已阅读5页,还剩64页未读 继续免费阅读




1、Lesson One : How are you ?一、 教学目标:1.能听说读写How are you ? Fine,thanks. 2.说出并且听懂Nice to meet you.二、 教学重难点:1、How are you? Fine, thanks.以及How are you 的其它回答方式。 2、You can call me.三、教具、学具:Mr.Wood的图片,收音机四、教学过程: Warming  up 1、Greeting T: Hello, boys and girls.S: Hello, Miss Yun.T: What

2、s your name?S: My name isT: Lets learn English!2、Sing a song“How are you?”为学生学句型作铺垫 New concepts先教单词fine. 教师先把nine写在黑板上让学生拼读,然后出示fine让学生试读,反复带读fine一词并检查学生的发音。2.教师指着自己对学生说:Im fine,today. 用表情来表示出自己今天很好(指身体).并把fine一词写在黑板上,可向学生用汉语解释fine一词意思是身体好。 3. 教师和一个学生打招呼:Hello,How are you ?然后指着黑板上fine 一词,启发学生回答:Fin

3、e, thanks或 Im fine, thanks.4. 教师再和另一位学生重复刚才的会话.5. 让一个学生向老师打招呼并问候,如:S: Hello, Miss Yun. How  are  you?T: Fine ,thanks.教师接着问候学生How are you启发学生回答,同时教Im fine, thanks. Very well. Thank you.6. 教师把very well.写在黑板上.解释very well意思是身体非常好. 7. 教师带读very well ,并检查学生发音. 8. 师生之间进行打招呼问候,如 T: Morning ,boys an

4、d girls. Ss: Morning, Miss Yun. How are you? T: Fine, thanks . How are you? Ss : Very well, thank you. 9. 同桌两人或前后两人进行会话练习. 10.听会话录音N1,模仿语音语调.11.出示Mr. wood的图片,向学生自我介绍“Hello! Im your new teacher! You can call me Mr. Wood. Nice to meet you. ”告诉学生向别人介绍自己时也可以说You can call me,先生用Mr.女士用Miss。让学生用这个句型自我介绍。12

5、.让学生听会话录音N2两次,第二次跟读,模仿语音语调。13三人一组作对话,上教室前面表演。14.Do Activity book N2 Homework 课下以小组为单位编一个对话,用上“How are you ? Fine, thanks./Very well,thank you. Nice to meet you!”五、板书设计:Lesson One: How are you?nine fineHow are you?Im fine, thanks.Very well, thank you.六、习题(听音,填空) Hello, Danny! ? ,.七、课后反思: Lesson Two:

6、Friends一、 教学目标:能听说读写:Whats your name? My name is . He, she her, his, my, your二、 教学重难点:Whats your name? My name is. He, she her, his, my, your三、教具、学具:Puppet男,Puppet女,收音机,四、教学过程: Warming  up 1、Greeting T: Hello, boys and girls.S: Hello, Miss Yun.T: How are you ?S: I am fine, t

7、hanks. How are you?T: I am very well, thank you.2、Sing a song“Try to find”用以复习friend. New conceptsPut a puppet on each hand and model a conversation: Puppet男: Hello! I am a boy. My name is _.Whats your name? Puppet女: Hi! I am a girl. My name is_. Nice to meet you. Puppet男: Nice to meet you,too.(Indi

8、cates a boy/ girl in class.)Whats his/ her name ? Puppet女: I dont know.(To student.)Are you a girl or a boy ?Student: I am a boy/girl. Puppet女: Whats your name? Student: My name is _. Puppet女:Nice to meet you,_.(To Puppet2) He/She is a boy/girl. His/Her name is .2. 看书,听会话录音,模仿语音语调。3. 练习: 问答:T:(指着一个男

9、生)Is he a boy?S1: Yes, he is a boy.T:(指着一个女生)Is she a boy?S2: No, she is a girl.T:(指着一个女生)Is he a boy?S3: No, she is a girl.T: Very good ! 做接龙游戏。教师(指着一名男生)问一个学生Whats your name? Whats his name? 然后让这个回答问题的学生继续向另一个学生问同样的问题,直到教师命令停止为止。(注:如指的是女生则用Whats her name?来询问) 4. 看书,五个人一组表演课文。5.Do activity book,Num

