1、商务英语沟通与技巧整体教学活动实施计划学 时 64 适用专业 工商企业管理 国际金融 任课教师 袁 长 征 开 封 大 学 二0一 0 年 七 月商务英语沟通与技巧课程简介课程的教学目的:本课程的开设的目的是引导学习者在有一定的普通英语的基础上,学习商务英语的语言知识(包括商务词汇、商务惯用表达等)和 国际商务基础知识(包括国际贸易、国际市场营销、人力资源管理、国际商务文秘、国际商务文化等)培养其在国际商务背景下,为完成特定的商务任务而运用商务英语进行交际的能力和处理简单国际商务业务的技能。 课程开设的对象:商务英语分为 1-3 个级别,课程开始的对象高职高专商务英语专业的学生,商务英语 1
2、还可以作为应用英语、国际商务文秘等专业的基础课程。 课程涵盖的内容:本课程涵盖的内容有三个模块:一是商务英语的专业语言知识,包括商务英语的专业词汇、术语、惯用表达和常用的商务文体; 二是基础国际商务知识,包括国际贸易、国际市场营销、人力资源管理、国际商务文秘、国际商务文化等;三是国际能力, 即运用商务英语在商务背景下为完成商务任务而进行有效交际的能力。 教学指导理论:本课程所采用的指导理论主要有:1)建构主义-让学习者在自我探索和实践中掌握知识、 提高技能。 2) 交际理论:让学习者在比较正式的语用环境中,运用语言为达到某一真实的目的而进行交际,培养交际能力。 教学方法:本课程采用的教学方法有
3、项目教学法、任务教学法、交际教学法、案例教学法等。 教学模式:在教学模式上,我们在国内外先进的教学模式基础上探索出一个针对高职高专学生的“ADA” (Acquiring/Applying-Displaying -Assessing/ Amending)商务英语教学模式。Acquiring指学生在教师的引导下,通过课堂、活动、调研等,自主学习、“获取”商务英语语言知识、基础商务知识以及基础业务操作技能; Applying 指学生以项目小组的形式,在较为真实、自然的商务环境中,为完成特定的商务任务、达到特定的目的,“运用”获得的语言知识、基础商务知识、基本技能,进行具体的操作和实践;Display
4、ing 把在公司、企业、市场等商务环境中的实践情况、任务完成结果等用报告或 PPT 的形式在课堂上“展示” ;Assessing 老师、学生对“展示”进行“评估” ;Amending 在评估的基础上对项目小组任务完成中不完善的地方进行“修正” 。 课程教材:课程使用最新的、原汁原味的自编教材商务英语沟通与技巧根据我国高职高专学生和我国现代企业发展的特点,目前,我院正在编写商务管理概论教材,计划在 2009 年7 月由北京大学出版社正式出版发行。 课程教师:课程拥有一个专业知识扎实,实践经验丰富,结构合理的“双师型”教学队伍。商务英语沟通与技巧教学大纲简介商务英语沟通与技巧是一门以商务技能为主,
5、语言技能为基础的融实践性、 交际性为一体的课程。它以大量而真实的语言素材为载体,突出讲授在特定的商务环境中如何运用英语来处理相关的商务问题,并培养学生的商务操作、沟通技能。 本课程的本课程的最终目标是培养学生在一定工作环境中运用语言进行交际的能力。即通过英语听、说、读、写译等基本技能的综合训练,培养学生的国际商务沟通能力.课程双语教学,本课程突出操作,同时讲述商务沟通方面的基本知识、基本方法,获得商务沟通成功的技巧,可能遇到的问题及解决方法。主要内容包括:商务沟通概论、口头交流倾听、非语言沟通、电话沟通、工作面谈和求职面谈、演讲、群体沟通、组织和参加会议、视觉辅助手段、商务信函、商务报告、视图
6、交流、商务礼仪、跨文化交流。根据本课程教学的实践经验,本课程除了统一采用多媒体课件进行教学外,根据实践要求,在教学方式方法加入了情景再现、角色扮演、户外拓展、卡耐基口才训练、小组讨论、实例分析、真实企业管理及商务沟通活动组织中的色角扮演体验等教学方式,促进学生在管理领域沟通技巧的提升。教学设计在设计商务英语课程的教学时,我们非常重视研究性、探索性和协作性学习等现代教育理念在教学中的应用。该课程分为英语语言知识和商务知识的传授, 学生在商务活动背景下的语言交际能力和商务活动技能的培养两个部分。在设计教学时,我们在国内外先进的教学模式基础上探索出一个针对高职高专学生的“ADA” (Acquirin
7、g/Applying-Displaying-Assessing/Amending)商务英语教学模式。并根据该课程的具体特点以及学生的反馈情况形成了一套详细、完整的课程评估体系。 教学方法“商务英语”课程不仅要传授英语语言知识和商务理论知识,还要培养学生在商务活动背景下的语言交际能力和商务活动技巧。在教学中我们主要采用ADA教学模式和项目教学法、任务教学法、案例教学法和交际法。这些方法主要充分体现了协作式、探究式的学习方式,教学方式以分组形式为主。在实践项目的完成过程中,学生需到企业、生产中进行大量的实际调查和查阅大量的资料。实践教学实践教学是商务英语课程教学的重要组成部分。我们为学生提供了全方
8、位的现代 化的实践教学条件,例如:集语音室和网络功能于一体的数字语言实验室、仿真的实训中心、“商务英语”资源库、现代化数字校园网等。对教学和学生的自主学习起到了很大作用。三大实践教学平台:校内商务沟通实训室(中心)、商务实习基地(开封市商务局)、项目、会展服务实践教学内容:-实践教学项目 (实践教学大纲)实践教学的目的是让学生在较为真实的商务背景中,完成较为真实的任务和项目,培养学生的实践操作知识、提高实践操作技巧和能力。在商务英语课程教学中,我们根据教学要求和目的,对教学中涉及不同的内容和模块,设计实践项目。实践教学方法-交际教学法、项目教学法、案例教学法和任务教学法的应用 交际教学法 交际
9、法是以语言功能项目为纲、着重培养交际能力的教学方法。该教学法重视学生语言交际能力的培养。强调课堂教学以学生为主,教师充当交际过程的组织者与监控者,要求教师以学生的需要作为教学目标,为学生提供和创造真实的交际情景,组织学生开展交际活动,使他们能主动地、自由地运用语言。 在商务英语的实际教学中,交际教学法是最常用的方法。例如,在第五单元“商务谈判”这一小节的教学过程中,教师在教会学生商务谈判的基础英语知识、商务谈判的技巧和谈判中经常使用的一些习惯用语和表达法后,让学生自由组合成个小组,每个项目由两个小组参与谈判,分别代表商务谈判的双方,然后根据教师设计的商务情景, 运用所学的谈判知识,进行一场模拟
