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1、Unit 10 Its important to have a healthy lifestyleI.单项选择(20 分)1. The nu mber of the stude nts in our school_ in creas ing now and a nu mber ofthem_abroad.A. are, has traveled B. is, have traveled C. are, traveled D. is, has traveled2. She n eeds some paper to_ .A. write B. write in C. write with D. w

2、rite on3. Tom_ on the grass and read a story book.A. lie B. lies C. lay D. lied4. When was the PLA foun ded? It was founded_.A. in July1,1921 B. on August1,1927 C. in August1,1927 D. on October1,19495. There was a traffic accident. Kate saw it _ on her way homeand told the policemanall about it.A. h

3、appe n B .happe ning C. was happe ned D. happe ned6. You have missed_“s” in the word“dress ” .A. a B. an C. the D./7. Sam is_ . He is study ing in Japa n now.A. En glishma n B. an En glish C. En glish D. the En glish.8. It helps you stay fit_sport.A. going in for B. to join C. take part in D. to go

4、in for9. _of the earth is covered with water.A. Seve n-te nths B. Ten-seve nths C. Seve nth-te nths D. Seve n-tens10. Do you know_they liste ned to yesterday evening?A. When B. how C. why D. what11._ ln the bookshop, a reader asked theshopkeeper_Who Moved My Cheese was anin teresti ng book.A. if B t

5、hat C. how D. what12. It s a fine day today. You_take the rain coat with you.A. mustnt B. dont need C. neednt D. cant13. I don t feel_ going out for a walk.A. so B. as C. rather D. like14. When I woke up, I found my purse_ .A. miss ing B .steali ng C. missed D. los ing15. Could I use your mobile pho

6、 ne, Mike? Of course._ .A. With pleasure. B. It s a pleasure C. You re welcome. D. My pleasure16. Joa n is better tha n me_ singing.A .at B. on C. to D .for17. Do you know_he didn t finish his homework for?A. how B. why C. whe n D. what18. There are_ girls in Class One tha n in Class Two.A. a little

7、 more B. more C. much many D. a little less19. When he heard from his pare nts and frien ds, he felt_ .A. more alone B. more Ion ely C. less Ion ely D. less alone20. No matter_he says, I won t believe him.A. what B. how C .where D. whe nII.完型填空(15 分)I am sitting in an empty football fieldafter my la

8、st high school football gamethat fini shed a few hours ago. Ithat s not _1_ now. I was the mid _2_ game.That s a good way toif you win, but eve n though you donI was eight whe n I first started playing football. My dad 4 and he used to practice with me at home.pass ing, catcto practice almost every

9、evening 5it got too dark .He tried to teach meeveryth ing he knew about the6“ Just remember: don t ever7“Stay in the game. Don tlose your concentration(专注) ”。“ Go out thereand give110 percent(百分之)every time. ” Well, that wasa Ipngtime ago ,but I still hearhis words 8in my ears.I had a lot on my mi n

10、d _9the gametoday. Idon tlike things toend, I guess,and this was the last game. I was talk ing to myself and warning myself about whatto do and not to do . I didn t sleep at all _10_, and when the sun came upthis morning ,I reached the point where _11_ just wan ted it allto beover,fi ni shed ,do ne.

11、 But the n whe n the game started, my mind became_12_. Ijust lived in this game, this moment.l dont hear the crowd, I dont feel the cold or the pain, I never felttired. I just kept my eyes on the _13_ , and it wasjust me and the ball and, in side, a soft, white light _14_ me the way to thegoal. It w

12、as a beautiful, empty feeli ng.Its all over now, and its really getting cold here .Its starting to snow. The suns almost gone,and I can _15_ see the goal. Nowits dark and Im sittinghere all alone. Well, I guess it stime to say good-bye and move on.1. A. true B. wrong C .stra nge D .clear2. A. first

13、B. last C. worst D. favourite3. A. good B. bad C. lucky D. painful4. A. n eeded B. hated C. missed D. loved5. A. un til B. whe n C. uni ess D. although6. A. football B. game C. goal D. score7. A. grow up B. catch up C. give up D. hurry up8. A. ringing B. say ing C. falli ng D. coming9. A. from B. be

