1、韩老师编辑高考作文真题句子翻译练习(一) 山西夏县中学翟运学翻译2019.5.51 .我英语学习方面有两个主要问题。一个是我觉得记单词很难。另一个是当我讲英语的时候我总是紧张。I have two major problems concerned with my English study. One is that I find it difficult to remember words and phrases. The other is that I always get nervous when I am speaking English.2 .我真的希望你能给我些如何记新单词的建议。I
2、 really hope you can give me some advice on how to memorize new words.3 .另一个建议是给我们更多练习口语的机会。Another suggestion is to give us more opportunities to practice spoken English.4 .我坚信在你的帮助下我们能够取得很大的进步。I firmly believe that we can make great progress with your help.5 .为了避免这些冲突,我们应该对彼此友好。In order to avoid t
3、hese conflicts, we should be friendly to each other.6 .在如此有竞争力与压力的社会,原谅与忘记也是一种美德。Forgiveness and forgetting is also a virtue in such a competitive and stressful society.7 .我们应该多沟通交流与换位思考,而不是互相责备。We should communicate more with others and put ourselves in others' shoes rather than blame each othe
4、r.8 .不要以自我为中心而应试着考虑周全。我们必须学会冷静理智地处理冲突。Instead of being self-centered, try to think carefully. We must learn to deal with conflicts calmly and rationally.9 .的确,我们的未来由许多事情决定,比如说机遇和他人的帮助。Indeed, our future is determined by many things, such as opportunities and the help of others.10 .但是我们自己的态度、决定与努力起着更
5、为重要的决定。But our own attitudes, decisions and efforts play a more important role.11 .因此,我坚信我们的未来在我们自己的手中。Therefore, I firmly believe that our future is in our own hands.12 .这些书有着许多优点。其中之一就是我们可以发现广泛的话题,比如科学、 文化与历史。These books have many advantages. One of them is that we can find a wide range of topics,
6、 such as science, culture and history.13 .我认为,这些话题非常受我们学生的欢迎。I think these topics are very popular with our students.14 .而且,随着课文附有很多漂亮的彩色图片,这能帮助我们更好地理解英语。Moreover, the text has a lot of beautiful color pictures in it, which can help us better understand English.15 .即使那些过去讨厌英语的学生也变得对这个科目感兴趣了。Even tho
7、se students who used to hate English have become interested in the subject now.16 .然而,有些课文有太多对我们困难的新单词与表达。因此,我建议把他们换 成更简单些的。However, some texts have too many new words and expressions that are difficult for us. So, I suggest replacing them with simpler ones.17 .不久以前,我在我们学校举办的英语竞赛中取得了一等奖。在这我想和大家 分享下我
8、英语学习的经验。Not long ago, I won the first prize in the English Contest held by our school. Here I would like to share my experience of learning English with you.18 .我觉得参加英语角对英语学习有很大帮助。在英语角,我可以尽情地与老师 同学们交流我们的生活和英语学习。结果,我的英语口语就得到了极大的提高。I think it's very helpful for me to take part in the English corne
9、r. In the English corner, I can exchange my ideas of life and English learning with the teachers and my classmates. As a result, my spoken English is greatly improved.19 .写日记是我的爱好。它帮助我不仅使用学过的英语知识而且养成用英语思考 的习惯。Keeping a diary is my hobby. It helps me not only use the English knowledge I have learned,
10、 but also form the habit of thinking in English.20 .当我正在享受周边的美丽景色时,一些不雅观(不愉悦)的事情映入我的眼 帘。While I was enjoying the beautiful scenery around me, something disagreeable (unpleasant) came to my eyes.21 . 一对年轻夫妇在船上边吃边说而且笑得很大声,如同世界上只有他们。A young couple were laughing loudly as they were eating, as if they we
11、re the only ones in the world.22 .更糟糕的是,他们吐痰甚至往湖里扔垃圾,完全无视旁边的标语“禁止扔垃 圾”。To make matters worse, they spit and even throw garbage into the lake, completely ignoring the nearby slogan, "No litter."23 .如果所有游客都像这对夫妇那样往湖里扔垃圾,湖就会被严重污染而且很快 变成一个大垃圾箱。If all the tourists should throw rubbish into the
12、lake like the couple, the lake would be badly polluted and soon become a big garbage bin.24 .我认为在公共场合我们都应该注意自己的言行。只有通过这种方式我们才能 居住在更舒适更美好的环境中。I think we should pay close attention to our behaviors in public. Only by this means can we live in a more comfortable and better environment.25 .我知道你对中国文化非常感兴
13、趣,尤其是地方戏剧。I know you are very interested in Chinese culture, especially local dramas.26 .我希望这次机会不仅使你开心,而且满足你对中国戏剧的兴趣。I hope this opportunity not only makes you happy, but also satisfies your interest in Chinese drama.27 .我相信你能够知道很多中国喜剧的历史,这更能增加你对中国传统戏剧的知 识。I believe you have a good command of the hi
14、story of Chinese comedy, which will certainly increase your knowledge of traditional Chinese drama.28 .正如我们所知,书籍是知识的来源。通过阅读,我受益匪浅。As we know, books are the source of knowledge. I have benefited greatly from reading.29 .我们有很多种类的书籍可以选择去读,例如历史书籍、科学书籍、文学书籍守守。We have many kinds of books to choose from to
15、 read, such as history books, science books, literature books and so on.30 .但是我最感兴趣的是文学方面的书,尤其是名作家的。But what I'm most interested in is literary books , especially books by famous writers.31 .一方面,可以帮助提升我的写作水平,并且开阔我的视野。On the one hand, it can help improve my writing level and broaden my vision.32
16、.另一方面,可以丰富我的生活并且提供很大的乐趣。On the other hand, it can enrich my life and provide a lot of fun.33 .我发现老师们都很有耐心而且很用心。而且,我很享受班级友好的氛围。我 决定好好利用这一点。我好好学习并且和老师同学好好相处。I found the teachers very patient and attentive. Besides, I enjoyed the friendly atmosphere of the class. I decided to make good use of it. I would study hard and get along with my teachers and classmates.34 .无论任何时候我有困难,他们都随叫随到。没过多久,我成为了班上的前几 名,这极大地增添了我的自信。Whenever I have difficulties, they are ready to help me. B
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