10、ber3 Homework学生以组为单位自编新对话,下节课向大家展示。 五、板书设计:Lesson Two: FriendsImy Youyourboyhehis girlsheher六、习题(选词填空)( My, He, His, She, Her )1.is a girl. 2.is a boy.3. Whats your name ? name is Li Ming.4. Whats her name ? name is Jenny.5. Whats his name ? name is Danny.七、课后反思: Lesson 3:Is this your pencil? 教学目标:1

11、:掌握单词blackboard chalk 2:了解名词所有格形式:Stevens _3:听懂,会回答一般疑问句 Is this your_?教学重点:1:单词 blackboard chalk2: 名词所有格形式:Stevens _教学难点:1:一般疑问句 Is this your_?2:this is these are 教具使用:图片、录音机教学过程:一、 greeting 1、 Teacher: How are you ?Students: Fine , thank you. How are you?Teacher : Fine ,thanks.二、 Review1、 练习介绍自己的同

12、学。3名学生在教师的指令下在教室内前进,教师说停时,学生介绍离自己最近的同学。如:This is _. She is a girl . She is my friend.2、 问答练习Teacher : Whats his/her name?Students: His / Her name is_.学生之间互相练习。3、 Whats this?三、 new concept1、 Whats this?A、 教师将图片贴到黑板上并将单词写在图片下面带领学生朗读。B、 在四个单词前面加上This is a 或者This is ,让学生找出句型的不同,向学生简要介绍可数名词和不可数名词的区别。C、 练

13、习句型This is a_.并且将表示名词单数的句型发展到用These are 表示的复数形式。要求学生注意到名词单复数的变化。2、 Dannys pencilA、 将黑板上的句子:This is a blackboard.变成一般疑问句Is this a blackboard? 让学生猜想句子的意思,然后讲解。 B、 学生自己试读第1、2幅图,并试着翻译。教师领读。C、 学生自己试读第3幅图,找出与图1的不同之处,进行讲解和练习。This is _s pencilIs this _s pencil?3、 作业:活动手册 1、2、3板书:Is this a blackboard? This i

14、s chalk.This is a school. This is a chair.These are pencils. This is Stevens pencil.课后反思: Lesson4: Where is it?教学目标:1、掌握单词 eraser paper2、认识单词 pencil case scissors3、掌握句型 Where is it?以及方位词 in on under above below beside behind in font of教学重点:1、eraser paper 2、句型 Where is it?及回答。教学难点:句型 Where is it?及回答。

15、教具使用:图片、录音机教学过程:一、 Greeting Teacher: How are you ?Students: Fine , thank you. How are you?Teacher : Fine ,thanks.二、 Review1、 Teacher:Whats your name?Student: My name is_.Teacher :Whats his/her name?Student: His / Her name is _.学生之间互相练习。2、 What is it?What s this? What are these?三、 New concept1、 Whats

16、 this?A、教师利用实物提问Whats this?学生用汉语回答生词。教师将pen ,eraser, paper, perncil case, scissors图贴在黑板上并将英语写在图下。B、播放录音,学生看书跟读。 C、练习:Whats this? T his is a W hat are these? These are 2、 Where is it?A、教师继续学生的练习。Teacher: Whats this?S tudents: This is a pencil.教师将铅笔放在课桌上 ,问:Where is the pencil? The pencil is on the de

17、sk.B、带领学生复习以前学过的方位词。并将单词写在黑板上。C 、练习1、 教师说指令学生做:put sth in(on ,under, on ,beside)the_2、 学生之间互相练习。3、 教师提问:Where is the _?The _is _the _.D、播放录音,学生看书跟读。4、 作业:活动手册1、2板书:pen eraser paper pencil case sicssorsin beside behind on above in front ofunder below 课后反思: Lesson 5 :How Many Do I Have?一 教学目标:1复习1-100

