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1、Symbolic Meaning in “The Discus Thrower”The Discus Thrower by Richard Selzer is symbolic in characterization(人物创造). The nameless patient in "Rom 542" stands for every man in his society. His blindness shows that he is a man in darkness. And darkness is upon the face of the modern society.

2、His legless condition shows that he has lost his freedom of action in the so-called land of liberty. His ironic ai'rnik(说反话的,讽刺的) words imply his indignation(义愤,愤怒) at his adverse 'ædv:s不利的 fortune'f:tn命运. The crack of the broken plate symbolizes a hope for the span-new(崭新的) life. T

3、he doctor-narrator represents a common toiler who supports the society. The head nurse represents a ruler in the modern western world. The symbolic meanings reflect the author's careful observation and meditation(沉思) on the existent society参考译文:掷铁饼者理查德·塞尔泽我暗中监视我的病人。为了取得更加完整的证据,一个医生难道不应该采取任何




7、这个德行。难怪家里没人来探望他。也许他们也受不了,像我们一样。”她等着我采取措施。“怎么办?”“再看看,”我说。第二天早上厨房送早餐时,我等候在走廊里。我看着助理把盘子放在托盘架上,然后将托板转到他的膝前。她按下电钮,把床头升起,然后离开了。 过不久,此人伸手摸到盘子的边缘,然后朝上摸到罩在盘上的圆盖,将盖子提起放在托架上。他用手指沿着盘子朝里摸,直到碰到鸡蛋。他双手将盘子提起,放在右手手掌上,使它居中、平衡。他轻轻地上下掂量,找准感觉。忽然间,他右臂一下朝后摔去。盘子砸在病床边墙上发出碎裂声,接着是炒蛋落地湿软的轻响。这时他笑了。是一种你从来没有听见过的声音。这是天下未曾有过的东西,这声音能

8、治愈癌症。 病房外的走廊里,护士长皱起了眉头。“他笑了,是不是?”她在记录板上写下一点什么东西。又来了一个助理,又带来一份早餐,放在他够不着的床头柜上。她摇着头看着我,用嘴一撇做了个暗示。我明白我俩得合作。 "我必须喂你吃,"她对那个男人说。"嗬,我用不着你喂,"那男人说。"嗬,一定得喂,"助理说,"因为你刚才的表现。护士说要喂。""把我的鞋子拿来,"那男人说。"这是燕麦粥,"助理说。"张嘴,"她用汤匙碰触他的下嘴唇。"我要的是炒蛋,"

9、那男人说。"没错,"助理说。我走到他们跟前。"有什么事要我帮忙吗?"我说。"你是谁?"那男人问。晚上巡查时我又走过那个病房。护士长向我报告542房病人已经去世。她说,她是偶然才发现的,病房没有声响,一点也没有。谢天谢地,她说。我走进他的病房,像一个寻找秘密的探子。他还躺在床上,神情从容、凝重而又不乏尊严。过不久我转身离开时,我的眼睛扫视了床脚边的墙壁。我看到那块被反复洗刷过的地方,墙面显得异常干净,异常白洁。 注释: 1. subtle 'stl: So slight as to be difficult to detect

10、or analyze; elusive. 纤细的,细小的,微妙的:太细小而难以观测或分析的;难以捉摸的2. episode 'episud: An incident or event that is part of a progression (一连串连续事件) or a larger sequence. 事件:若干或一连串事件中的一个事件3. spy on: try to get information secretly from an unfriendly place. 刺探;暗中监视,窥探,侦查。e.g. How much did you pay the man to spy o

11、n me? 你付那人多少钱来监视我? He saw a man spying on him from behind a tree?4. elusive i'lju:siv: Tending to elude capture, perception, comprehension, or memory: 难捉摸的;不易被抓获、觉察、理解或记忆的:e.g. “an invisible cabal of conspirators, each more elusive than the archterrorist himself ” “一个看不见的小阴谋集团,每一个都比恐怖主义集团本身 更难于被

