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1、Warming-up and reading 品味英语的幽默Warming-up 1. What part of this joke makes you langh?PunchlinePunchlineThe words that form the climax of a jokeLook at the following jokes and find out the punchlines.Tracker A family was visiting an Indian reservation when they happen upon an old tribesman laying face

2、down in the middle of the road with his ear pressed firmly against the blacktop. The father of the family asked the old tribesman what he was doing. The tribesman began to speak. woman, late thirties, three kids, one barking dog in late model, Four door station wagon(旅行车旅行车), traveling at 65 m.p.h.

3、Thats amazing exclaimed the father. You can tell all of that by just listening to the ground? No, said the old tribesman. They just ran over me five minutes ago! Customer: Whats that fly(苍蝇苍蝇) doing in my soup? Waiter: Swimming, I think! A cheerful old bear at the zoo Could always find something to

4、do When it bored him you know To walk to and fro He returned round and walked fro and to.Funny poems 动物园的老熊欢乐悦愉,能做的事儿无穷无尽;如果它真的感到没趣,就会向前走:一二三!接著再转身:三二一!What is humor? Humour is a word means making others laugh. If someone often makes others laugh, we say he is humorous and we call him a humorist. Th

5、e question of whether or not something is humorous is a matter of personal taste.How many kinds of humour do you know about?funny poemscross talk 相声相声Examples of humorfunny storiescomedy mime 哑剧哑剧sketch 小品小品jokes Do you know these humorist?Chinese humoristsDo they have something in common ? sketchTw

6、o or more speakers make many jokes and funny conversation.Who are they?(mime)Mr Bean is funny because he makes funny faces and acts silly behaviour. 笑剧,滑稽剧笑剧,滑稽剧(funny stories)Mark TwainMark Twain was the popular and humorous American author. adj.幽默的幽默的mimemimeCharlie ChaplinA Master of Nonverbal Hu

7、mour Look at the title and guess what is this passage writing about? 1. Fast reading:There are two, The Little Tramp and The Gold Rush. Who is the main character of the text? Who is the main character of the text? What was he famous for?What was he famous for? 2. How many famous films or characters

8、2. How many famous films or characters are mentioned in the text? What are are mentioned in the text? What are the names?the names?A Master of Nonverbal HumourThe main character is Charlie Chaplin. He was famous for his nonverbal humour.Charlie ChaplinBorn:Job:In 1972, he was givenType of acting isF

9、amous character:Costume:Died in in1889an actormimeThe Little Tramplarge trousers, worn-out shoes and small round black hat and a walking stick.a special Oscar for his outstanding work.1977Switzerland.Exercise 1 Unit3 A taste of English humourHow many types of humour do you know?RevisionLead in:Can y

10、ou name any humourous actors? How do you understand the sentence “Laughter is the sun that drives winter from the human face.”? A. Laughter is the power to drive winter away and welcome warm spring. B. Laughter can keep ones face warm, especially during freezing winter. C. Laughter can make people f

11、orget their problems and make them feel happy.CChoose the best answer.2. The Little Tramp is well known because _. Chaplin played a poor and homeless person.B. The character was social failure.C. Chaplin wore large trousers, worn-out shoes and a small round black hat and carried a walking stick.D. C

12、haplin play a role as a man who determined to overcome difficulties and was kind even when people were unkind to him.D 3. Which is NOT true? A. Charlie was a master of non-verbal humor. B. Charlie showed humanity and kindness in his movies. C. Charlie was a social failure, so he could play that char

13、acter well. D. Charlie must have experienced sad situations when he was a child.C 4. The Gold Rush, one of Chaplins most famous films, was made in _. A. America B. Britain C. Canada D. Australia5. The story of The Gold Rush happened _. A. in the 1750s B. in the 1850s C. in the 1890s D. in the 1950sA

14、6. Whats the main idea of the text?A. The history of English humour.B. The films that Chaplin made.C. The humour Chaplin made in his films.D. The Gold Rush in California.C 7. Whats the authors attitude to Charlie Chaplin? A. positive B. negative C. serious D. appreciativeD Retell the passage accordi

15、ng to the questions. Why did people need cheering up? 2. What was Charlies childhood like? 3. What was his most famous character like? 4. What were his achievements? Discussion 1.Who is your favorite humorous actor?2. Do you want to be a humorous person? And how can you be humorous?“To truly laugh,

16、you must be able to take your pain, and play with it!”-Charlie Chaplin1. 1. 直到现在直到现在 2. 2. 对对满意满意3. 3. 潦倒潦倒, ,穷困穷困, , 缺少的缺少的 4. 4. 让人吃惊让人吃惊5. 5. 时间流逝时间流逝 6. 6. 照顾照顾7. 7. 遍及遍及, , 整个世界整个世界 8. 8. 磨破的磨破的, ,穿旧的穿旧的, , 精疲力尽的精疲力尽的 up to nowbe content with badly off astonish sb.go bylook afterthroughout the