18、的数字。2掌握标准用语How many ? .3.能在生活和学习中积极使用How many ? .二教学重难点:1教学用点: 标准用语How many ? .2教学难点:How many ? .句型和准确读写100以内的数词。三教具、学具:1实物:铅笔盒、铅笔、彩笔、书、橡皮等。2每个学生椅子下放一张实物图片,后面写有数字。四教学过程:(一)开始上课和复习:1问候:T:Hello! Boys and girls!(注意使用复数名词).2复习复数名词和数字。(结合第4课学过的方位词和Where is ?的句型)桌子上放着一个铅笔盒,里面有一支铅笔。T:I cant find my pencil-

19、case. Where is it?全班:On the desk.T: Thank you .Where is my pencil?全班:Its in the pencil-case.T: Oh, I have one pencil.(板书)(找一名学生)Where is your pencil?:On the desk.T: Give me, please. Now I have two pencils(板书)You say it, please.下面依次用其他学生的其它用品进行练习并板书 books, erasers, markers 在练习过程中,设一些小圈套,把数字和复数名词错误的进行

20、组合,如one markers,there book等等,学生们要通过重复正确答案表示同意或纠正错误。(这样既可以集中学生的注意力,又可以练习听力,还有利于及时纠正学生错误)练习之后,教师说:I want more and more markers, do you want to count with me ?做游戏Clap 注意学生的发音,尤其是十几和几十的读法。(在1-20的时候,用1-to-1,1-to-2的节奏,20-29用twen ty -one的节奏,然后数整十到一百,用one-to-twenty 的节奏。根据学生人数调整所数的数字,争取让每个学生都数到,可以在数到个别数字时做出不

21、同的变化。)T:What else do you have? Please find out the cards under your chairs.教师出示数字卡片,拿着相同数字卡片的学生读出数字再加上后面的图案读出来。如教师出示fifty-four时,拿者54卡片的学生站起来,读fifty-four cats.(二)教授重要概念How many ? .1引入句型How many ? .练习几组之后,问一个学生:What do you have?S:I have 19 monkeys.T: Can you say it, again?(尽量用表情和体态来表现)How many monkeys

22、?(用手指着19)S:19 monkeys.T:(举起三块橡皮)Look! How many erasers do I have? How many? (开始数) One, two, there. How many eraser? There erasers(板书划线部分)(举起两本书)How many books do I have?全班:Two books.2练习句型How many ,总结句型特点。T:(找一名刚才在游戏中没有被提问过的学生,拿起他的卡片)Whats this?全班:A chair.T:(翻过来,看elephants数字) How many elephants?:Twen

23、ty elephants.T:(问全班) Can you ask?(换另一个同学的卡片)全班:Whats this?:A boy.全班:How many boys?:Sixty boys.T:Ask and answer in your group.在小组内练习,可以用卡片,也可以用实物。小组练习以后,有些学生可能出现将不可数名词放在How many 之后的现象,要给予提示,请学生总结:How many 句型用来提问数量,How many后面的名词要加s(也就是用复数名词)。3巩固1T:How many books does Danny have:Read the book by yourse

24、lf.学生自读课文第一部分,然后男女分角色亮度第一、二幅画。T:First,How many books does Danny have?S;Eight books.教师和学生分角色朗读第三、四幅图(提示学生are,there也表示“有”)T:How many books are there on the desk?S:sixteen books.齐读最后一部分:T:What happened?S:Danny falls down.2.活动手册第二题。师:现在让我们来做一个小测验吧!(三)家庭作业:活动手册第五课 1,3题。五板书设计Lesson 5: How many Do I have?1

25、 pencil-2 pencils1 book -5 books1 marker-12 markers1 eraser-4 erasersHow many ereasers?-ereasers.课后反思: Lesson 6 Where Are They?一 教学目标1复习 Where is ?句型。方位词和人称、物主代词2学习重点单词 classroom,gym,library3.在具体的语境中,理解动词-ing形式的意思。二教学重、难点1教学重点:词汇classroom,library,gym以及方位词。2教学难点:代词和物主代词的使用三教具、学具。1实物:钢笔、铅笔、书、纸2卡片:clas

