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1、完整的作文完整的作文如何写作四种常用文体的作文如何写作四种常用文体的作文 完整的作文 写作步骤 总体规划 提纲类型 打初稿 修订初稿 定稿 组织结构 文章类型写作步骤 1总体规划 写作犹如盖房,建筑工人通常在动工前手头都有蓝图并准备好了足够的材料。习作者也应事先有个规划,同时要收集足够的资料,然后再下笔。 有了写作题目后,我们应首先考虑与题目有关的各个方面,随想随记,不必在意先后次序。与此同时,还要想想文章选什么主题为好。主题确定后,要重新审查列好的清单,删去与之无关或意义不大的细目,然后把剩下的顺序重新排列,写出一个提纲。 比如说作文题目是校图书馆,大家可能首先想到并写出以下几条: A la

2、rge number of useful books All kinds of dictionaries and reference books The reading-rooms spacious and quiet Newspapers and magazines The librarians patient and helpful Closed on Sundays and holidays Very crowded in the evening Students leave books on chairs to reserve seats Very few newspapers fro

3、m abroad Students are not allowed to take schoolbags into the First Reading-Room Seniors would not be able to write their graduation papers without using the library Teachers go to the library frequently 作文的主题可能是: (1) The library is a nice place to work in. (2) The library plays a very important par

4、t in a students life. (3) The work of the library needs improvement. 如果我们选定(2)为主题,在重新审查上面的清单时,就会发现有的细目与主题无关或不十分重要,删去这些部分后,就可以准备提纲了: 题目:The School Library 主题:The library plays a very important part in a students life. 提纲: I.A student has to borrow books from the library. A.He needs reference books fo

5、r his elective courses. B.He may want to read novels, stories and plays. II.He reads newspapers and magazines in the library. A.Many new magazines are on display in the First Reading-Room. B.There are newspapers from all provinces. C.Back numbers may be borrowed at the counter. III.He needs the libr

6、ary all the more in his junior and senior years. A.The library provides him with books for his research. B.He would not be able to write his graduation paper without using the library.请描写某人,他/她可能是:一本书、一部电影或一个电视节目中的人物,也可以是你自己。字数不限,请按照本期的方法来构思提纲完成作文。Ex. Todays Recommend: I want to speak up for mothers

7、 who are fighting for good schools, safe neighborhoods, clean air, and clean airwaves; for older women, some of them widows, who have raised their families and now find their skills and life experiences are not valued in the workplace; for women who are working all night as nurses, hotel clerks, and

8、 fast food cooks so that they can be at home during the day with their kids; and for women everywhere who simply don抰 have time to do everything they are called upon to do each day. Speaking to you today, I speak for them, just as each of us speaks for women around the world who are denied the chanc

9、e to go to school, or see a doctor, or own property, or have a say about the direction of their lives, simply because they are women. The truth is that most women around the world work both inside and outside the home, usually by necessity. -Hillary Rodham Clinton 主题(中心思想) I简介 II主要观点 A从属观点 B从属观点 1.阐

10、明观点的细节 2.阐明观点的细节 a.实例1 b.实例22. 提纲类型上一期的提纲将作文的中心思想分成若干部分,每一部分由若干段落组成。英文提纲一般按罗马数字、阿拉伯数字以及英文字母排列: III主要观点 A从属观点 B从属观点 1.阐明观点的细节 2.阐明观点的细节 3.阐明观点的细节 C从属观点 IV结论 常见的提纲有两种(Page 139):题目式提纲和句子式提纲。题目式提纲由名词及其修饰语组成,或由与名词作用相当的动名词短语、动词不定式短语组成;句子式提纲则由完整的句子组成。前者简单明了,后者比较详细。 另外,写提纲时以下几点值得注意: (1)不要列单一的分项。如果提纲中有I,则下面至

11、少还有II;如果有A,则必有B,以此类推。 (2)不要混合使用两种提纲。在同一提纲中不要既用短语又用句子。 (3)同一等级的标题要用相同的结构表示。大标题下的小标题不但应该同等重要,而且要与大标题有关联,并按逻辑顺序排列。 (4)主题应该用完整句;用肯定陈述句而不是疑问句,也不要用短语或从句。 Todays Recommend: One day thirty years ago Marseilles lay in the burning sun. A blazing sun upon a fierce August day was no greater rarity in southern F