12、发现”5. comb kum: To dress or arrange with or as if with a comb. 梳:用或好象是用梳子梳或整理 To search thoroughly; look through: 彻底搜查:彻底地搜查;查看:e.g. combed the dresser drawers for a lost bracelet. 彻底检查梳妆盒寻找丢失的手镯6. sporadic sp'rædik: happening often but not regular偶尔发生的;零星的;分散的 e.g. sporadic fighting in the

13、 west of the city. 城西的零星战斗7. Ought not a doctor observe his patients by any means and from any stance, that he might the more fully assemble evidence? 为了取得更加完整的证据,一个医生难道不应该采取任何手段,从任何位置观察病人吗?因此我常站在医院病房门口观看stance stæns: position of a standing person or animal. 一个站立的人或者动物的姿势或位置assemble 'sembl:

14、 To bring or call together into a group or whole: 召集:集合或召集到一起成为一组或整体:e.g assembled the jury. 召集陪审团 To fit together the parts or pieces of: 装配:把配件或零件装配在一起:e.g. assemble a machine; assemble data. 装配机器;汇集数据“that” can be understood as “in that”.8. It is not all that furtive an act. 这根本不是偷偷摸摸的行为。Furtive

15、'f:tiv: Characterized by stealth; surreptitious. 秘密的:偷偷摸摸的;鬼鬼祟祟的All that: everything of that kind; all that sort  该类各物;那种东西。 e.g Fruits, candies, toys, cigars, and all that are sold in that small store. 那个小商店出售水果、糖果、玩具、雪茄烟之类的东西。9. tan: To make brown by exposure to the sun. 晒黑:在阳光的照射下晒成褐色10.

16、 close-cropped: adj. (of hair or grass) cut very short剪短了的(头发);短发的11. vigor: Physical or mental strength, energy, or force. 体力,精力,活力:身体或精神上的力量或能量12. But I know that his skin is not brown from the sun. It is rusted, rather, in the last stage of containing the vile repose within. 但我知道,他的皮肤不是太阳晒黑的,而是衰变

17、,是体内糜烂积淤的最后期症状。 It is rustedcontaining the vile repose within:那是衰变,体内糜烂污物沉积;rust,生锈,衰退;vile repose,污秽沉积;within,身体里面。() rust: To corrode or subject (a metal) to rust formation. 使生锈蚀:侵蚀或腐蚀(金属)以生锈 vile: Miserably poor and degrading; wretched: 可怜的,不幸的:非常穷困的和衰落的;不幸的:e.g a vile existence. 不幸的生活 repose ri&

18、#39;puz: The act of resting or the state of being at rest. 憩息:休息的行为或正在休息的状态 Freedom from worry; peace of mind. 安详:无忧虑;思想平和 Calmness; tranquillity. 安静;平静 Contain kn'tein: To halt the spread or development of; check: 遏制:中止的传播或发展;遏制:e.g Science sought an effective method of containing the disease.

19、用科学方法探索出遏制这种疾病的有效手段contain the vile repose: check the miserable deterioration of the body.13. looking inward: looking from outside into the house14. frosted 'frstid: covered by frost. 被霜覆盖的, 受霜害的15. snowbound 'snband: covered/Confined in one place by heavy snow. 被雪封裹的;被雪困住的,被大雪围困在一个地方的16. mi

20、dthigh: in the middle of the thigh.17. It gives him the look of a bonsai, roots and branches pruned into the dwarfed facsimile of a great tree. 看上去像盆景,仍然是大树的造型,但修剪了根枝而缩小了。 bonsai 'bnsai: The art of growing dwarfed, ornamentally shaped trees or shrubs in small shallow pots or trays. 盆景艺术:在浅的小石盆或罐

21、中培育矮而经过装饰整形的小树或灌木的艺术 A tree or shrub grown by this method. 盆景:用这种方式培植出的树或灌木 prune pru:n: To cut off or remove dead or living parts or branches of (a plant, for example) to improve shape or growth. 修剪:为了使形状更好看或促进生长而切除或去掉(比如植物的活或死的部分或枝条) dwarf dw:f: To check the natural growth or development of; stunt