26、sroom,gym,library,Jenny,Danny,Steven.四教学过程(一)问候(二)复习并引入新课1用歌曲复习Where is ?句型以及方位词。T:(用两只老虎的调唱)This is a pencil,2 Where is it?2(边唱边把铅笔放在桌子上)S:Its on the desk.T:( 把钢笔放在书下面,接着唱) This is a pen.2 Where is it? 2S:Under the book.然后用橡皮、铅笔盒练习in the pencil case用纸和黑板练习 on the blackboard 后边两组练习全班一起唱边问,找个学生回答。(三)

27、教授新概念classroom,gym,library1T:(叫一名同学起立,继续唱问全班)He is .2Where is he? 2全班:在教师里T:Yes,(唱),He is in the classroom(边说边把教师的卡片贴到黑板上)Say it ,please.3.T:Where is Steven? Do you know?(出示体育馆的图片)T:yes,he is in the gym.Say it ,please. Gym(贴卡片)T:The boys ask,and the girls answer.(指着图)B:Where is steven?G:He is in the

28、 gym.(变换卡片上的人物来练习)4搭配练习在黑板上贴出卡片 book,blackboard,ball用Where is it 的句型让学生连线理解动词+ing的句子T:指着book卡片说,Lets go to the全班:libraryT:Yes,very good.指着 ball,Lets go to the全班:gym.T:(指着blackboard) I want to write on the blackboard.全班:Lets go to the classroom.T:(拿出伍德老师的卡片)Look!Mr Wood is in the classroomHe is writi

29、ng on the blackboard.(板书 writing)利用卡片和动作展示动词drawing,reading,playing putting并板书。练习:1.听录音(第五课第一部分)连线classroom Jenny drawing Danny readinggym kim playing steven puttinglibrary Mr.wood writing2.拓展练习:(准备一张张贴画)谈论这幅图画,可以用上的下句型和词汇。where is ?He/she/it is ingfly,jump,swim,run,draw,write结束课堂教学:听录音,唱歌曲(第5课第2部分)

30、家庭作业:活动手册第1题,第3题板书:Lesson 6: Where Are They?classroomlibrarygymbookblackboardballwritingreadingplaying课后反思: Lesson 7 Are you ready for a quiz?一、教学目标:a 、知识目标: (1)复习本单元所学的词汇、标准用语和问答。 (2)利用课本中的测验检查学生的掌握情况。 (3)通过故事的学习,使学生理解本课故事大意,复习本单元的词汇。b、技能目标: 所学词汇和句型的运用能力和阅读能力。c、情感态度: 对所进行的英语活动感兴趣,进一步提高学习英语的积极性。二、教学

31、重点:学生能读、写、说、准确的理解本单元所学的词汇、标准用语和问答。三、教学难点:学生理解本课故事大意,复习本单元的词汇。四、教学过程:(一)、 开始上课和复习 1. 问候:T: How are you? Boys and girls! Ss: Fine, thanks. And you?T: Fine, thank you! T: Whats your name? (教师单独指一名学生提问.)S1: My name is _.T: Whats her/his name? (教师随意找一名学生对另一名学生提问)S2: Her/His name is _.T: Are you ready for

32、 a quiz?Ss: Yes!T: Lets sing a song “Where is Jenny?”2、复习将书中的小测试用作复习,观察学生理解能力。录音内容为:T: Hi, class! Lets have some fun! Lets give Danny a test!1.T:Danny, what are these? Danny: Two eraser, Mr. Wood!T:Yes or no, class?2.T: where is the chalk, Danny?D:Above the scissors.3.T: Look, Danny, what is it? D:I

33、ts a book.4.T: Danny! Is this a pen or a pencil?D:Its a pencil.5.T: Whats her name, Danny?D:His name is Jenny, Mr. wood.Okay, class. Is Danny right? Look at the answers below.Answers:They are two erasers. The chalk is below the scissors. Its paper. Its a pencil.Her name is Jenny.(二)、故事:“Little Zeke”

34、利用教科书和录音带1、阅读前准备:教师可先提几个问题:让学生先讨论1.Is this a boy or a girl?2.Is he big or little?3.Where is he? (In the desk)4.what do you think happens in this story?2、阅读:教师先读一遍故事,让学生理解。让后让学生单独朗读。3、阅读后讨论:用几个问题帮助学生理解,也可以是学生自己提问题。对故事的大概意思理解就可以。不必为解决某个单词多用时间。Is this Emma/Tess/Tom?Is Emma happy or sad?Is Tess happy or

