1、 Grammar Revision There be句型句型主主+ +谓谓主主+ +谓谓+ +宾宾 主主+ +系系+ +表表主主+ +谓谓+ +间宾间宾+ +直宾直宾主主+ +谓谓+ +宾宾+ +宾补宾补 五个简单句型结构五个简单句型结构1.他们是诚实的。他们是诚实的。2. 他成为了一个科学家。他成为了一个科学家。3. 他的脸变红了。他的脸变红了。4.他给了汤姆一件礼物。他给了汤姆一件礼物。5.他令我发笑了。他令我发笑了。6.我看到她在和我看到她在和Nancy聊天。聊天。7.事故是昨天发生的。事故是昨天发生的。8.这种食物吃起来很可口。这种食物吃起来很可口。9.他拒绝回答我的问题。他拒绝回答我
2、的问题。.1.他们是诚实的。他们是诚实的。2. 他成为了一个科学家。他成为了一个科学家。3. 他的脸变红了。他的脸变红了。They are honest .He became a scientist .His face turned red .4.他给了汤姆一件礼物。他给了汤姆一件礼物。 5.他令我发笑了。他令我发笑了。6.我看到她在和楠西聊天。我看到她在和楠西聊天。He gave Tom a present. He made me laugh .I saw her chatting with Nancy .7.事故是昨天发生的。事故是昨天发生的。8.这种食物吃起来很可口。这种食物吃起来很可口
3、。9.他拒绝回答我的问题。他拒绝回答我的问题。The accident happened yesterday.This kind of food tastes delicious .She refused to answer the question . There is a waterfall on the mountain.There are a lot of fireworks in the sky.There is a singer singing in the picture.There are three boys singing on the stage.There is a g
4、irl dancing on the ground.There are many People dancing in the hall. 句型句型“There + be + 主语主语 +状语状语/同位语同位语”, 用以表达在某处或某时用以表达在某处或某时“存在存在”某人某物。其中某人某物。其中, there 仅为仅为引导词引导词, 并无实际意义并无实际意义; be 与其后的主与其后的主语在人称和数上保持一致语在人称和数上保持一致, 有时态和有时态和情态变化。如:情态变化。如:There be句型句型There_ a hole in my sock.There _some money in th
5、e purse. There _ no children in his house.There _ a boy, a girl and two women in the house. There _ ten students and a teacher in the office. 一、There be的主谓一致的主谓一致就近原则就近原则 is isareareis 现在现在有有 过去过去有有 将来将来有有 现在已经现在已经有有 二、二、There be 的基本时态的基本时态 1.这个村子过去只有一口井。这个村子过去只有一口井。 only a well in the village. 2.天气
6、预报说下午有大风。天气预报说下午有大风。 The weatherman says a strong wind in the afternoon.3.从那以后,我们国家有了很大的变化。从那以后,我们国家有了很大的变化。 great changes in our country since then. there is/are there was/werethere will be/ is /are going to be. there has/have beenthere will beThere wasThere have been 可能可能有有 肯定肯定有有 不可能不可能有有 应该应该有有
7、三、三、there be句型可以与各种情态动词连用句型可以与各种情态动词连用 1.我提醒他们树林可能有蛇。我提醒他们树林可能有蛇。 I warned them that _ _ _ _ in the woods.2.灯还亮着,办公室肯定有人。灯还亮着,办公室肯定有人。The light is on. _ _ _ _ in the office. no problem. there might be snakesThere must be someone3.应该没有什么问题。应该没有什么问题。there might be.there must be there cant be there sho
8、uld be There should be1.战争之前,这儿有一家电影院。战争之前,这儿有一家电影院。 _ _ _ _ a cinema here before the war. 2.拼写似乎有错。拼写似乎有错。_ _ _ _ a mistake in the spelling.3.那时碰巧办公室没人那时碰巧办公室没人._ _ _ _ nobodyin the office 四、四、 there be结构的变形结构的变形 (1 1)过去一直过去一直有有 似乎有似乎有 碰巧有碰巧有 很可能有很可能有 There used to beThere happened to beThere seems
9、 to be there used to be there seems/seem/seemed to be there happen/happens/happened to be there is likely to be四、四、 there be结构的变形结构的变形 (2 2) there be 句型中的谓语动词句型中的谓语动词be被一些不及物动词代替,被一些不及物动词代替,如如live, lie, stand,exist,remain等,用来表示等,用来表示静止、静止、存在、有存在、有。例如:。例如: There lives a family of five in the village
10、There lies a cat under the sofa, sleeping.There remains just twenty-eight dollars. There stands a high building by the river.There exist different opinions on this question 1.There is no need to do 没必要做没必要做 There is no need to worry. 没必要再等下去。没必要再等下去。 2.There is no good /use/harm doing sth. 做某事没有好处做某
11、事没有好处/用处用处/害处害处There is no good making friends with that guy.劝他戒烟没用的。劝他戒烟没用的。五、There be的习惯句型的习惯句型There is no need to wait. There is no use advising him to give up smoking3There be no +doing表示表示“不可能不可能”、“无法无法”。There is no denying that China is still a developing country(=There is no doubt that ) Ther
12、e is no joking about such matters 4. There is no/some difficulty/trouble (in) doing sth 在做某事方面没有在做某事方面没有/有一些困难有一些困难例:例:There is no trouble in lerning English. 六六.在由在由“there be 主语名词主语名词,主语通主语通常由非谓语动词修饰。常由非谓语动词修饰。 1.There be sth. (for sb.) to do. 有有.要做要做 There is a lot of work to do. There are still m
