therain forest of South America suffering from a combination of physical symptoms and conditions

20、thatwould not subside on their own. He was fatigued, yet unable to sleep through the night. He also had amild fever, night sweats, occasional dizziness, double vision, and mild crampy abdominal pain accompanied by intermittent diarrhea. In addition, he had a nonhealing wound on his ankle from an ins

21、ect bite. He made an appointment with his family doctor, an internist.On examination, E.G. was febrile (feverish) with a temperature of 101°F. His heart and lungs were normal,with a slightly elevated heart rate. His abdomen was tender to palpation (touch), and his bowel sounds were active and g

22、urgling to auscultation (listening with a stethoscope). His skin was dry and warm.He had symmetrical areas of edema (swelling) around both knees and tenderness over both patellae (kneecaps). The ulceration on his left lateral ankle had a ring of necrosis (tissue death) surrounding an area of granula

23、tion tissue. There was a small amount of purulent (pus-containing) drainage.E.G.s doctor ordered a series of hematology lab studies and stool cultures for ova and parasites. The doctor suspected a viral disease, possibly carried by mosquitoes, indigenous to tropical rain forests. He also suspected a

24、 form of dysentery typically caused by protozoa. E.G. was also possibly anemic, dehydrated,and septic (infected). The doctor was confident that after definitive diagnosis and treatment, E.G. would gain relief from his insomnia, diplopia (double vision), and dizziness.CASE STUDY QUESTIONSMultiple cho

25、ice: Select the best answer and write the letter to the left of each number._ 1. Diplopia, the condition of having double vision, has the suffix:a. lopiab. opiac. iad. piae. plopia_ 2. The adjective septic is formed from the noun:a. sepsisb. septosisc. septemiad. septerye. anemia_ 3. E.G. was suspec

26、ted of having anemia (diminished hemoglobin). The adjective form of thenoun anemia is _, and the field of health science devoted to the study of bloodis called _.a. anemic; hematologyb. hematosis; hematismc. dehemia; hematomegalyd. anemic; parasitologye. microhematic; hemacologyWrite the suffix that

27、 means “condition of” in each of the following words:4. necrosis5. dysentery6. insomniaWrite the adjective ending of each of the following words:7. febrile8. symmetrical9. anemicWrite the singular form of each of the following words:10. patellae11. ova12. protozoaAnswers to Chapter Review 2-11. -ism

28、2. -ia3. -sis4. -y5. -sis6. -ia7. -iatry8. -ist9. -ics10. -logy11. pediatrician12. dermatologist13. pharmacist14. gynecologist15. -ic16. -al17. -ous18. -oid19. -ar20. -ic21. -ary22. -al23. -oid24. -ile25. -ical26. -ar27. -ory28. patellae29. prognoses30. bacteria31. fungi32. protozoa33. pharynges34.

29、apices35. foramen36. nucleus37. ganglion38. vertebra39. index40. carcinomaWrite a word from the case study that means each of the following:13. The word virus used as an adjective14. The noun form of the adjective necrotic15. Expert in the field of archeology16. Expert in the field of internal medic

30、ine17. The noun abdomen used as an adjectiveAnswers to Chapter ExercisesEXERCISE 2-11. -ism2. -y3. -ia4. -ism5. -sis, -osis6. -sis, -asis7. -ia8. -sis, -osisEXERCISE 2-31. -ary2. -ic3. -ic4. -ous5. -form6. -oid7. -ical8. ile9. -al10. -ical11. -ar12. -ary13. -oryEXERCISE 2-41. vertebrae2. ganglia 3.

31、omenta4. testes 5. lumina6. matrices7. sera8. meninges 9. foci 10. pelves11. adenomata9. -yEXERCISE 2-21. -ist2. -logy3. -iatrics4. -ist5. -iatry6. anatomist7. pediatrician8. radiologist9. orthodontistAnswers to Case Study Questions1. c2. a3. a4. -sis5. -y6. -ia7. -ile8. -ical9. -ic10. patella11. ov

32、um12. protozoon13. viral14. necrosis15. archeologist16. internist 17. abdominalFill in the blanks:1. Monoclonal refers to a colony (clone) derived from_ cell(s).2. The quadriceps (KWAD-ri-seps) muscle has _ part(s).3. To unify means to make two or more parts into _ part(s).4. The term semilunar mean

