1、实用文档新概念英语第二册课堂笔记第86课I.Out of control 失控介词短语out of 可以表示失去”、欠缺”等:We are out of petrol.我们的汽油用完了 .He has been out of work for two months.他失业两个月 了。2 .Asthe steering wheel came away.方向盘脱手了(1)swing round突然掉转方向(2)come away 表示 脱落"、脱离"、脱开”等:When I tried to drive the car, the wheels came away.当我正要开动汽
2、车的时候,轮子掉了。3 .desperately adv. 绝望地He shouted desperately, but no one can hear him.他绝望的叫喊着,但是没有人能听见他.4 .who had been water skiing for the last fifteen minutes.在过去的15分钟里一直在滑水这里用了一个过去完成进行时,表示过去的一段时间正在进行的一个持续动作 比如有这样的一句话:In the past 15 years, he had been working to save up for ahouse.在过去15年中,他一直在努力的挣钱以便可
3、以买个房子。5 .Both men had hardly had time to realize what washappening when they were thrown violently into the sea.他们两个还没来得及意识到究竟发生了什么事情,就被猛地抛入了海里。也可以说成had had no当然主句当中 had hardly had time to do.time to do.hardly when表示 几乎未来得及就”,hardly 用于主句中,并且主句通常用过去完成时。(参考第 38课语法)6but it continued to movecontinued to
4、 do .表示某一动作停止后又继续进行区别continued doing表示某一动作一直进行没有停止After finding another book, he continued to read.找到另一本书后,他又开始读了起来。He continued reading for a whole day and eat nothing.他一整天都在看书,什么也没吃。7.at tremendous speed以惊人的速度注意这里的介词用的是at ,另外给大家一个句子:It runs at a speed of eighty miles an hour.它以每小时80英里的速度前进。8.swim
5、on继续向前游去pass on继续传递come on 快点向前走go on 继续下去9.out of danger 脱离危险in the danger 处于.危险之中10 . On this occasion, however,it had slowed downconsiderably.文案大全实用文档(1)on this occasion , 这一次(2)considerably 非常地,很,颇He is considerably older than I (am).他年纪比我大得多。She has aged considerably.她已相当老了。11 .The petrol had n
6、early all been used up.be used up 表了 用完"、用光"、耗尽”:They have used up all the money and they have to beg.他们用光了所有的钱,只好去行乞。重点短语Out of control失去控制hardly when 几乎未来得及 就continued to do . 继续进行less than 不足out of danger 脱离危险be used up 用光文案大全实用文档新概念英语第二册课堂笔记第87课第87课A perfect alibi极好的不在犯罪现场的证据1 .A perfe
7、ct alibi极好的不在犯罪现场的证据alibi为法律用语,含义是 不在场证明”、当时不在场的申辩”,是可数名词: He has an alibi/alibis for that night.他有那天晚上不在场的证据。2 .At the time the murder was committed, I was travelling onthe 8 o'clocktrain to London.(1)at the time 意为 at the moment when something happened。(2)the murder was committed可以看作是定语从句修饰 ti
8、me, 而如果前面的词如果是the time, the moment, the way等做先行词的时候,后面的关系副词是可以省略掉的。commit vt.犯(罪),做(错事、坏事等);A murder was committed at 8 o'clockthis morning.今天早上8点钟发生了一起凶杀案。另外给大家两个短语:commit a murder3巳谋杀罪 commit suicide 自杀3 .catch a train乘火车,相同的用法还有 catch a busIf we come here 10 minutes earlier will catch the tra
9、in(bus).如果我们能早到10分钟我们就能赶上火车(汽车).顺便给大家说一下catch you later这个短语,意思是再见的意思!4 .My employer will confirm that I was there on time.我的雇主会证明我是按时到了那儿的雇主employee 被雇的人(1)employer类似的还有interviewer面试的人interviewee被面试的人(2)confirm vt.证实,确定:His predict is confirmed.他的预言得到了证实。巩固,加强:What he saw and heard that night confir
10、med his belief that hewill succeed.那天晚上的所见所闻使他更加坚信他会成功.(3)on time为固定短语,表示准时“、按时”(注意它与in time 的区别)按时This teacher is never on time for class and students have towait for him each time.这位老师从来不准时,每次总是让学生等。The girl will die unless the doctor comes in time.如果医生不及时赶到,这个女孩就有可能死。.And you didn't notice an