10、商务谈判。在谈判的 过程中,教师不参与谈判,只起监督和指导的作用。在谈判结束后,教师对各小组的表现进行评估,指出各小组在活动中存在的不足,以便学生在今后的学习中加以改进和提高。 以上交际教学法的使用, 既可以让学生学会商务谈判的基础知识和技巧,又让学生在相对真实的商务情景中充分应用了所学的知识, 达到了商务英语课程的向学生传授商务理论知识以及培养学生在商务活动背景下的语言交际能力的教学目的。 项目教学法 项目教学是指教师将项目以需要解决的问题或需要完成的任务的方式交给学生, 并指导学生按照实际工作的完整程序,完成信息资料的收集、项目的决策、项目的实施、成果的展示以及项目成果的评估和总结的过程。
11、 在该教学法的实践教学过程中, 教师通常给学生设计一些较为真实的包含一系列相关任务的商务项目,让学生以项目小组的形式到公司、企业、市场进行调查或考察,收集相关的资料,再分析、整理,写出商务报告或者做出商务计划或方案,最后在课堂上作商务演示并回答听众提出的相关问题。 比如,在教授“公司结构”这一单元时,教师可以把全班学生分成 6 个小组,设计一个以公司结构为主题的项目,要求学生以小组为单位,选择一家国内的公司和一家跨国公司,调查这两家公司的公司结构,收集关于两家公司结构的所有资料,对两家公司的结构设置进行分析,指出它们的优点和缺点,然后写出商务报告,并做成 PPT演示课件,在课堂上做演示。最后,
12、教师和学生共同完成对项 目的评估和总结。 项目教学法的应用,可以充分调动学生的学习主动性,提高学生自主学习和运用专业知识完成任务的能力,培养了他们的团队合作精神。 案例教学法 案例教学法是指通过对一个含有问题在内的具体教学情境的描述, 引导学生对这些特殊情况进行讨论分析,并找出解决方法的教学方法。案例教学的目的主要是培养学生的分析能力、进行辩论和批判性思维的能力以及协调和沟通能力。 案例教学把培养学生能力放在比获得知识更重要的位置,因为学生在学校所获得的知识会随着时间的推移而过时, 而学习到的解决实际情况的能力却可让学生受益终身。案例教学使用的材料是案例。案例是对一个真实情景的描述,这个情景中
13、包含一定的思考题,要求学生思考、分析、消化、吸收。案例教学的过程是学生之间的讨论和辩论。教师提供一些源于实际、具有研讨和争论的空间、描述的情境与当今面对的环境有一定联系的案例。学生通过查找资料分析案例,培养自学、分析能力;通过讨论和阐述,培养沟通能力、团队精神;通过撰写案例报告,培养英语写作能力。 例如,在学习“管理与多元文化”这一单元时,教师可以设计出这样一个案例:某在华跨国公司的员工来自多个国家,有着迥然不同的、复杂的文化背景和宗教信仰。某天,文化差异导致了一起员工之间的严重纠纷。作为公司的管理层,你应该怎样去解决这次纠纷。然后让学生以小组为单位,自主查找资料,分析案例,最后撰写出案例报告
14、。大量的教学实践表明,案例教学法非常适合本课程的教学,为培养学生的自学能力、分析能力和写作能力起到了明显的作用。 任务教学法 任务型教学(task-based language teaching)是二十世纪八十年代末兴起的一种“做中学”的语言教学方法,旨在把语言教学真实化,把课堂社会化,把语言学习的注意力集中在意义而非形式上。任务型教学强调“做中学以及学中做” 。外语教学中的任务原指语言课堂上的练习,现在通常指以真实世界为参照、以形成语言意义为主旨的活动。Nunan认为,任务是一项要求学习者用目的语进行理解处理生成互动的课堂作业。Nunan 创造性地将任务分为两类,一是“真实世界的任务”或“目
15、标任务”(real-world tasks or target tasks);一是“教学任务”(pedagogical tasks),它未必直接反映客观实际的任务,只限于在一定的教育环境中运用。Skehan 认为,任务包括五个特征:(1)意义至上;(2)有问题需通过交流加以解决;(3)与现实生活息息相关;(4)完成任务优先;(5)对任务的评价是看任务完成的结果。 商务英语的教学目的就是让学习者在学习商务英语语言和国际商务业务基础知识的同时,培养在较为真实的国际商务环境中运用国际商务交际技巧完成商务任务的技能。考虑到商务英语的特点,我们可以采用任务教学法,因为它可以强调语言、以学习者为中心、学习
16、过程;既可以注重结果,也可以注重过程;既注重准确性,又注重流利性。基于中国学生的基础英语能力、英语学习背景等实际情况,商务英语教学要求教学既要注重学习的结果,也要注重学习过程;既注重语言的准确性,又要注重语言的流利性,而任务教学法在商务英语教学中的应用可以满足这一要求。Chapter1 Business Communication. Aims RequirementsCommunication skills are a critical element in delivering effective training .Teachers must be able to use a variet
17、y of communication techniques in order to create an environment that enables participants to engage actively in the learning process.n To understand what communication is;n To explore the use of words, tone of voice, and body language in communicationn Learn techniques to manage and ensure proper co