12、rance than at any other time before or since. Everything in Marseilles and about Marseilles had stared at the fervid sun, and been stared at in return, until a staring habit had become universal there. Strangers were stared out of countenance by staring white houses, staring white streets, staring t

13、racts of arid road, staring hills from which verdure was burnt away. The only things to be seen not fixedly staring and glaring were the vines drooping under their loads of grapes. These did occasionally wind a little, as the hot air barely moved their faint leaves. -节选自Charles Dickens A Summer Day

14、打初稿 修订初稿 定稿Page141-143二组织结构 1.原则 一篇作文大多包括几个段落,每一段落都有其中心思想。安排段落大有讲究,段落之间的过渡应该自然,各段衔接起来应该成为一个有机整体,如何安排则取决于文章的内容或类型。办法之一是按照观点的重要性来排列,把次要的放在前面,最重要的放在最后面,也就是用递进的方法使文章在高潮中结束。 写文章犹如绘画,掌握比例极为重要。主要的观点、论据应多着笔墨。文章最主要的部分是中间的正文,这部分占全文的十分之七八左右较为适宜。开头和结尾的段落固然也重要,但应该写的简短些。 2.开篇 写文章时,开篇往往是最难的。作者必须想好从何处说起,再向何处展开。文章的开

15、头并非千篇一律。此处因篇幅所限,仅列出以下几种可行的手法,但所有的段落都可以用来作为论述1941年希特勒对苏联的侵略的开篇。 (1)使用统计数字: The attack on the Soviet Union was the largest and fiercest of all that Hitler had launched. He threw in 190 divisions, 3000 tanks, over 5000 planes, and altogether 5.5 million men. (2)使用问句: What made Hitler decide to leave Br

16、itain for the time being and turn east to attack the Soviet Union? What made him so sure of a quick victory in that vast country where Napoleon had lost almost all his troops? (3)叙述事件发生的时间和地点: On the morning of June 22, 1941, along the entire 1 800-kilometer-long Soviet frontier, from the Baltic to

17、the Black Sea, the fascist German forces attacked. 3.结尾 文章的结尾很重要,因为这部分给读者的印象最深。结尾段落主要是重申或总结讨论过的要点,不再提出心得观点或问题。收尾部分应内容充实,简短有力,应能画龙点睛,发人深省。 开头和结尾段落往往可以互相呼应。比如,在开头的段落提出一个问题,在结尾的段落给出答案。 Todays Recommend: I was saved from sin when I was going on thirteen. But not really saved. It happened like this. Ther

18、e was a big revival at my Auntie Reeds church. Every night for weeks there had been much preaching, singing, praying and shouting, and some very hardened sinners had been brought to Christ, and the membership of the church had grown by leaps and bounds. Then just before the revival ended, they held

19、a special meeting for children, to bring the young lambs to the fold. My aunt spoke of it for days ahead. That night I was escorted to the front row and placed in the mourners bench with all the other young sinners, who had not yet been brought to Jesus. -选自Langston Hughes Salvation,为该文的开头第一段。 文体,即文

20、章体裁,是按不同的表达方式划分的文章类型。常用的文体有四种:记叙文、描写文、说明文和议论文。每种文体各有特色。但实际上,很少有纯粹属于哪一类体裁的文章。 文章类型一、描写文(一、描写文(description) 描写就是用形象生动的语言把人、事、物、景刻画出来,使它们的形象得以再现,让读者如见其人、如闻其声、如临其境。它是用富有表现力的文字描绘客观事物的一种表现形式。运用描写,可以展现地域、环境、自然景物的画面;也可以形神兼备地展示动植物的神态;还可以绘声绘色地表现人物的外貌、个性、行为和心理等。作者将自己所感受到的事物通过语言文字传达出来,期望能感染读者,给读者留下深刻的印象。 1描写文写作

