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1、试卷类型:A梅州市高三总复习质检试卷(2022.4)英 语本试卷共8页,满分120分。考试用时120分钟。注意事项:1. 本试卷由三个部分组成。其中,第二部分和第三部分的第一节为选择题。第三部分的第二节和第四部分为非选择题。2. 答卷前,考生务必用2B铅笔在“考生号”处填涂考生号。用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔将自己所在的县(市、区)、学校、班级以及自己的姓名和考生考、试室号、座位号填写在答题卡上。用2B铅笔将试卷类型(A)填涂在答题卡相应位置上。3. 回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑;回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。4. 考试结束后,

2、将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。AEvery diligent parent is constantly looking for the best summer activities for their kids, Whether its a local tennis camp, sports leagues, or arts and crafts events, there is no shortage of summer activities a

3、nd kid entertainment that you can fill each summer day with. Scroll down below to see the best summer ideas for your kids. Outdoor Word Game All you need to do is getting up many huge letters that can be easily moved. These letters will help kids spell out certain words. Teenagers would also love so

4、mething like this as it gives them the opportunity to spend their time in learning new words. Flying a Kite Pick a clear arca to run and fly a kite of your choice. Flying a kite teaches your kids patience and coordination, A plus is that they are pretty to watch high in the sky, with a bright sun, d

5、uring a fun summer day! Milk Carton Boats Making Take an old milk carton and shape it in the fashion of a boat. You can even paint it and stick a toothpick in it with a taped flag! Test it out by putting it in water in the sink or bath. Does it float? If not, your kids can brainstorm on how to fix i

6、t and try fixing it. Spray Painting To bring out the creativity in a person, an activity centered on spray painting is the perfect way to get those creative juices flowing. All you need to do is providing plain white T-shirt and some cans of colored spray paint. It will be quite surprising to see so

7、me of the original ideas that will flow from individuals. 21. Which game is of benefit to children in learning new words?A. Outdoor Word Game.B. Spray Painting.C. Milk Carton Boats Making.D. Flying a Kite.22. Which is TRUE according to the passage?A. Patience does not help when you try to fly a kite

8、.B. You have to spray orange juice on your T-shirt in Spray Painting.C. You learn to sing new songs with huge letters in Outdoor Word Game.D. Milk Carton Boats Making develops kids hands-on ability and thinking ability.23. Who is the text probably intended for?A. Teachers.B. Children.C. Parents.D. T

9、eenagers.BLaurie Horam never thought of himself as musical. At home, his dad never listened to music, while one of his boarding school teachers labelled him tone deaf. But last month he started to busk. And while he accompanies on harmonica (口琴) his guitar playing friend Alan Eaton, people clap, dan

10、ce and throw coins into Alans guitar case for the local food bank. Horam caught himself thinking: “How, at the age of 80, do I come to be playing music to people on the streets of Bradford?” The question preoccupied him, because, some years ago at a family gathering, Gavin, one of his children, said

11、, “You know what, Dad? It cant be coincidental. We must have got our natural abilities and interest from you.” He has three sons, two daughters and a stepson from two marriages; between them, they cover a range of instruments and genres from techno to rock. Horam was floored. “There cant be music in

12、 me, because I cant play!” he said.Eight years ago, Horam, a retired civil servant, was driving back from a trip to the Yorkshire coast with his eldest son. Gavin, who was visiting from Canada. Gavin wanted to stop at a music shop. He walked out and said, “Here you are. I bought this for you, Dad. I

13、ts a harmonica. Ill try to show you how to play a bit.” They went to a local pub. Gavin played guitar and Laurie sat in the corner with his harmonica. trying to make a sound that no one would hear. After six months, he was invited into the group. Unable to read music, he discovered a talent for impr

14、ovisation (即兴表演), responding to a note within a millisecond without batting an eyelid. “I dont play by ear. I play by heart.” Actually, Horam says, “My harmonica plays me how I feel, what I am, what Ive been.” Music has enriched life with friendship and made Horam feel “part of something much bigger

15、” than himself. “At a time when the scope of life might be shrinking, mine is expanding,” he says. “Maybe we never know completely who we are or what we can do.” 24. Why did Horam play the harmonica on the streets of Bradford?A. To collect money for charity.B. To recall the good old days.C. To live

16、his childhood dream.D. To beg food from passers-by.25. Whats the common feature of Horams children?A. They are all divorced.B. They are all tone deaf.C. They are all musical.D. They are all guitar players.26. What is Gavins attitude to his fathers musical ability?A. Unclear.B. Positive.C. Doubtful.

