已阅读5页,还剩2页未读 继续免费阅读




1、Unit 1 What s the matter一、教学目标知识目标:Words: matter; have; cold; stomachache; sore; back; arm; ear; eye; foot; hand; head; leg; mouth; neck; nose; stomach; tooth; throat; toothache; fever; rest; honey;dentist;Phrases: have a cold have a sore throat have a fever see a dentistSentences:1. Whats the matte

2、r?I have a cold.2. I have a headache/stomachache/toothache/sore back/sore throat.3. You should go to bed/drink some water.能力 目标:Enable the students to talk about health problems and give advice withthe language points.情感目标:Help the students learn how to talk about health problems and give advice on

3、that with the language points.二、教学重、难点Talk about your health.and give advice.三.教学准备;设计身体部位的图片。四.预习导航:1、听单词录音,熟记 Section A 的新单词,并制作单词图片。2、完成1a,列出图中物品的英语单词,并识记新单词。3、收集更多的身体部位和疾病的英语名称;穿射情景小品。五、教学过程:1.介绍自己看病并向医生介绍病情的经历。由此归纳出1a部分方框中的内容:What s thematter?I have a headache.I have a sore back.L引导学生学习身体部位的词汇,

4、完成格部分的教学任务.工播诙1b密分的录音让学生听,引导学生听曲寸话中的人是进,并在合适的位置写数字代 码,完成1b部分的教学任务.4 .播放2a部分的录音让学生听,引导学生黜他们所听到的医生对不同病懵的合理建议 宛成及部分的教学任务.5 .引导学生开展 PAIR WOR耐动,完成1c部分口语交际的教学任务,介绍自己的病情,采 用师生回答与生生互动交流What s the matter?I have a headache.I have a sore back.6 .引导学生运用2a与2b的信息编对话并进行交流,完成2c部分口语交际的PAIR WOR微学活动任务。7 . Do some exer

5、cises.综合能力训练P9自主学习8 . Summing-upStress the important phrases and sentences in this class.Step9. Homework介绍你自己或你的好朋友看病的实际经历编写一段对话。六、教学反思:学后反思:今天我学会了我还不明白的是:教后反思:Unit 1What s the matter ?Section A (3a-4)第二课时一、教学目标知识目标:Words: dentist; shou ld; headache; shouldn tPhrases: have a cold have a sore throat

6、have a fever see a dentist Sentences:L Whafs the inatta? J have a coll2, I have a hcaiach e/stomacha chc/to o thach d 3 ore back/s ore throat.3, You should go tobcd/drinli some waterEE 力 目标:Enable the students to talk about health problems and give advice with tlie 1angaae points.情感 目标:Help the stud

7、ents learn tiow to talk about health problems and give advice on that with te language points.二、教学重、难点Talk about your health.and give advice.三.教学准备;准备医生的衣服。四.预习导航:1、准备一组对话。2、了解更多关于疾病与建议的单词。五、教学过程:1 .复习上节课的内容。2 .引导学生阅读3a的对话,并填入合适的词,完成 3a部分的教学任务。3 .引导学生展开pair work活动,完成1c部分口语交际的教学任务,介绍自己的病情并让 医生提出建议。4

8、.引导学生展开 Group work活动,让表演医生的同学猜测病人的病情,并给出治疗建议, 完成第4部分的活动内容。NameProblemsadviceLucyFever1.TomSore throat2.LiuPengStomachache3.LiJuantoothache4.5 .合作探究.完成表格后对话。Eg: -What s th e matter?- -Im not feeling well.I have a- -When did it start?-Aboutago.- -Oh,that s too bad,you shouldYes ,I think so.-I hope6.拓展

9、创新I .医生询问病情的常用语句:1. Whas wrong/the matter (with you)?你怎么When did it start?从何时开始生病的?2. How are you (feeling) now?你现在觉得怎么样 ?3. Did you sleep well?你睡得好吗?4. How long have you been like this?你像这样有多久了 ?5. Did you eat anything for breakfast?你早饭吃了什么没有?n、病人诉说病情的常用语句:1. I d ont feel very well. / Im not feelin

10、g well.我感到不舒服。2. I have (got) a headache.我头痛。I have a sore throat.我嗓子痛。I have a backache. / I have a pain in my back.我后背痛。Theres something wrong with my leg.我的腿有毛病了。3. I feel terrible.我感到很难受。I feel even worse.我感到情况更糟了 .4. I dont feel like eating anything.我什么都不想吃.5. It began two days ago.两天前开始的 .出、医生