21、的注意事项描写文写作的注意事项 总体来说,我们在进行描写文写作时,主要应注意以下几点: 第一,要选择恰当的描写角度。 第二,描写必须形象逼真。 第三,所有细节的描写要为文章的中心 服务。 2描写文的分类描写文的分类 描写的方法多种多样,根据描写的对象不同,我们通常将描写文分为三类:人物描写、景物描写和场面(地方、情景)描写。 (1)人物描写 描写人物时,我们可以描写人物的外貌特征、穿着打扮、语言行为,还可以描写心理活动等。关键是要抓住人物的典型特征和与众不同之处,展示人物独特的性格特征和思想感情,塑造栩栩如生的人物形象。 人物外貌特征描写: Here come four of them. Su

22、e has blonde hair with a wispy (小束状的)fringe(刘海).She has a beauty spot on her cheek and a pointed chin. John is lightly tanned(晒黑)with wavy light yellow hair and a roman nose(高鼻梁). He has stubble(短茬发),a double chin and wears half moon spectacles. Kaori has straight shoulder-length hair, a side partin

23、g(偏分)and a short fringe. She has dark brown eyes and high cheek bones. Eduardo is a clean-shaven with gray hair and a receding hairline. He has a small scar on his jaw and a dimple(酒窝)in his chin. They are all good friends. 人物心理活动描写: A girl was coming toward him. Her figure was long and slim; her bl

24、ond hair lay back in curls over her delicate ears. Her eyes were as blue as flowers, her lips and chin had a gentle firmness. In her pale-green suit, she was like springtime come alive. He felt as though he were being split into two, so keen was his desire to follow the girl, yet so deep was his lon

25、ging for the woman whose spirit has truly companioned and upheld his own; and there she stood. He could see her pale, plump face was gentle and sensible; her gray eyes had a warm winkle. He did not hesitate. His fingers gripped the worn copy of Human Bondage which was to identify him to. This would

26、not be love, but it would be something precious, a friendship for which he had been and must ever be grateful (2)景物描写 景物描写有动态和静态之分。描写时同样必须抓住其特征。同时还要明确景物描写的目的。 不包含作者主观感情色彩的例子: My HometownMy hometown, Suzhou, is a beautiful city. It is already more than 2500 years old. The countless small bridges and

27、rivers may be the first things to catch your attention when you visit it. The rivers are all less than ten meters wide and they wind their ways around the entire city. The bridges over the rivers are pure white. Some of them are really high and some are just above the water. Traditional wooden house

28、s are built along the rivers and the cobbled roads stretch to them city is quiet and peaceful. There are also some delicate parks where one would find small ponds spotted with water-lilies and trees sheltering quiet paths. Visitors from all over the country come to visit these parks. I am proud of m

29、y home town. 富含感情色彩的例子: Autumn It is autumn. The sky is clear and cloudless. The summer heat is gone. The autumn wind brings up cool. At once the version comes to my mind. The laurel trees(月桂树)give off fragrance. The perfume makes its way straight into my nose. The bright red cannas(美人蕉)are standing

30、 behind rows of tall plane trees. I am waiting for their leaves to turn yellow. Then I can trample on the fallen leaves on both sides of the ground. At times the autumn rain keeps falling silently on the trees, flowers and the ground. It washes everything clean. When the sun comes out, the droplets

31、shine bright on the yellow leaves. What a beautiful painting! Autumn is the season for harvest; no pains, no gains. I must study hard so that I can have a big harvest in all my subjects. (3)场面描写场面的描写指对一个特定场所的描写或一个特定的时间和地点内人物活动的场所背景的描写。 A Market Scene Afternoon is a very busy time in the market which

32、 is only a couple of blocks away from my house. The whole place was full of people when I last visited it a week ago. I arrived at about four oclock in the afternoon and found big crowds of people jostling with each other in front of stalls. Everywhere people were buying, selling, bargaining. Some l

33、ooked very pleased with themselves, having made a good bargain. I could hear all kinds of noises in the market. Hawkers shouted to attract would be customers while patient vegetable vendors stood bargaining and haggling prices with customers. The meat stall was doing a roaring business. The fat man

34、in charge just kept on cutting out pieces of meat to the amounts the customers asked for. Eventually I arrived at a clearing place where there was an old man playing the violin. Beside the man was a red cap. The monkey was going through various antics on a stand. It was a big attraction for children