11、ything unusual?难道你没有注意到有什么异常情况?这是由陈述句后加问号表示的问句。6.you are not telling the truth.你没有说实话。如果说实话实说,我们可以用 to call a spade a spade.Let's call a spade a spade.让我们实话实说吧!7.I suggest that you did not catch the 8 o'clocktrain, but. suggest 提醒,暗示:It suggested that you didn't do well in your final exa
12、m.这表明你的期末考试考的并不好。suggest 建议,注意用虚拟语气:I suggest that he go to the hospital to have a body examination.我建议他去医院进行一次体检。8.It broke down at Ferngreen station and was taken off the line(1)break down 抛锚,出故障The car broke down in the middle of the trip.汽车在旅途中途抛锚了 .(2)be taken off the line取消航线Due to the bad wea
13、ther, all the planes to this area were taken off the line.因为天气不好,所有来这个地区的飞机都改变了航线.重点词组catch a train 乘火车on time '准时"、 按时"arrive at至 U 达telling the truth 说实话文案大全实用文档broke down汽车抛锚be taken off the line取消航线文案大全实用文档新概念英语第二册课堂笔记第88课第88课Trapped in a mine困在矿井里l.lose one's life 丧生,遇害例如:Fift
14、y people lost their lives in the train accident.在这次火车事故中,有50人丧生.2.However, rescue operations are proving difficult.然而,事实证明营救工作非常困难。However,无论如何,不管多么,通常用在adj.和adv.前,当 然而”讲,表转折例如:She leaves her bedroom window open, however cold it is.无论天气多么冷,她都敞着卧室的窗户。(表无论如何)His first response was to say no. Later, ho
15、wever, he changed his mind.他起先不同意,但是他后来改变了主意。(表转折)(2)rescue operations ,营救工作。(3)prove之后带形容词(有时也可以是名词)时表示 证明是“、结果是"例如:His interview proved successful.他的面试很成功.3.,vibrations will cause the roof of the mine to collapse.collapse:倒塌;With no one to repair it, the old bridge collapsed long ago.由于无人维修,那
16、座桥早就倒塌了。(2)(因精疲力竭等)倒下;(身体等)垮掉;文案大全实用文档The thief had run more than forty miles. As soon as he shookoff the police, he collapsed.那个小偷已经跑了四十多英里路了。他刚摆脱警察便(累得)倒下了。4are therefore drilling a hole .因此,营救人员在矿井的北侧钻了一个洞。therefore 表示 因此"、所以"等。它是副词,所以它既可以独立使用,也可以位于动词前。so表示 因此"、所以"时通常是连词:The n
17、ew skirt is more beautiful and therefore more expensive.这件裙子更好看,因此要贵一些.He got a higher salery, therefore, he was able to rent a betterflat.他的工资涨了,所以可以租一个更好的公寓.He got a higher salery, he was therefore able to rent a betterflat.(译文同上,therefore前后都可以有逗号,so后面通常不用逗号)We prepared well, so we did a good job
18、in the match.我们做了充分的准备,所以在比赛中表现的很好.5.If there had not been a hard layer of rock beneath the soil,they would have completed the job in a few hours.如果不是因为土壤下面有一层坚硬的岩石,他们的营救工作仅用几小时就可以完成了。这是虚拟条件句,表示与过去事实相反的假设。比如:If he had come here earlier, he would have been able to catchthe train.如果他们来得早一些,就可以赶上火车了。(事
19、实上,他们来晚了。)6.As it is, they have been drilling for sixteen hours and theystill have a long way to go.事实上,他们已经花了 16个小时,而且还文案大全实用文档要花很长时间。as it is 事实上,实际上(2) a long way to go花些工夫In order to study English well, you still have a long way to go.要把英语学好,你还要多花些工夫!7has enabled the men to keep in touch with th
20、eir closest elatives.(1)to enable sb. to do sth.使某人可以做某事The highway between cities has enabled us to travel from cityto city in such a short time.城际高速公路使我们在城市之间穿行的时间大大缩短。(2)keep in touch with 表示 与保持联系”,也可以用stay , get 等其他动词:Though they work in different cities, they still keep in closetouch with each
21、 other.尽管他们在不同的城市工作,但是他们仍然保持着密切的联系.8are running out of food and drink.run out of 可表示用完“、耗尽”:They are running out of oil and the plane has to land on the field.他们的燃料都快消耗尽了 ,飞机不得不在稻田里降落.9.lose heart为固定搭配,表示丧失信心/勇气”、泄气"、灰心”:Never lose heart,you will succeed sooner or later.实用文档别灰心,迟早你会成功的.重点短语:los