14、fore C. through D. after10. A. tonight B. yesterday C. today D. last night11. A. we B they C. I D. he12. A .empty B. full C. rough D. awake13. A. way B. field C. ball D. match14. A. sending B. teach ing C. pointing D. show ing15. A. already B. hardly C. never D.clearly m the mid -field player on my

15、team. But in fact-field player because ,as I said , this was my end a highschool football career (生涯),especially t, it s _3_ to leave at a high point.football,hing , running. We usedIII.阅读理解(40 分)阅读短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Thirty years ago, lake Ponkapog in Hartwell, New Jersey, was full of

16、life . Many birds and animalslived beside the water, which was full of fish. Now there are few birds, ani mals, and fish. The lake wateris polluted is in a color of dirty brow n, and it is filled with strange plants.How did this happen? First, we must think about how water gets into Lake Ponkapog. W

17、hen itrains ,water comes into the Lake from around. In the past , there were forestsall around Lake Ponkapog, so the rain water was clea n.Now there are many homes around the lake. People ofte n use chemicals(化学品)in the garde ns .They used other chemicals in side their houses for clea ning or killi

18、ng in sects(昆虫).There are also many bus in esses. Busin esses use chemicals in themach ines or shops. Other chemicals fall onto the ground from cars or trucks. When it rains , the rainwater picks up all the chem. icals from homes and bus in esses and then carries them into the lake.They pollute the

19、water and kill the animals.Boats on the lake are also a problem. Lake Pon kapog is a popular place for motorboats. But oil andgas from boats often get into the lake. So more bad chemicals go into the water this wayPeople in Hartwell are worried. They love their lake and want to save it. Willit be po

20、ssible? A clea n lake must have clea n rain water going in to it. Clea n rain water is possible onlyif people are more careful about chemicals at homes and at work.They must also be careful about gas and oil and other chemicals on the gro und. And they mustn t usemotorboats any more on the lake. All

21、 these may change people slives. Only then can Lake Ponkapog be a beautiful, clean lake again1 In the past , the water in Lake Ponl apog was made clea n by_ .A. forests B. rain C. birds D. fish2. Chemicals from homes and businesses_A. are always clea n B. can help the ani mals C. are good for the la

22、ke D. get into the rai nwater3. Clea ner rain water will mean_.A. More boats on the lake B. More dirty things in the river.C. a cleaner lake D.a dirtier lake4. To save Lake Pon kapog, people n eed to_.A. be more careful about chemicals B. use less water C. grow fewer plants in the garde ns D. use mo

23、remotorboats on the lake.5. The passage is about_ .A. boats on the Lake Pon kapog B. why the water is dirty in Lake Pon kapog C. clea n rain water D. dirtylakesB“ If you want to see a thing well ,reach out and touch it!”That may seem a strange thing to say. But touching things can help you to see th

24、em better. Youreyes can tell you that a glass ball is round. But by holding it in your hand, you can feel how smooth andcool the ball is. You can feel how heave the glass is. When you feel all these about the ball, you reallysee it. With your ski n, you can feel better. For example, your fin gers ca

25、n tell the differe neebetwee ntwo coins(硬币)in your pocket. You can feel a little drop of water on the backof your hand , too.All children soon learn what “Don t touch ” means. They hear it often.Yetmost of us keep on touch ing things as we grow up. In shops , we touch things as we might buy: food,cl

26、othes. To see someth ing well, we have to touch itThere are ways of lear ning to see well by feeli ng. One way is to close your eyes and try to feeleveryth ing that is touch ing your skin. Feel the shoes on your feet, the clothes on your body, the air onyour skin. At first, it is not easy to feel th

27、ese thin gs. You are too used to(习惯于)them.Most museumsare just for looking.But today some museumshave some things to touch.their sig ns say,“ Do touch! ” There you can feel everyth ing on show. If we wantto see better, reach out and touch. Then you will really see!1. By touch ing things,_ .A. you wi

28、ll have a stra nge feeli ng.B. you will lear n how to reach out your hand.C. you can tell what the differe nee of the thin gs.D. you can tell what color they are2. When people buy things in shops, they often_.A. try them on first. B keep their right hands on them.C. ask about them D. Feel and touch