22、: 停止发育:中止自然生长和发展;发育不全:e.g “The oaks were dwarfed from lack of moisture”(John Steinbeck) “因缺乏水分,栎树停止生长”(约翰·斯坦贝克) To cause to appear small by comparison: 使显矮小:通过比较使显得矮小:e.g “Together these two big men dwarfed the tiny Broadway office”(Saul Bellow)“两位彪形大汉挤得这百老汇街的办公室更显矮小”(索尔·贝洛) facsimile f

23、30;k'simili: An exact copy or reproduction, as of a document. 摹真:摹真本或复制品,如文件的18. Propped on pillows, he cups his right thigh in both hands. 他的身体由枕头支撑着,两手抱着右腿残肢 prop: To support by placing something beneath or against; shore up. 架,搁:把某物置于之下或靠着来支持;支撑起来 cup: To place in or as in a cup. 把放入或仿佛放入杯中19

24、. Physics The amount or degree of strength of electricity, light, heat, or sound per unit area or volume.【物理学】 强度程度:单位电、光、热或声的强度的量或程度20. cache kæ A hiding place used especially for storing provisions. 贮藏处,暗窖:一个隐秘的空间,尤指用于贮存的预备货物 The store of goods or valuables concealed in a hiding place. 隐藏:将货物

25、或贵重品隐藏在一隐蔽的处所21. get-well cards: cards for wishing one can get well祝愿康复的卡片22. no day-old flowers: no flowers that have been put there for one day没有放上一天的鲜花23. kickshaw: Fancy food; a delicacy.精美食物:美味佳肴 A trinket; a gewgaw. 无价值的饰物:华而不实的小玩意24. nightstand: <美>床头几; 参见 night table 25. tray: A shallo

26、w, flat receptacle with a raised edge or rim, used for carrying, holding, or displaying articles. 浅盘:一种有凸起的边或缘的平底浅容器,用于运送、盛装或展示物体26. scab skæb: A crust discharged from and covering a healing wound. 疮痂:从正在痊愈的伤口上长出并覆于其上的硬壳27. glaze: To give a smooth, lustrous surface to. 打光,擦亮:使表面光滑28. shard :d:

27、A small piece or part: 一小片或一部分。29. disinfectant: An agent, such as heat, radiation, or a chemical, that disinfects by destroying, neutralizing, or inhibiting the growth of disease-carrying microorganisms. 消毒剂,杀菌剂:用高温、辐射或化学药剂来杀死细菌或抑制可引发疾病的微生物的增长,从而达到消毒目的30. blink: To close and open one or both of the

28、 eyes rapidly. 眨眼:快速睁闭一眼或双眼31. He lies solid and inert. 他躺在床上,显得敦实而呆滞。 solid: Of definite shape and volume; not liquid or gaseous. 固体的:固定的形状和体积的;不是液体或气体的 Firm or compact in substance. See Synonyms at firm 1紧密的:物质上牢固的或致密的参见 firm1 inert i'n:t: Unable to move or act. 无自动力的:不能移动或行动的 Paraphrase: He l

29、ies without any movement.32. standing athwart: 斜立;Athwart 'w:t: prep. From one side to the other of; across:穿过:从一侧到另一侧;穿过:e.g “the Stars that shoot athwart the Night” “划破夜空的星星” adv. From side to side; crosswise or transversely. 横跨地:从一侧到另一侧;跨过或穿过地33. scrambled 'skræmbld eggs: 炒鸡蛋。 Scramb

30、le: To cook (beaten eggs) until firm but with a soft consistency. 炒蛋:把(打开的鸡蛋)煎得变硬但要保持一定黏稠性34. They probably cant stand him any more than we can. 也许他们也受不了,像我们一样。 Not (any) more than与同样不 He doesnt like Peter more than we do. 他和我们同样不喜欢彼得。 No more than: in no greater degree than与同样不 He is no more a god

31、than we are.他和我们一样不是神。 A home without love is no more a home than a body without a soul is a man. 正像没有灵魂的身躯不成其为人一样,没有爱情的家庭也不成其家庭。 only: 仅仅;不过;只 He has no more than 100 dollars. It is no more than an empty talk. 那只不过是空谈。35. stand: A small rack, prop, or table for holding any of various articles: 用来放各种物什的小架子,支架或者桌子:e.g. a music stand; a bedside stand. 音乐台子;床头柜36. balance: To bring into or mainta


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