22、e one' life失去生命on the north side of 在北侧intend to do想(愿意)做a long way to go花些工夫(时间)keep in touch with保持联系enable sb. to do sth.使某人可以做某事run out of用光lose heart失去信心文案大全实用文档新概念英语第二册课堂笔记第89课第 89 课 A slip of the tongue 口误1.A slip of the tongue ,(标题)说走了嘴,失言。slip在这里表示 不经心的错误"、失误"、疏漏”例如:I have mad
23、e a slip of the tongue when I was drunk yesterday.昨天我喝多了,有点失言。When he was nervous, he would sometimes make a slip of thetongue.当他紧张时,他有时就会发生口误。2even if it is a bad one这里even if引导了一个让步状语从句是即使 的意思例如:He will keep the promise ,even if the condition has beenchanged.即使情况发生了变化,他也会遵守诺言的。3.when the news got
24、around that a comedy. by thecompany.(1)注意这里that引导的是同谓语从句,that引导的从句就是news的具体 内容。(2)get round在这里表示消息、谣言等传开”(也可以用getaround/about) 例如:The news that he was accepted by a famous company gotround quickly on the compus.他被一家著名公司录用的消息很快就再校园里面传开了.文案大全实用文档 comedy喜剧反义词tragedy 悲剧4.and there must have been .must+h
25、ave+过去分词表示对过去发生的事进行推测(其否定式为can't+have+过去分词,He must have met many girls before, because he can make girls happy so easily.他以前一定和许多女孩交往过,因为他很容易就能使女孩子开心.The player can't have rested well yesterday, as he looks very tired in the competition.这位运动员昨天肯定没有休息好,他看上去很疲劳.5many of the artistes who should
26、 have appeared.should/ought to+have+过去分词表示本来应该做而实际未做的事,参考第65课语法:She should have walked in the main street.她本应该走大道,说明实际上她走的是小街道。6.The only funny things .funny adj.funny通常表示有趣的”、滑稽的"、逗人发笑的",与amusing 同义:We do find his jokes very funny.我们发现他讲的笑话很好笑.(2)在口语中,funny 也可以表示 反常的“、古怪的"、奇怪的”等含义:I
27、thought there was something funny about the room, so I文案大全实用文档phoned the police.我觉得那个房间有点古怪,所以就给警察打了电话。7 .As soon as he opened his mouth, everyone burst out laughing.但他刚一开口说话,人们便哄堂大笑起来。burst out为固定短语,其含义之一为突然起来”,后面通常接动名词,也可以接in/into+ 名词:At the sight of the jester, everyone burst out laughing/in laug
28、hter.一看见小丑,大家便大笑起来。When she heard that her father had died in the accident, she burst out crying.当她听说父亲在事故中丧生,她放声大哭起来。重要短语:a slip of the tongue 口误even if 即使get round 传开to queue for a long time等候彳艮长时间at the beginning of 在开始的时候for some minutes一段时间As soon as 一就新概念英语第二册课堂笔记第90课第90课 What' s for suppe
29、r?晚餐吃什么?I.Fish and chips has always been a favourite dish in Britain,but as the ocean have been overfished, fish has become moreand more expensive.油煎鱼加炸土豆片一直收到英国人的欢迎,但是随着海洋捕捞泛滥,鱼也变得越来越昂贵。(1)这里Fish and chips是英国人喜欢的一道菜,后面谓语动词则要用单数,dish在这里指 盘菜”或 菜肴“、食品”(2)as 表示因为,引导的是原因状语从句,相当于because(3)overfished过度捕杀的
30、意思over+V表示过度-或太-例如:overdress过分打扮 overeat 吃的太多(4)more and more越来越多反义 less and less越来越少8 .So it comes as a surprise to learn that .这里it是to learn的形式主语,不定式是真正的主语,这样的句子在英语中很多,为的是使句子结构不头重脚轻,例如:It is difficult for us to solve this problem right now.3 .,who often have to work in darkness a hundred feetunder
31、 water,( 潜水员)常常要在水面100英尺以下摸黑工作(的人员)。这是一个非限定性定语从句,对主句中的名词 divers 进行补充说明,因此这 个从句与主句用逗号隔开。4 . divershave been frightened out of their wits by giant fishbumping into them as they work.(1)out of their wits 表示 失去理智”、惊慌失措"例如:She was frightened out of her wits by the great fire.大火吓得她惊慌失措。Are you out of
32、 your wits?你疯了吗?(2)bump into的含义之一是 碰上“、 撞上”:Wandering in darkness, the drunk bumped into a policeman.那醉汉在黑夜中闲荡时撞到了一个警察的身上。bump into也可以表示 偶然遇见“、碰见”(多用于口语):I bumped into Jane at the conference.我开会时碰见了简。5.Now they have special cages made to protect them fromthese monsters.现在他们让人做了一个笼子,以保护他们不会受到怪物的攻击。(1