18、mmunication. n To know the major purpose of communicationn What are the four levels of communication n To compare the communication flows in organization. ContentsIntroduction(In what ways do animals communicate? The ways of animal communication .The ways and purposes of animal communication? Basics
19、 of human communication )Why should we learn the course?How to learn the course?The definition of communication and business communicationCommunication goalsCommunication processLevels and types of communicationCommunication barriers . Focuses Difficulties Communication process Communication skillsO
20、vercoming the communication barriers. Teaching StepsStep 1 Brief IntroductionCommunication is a vital part of our daily routines. We sit in school and listen to teachers. We read books and magazines. We talk to friends, watch television, and communicate over the Internet. The workplace is no differe
21、nt. Experts tell us that 7080 percent of our working time is spent in some kind of communication. Were reading and writing memos, listening to our coworkers, or having one-to-one conversations with our supervisors. 1. Why should we learn the course?Human communication is as old as mankindNeeds and P
22、urposes for CommunicationMaslows hierarchy of needs2. How to learn the courseReading and understanding, presentation, pair work or group workerStep 2 whats communication? Whats business communication? Can you find a Chinese equivalent to the English word “communication”? Probably some of you have ci
23、rcled the first, others the second, and still others the first three and so on. In Chinese mainland, all are used to translate the word. 沟通is preferred in the field of communication. 交流is basically used by people with psychological background. 交际is mostly used by people with linguistic background, a
24、lthough its usage is not confined to the field of linguistics. So we use 跨文化交际for intercultural communication. But some people also use 沟通 or 交流.To understand intercultural communication and business communication, we must first understand human communication. Understanding the human communication p
25、rocess means knowing what happens when people interact, why it happens, the effects of what happens, and finally what we can do to influence and maximize the result of a particular communication event.1. Human communication is as old as mankindAt first humankind did not have languages, so how did hu
26、mans communication?l Facial expressions, exclamations, and noises were used to communicate. (100,000 years ago)l Cave paintings were done to record life. (discovered in Australia 30,000 years ago)l