35、 sad?Is Little Zeke happy or sad?Who is Little Zekes new friend?Do you like this story? Why or why not?(四)、复习重点句型的问答:标准的问候语:How are you? Fine, thanksWhats your name? My name is _.Whats his/her name? His/Her name is _. 标准用语:What is it? It is _.Where is it? It is _.口语:How many _? _.Nice to meet you.两人

36、一组进行一对一练习.活动手册作为课下练习。 五.板书What is it? It is _.Where is it? It is _.How many _? _.Nice to meet you.六、习题: What's your name?_ name is Denny.What's her name? _ name is Jenny.what's his name? _ name is LiMing.Is _ a boy? Yes,he is a boy.Is he a girl? No,_ is a girl.七、课后反思: Lesson 8 Again,plea

37、se! 一、教学目标:a、知识目标:(1)全面复习本单元所学词汇和句型 (2)利用活动手册进行测试b、技能目标。 使学生牢固掌握和较熟练运用本单元所学知识 。c、情感态度。 通过探究、体验、合作等途径,使学生参与其中,乐于学习。二、教学重点:本单元知识的运用学生能读、写、说、准确的理解: 名词(教室用语): blackboard, chalk, eraser, paper, pencil 物主代词:her, his, my, your 代词:he, she 标准用语:How are you Fine,thanks. Whats your name My name is _. Whats is

38、it It is_. Where is it It is _. 三、教学难点:准确的理解运用这些词汇物主代词:her, his, my, your 代词:he, she 四、教学过程:(一)开始上课1.问候:T: How are you? Boys and girls! Ss: Fine, thanks. And you?T: Fine, thank you! T: Whats your name? (教师单独指一名学生提问.)S1: My name is _.T: Whats her/his name? (教师随意找一名学生对另一名学生提问)S2: Her/His name is _.(二)

39、 游戏结合上一节课的故事:“Little Zeke ”做“Secret word ”游戏。同时观察学生理解能力以及表达能力。结合上一节课教科书中的测试做“Happy Face, Sad Face”游戏,教师读出每一问题,然后让学生自告奋勇的给出答案并让这位同学站到相应的表情下。游戏方法略。(三)、测试利用活动手册和录音带录音内容省略。(四)、结束课堂教学让学生选一首他们喜欢的歌曲结束本课教学。五、板书her his my your he she 六、习题1.完成下列单词,并在括号中写出该词的中文意思。 1.ch_ _k(    ) &

40、#160;    2. b lackbo _(    )      3. cl _ _sroom (    )    4. eras _ _ (    )     5. pape _

41、0;  (    )  6. pen _ _ _ (    )2.选择填空(   )1.How _ is that colourful dress?A. many         B. much        C. ni

42、ce(   )2. _ spell it? Yes, I can.A. Can       B. Are you       C. Can you (   )3. Whats your name? _.A. Her name is 

43、0;Jiang Hong. B. This is Jiang Hong. C. My name is Jiang Hong.七、课后反思: Lesson 9 Months of the Years 教学目标:(一) 能力目标:能够听、说、读、写表示十二个月份的词,并能够运用Whats the date?(今天几号?)Its _.(今天是_.)进行对话练习。(二) 情感目标:根据小学生的特点,引导他们在宽松和谐的气氛中学习英语,调动他们学习的积极性、主动性,发挥创造性。二、 教学重、难点:(一)

44、单词:January 一月 February 二月 March 三月April 四月 May 五月 June 六月 July 七月 August 八月 September 九月 October 十月 November 十一月 December 十二月 (二) 重点句型:Whats the date? 今天几号?Its _. 今天_.三、 教学教具:1 12月份的单词卡片,一个英文日历,录音机四、 教学过程:.Greeting: Free talk.A: Hello! My name is _. Whats your name?B: My name is _. How are you?A: Fine, thanks. How are you?B: Fine,too.A: Nice to meet you!B: Nice to meet you, too.A: How do you feel?B: I feel _.A: Can you sing a song?B: Yes, I can.A: Can you say twelve months?B: OK!.New concepts1. Learning:The teacher take out word car


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