17、D. Disapproving.27. What can be learned from the last two paragraphs?A. Music fails to help Horam express himself.B. Music helps Horam lead a comfortable life.C. Music helps Horam sharpen his own hearing.D. Music brings Horam a broader circle of life.CNow you can have polar bears as pen friends. Fir

18、st you need to find one, then tranquilize (麻醉) it and quickly give it the necessary tools before it wakes up. Its an awkward first encounter how many friendships do you know that start with tranquilizers? und admittedly a one-sided correspondence, but soon theyll be sending messages daily. Every mor

19、ning, Jon Aars, a senior researcher at the Norwegian Polar Institute, receives a bunch of emails from several female polar bears, letting him know where they are. Each year, Aars and his colleagues fit around 70 polar bears with a tracking collar which continuously logs movement. Once a day the coll

20、ar makes a satellite call, sending the last 24 hours of data back to the Institute. “Data about movement has been very important to understand how they might respond to climate change,” Aars explains. A warming climate means a vast amount of sea ice is melting. Several seal species polar bears main

21、food rely on sea ice, and more often than not, where sea ice can be found, so too can polar bears. But these creatures are being forced to move. “We have seen that bears are in different areas than they used to be so much further north,” Aars explains. The collar can also record body temperature, wh

22、ich can tell scientists if a bear has moved inside a habitat an indication the animal is going to give birth. Sea ice loss is also having an impact on where polar bears are born. “Important areas that they used to go to give birth to cubs (幼兽) are more or less lost,” says Aars. “Bears are now swimmi

23、ng as far as 200 kilometers to reach an island habitat,” he adds, “something they did not need to do 20 years ago.” Aars hopes his research could reveal how to help his pen friends hold out a little longer. “What is important for us is that all this data tells us how they will respond in the future,

24、” he adds. 28. What does the author intend to do in Paragraph 1?A. Provide some key facts about polar bears.B. Explain how to deal with wild polar bears.C. Suggest ways to save tranquilized polar bears.D. Describe how to get polar bears ready for tracking.29. What is the collar mainly used for?A. Gu

25、iding polar bears to sea ice.B. Protecting polar bears from hunting.C. Labeling polar bears ready to give birth.D. Collecting polar bears movement data.30. How does climate change affect polar bears?A. They are forced to move south.B. They have trouble finding food.C. Their habitats are too hot to l

26、ive up.D. Their cubs fail to adapt to the climate.31. What can be the best title for the text?A. Polar bears: creatures on sea ice.B. Climate change: polar bears face extinction.C. Another wake -up: sea ice loss is speeding up.D. Emails from the edge: polar bears send messages to scientists.DProfess

27、or Veena Sahajwalla, 2022 Australian of the year, has created a solution to our massive trash problem: waste microfactories. These little trash processors (处理器) some as small as 500 square feet house a series of machines that recycle waste and transform it into new materials with thermal technology.

28、 The new all-in-one approach could leave our current recycling processes in the dust. In 2018 she launched the first microfactory, establishing a model of recycling that enables businesses and communities to develop commercial opportunities while addressing local waste problems. A second one began r

29、ecycling plastics in 2019. Now, her lab group is working with university and industry partners to commercialize their patented Microfactory technology. “The small scale of the machines will make it easier for them to one day operate on renewable energy, unlike most large manufacturing plants. The ap

30、proach will also allow cities to recycle waste into new products on location, avoiding the long, often international, high-emission journeys between recycling processors and manufacturing plants. With a microfactory, gone are the days of needing separate facilities to collect and store materials, ex

31、tract (提取) elements and produce new products,” says Sahajwalla. Traditionally, recycling plants break down materials for reuse in similar products like melting down plastic to make more plastic things. Sahajwallas invention advances this idea by taking materials from an old product and creating some

32、thing different. “The kids dont look like the parents,” she says. Sahajwalla refers to this process as “the fourth R.” adding “re-form” to the common phrase “reduce, reuse, recycle”. Professor Veena Sahajwallas programs help to develop innovation and promote cooperation with industry, ensuring that

33、sustainable materials and processes become commercially practical solutions for dealing with waste. 32. What is the purpose of the first paragraph?A. To introduce a new type of trash processor.B. To introduce the process of recycling waste.C. To prove the seriousness of the trash problem.D. To show

34、the current situation of trash recycling.33. What does the second paragraph mainly talk about?A. The founding of waste microfactories.B. The influences of waste microfactories.C. The advantages of waste microfactories.D. The shocking scale of waste microfactories.34. What does “re-form” in Paragraph

35、 3 refer to according to Sahajwalla?A. Extracting materials from the waste.B. Generating new materials with waste.C. Updating the whole recycling process.D. Transforming waste into similar products.35. Where is the text probably taken from?A. A fiction novel.B. A business report.C. A science magazin

36、e.D. A chemical textbook.第二节(共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项。Whats really green?Most of us are aware that we must take care of the environment, and the majority of us take steps to save energy and reduce waste and pollution. But recently, some “green truths” have been s

37、hown to be only half true, or even completely false. 36 Paper shopping bags are better than plastic ones. Plastic bags cause litter and are a danger to wild animals, which mistake them for food. It takes hundreds of years for plastic to break down, but much less time for paper. Because of this, peop