33、)have sth. done让别人做什么东西,但是如果 have后面是人的话,就应该说have sb. do sth. 因为sb.和动词之间是主动关系。(2)protect sb. from使某人免于,保护某人以免类似的短语有:keep sb. from the grasslandprevent sb. from doing sostop sb. from going6.sometimes as 10 much as twelve feet in length.as . as 达到与.相同的程度例如:as tall as与.一样高文案大全实用文档as long as 与.样长7 .the t
34、otal absence of fishing boats around the oil rigs,钻井平台周围根本没有捕鱼船只。total在这里表示 完全的“、彻底的"(相当于complete ):His letter is a total surprise to her.他的来信完全出乎她的意料之外。That girl is a total stranger to me.我根本不认识那姑娘。(2)absence of 表示 缺少"、不存在”:These plants don't grow well because of the absence of rain/s
35、unshine.由于缺乏雨水/阳光,这些植物长得不好。8 . as a result ,结果,因止匕He didn't work hard at mathematics. As a result, he failed inthe examination.他没有用功学数学。因此,他考试没及格。重点词组1.out of one's wits失去理智”、惊慌失措”2 .bump into “碰上”、 撞上”3 .protect . from 保护.免于4 .as . as 达到与.相同的程度5 .absence of 缺少"、不存在”6 .as a result ,结果,因
36、此文案大全新概念英语第二册课堂笔记第91课第 91 课 Three men in a basket三人同篮1 .A pilot noticed a balloon which seemed to be making for a Royal Air Force Station nearby.一个飞行员发现了一只气球,它像是正飞往附近的一个皇家空军基地。(1)这是定语从句。seem 后接不定式的进行式,是似乎正在进行某事”的意思.句中to be making for为不定式的进行式,表示正在进行的动作,例如:He seems to thinking about something importan
37、t.他似乎正在琢磨一些重要事。(2)make for 走向,向前进,例如:When the bus stopped, he quickly made for the door.汽车一停,他就快步走向车门。2 . He informed the station at once .(1)句中at once 立即,马上。例如:He left the house at once.他马上离开那所房子。(2)mystery n. 神秘,神秘的事物 mysteriousWho had taken away the photo? It was a mystery.谁把照片拿走了,这是一个谜!3 . He sa
38、id that someone might be spying on the station and the pilot was ordered to keep track of the strange object.他说有可能有人正对基地进行侦察,因此命令那个飞行员跟踪那个奇怪的飞行 物。(1)might be doing sth .表示对正在进行的动作的推测,这里表示可能有实用文档人在侦察这个基地!(2)spyvi .暗中监视; 侦察(通常与 on , upon 连用):spy on their movements 暗中监视他们的活动vt . 发现,看见:I spy someone com
39、ing near.我发现有人走近。n .间谍,密探:The spy was arrested.间谍被捕了。(3)keep track of为固定短语,表示 追踪”、保持联系”,例如:It is hard to keep track of all old friends.与所有老朋友保持联系是很困难的。4 .He could make out three men in a basket .句中make out ,看出,辨认出。例如:Can you make out what the note says?你看的见通知上写的是什么吗?5 .the pilot saw one of the men,
40、the pilot saw one of the mentaking photographs.句中take photographs为拍相片take pictures也有同样的意思Say cheese 笑一笑!6 . Soon afterwards, the balloon began to descend and it landed near an airfield.soon afterwards=later on, later, after a whiledescend反义词是 ascend, 攀登,上升airfield=air station7 .The police were calle
41、d in.句中 call in 表示 召来”:例如If you refused to pay, I will call in the police.实用文档如果你拒绝付款,我就叫警察来。重要短语make for , 走向,飞向keep track of , 跟踪make out ,看出,辨认出at once ,立即take photographs ,拍相片call in ,召来order sb to do sth命令某人做某事文案大全新概念英语第二册课堂笔记第92课第92课Asking for trouble自找麻烦1. I tried to wake up my wife by ringin
42、g the doorbell, but shewas fast asleep, 句中try to试图I try to arrive there at half past 6.我试图 6 点半到那。(2)fast asleep 熟睡=to be sleeping deeply2. I don't think the windows need cleaning at this time of thenight.'我看不必在夜里这个时侯擦窗子吧。(1)句中I don't think ,当think 后接表示否定意思的宾语从句时,通常在 主句中使用否定形式,但译成汉语时否定意义