13、any things for us to do.2. There be sb. doing 有某人正在做某事有某人正在做某事 There are several children swimming in the river.=There are several children who are swimming in the river.3.There be sb./sth done2.There have been many people killed in the flood.=There have been many people who were killed in the flood
14、.1. Hurry up, there is no time left.七、七、There be 句型的非谓语形式句型的非谓语形式1.There being no time left, we have to hurry.2. I never dreamed of there being a present for me.3. I dont want there to be any doubt about this.1.There will have a class meeting tomorrow.be2.There are two boys are waiting for you. Ther
15、e are two boys who are waiting for you.3.There are one third of the students think it necessary to move the zoo. There are one third of the students who think it necessary to move the zoo.八八. . 看看下面的表达是否正确,有错的请改过来。看看下面的表达是否正确,有错的请改过来。We will have a class meeting tomorrow. 书面表达时除了用书面表达时除了用There be 来表
16、达来表达“ “有有”, 还还可以用其他方式表达可以用其他方式表达“ “有有”的意思的意思 。试比较以。试比较以下句子。下句子。1.学校的体育中心有三个运动区域学校的体育中心有三个运动区域.There are three athletic areas in the school sports center.The school sports center contains three athletic areas.2. with结构也有结构也有“有有”的含义。的含义。Its a small flat of 25 square meters, with a bedroom, a bathroom,
17、 and a kitchen. 中国是一个有着悠久历史的国家。中国是一个有着悠久历史的国家。 China is a country with a long history.Jane 是一个漂亮女孩,有着长头发和大眼睛。是一个漂亮女孩,有着长头发和大眼睛。 Jane is a beautiful girl with long hair and big eyes.There beThere be和和have/hashave/has的区别的区别1.There be1.There be结构表示某处有某结构表示某处有某物,是物,是“存在存在”的意思的意思2. have/has2. have/has表示某
18、人有某物,表示某人有某物,是是“拥有拥有”的意思的意思第三人称单数:第三人称单数:he/she/it/xx/whohe/she/it/xx/who后用后用hashas!Learning tip :Fill in the blanks with “there be” or “have/has”_ six people in my family. We _ a big sitting room, a dining room, a bedroom, a study and a kitchen. _ two sofas in the sitting room. _ a big TV. _ some c
19、hairs in it, but _ any chairs in the bedroom. _ a fridge in the kitchen. We _ some orange juice and bread. _ no computer in my brothers study, but he _ a lot of picture books.There arehaveThere areThere isThere arethere arentThere ishaveThere ishas二、篇章运用:二、篇章运用: 假如你和你的好朋友约翰之间曾经出现误假如你和你的好朋友约翰之间曾经出现误会
20、。请根据以下内容会。请根据以下内容, 写一篇短文陈述产生误写一篇短文陈述产生误会的原因、经过和结果。会的原因、经过和结果。 上个月我们进行了一次数学测试。碰巧有上个月我们进行了一次数学测试。碰巧有一道数学题除了我以外没有人能做出来。我一道数学题除了我以外没有人能做出来。我的好朋友约翰想抄我的答案的好朋友约翰想抄我的答案, 他扔给我一张他扔给我一张纸条纸条, 但我不予理睬。这次测试以后我们吵了但我不予理睬。这次测试以后我们吵了一架一架, 自此我们之间一直存在很大的隔阂。自此我们之间一直存在很大的隔阂。我们之间一定有误会我们之间一定有误会, 我向他解释我为什我向他解释我为什么拒绝他的原因么拒绝他的
21、原因, 我们又成为了好朋友。我们又成为了好朋友。写作要求写作要求 必须使用必须使用5个句子表达全部的内容;个句子表达全部的内容; 尽可能多使用尽可能多使用There be 结构。结构。 There used to be some misunderstanding between my best friend John and me. We had a math test last month and there happened to be a very difficult problem in the test but there seemed/appeared to be nobody e
22、xcept me could work out the problem. My best friend John wanted to copy my answer and he threw me a piece of paper asking me to give my answer to him. There lied his paper of request in front of me, but I ignored it so after the test we had a quarrel and since then there has been a great distance be
23、tween us. There must be some misunderstanding between us so I explained to him why I refused to give him my answer in a test and we became good friends again. 写作运用写作运用【写作内容【写作内容】来自美国的来自美国的Alice到你校考察,为了让他更好地了到你校考察,为了让他更好地了解你校情况,你向他介绍你校情况:解你校情况,你向他介绍你校情况:【写作要求【写作要求】1.只能使用只能使用5个句子表达全部内容个句子表达全部内容;2.尽可能多使用尽可能多使用there be 句型句型 过去过去 现在现在 将来将来师生人数师生人数六年前,只六年前,只有有500500名师生名师生有有30003000学生学生和和500500名老名老师师学生住宿情学生住宿情况况只有一栋教只有一栋教学楼供师生学楼供师生住宿和上课住宿和上课用。用。住
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