38、le think paper bags are the better environmental choice. However, making a paper bag uses four times as much energy as making a plastic bag and up to three times the amount of water. 37 In fact, both kinds of bags are bad for the environment. So, take a reusable bag with you when you go shopping. 38

39、 It seems like common sense: eating local food should be better for the environment, because it does not need to be transported long distances and kept cold during transport. 39 It is the production of food, not its transport, that uses most of the energy and produces most of the greenhouse gases. I

40、n some cases, local produce might have used more energy and produced more greenhouse gases than produce grown a long way away even taking into account its transport. Its better to take a shower than a bath. 40 If you spend more than eight minutes in a shower, youll use as much water as in a bath abo

41、ut 50 litres of water, Therefore, the key is to keep your shower time as short as possible. Environmental awareness is now part of daily life. But its worth checking common ideas and opinions to see what s really green. A. So say no to plastic bags.B. Here are some common ones.C. Unfortunately, it i

42、s not that simple.D. Eating local food is good for the environment.E. The process also produces more greenhouse gases.F. Its time that we took measures to protect our environment.G. It depends on how long you spend in the shower and how large your bath is.第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 阅

43、读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。After Mark Bertram lost the tips of two fingers in a construction accident, Eric Catalano tattooed fingernails onto his hand. “Its life-changing but its not life-ending,” Bertram said. “Doing work is _41_ now. Everything is just a little different.” He cant tie

44、 his shoes with _42_, type on a keyboard or hold food the same way anymore. But after two surgeries and occupational treatment, he decided to make light of his new _43_ by asking Catalano to create the fingernail tattoo. The idea made everyone in the studio laugh until they saw the final result. “Th

45、e mood changed in here,” Catalano _44_ as he stood in his Eternal Ink Tattoo Studio. “Everything turned from _45_ to wow.” When Catalano _46_ a photo of the inked fingernails online last January, he thought maybe 300 people would like the realistic tattoo. He had no idea the _47_ would be viewed by

46、millions of people around the world. Even “Ripleys Believe It or Not!” tracked him down to feature the viral tattoo: a pair of fingernails that looked so _48_ that no one could believe their eyes. The widely spread photo _49_ Catalano, 39, further into the world of paramedical tattooing (医疗纹身). Now

47、people with life-altering sears come from as far as Ireland to visit Catalano s tattoo shop in this rural village. With flesh-toned ink and a needle, Catalano makes his clients feel whole again with an art form and industry that picks up where doctors _50_. Paramedical tattoo is a _51_ new field, bu

48、t it is growing, thanks to cosmetic and plastic surgery technology. Catalano, while _52_ $ 100 for a regular tattoo, provides free paramedical tattoos supported with only tiny public _53_. “Financially, it doesnt _54_,” Catalano says. “ But every time I see that emotion from my customers, I am 100 p

49、ercent sure that my work is _55_.” 41. A. rougher B. heavier C. tougher D. busier 42. A. ease B. interest C. joy D. power 43. A. permission B. claim C. remark D. condition 44. A. realized B. recognized C. recalled D. remembered 45. A. curious B. funny C. hopeless D. awkward 46. A. received B. took C

50、. posted D. searched 47. A. finger B. image C. studio D. video 48. A. real B. essential C. abnormal D. formal 49. A. pushed B. forced C. required D. handled 50. A. set off B. leave off C. cut off D. put off 51. A. constantly B. generally C. relatively D. gradually 52. A. costing B. paying C. consumi

51、ng D. charging 53. A. reputation B. recognition C. motivations D. donations 54. A. come up B. make sense C. hold back D. come true 55. A. worthwhile B. pioneering C. demanding D. outstanding 第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 The term “China-Chic”, characterizes the rise of Chi

52、nas native fashion trends. It has expanded the concept of “Made in China,” 56 is usually regarded as the assurance of the quality of products. In recent years, “Made in China” has 57 (increasing) been recognized as the representation of Chinese culture 58 (offer) by homegrown Chinese brands, or simp

53、ly “China-Chic.” The initial 59 (adopt) of the term “China-Chic” was similar to “Brit Style,” which represents a unique fashion trend mainly defined by the countrys differentiating cultural 60 (element). Designers in the fashion industry were 61 first to feature traditional Chinese patterns and char

54、acters, garment textiles and crafting technique in 62 (they) newest collections. The eye-catching colors and styles created a visual feast that many have never seen before, quickly 63 (turn) the collections into best sellers. Under such influence, young people gradually 64 (Shift) their attention fr

55、om pop culture imported from Japan, Korea and the West and started to develop interest 65 traditional Chinese art and literature, practicing Chinese calligraphy and musical instrument, such as Guzheng. 第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)第一节(满分15分)假定你是李华,你的英国朋友James看了冬奥会开幕式,对中国的24节气(24 solar terms)很感兴趣,写信向你询问有关中国24节气的相关知识。请你给他写一封回信,介绍相关知识,要点如下:1. 很高兴他对中国文化感兴趣;2. 介绍其中一个节气立春Beginning of S


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