35、. 而在另一方面,描写按性质可分为主观描写和客观描写。 二、记叙文(二、记叙文(narration) 记叙文是以写人、叙事、绘景为主要内容,以记叙为主要表达方式的一种文体。记叙的内容可以实写,也可以虚写。记叙文的范围很广,故事、传记、历史事件、新闻通讯、报告文学、游记、参观记、访问记、回忆录、寓言等,都属于广义的记叙文的范畴。但大学英语考试中的记叙文写作主要限定在狭义的范畴里,即强调叙述真实的人物和具体的事物。记叙可长可短;可用第一人称,也可用第三人称等。但记叙文通常都包含时间、地点、人物、事件、原因、结果等6大要素。 1.记叙文写作的要领记叙文写作的要领在进行记叙文写作时,我们要注意以下几点

36、:(1)要有明确的中心思想。(2)要有恰当的叙事角度。(3)要恰当选择细节。(4)要有明确的情景,叙述清楚,条理清晰。一般地说,我们应该在记叙文开头就交待清楚与事件有关的人物、时间、地点和起因,进而讲述事件的经过和结局,这正是记叙文的六大要素,即:5W和1H: when, where, who, what, why, and how。(5)要合理布局全文。 2常用记叙的方式常用记叙的方式 记叙的方式多种多样,有顺叙、倒叙、插叙、概括叙述、具体叙述和夹叙夹议6种。在这里,我们只谈论前3种最常用的叙述方式。 (1)顺叙)顺叙 顺叙就是按照事件发生、发展、高潮、结局的自然先后顺序进行叙述,或以时间来

37、推移,地点的前后变化,人物出现的先后次序来叙述。 My First Weekend at College After one weeks study, I get my first weekend at college. This weekend was very wonderful for we had our first classmates meeting. At about 7:30 am., I went out of the dormitory and set off for the school dining hallGuixiangyuan, where one of my c

38、lassmates and I ordered whatever wed like to eat. There we met each other and then we went together to the classmates meeting placeWuhan University. It took us ten minutes to walk there. When we arrived, I saw many classmates waiting there, who all looked very happy to see us, and I felt happy, too.

39、 I missed them very much for I hadnt seen them for four months. At about 9:30 am., we set off for our destinationthe East Lake. There we saw many interesting things and enjoyed many beautiful views. About one hour later, we went boating. We were divided into three groups and ordered three boats. The

40、n we began boating in the lake. It rained a little that day, which made us feel more romantic. At noon, we had a picnic in the park. After lunch we had a walk in it, enjoying the beautiful scenes. And at about 5:00 pm., we went back to Central China Normal University. All of us felt so happy that we

41、re all eager to have our next meeting. The Wisdom of a Poor Man One day a poor man tied his horse to a tree and sat down for a rest. A proud rich man, who was passing by, saw the poor man and also decided to take a rest. So he began tying his horse to the same tree. “Dont tie your horse to that tree

42、!” shouted the poor man. “My horse is wild, it will kill yours. Tie your horse to some other tree.” But the rich man answered proudly, “Ill tie my horse where I wish!” And he tied his horse to the same tree. Then he sat down and began to eat his dinner. Suddenly they heard a terrible noise. This mad

43、e both men jump to their feet. The horses were fighting! The two men ran up to stop them, but it was late. The rich man saw that his poor animal was already dead. Then the rich man got very angry. “You will have to pay for my horse!” he shouted. Then he forced the poor man to go with him to the judg

44、e and he said, “This mans horse has killed mine. Put the man in prison and dont let him out until he pays for my horse. ” “Is that true?” asked the judge, turning to the poor man. “Has your horse really killed his?” But the poor man was silent. The judge asked a lot of other questions. But the poor

45、man did not answer any of them. At last the judge said, “The poor man cant speak.” “Oh, sir,” said the rich man to the judge, “This poor peasant can talk just as well as you and I. He spoke to me very well there on the road.” “Are you sure?” asked the judge in surprise. “What did he say?” “He told m

46、e not to tie my horse to that tree, because his horse would kill mine. He advised me to tie my horse to some other tree.” “Ah,” said the judge. “Now I see. So you think your horse must be paid for, do you? Why didnt you do as you were told? Why didnt you take better care of your horse?” Then the jud