11、,检查、诊断和治疗的常用语句:d.Open your mouth and sayAh-. 张嘴说啊-.2. Let me take your temperature.让我给你量量体温3. Theres nothing much wrong / serious with you.你没什么大问题.你患了重感冒.你得住院.a few days.4. You have got a bad cold.5. You have to be in hospital.6. Youd better stay in bed for你最好卧床几天.Eat less food and take more exercis

12、e. If you do that, youll feel much healthier.少吃些,多锻炼,不久你的身体就会健康得多Drink more water.多喝水.You should drink a lot of water.你应该多喝水。Have a good rest.好好休息.7. Take one of these pills twice a day.这些药每次服一片,每天两次.Take the medicine after meals.饭后月艮药.你很快就会康复的.8. Youll soon be all right.I hope you feel better soon.

13、我希望你很快就会好起来。 to sleep.睡觉前尽量放松一下。Try to relax before you go5.1)3)4)=I梳理归纳SectionA.Have a cold 感冒重点短语2) sore back 背痛neck and neck 并驾齐驱,齐头并进I have a stomachache 我胃痛have got a stomachache = There is something wrong with my stomach=My stomach hurts = I have (got) a pain in my stomach5) What s the matter?

14、怎么了? = What s the trouble (with you)?=What s your trouble?= What s wrong (with you)?=What the matter (with you)? =What has happened to you?=Is there anythi6) sore throat8) see a dentist9) drink lots ofng wrong (with you)? = what 咽喉痛 7) lie down and rests up?躺下休息看牙医water10)11)12)13)14)hot tea with ho

15、neyThat s a goodidea多喝水加蜂蜜的热茶好主意That s too bad 太糟糕了I think so 我认为如此I m not feeling well.我觉得不太舒服=I m not feeling fine/all right.=Im feeling ill/sick. =I feel terrible/bad.=I don t feel well.7. Do some exercise综合能力训练P9自主学习8. Summing-upStress the important phrases and sentences in this class.Step9. Hom

16、ework介绍你自己或你的好朋友看病的实际经历编写一段对话。六、教学反思:学后反思:今天我学会了我还不明白的是:教后反思:Unit2 what the matter ?Section B第三课时一、教与学目标 知识目标:Words: believe, weak, angry, medicine, western,everybody,get,few,important., Phrases: stressed out, . traditional Chinese doctors, eat a balanced diet, Sentences:1. Traditional Chinese docto

17、rs believe we need a balance of yin a nd yang to behealthy.2. Eating Dangshen and Huangqi herbs is also good for this.3. It s easy to have a healthy lifestyle, and it s important to eat a b ralanceddiet.能力目标:Enable the students to talk about health problems and give advice withthe language points.情感

18、目标:Help the students learn how to talk about health problems and give advice on that with the language points.二、教学准备:教师准备:教师准备一些与疾病有关的表情图片。学生准备:准备一些建议治疗疾病的图片。预习导航:1、阅读并识记图片上的一些单词。2、学会了解病情并提出合理建议。三、教与学过程Step 1.预习导学或自测match the problems to the advice.ProblemsAdvice1 .tiredEat an apple2 .hungryGo to be

19、d early3 .thirstyDrink some water4 .stressed outListen to musicStep2 .自主教与学 do some listening, and do pairwork.ProblemShouldShouldn tGinatiredTonyStressedoutJuliethirstyAlanhungry例:A: What the matter with Gina? B: She s tired.A: Well, she should go to bed early. She shouldn t go tothe party.Step3.合作

20、探究.解决3a中的疑问1) Traditional Chinese doctors译为:2) ) have too much yin :译为:, 其中 too much修饰不可数名词3) eat hot yang foods, 译为:更多阴性食品:4) 在许多西方国家:5) )有一个好的饮食习惯:6)均衡饮食:7) 经常头疼:(设计说明:先让学生试着翻译上面的词组,通过翻译词组学生熟悉3a .)Step4 .完成 3c.1 .Writing an article 3c“Do you have a cold? ” Please write some advice to aperson who h

21、as a cold. What should he or she do? What shouldn t he or she do? 例文: Do you have a cold? If you have a cold, you should see the doctor first. You should drink more water. You should also eat more fruit and vegetable. You should sleep early and do exercise every day.2. Doing groupwork Problemsa. I h

22、ave a toothache.I have a sore back.throat. h. Im tired.We can choose a problem from the list below:d. Im hungry.e.g. I have a soreb. Im stressed out. c. I cant sleep. f. I have a cold.i. I have a headache.3.Ask and answe r in pairs like this.A: What the matter?B: Im tired.A: Well, you should go to bed early.A: What the matte r? B: I have a toothache. A: Well, you should see a dentist.


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