27、160; A speakable language that caused people to communicate verbally began to evolve. (20,000 years ago)l The use of symbols and script to communicate began to evolve. (5,000 years ago)So now the question can be asked is, what was the motivation that made people s
28、tarted to communicate. The answer can be found a review of the respected work of Abraham Maslow and his hierarchy of needs.2. Needs and Purposes for CommunicationOne much used version of needs is that of Abraham Maslow, in which he describes people as being driven by sets of needs in a hierarchy, fr
29、om the most basic at the bottom to the most refined at the peak of a triangle.Basic needs are about foods, shelter, and sex. Just above that come the needs of safety-having a roof over ones head and knowing that one belongs to some group such as family. Then there are social needs for things like lo
30、ve and friendship, which urge us into relationship. These are followed by ego and esteem needs, which are about us as individuals wanting self-respect, recognition, and even power. Finally, at the top of the triangle comes the most sophisticated need-for self actualization. This is about self fulfil
31、lment, about finding and being oneself.While Maslows hierarchy of needs is a useful tool, caution should be exercised in employing it in an intercultural setting. The hierarchy is a theory based on Western behavior and has not been proven applicable t non-Western or developing countries. For instanc
32、e, dominant values may clash with the pragmatic idea that you have to be able to buy food before buying a refrigerator to keep the food fresh. Some cultures (for example, Hindu) encourage needs of self-realization imply material consumption. The need for safety (shelter and basic personal protection
33、) is not satisfied according to the same criteria in different cultures.Thus one of the basic axioms of Maslows theory-that needs must be satisfied at a particular level in order that the needs higher up the hierarchy may appear-is not true from an intercultural point of view. In many Third World co
34、untries one may deprive oneself of food so as to be able to buy a refrigerator, thereby replacing status and self-esteem.Generally speaking, purpose related to needs in that our purpose is what we intend to get done through communication. In other words, we have needs, which communication can help t
35、o satisfy. 3. The following is a described list of common purpose and needs of communicating.(1) SurvivalWe communicate to survival. For example, we found communicate in order to rent a flat (shelter). If we felt ourselves in physical danger, we would also communicate with others to try to get help.
