



1、翻译:Unit 11. Watching your baby being born is a mind-blowing experience(极其令人兴奋的经历).2. There is built-in storage space (内置储藏空间 )in all bedrooms.3. This handout focuses on self-protection measures (自我保护措施 )under difficult climatic conditions.4. I m sure we could offer you some short-term employment ( 短

2、期的工作 ).5. So, how is it that we all, or at least many of us, have such a distorted and negativeself-perception (歪曲的、否定的自我观念)?6. Helen Hunt stars as a character undergoing life-changing events ( 改变了生活的事件 )in Then She Found Me.7. She has written a book that is beautiful because of the honesty and the

3、raw emotion that is portrayed in all-encompassing details (无所不包的细节 ).8. Having a decent job contributes to _a good self-image ( 个好的自我形象 ).Unit 21. The best films are those that transcend national or cultural boundaries(超越国家或文化界限).2. The scheme has some tangible bene巾ts(一些实际优惠 )for the employees, inc

4、luding salary increases and shorter working hours.3. The effects of television on childhood socialization have been debated endlessly ( 被无休止地争论).4. She s the kind of woman who delights in pointing out other people s mistakes(以 指出别人的错误为乐).5. There was in his work a lack of sympathy with losers ( 对于失败

5、者的同情 ).6. Recent attempts to boost the economy have failed for reasons that can be barely articulated_(因为几乎说不清的原因).7. Financial Services will define a new era for online services (为在线服务开启新的时代)not only in the shipping industry but for other industries as well.8. Do you really think what I say will ma

6、tter to him ( 对他来说是重要的)?Unit 3 (没有)Unit 4I.The regions where a person grows up may have a subtle effect on_(可能会对产生微妙的影响 )his or her idea of typicality of certain items.2. Many sites on the Internet _provide free access to e-books (提供免费阅读电子书籍的机会).3. Business is in the midst of a sea change_( 正发生着巨变 )

7、when it comes to staffing and retaining superior talent.4. Since 1970, Green _ has been on the faculty of Harvard University一( 一直在哈佛任教 ), where he currently holds two named professorships.5. John is _a voracious book reader(如饥似渴的读者 )and participates in two monthly bookclubs.6. When your goal is in y

8、our conscious mind all the time, _you ll stay focused on it ( 你就会把心思全花在这上了).7. In all facets of community life, the media play a central role as the conduit for information (信息传递者 )and potentially a catalyst for activism and change.8. The rent was due, so your check came as an absolute godsend 你的支票真

9、是天赐之物)!9. I must have skipped a page, because I lost the thread of the story(我弄不清故事的脉络了).10. In the warm winter afternoon, she likes to stroll through elegant prose (徜徉在优美的散文中).Unit 51) It,s nothing serious- just a touch of indigestion (只是一点消化不良 ).2) _He did me a good turn(他帮了我大忙 )when he advised me

10、 not to sell my house - it s worth twice as much now.3) The witness s statements correspond with the available evidence (与现有证据相符 ).4) The toilets are almost always out of order (不能正常工作 ).5) _She was about to plunge into her story (她正要开始讲她的故事)when the phone rang.6) It is often the negative power I pe

11、rceive within myself that is _so difficult to account for,or control(很难解释或控制).7) The train arrived at 11.05 _to the minute_(分秒不差).8) you can do. without a carpet(没有地毯也行 ),but you ve got to have somewhere to sit.9) As far as starting a family is concerned (就成家来说),the trend is for women to havechildre

12、n later in life.10) He still stood behind his cash register while stuffing his mouth with popcorn ( _ 往嘴里 塞爆米花).Unit 61. Waters not an effective shield ( 水不是有效的遮挡物 )against the sun, s more harmful rays.2. Within minutes, the car was engulfed in flames ( 被火焰吞没 ).3. We must respect _.the rights of sov

13、ereign nations ( 主权国家的权禾 1 ) to conduct their own affairs.4. The company has completely _outpaced its rivals in the market (在市场上胜过他的竞争者).5. Theres no need to belabor the point _ (没有必要唠叨这点 )you don t need to keep reminding me.6. _She invoked several eminent scholars,她恳求几位有名的学者)to back up her argument

14、.7. Helicopters carried 300 women and children _from two embattled villages (从两个被围困的村庄).8. .According to the witnesss testimony ( 根据证人证词所示 ),you were present when the crime was committed.9. In spite of our best endeavors(虽然我们尽了最大努力),it has proven impossible tocontact her.10. After many trials and tr

15、ibulations ( 经过了 许多考验和磨难之后),we finally reached ourdestination.Unit 7 (没有)词汇:Unit 31 .After the first visit,I came home laden with flats B.loaded2 .The boy appeared fretful and D.anxious3 .The project disintegrated owing to A.broke up4 .This latest setback nothing to quell the C.reduce5 .The tools th

16、at the ancient extremely rudimentary. A.simple6.In most cases,that someone is eavesdropping.B.overhearing7 .Most patients derive enjoyment from leafing through C.skimming8 .Kids these days are very materialistic A.concerned with money9 .We dumped our bags at the B.put down10 .The only sounds were th

17、e distant ,melancholy cries of .C.unhappyUnit 4 (没有)Unit 51 .Many children will cling to a soft blanket C.keep to themselves2 .The eye is one of the most delicate organs C.fragile3 .Travelers came from distant lands D.remote4 .The train departs .B.leaves5 .There is often no clear distinction between

18、 C.difference1.1 t s almost inevitable that bond with B.tie7 .There are two main problems which afflict C.torture8 .Many persons in the vicinity D.neighborhood9 .The decision to leave haunts her.A.troubles10 .By this time living in a blue haze. C.mist11 .We looked a desolate landscape B.bleak12 .His

19、tory books the domestic lives of D.family13 .The baby monkey clasped its mother; s D.clutched14 .When you are ,mistakes are bound to happen.A.likely15 .They force the reader to dwell on what is B.think aboutUnit 616 Slavery was abolished in the United C.ended1.1 ll never be unfaithful solemn word.A.

20、serious3 .Do they observe Christmas Day C.celebrate4 .Nothing will quest for truth.A.search5 .Management has given a pledge that D.promise6 .These monuments are the cultural heritage of C.inheritance7 .Signing this form commits you B.obligates8 .The Social in alliance with D.union9 .The hot sunny da

21、ys were tempered by aA.softened10 .The room was converted from C.changed11 .He was found guilty of subversion B.sabotage12 .We are determined to eradicate racism A.get rid ofUnit 71 .The demonstration sparked a train of C.series2 .The farmers use an intricate system of B.complicated3 .The propositio

22、n that B.suggestion4 .The central 12-foot column is surmounted by D.topped5 .Her family in Minnesota was disgraced and B.humiliated6 .The wordsalehas been debased by C.devalued1.1 t is lamentable that C.disappointing8 .The company had the right to terminate A.end9 .The College Cafeteria,immediately

23、adjacent to B.next10 .We always endeavor to B.striveI had so worked upon my imagination as really to believe that about the whole mansion and domain there hung an atmosphere peculiar to themselves and their immediate vicinity an atmosphere which had no affinity with the air of heaven, but which had reeked up from the decayed trees, and the grey wall, and the silent tarn a pestilent and mys


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