29、them.3. Whydoes it say “At first ,it is not easy to feel these things? ” Because_A. the things are used by people ,too.B. people feel the things too ofte nC. people know how to use the thin gs.D. the things are easy to fee4 Which of the followi ng is true?A. Touch ing is more importa nt tha n see in

30、gB. Our feet , fin gers , hands and skin can help us buy food.C. People have to lear n to see by feeli ng as they grow upD. Visitors can feel the things on show in some museums.5. Which of the following can be the best title of the story?A. Touching by feelingB. To see or feelingC. To see Better-Fee

31、lD. Waysof feelingCBeldo n and Can fieldare two seaside tow ns, n ot far from each other.Both tow nshave many hotels, and in summer the hotels are full of holiday-makers and other people.Last August there was a fire at the Seabreeze Hotel in Beld on. The next day, this news was onPage Two of the tow

32、 ns newspaper THE BELDON POST:Fire at SeabreezeLate last night firemen hurried to the Seabreeze Hotel and quickly put out a small fire in a bedroom.The hotel manager said that a cigarette(香烟 )started the fire. Wesay again to all our visitors, Pleasedont smoke cigarettes in bed. This was Beldo ns fir

33、st hotel fire in five years.THE CANFIELD TIMES gives the n ews in these words on Page One:Ano ther Beldon Hotel Catches FireLast night Firemen arrived just too late to save clothing,bedclothes and otherthings at the Seabreeze Hotel. An angry holiday maker said, An electric lamp probably started the

34、fire.The bedroom lamps are very old at some of these hotels. When I put my bedside light on, I heard afunny no ise from the lamp. We are glad to tell our readers that this kind of accide nt does not happe nin Can field.What are the facts, then? It is never easy to find out the exact (确切的)truth about

35、 accide nt. T herewas a fire at the Seabreeze Hotel last August, that is One fact. Do we know anything else? Yes, weknow that firemen went to the hotel. Now what do you think of the of the n ews?()1. On which page of THE CANFIELD TIMES was the news about the fire?A. Page One. B. Page Two.C. Last Pag

36、e. D. No n ews about thefire.()2. When did the Seabreeze Hotel catch fire?A. Later last August. B. Later last ni ght.C. In the summer. D. No n ews about the fire.()3. The writer of An other Beldon Hotel Catches Fire wants to tell us that .A. too many people smoke in bed in hotelsB. this was the sec

37、ond fire at the Seabreeze HotelC. hotels in Behlon often caught fireD. there was a small fire al the Seabreeze Hotel()4. Why isnt it easy to find out the exact truth about the fire?A. Because both of the newspapers stood on its own side and gave a different report.B. Because n either of the n ewspap

38、ersknew the exact truth about the fire.C. Because no one dared speak of the truth.D. Because no one saw the fire.()5. From the two pieces of n ews we can believe that_ .A. there were at least two fireaccidents at the Seabreeze Hotel that yearB. the bedroom lamps were very old in some hotels in Beld

39、onC. firemen went to the hotel to put out the fireD. fire accide nts n ever happe ned in Can fieldDMr. White works in an office one day, whe n he was hav ing lun ch, a frie nd came to visit him. Theywere very happy to see each other and talked a lot. Soon it was time to go to the office. He saidgood

40、bye to his friend and left. It was raining hard and the street wet. He drove too fast to stop before thered lights andhe hitthe car in front of his. An man got out and called out angrily,What are you doing?Do you want to kill me (死)?Im sorry, sir, said Mr. White. I d id nt no tice whe n the lightstu

41、rned red.Then he brought out a bottle of win (葡萄酒)and gave it to the old man.Its very cold today, sir, said Mr. White. Please drink a little,then youllfeel warmer.The old mandrank some wine and became happy. He asked, Im feelingmuch betternow. Why dont you have some?I cant drink anything now, sir, a

42、nswered Mr. White. Im waiting for the policemen to come. Onlydrunkards ( 酒鬼)cause accident, you know!( )1. The story happened_ .A. i n the morni ngB. in the after noonC. in the eveningD. at ni ght()2. Mr. White drove too fast because_ .A. he was happy that day B. he was good at drinkingC. there were few cars in the street D. he was afraid to be late()3. Mr. White hit the car because_ .A. he did nt see it B. it was raining hardC. he could nt stop his car D. he could nt drive at all( )4 .Mr. White gave a bottle of win


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