36、(2) Co-operationWe communicate in order to work with others. It is obvious that our need to form social groups actually comes from our need to co-operate with each other in order to survive. Organize groups of people in any society work together to provide basic needs and also less basic needs.(3) P
37、ersonal needsWe communicate to satisfy personal needs. We have a personal need to fell secure within ourselves. This leads to other needs-to have a good opinion of ourselves, to feel that we are wanted and valued by other people. These personal needs are behind acts of communication such as dressing
38、 in the right way for an occasion, having a cry on somebodys shoulder, or giving people presents.(4)RelationshipsWe communicate to be involved with other people, to form and maintain relationship. This could be in terms of number (pairs of groups); in terms of what binds those involved (friendship o
39、r love); and in terms of what description we may give the involvement (family or social club).(5)PersuasionWe communicate to persuade other people in the way that we do or to act in the way what we do. The most obvious example of this is advertising. The advertiser intends to persuade a certain cate
40、gory of people-car owners or old age pensioners, for instance-to buy a given product or service communication makes the connection with these people persuasively. Besides, we may want to persuade someone to lend us some money, to join our drama group, or to help us repair our car. It is true that th
41、e word “persuasion” has a certain sense of manipulation-to get what we want.Step 3 Discussion: My Way of CommunicationStep 4 Communication ProcessSource:n Why to communicate?n What to communicate?n Usefulness of the communication.n Accuracy of the Information to be communicatedEncoding:n The process
42、 of transferring the information you want to communicate into a form that can be sent and correctly decoded at the other end.n Ability to convey the information.n Eliminate sources of confusion. For e.g. cultural issues, mistaken assumptions, and missing information.n Knowing your audience.Step 5 Le
43、vels and types of Communication1. Types of CommunicationWritten Communication/Oral Communication/Mixed Communication2. Four levels of CommunicationIntrapersonal Communication Interpersonal communication Group communication Organization Communication Step 6 Communication Barriers and Overcoming Barri
44、ersCommunication involves at least two people: the sender and the receiver. In this book, well look a four types of communication between senders and receivers: writing, speaking, listening, and conducting meetings. Each one is important to your success in the workplace.For example, a poorly written
45、 cover letter can prevent you from being hired for a job. On the other hand, the ability to write effectively and make clear presentations can make the difference between your being promoted or being left behind. A communication skill thats often overlooked listening. Yet recent surveys tell us that
46、 we spend 45 percent of our time listening. Do we listen carefully to what people are telling us? According to one study, we hear only one quarter of whats being said. The rest of the time were daydreaming or just tuned out completely.For example:One sales manager in a printing company tells the sto
47、ry of needing a job rushed through in 24 hours so his best customer could have it on time. He gave careful instructions about the project to the production supervisor. But before he could finish, the supervisor had already stopped listening. He assumed that the customer wanted the job three days lat
48、er, which was the usual deadline for most of these projects. When the sales manager went to pick up the job the next day, it wasnt ready. As a result, he almost lost the customer. Unfortunately, stories like these are common in many organizations.Listening, writing, and speaking are all skills we us
49、e in meetings. Today, meetings are a common method for making decisions. More and more work is done by teams of people who come from different areas of a company. They accomplish many of their tasks in team meetings. In these situations, we must be able to speak and write clearly so others can under
50、stand us and listen carefully to what they say. Sadly, we waste many hours in meetings because of poor communication. A study by one university estimated that $37 billion is lost annually through unproductive meetings.Whether youre writing, listening, speaking, or attending meetings, communication s
51、kills are critical to your success in the workplace. In this book, well look at some of the skills that will enable your communications to be more successful. These include:Understanding the purpose of a communicationAnalyzing the audienceCommunicating with words as well as with body languageGiving
52、each communication greater impactOvercoming Barriersn Adopt audience-centered approachn Foster open communication climaten Commit to ethical communicationn Create lean, efficient messagesChapter 2 Critical Thinking. Aims RequirementsDefining Critical Thinking;To know the approaches to reasoning;Five
53、 criteria of informed decision making;Whats meant by brainstorming?. ContentsIntroduction to Critical ThinkingWhats thinking? Types of thinkingWhats critical thinking? Critical thinking standards Benefits of critical thinking Barriers to critical thinking Characteristics of a critical thinkerThe def
54、inition of Critical Thinking Approaches to ReasoningInformed Decision Making Brainstorming. Focuses Difficulties Deduction/Induction/ The Toulmin ModelBarriers to critical thinkingHow to make Effective Decision. Teaching StepsStep 1 Brief IntroductionIntroduction to Critical Thinking: What does not
55、thinking critically look like? What does Critical Thinking Look Like?What are the Major Concepts in Critical Thinking? Why is Critical Thinking of Value?(You can answerwhy of value to you? Whats value of cognitive skills? Whats value of the critical spirit? Would these mean more success at what you
56、do? Would it mean better grades for students?)Step 2 Whats thinking? Whats critical thinking? Classic definitions: Scriven & Paul and Wikipedia The definition of the text book: Critical thinking is the process of finding, interpreting, integrating and evaluating information. At its base is the c
57、oncept that all evaluation depends on a series of judgments, reports, abstractions, perceptions, inferences, and predictions。Step 3 Benefits of Critical Thinkingn Academic Performanceq understand the arguments and beliefs of othersq Critically evaluating those arguments and beliefsq Develop and defe
58、nd one's own well-supported arguments and beliefs.n Workplaceq Helps us to reflect and get a deeper understanding of our own and others decisionsq Encourage open-mindedness to changeq Aid us in being more analytical in solving problemsn Daily lifeq Helps us to avoid making foolish personal decisions
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