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1、2010-5-13精品课件13737中中 韩明明韩明明2010-5-13精品课件2What is the most difficult in cartoon writing?To understand the cartoon and get the point behind the picture. The important things for cartoon writing:Grasp the main idea and dig the deep meanings behind a cartoon picture.2010-5-13精品课件3Humorous 幽默诙谐幽默诙谐Vivid

2、形象生动形象生动Profound 寓意深刻寓意深刻Implicit 表达含蓄表达含蓄Life-connected 联系生活联系生活Hot-issue concerned关注热点关注热点精品课件2010-5-134Humorous 幽默诙谐幽默诙谐Vivid 形象生动形象生动Profound 寓意深刻寓意深刻Implicit 表达含蓄表达含蓄Life-connected 联系生活联系生活Hot-issue concerned关注热点关注热点2010-5-13精品课件5右图反映的是右图反映的是当前网络上人们关注当前网络上人们关注的热点话题,的热点话题,请你用英语写一篇短请你用英语写一篇短文,文,简

3、要描述简要描述图片含义,以及此事图片含义,以及此事在网民中可能引起的在网民中可能引起的不同反响不同反响,并,并联系生活实际联系生活实际,谈谈,谈谈你对此的看法你对此的看法。注意:注意: 1. 词数词数150左右左右, 开头已给开头已给 出,不计入总词。出,不计入总词。 2. 文中不得提及考生所在文中不得提及考生所在 学校和本人姓名。学校和本人姓名。参考词汇:参考词汇: 缩略词缩略词 abbreviation网民网民 netizen2010-5-13精品课件6Whats the hot topic on the Internet?China Central Television (CCTV) i

4、s asked to avoid using certain English abbreviations in Chinese programs, such as NBA,CBA, F1.精品课件2010-5-137What are the different opinions among the netizens?Some netizens support this restriction, concerned that too many English abbreviations have spoiled the purity of our language and culture. Be

5、sides, some netizens claim that the elderly audience, especially those in rural areas, can not understand the exact meaning of some abbreviations. 精品课件2010-5-138What are the different opinions among the netizens?On the contrary, some netizens doubt this decision. They believe the Chinese language sh

6、ould be open to borrowed words to keep its vitality. In addition, some English abbreviations, such as WTO, GDP etc, are so universally accepted that using Chinese translation only will lead to misinterpretation.2010-5-13精品课件9A tactful (圆通的,得体的)圆通的,得体的)and indirect way : As far as Im concerned, its i

7、mportant to maintain the purity of our language, and its necessary to guide people to use borrowed language correctly through some restrictions. But these restrictions should be taken cautiously as long as the use of English abbreviations is reasonable.Whats your opinion? 2010-5-13精品课件10精品课件精品课件精品课件

8、2010-5-13精品课件142010-5-13精品课件152010-5-13精品课件162010-5-13精品课件17有形的钥匙有形的钥匙生活中必不可少,拥有它方便快捷,丢失了会增加烦恼。无形的钥匙无形的钥匙学习成长中同样重要,比如.(至少三点) In a word,(至少两点)请根据表格中提供的材料,结合你的生活经历,展开想象,以学生的身份写一篇150字的短文。2010-5-13精品课件181. In fact, some invisible keys are also important to us in our life. Firstly , by listening to the t

9、eachers, we gain a key to research and discussion, and to learning how to get knowledge. Secondly ,through reading, we get a key to opening the door of mystery and sharing the ideas of great people of the past and the present. Finally ,from writing, we have a key to learning our own potential , find

10、ing another colorful world and realizing a meaningful way of learning and living.2. In fact, some invisible keys are also important to us in our life. Firstly, invisible keys can help us when we have some trouble in study and give us some guide . Secondly , invisible keys can help us build up our co

11、nfidence, which is important for us students. Finally, invisible keys can help us know what we cant know in books.2010-5-13精品课件19Most parents are very eager to get their children educated, even before they are born.精品课件2010-5-1320 From the cartoon we can see that a cock is teaching her egg very diff