43、仍在宾语从句中(2)need cleaning的含义相当于 need to be cleaned 。 need 表示 需要”时,后面接的动名词有被动的含义,例如:My clothes needs washing.我的衣服需要洗了。at this time of 在 这个时候3. I looked down and nearly fell off the ladder .fall off 掉下,例如:At the very beginning of learning bicycle,I often fell off .一开始学骑车时,我总摔下来。4. I immediately regrette
44、d answering in the way I did.我立刻后悔不该那样回答。在regret后面可接动名词,也可接动词不定式,但表示的意思不一样。接动 名词是对已发生的事情表示后悔,而接动词不定式则是对现在要发生的事表示 抱歉。I regret posting the card.我后悔寄了那张卡片。I regret to post the card.我要去寄那张卡片,对此我感到抱歉。5. So do I, ' answered the policeman in the same tone.我也是的。这是接前面一句话 “I enjoy cleaning windows at nigh
45、t. ”当前面一句话的谓语也适用于后一句时,可用 so(肯定)或neither( 否定)开头,然后接倒 装语序。所以有 so do I, so can I, Neither do I,等等。tone n.新概念英语第二册课堂笔记第93课第93课A noble gift崇高的礼物1 . One of the most famous monuments in the world, theStatue of Liberty, was presented to by the people of France.世界上最著名的纪念碑之一的自由女神雕像是由法国人民赠送给 的。(1)one of 引导的短语(
46、其后面名词要用复数)与 the Statue of 为同位Othe people 通常指某个国家的人民,指复数的人们”时通常不用theHe denoted all himself to the people in his country.他把自己的一切都奉献给了人民。He never pays attention to what people say.他从不在乎人们会说什么。1.1 t took ten years to complete.take some time to do sth花费多少时间完成某事It will take me a whole day to download this
47、 software.下载这个软件要花费我一整天的时间。3 .The actual figure was made of copper这座雕像的主体是用铜制成的made of指用某种材料制成,并且原材料的性质或形状没变,从成品可以看出其原材料。be made from则指原材料的性质或形状已经改变,从成品不可以看出其原材料Chairs are made of woods.椅子是用木材作成的paper is made from woods and some other materials.纸是由木材和一些其他的材料制成的。4 .(1)运输词型相近的词transport 运输transfer 转移t
48、ranslation 翻译transmit传输信号(2)a site had to be found for ithave to do sth表示客观上需要做某事The war is going to break out, you have to leave that area.战争就要爆发了,你不得不离开哪个地区了。而must指主观上的感情色彩You must tidy your room everyday.你每天都要打扫你的房间。6 . By the end of October 1886, .(1)By the end of 至上。结束为止后面常用完成时By the end of the
49、 month, we have completed half of the salesplan of the whole year.到这个月底我们已经完成年度销售计划的一半。(2)put together 把.放到一起,与take .to pieces意思正好相反。比如说:You have to put all these books together, for it is so crowded here.你必须把这些书放在一起,因为这里太拥挤了。(3)be presented to sb.把什么送给某人7 .pass through 通过,强调从其中间通过They passed throug
50、h the forest at midnight, and metsomething strange.他们在午夜通过那个森林,碰见了一些其奇怪的事情,8 .to make their homes in America, 在美国安家落户。 make one'shome 表示定居“、居住”。Ian has left Englandand made his home in China.伊恩已离开英国,并在中国安了家。重要词组take some time to do sth花费多少时间完成某事made of 由作成(看得出质地)be made from 由.作成(看不出质地)have to d
51、o sth不得不做put together 把装配/组合起来by the end of到J。结束为止pass through通过实用文档新概念英语第二册课堂笔记第94课第94课Future champions 未来的冠军1 .Experiments have proved that children can be instructed inswimming at a very early age实验证明,儿童在很小的时候就可以开始学习游泳。be instructed in doing sth被引导做某事学习做某事Young boys are easily instructed in doing
52、 sth bad.小男孩彳艮容易被坏人引导去做坏事。instruct vt(1) 指导,教,传授: Dan instructs chemistry at a nearby college.丹在附近的一所学院教化学。(2) 指示,命令,吩咐:I've been instructed to take place of you.我奉命代替你的职位。2 .children become expert at holding their breath underwater even before they can walk. 孩子们甚至在还没有学会走路时就已经能熟练地在水下屏住呼吸了。expert表示 熟练者”、专家”,后面通常跟at/in+ doing sth .结构Tom soon becam
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