47、ge asked the poor man, “Why didnt you answer my questions?” “I wanted to make him tell you the whole story himself.” explained the poor man. The judge liked the poor mans answer and praised him for his wisdom. So the poor man went away. The rich man did not get any money. (2)倒叙)倒叙 倒叙就是把事件的结局或文章中最精彩的

48、高潮片断提前到文章开头写,然后再按事件发展的自然顺序叙述。有时候则是以目前所见的事物开始,再追忆从前的往事。 The Tragedy of Titanic On April 15th, 1912, the Titanic, the largest ship in the world, which was thought to be unsinkable, struck an iceberg off Newfoundland and sank in the early morning darkness, drowning more than 2200 lives. The luxury line

49、r was making the first Atlantic voyage from England to New York when the tragedy occurred. Of the 3000 people aboard, only about 700 persons were saved. Millions of dollars in jewelry and furs went down with the ship. Earlier in the night the captain of the ship had been warned that there were icebe

50、rgs in the area. As the big liner sped on through the darkness, heading swiftly toward its destiny, the warning was apparently ignored. At 11:40 p.m. the Titanic, a man-made giant, rammed against the white, silent giant of nature and sank down into the deep dark sea in two and one half hours. Never

51、will the whole world forget that tragic event. (3)插叙)插叙 插叙就是在叙述过程中,由于某种需要暂时中断原有的叙述线索,插进有关的另一件事情,之后再回到原来的中心事件上。 An Experience That Changed My Life When I was sixteen, I overheard a conversation between my mother and father that changed my life. On this particular day I had stayed home from school bec

52、ause of an attack of asthma that I frequently suffered. While resting in my bedroom, I could overhear my parents discussing my illness. “I wonder if asthma is inherited,” my mother said, “No one in my family or in yours has ever had it. Tom must have inherited it from his mother and father.” “From h

53、is mother and father!” I couldnt believe my ears. Werent those two people in the living room my mother and father? If they were not, then who were my parents? Suddenly I realized what they had meant. I was adopted. That night I could hardly sleep, shaken by what I had heard. The next morning I confr

54、onted my parents with the words I had overheard and demanded to know the truth. They looked nervously at each other, trying to find the words to answer me. Finally, my mother told me the story. My real parents were unmarried, and I had been put up for adoption shortly after my birth. Their present w

55、hereabouts were unknown. My adoptive parents had been unable to have children of their own, and the adoption agency awarded me to them when I was two months old. For a few weeks I was confused in my feelings. I wondered what my real mother and father looked like, what their occupations were, and eve

56、n such little things as what they did for hobbies and entertainment. But little by little, my attitude and thoughts changed. I began to appreciate my parents in a new and powerful way when I saw the ways in which they had to economize by skipping a vocation or driving an old car, I realize the sacri

57、fices they had made for me. The shock I experienced that night when I heard that conversation was soon replaced by an increased love and admiration for the two important persons in my life: my mother and dad. 一般来说,插叙有3种形式: (1)补叙:补充叙述中所缺的段落。在叙述中先隐藏某些重要内容或情节,形成悬念,让读者去思考,直到事件发生后再做补充说明。 (2)追叙:追忆过去的事件,通常

58、用来说明事件的由来,丰富文章的内容。 (3)分叙:又叫平叙,就是同时叙述同一时间内不同地点发生的几件事。分叙通常是先叙述一件事,再叙述另一件事。 Shopping for Clothes Bob and Don go to the same university. They both needed some new clothes for school and decided to go shopping together in the new department store. Don had to get some shirts and Bob wanted to get a sweate

59、r. While Don went to the shirt department, Bob went to buy his sweater. It only took Don a few minutes to select his shirts, and then he went to the sweater department to meet his friend. Bob tried every sweater in his size, but none of them looked good on him. The salesman said that he would have s

60、ome more sweaters in a few days, and Bob said he would come back then. 3记叙线索的设计记叙线索的设计 一般来说,记叙的线索可以有以下5种: (1)以时间为线索,按时间的顺序展开。 A Busy Day I still remember the busiest day I have ever experienced. It was Oct. 9th. Quite early on the morning, the clock clicked on, and it woke me up from my beautiful dr


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