12、icult maths. The cock makes me think of our parents. Most parents are very eager to get their children educated, even before they are born. It is a common phenomenon in todays society. What caused the effect? There may be several possible reasons. To begin with, they want children to be more intelli

13、gent than others so they desire children to be quipped with much knowledge. 精品课件2010-5-1321Also, parents are anxious about their future. They have their children educated because they want them to have a good job, or to marry well. In addition, they educate them too early, sometimes wrongly.As far a

14、s I am concerned, its high time that we took action. As parents, We should take some effective measures for our childrens education. They should give their children reasonable education at a suitable time.2010-5-13精品课件22It vividly shows us a typical little emperor in most families in China.2010-5-13

15、精品课件23Dont go out!请发挥想象,以请发挥想象,以“How come frogs are in wells”为题,写一篇英为题,写一篇英语短文,发表语短文,发表“井蛙井蛙”的成因,并发表自己的看法。的成因,并发表自己的看法。Frogs have to seek new surroundings where they can live without pollution, insecticide and being caught .2010-5-13精品课件24 Buy our fresh milk!以以“credibility crisis”为题写一篇为题写一篇150字的短文,简

16、要说明图画中所字的短文,简要说明图画中所表达的内容,重点阐述这种现象所带来的后果和你的观点。表达的内容,重点阐述这种现象所带来的后果和你的观点。credibility crisis is getting increasingly serious in our modern society.2010-5-13精品课件25 From the cartoon we can see that a milk salesman is promoting a bottle of milk, which is marked with “next year” as its production date. Th

17、e cartoon mirrors a common and thought-provoking social phenomenon. This cartoon reveals a fact that credibility crisis is getting increasingly serious in our modern society. Without credibility, the society is filled with dishonesty and deception. Fu yang milk powder is a case in point. The fake mi

18、lk powder killed many innocent babies, which has made people suffer instead of enjoying the civilization and happiness of modern society . Measures to deal with credibility crisis should be taken so as to ensure people a healthy society. Most importantly, laws must be established to severely punish

19、those who misbehave in terms of credibility w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.m精品课件2010-5-1326practice2010-5-13精品课件27该漫画反映了一定的社会现象,观察漫画,认清其蕴含的深刻意义,该漫画反映了一定的社会现象,观察漫画,认清其蕴含的深刻意义,以对这幅漫画的理解,写一篇以对这幅漫画的理解,写一篇150150字的作文。字的作文。Dig the deep meaning from picture to life2. Grasp the theme to have sound imagination2010-5-13精品课

20、件28Whats behind the picture?Whats behind the picture? The worst thing in the world is that The worst thing in the world is that someone laughs at others while he even someone laughs at others while he even doesnt know he has the same doesnt know he has the same shortcoming.shortcoming.The pot calls

21、the kettle black. 五十步笑百步五十步笑百步. 精品课件Arrange your writingArrange your writing 1. describe the cartoon 1. describe the cartoon 2. give the causes 2. give the causes 3. take measures 3. take measures2010-5-1329精品课件Par1.Par1.From the cartoonFrom the cartoon we can see that-. we can see that-. It is a It

22、 is a common phenomenon in todays society. common phenomenon in todays society. The drawing mirrors a common social phenomenon and is really thought-provoking. Par2. Par2.What caused the effect? What caused the effect? The aim of the drawing is to reveal the fact that . Firstly,.Secondly,First,Secon

23、d,.In the first Firstly,.Secondly,First,Second,.In the first place,Next,Then,.To begin with,Also,In place,Next,Then,.To begin with,Also,In addition,addition, Par3. Par3. As far as Im concerned, its high time that people recognized themselves clearly.Then our society will become more harmonious in th

24、is way. 2010-5-13302010-5-13精品课件31 From the cartoon we can see that a man is pointing at another one closed in a small cage and laughing at him ,while it seems that he doesnt know he himself is also standing inside a bigger cage. The drawing mirrors a common social phenomenon and is really thought-provoking. The aim of the drawing is to reveal the fact that there are some people who cant recognize themselves clearly and failed to put themselves in a proper place in society. As a Chinese saying goes, the pot calls the kettle black. The worst thing in the wo


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