33、s _ moon(s).5. A dichotomy has _ part(s).6. A multicellular organism has _ cell(s).7. A tetralogy is composed of _ elements or factors.8. A triangle has _ angle(s).9. Bipolar means having _ pole(s).Give a prefix that is similar in meaning to each of the following:10. bi- _11. poly- _12. semi- _13. m

34、on/o _Match the following terms and write the appropriate letter to the left of each number:_ 1. melanocyte a. pertaining to bluish discoloration_ 2. xanthoma b. redness of the skin_ 3. cyanotic c. yellow raised area on the skin_ 4. erythroderma d. cell that produces dark pigment_ 5. leukemia e. ove

35、rgrowth of white blood cellsIdentify and define the prefix in each of the following words:Prefix Meaning of Prefix1. amorphous (without form) (root morph/o) a- not, without, lack of, absence (a-MOR-fus)2. antibody3. amnesia4. disintegrate5. contralateral6. incontinent7. dehumidify8. noncontributoryA

36、dd a prefix to form the negative of each of the following words:9. coordinated uncoordinated10. adequate11. infect12. permeable (capable of being penetrated)13. congestant14. compatible Identify and define the prefix in each of the following words:Prefix Meaning of Prefix1. perforate _ _2. adjacent

37、_ _3. abnormal _ _4. diarrhea _ _5. transfer _ _Match the following terms and write the appropriate letter to the left of each number:_ 1. pandemic (pan-DEM-ik) a. located at the surface (above other structures)_ 2. hyposecretion b. less than the normal number of teeth_ 3. Hypertension c. underprodu

38、ction of a substance_ 4. oligodontia d. disease affecting an entire population_ 5. superficial e. high blood pressureMatch the following terms and write the appropriate letter to the left of each number:_ 1. Reflux a. an irregularly shaped cell_ 2. orthodontic b. pertaining to normal body temperatur

39、e_ 3. Pseudoreaction c. backward flow_ 4. Poikilocyte d. false response_ 5. Normothermic e. pertaining to straight teethIdentify and define the prefix in each of the following words:Prefix Meaning of Prefix6. equidistant _ _7. orthopedics _ _8. recuperate _ _9. euthyroidism _ _10. neocortex _ _11. m

40、egacolon _ _12. isometric _ _Write the opposite of each of the following words:13. heterogeneous (composed of different materials) _14. macroscopic (visible with the naked eye) _TMatch the following terms and write the appropriate letter to the left of each number:1. postnasal a. throwing or extendi

41、ng forward2. antecedent b. occurring before the proper time3. projection c. behind the nose4. premature d. before birth5. prenatal e. occurring before another eventIdentify and define the prefix in each of the following words:Prefix Meaning of Prefix6. premenstrual7. post-traumatic 8. progenitor 9.

42、antedateMatch the following terms and write the appropriate letter to the left of each number:_ 1. Endonasal a. placement of the heart outside its normal position_ 2. Syndrome b. middle layer of the developing embryo_ 3. Mesoderm c. the last stage of cell division_ 4. Ectocardia d. within the nose_

43、5. Telophase e. group of symptoms occurring togetherIdentify and define the prefix in each of the following words:Prefix Meaning of Prefix6. synthesis _ _7. extract _ _8. ectopic _ _9. symbiosis _ _10. endoplasm _ _Write the opposite of each of the following words:11. exogenous (outside the organism

44、) _12. sinistromanual (left handed) _13. endoderm (outermost layer of the embryo) _Chapter Review 3-1Match the following terms and write the appropriate letter to the left of each number:_ 1. Primary a. one half or one side of the chest_ 2. Trisect b. having many forms_ 3. unilateral c. to cut into

45、three parts_ 4. Polymorphous d. pertaining to one side_ 5. hemithorax e. first_ 6. Neonate a. cell with yellow color_ 7. melanoma b. through the skin_ 8. Xanthocyte c. dark tumor_ 9. percutaneous d. a newborn_ 10. leukoderma e. loss of color in the skin_ 11. heterothermic a. endbrain_ 12. mesencepha

46、lon b. having varying body temperature_ 13. panplegia c. total paralysis_ 14. telencephalon d. correcting or preventing deformities_ 15. orthopedic e. midbrainMatch each of the following prefixes with its meaning:_ 16. oligo- a. equal, same_ 17. pseudo- b. right_ 18. eu- c. few, scanty_ 19. iso- d. good, true, easy_ 20. dextro- e. falseFill in the blanks:21. A monocular microscope has _ eyepiece(s).22. To bisect is to cut into _ par


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