17、worldworn-outUseful phrases9.9.克服困难克服困难10.10.寻找寻找11.11.被困住被困住, ,被绊住被绊住, ,受阻受阻12.12.在在的边缘的边缘13.13.挑出挑出, ,辨别出辨别出14.14.切切/ /砍下,切断砍下,切断15. 15. 主演主演, ,担任主角担任主角overcome difficultyin search of be caught in on the edge ofpick outcut offstar in . and up to now nobody has been able to do this better than Char

18、lie Chaplin. 句中句中 up to now = up till now, 表示表示“到现在到现在为止为止”, 常与现在完成时连用。常与现在完成时连用。如:如: 直到现在我还没收到过他的信。直到现在我还没收到过他的信。 I havent got any letters from him up to now. Her life has run smoothly up to now. 她的生活到目前仍一帆风顺。她的生活到目前仍一帆风顺。【拓展拓展】up to 达到达到程度或数量程度或数量be up to sth 能胜任某事能胜任某事; 忙于某事或忙于某事或 从事于某事从事于某事be up

19、 to sb 该由某人做出决定该由某人做出决定; 取决于某人取决于某人 so they could feel more content with their lives. 1) content adj. 满足满足; 满意满意; 知足知足 常见搭配常见搭配: be content with sth. be content to do sth. 如:如:Are you content with your present salary?你对你现在的工资待遇满意吗?你对你现在的工资待遇满意吗?She is quite content to stay at home looking after her

20、children. 她呆在家里照顾孩子感到非常知足。她呆在家里照顾孩子感到非常知足。区别区别: content; satisfied2) content n. 所含之物所含之物, 内容内容 如:如:I like the style of the book but I dont like the content.我喜欢这本书的文体我喜欢这本书的文体, 但我不喜欢它的内容。但我不喜欢它的内容。3. Not that Charlies own life was easy! 卓别林自己的生活并没有那么容易!卓别林自己的生活并没有那么容易! 本句为本句为not 构成的倒装句。构成的倒装句。That 为副

21、词为副词, 修饰修饰 形容词形容词easy。本句可转换为本句可转换为: Charlies own life was not that easy! 在英语中在英语中, 有时为了强调某一成分而将具有有时为了强调某一成分而将具有 否定意义的副词置于句首构成倒装句否定意义的副词置于句首构成倒装句, 这样这样 的副词有的副词有not, never, seldom, little, few 等。等。 又如:又如:Only in the country can you learn the “true English”. Never have I seen such a performance. Nowher

22、e will you find the answer to this question. Not until the child fell asleep did the mother leave the room. 4. You may find it astonishing that Charlie was taught to sing as soon as he could speak and dance as soon as he could walk. 令人感到震惊的是令人感到震惊的是, 当查理会说话和走路的当查理会说话和走路的时候就被教唱歌和跳舞。时候就被教唱歌和跳舞。1) it 在

23、句中作形式宾语在句中作形式宾语, 如:如:Ill make it my business to help her. 我会把帮助她作为我的责任。我会把帮助她作为我的责任。Do you consider it wise to tell them about it?2) astonish: v. 使使 (某人某人) 吃惊吃惊, 震惊震惊, 比比 surprise的语气要强。如的语气要强。如:The earthquake astonished me. 地震使我惊慌失措。地震使我惊慌失措。be astonished 吃惊吃惊 如:如:She was astonished to find he was d

24、runk. 发现他喝醉了发现他喝醉了, 她很吃惊。她很吃惊。I was astonished at/by the news. 这消息使我大吃一惊。这消息使我大吃一惊。to ones astonishment 令令惊异的是惊异的是To our astonishment the small boy swam across the river. 令我们惊奇的是那小男孩居然游过了那条河。令我们惊奇的是那小男孩居然游过了那条河。astonishment n. 惊异惊异; 惊愕惊愕; 惊奇惊奇 in astonishment 愕然愕然, 吃惊地吃惊地 如:如:She stared at me in ast

25、onishment. 她吃惊地瞪着我。她吃惊地瞪着我。1). It was an _ performance for such a young musician.A. astonish B. astonishing C. astonished D. astonishment2). To our _ (astonish), they arrived on time.3). We were _ to hear that their football team had won the championshipBastonishmentastonished5. fortunate 为形容词为形容词,

26、意为意为“幸运的;运气幸运的;运气好的好的”,相当于,相当于lucky,其反义词为,其反义词为unfortunate。 常用结构常用结构: be fortunate (enough) to do 或或be fortunate in doing 意为意为“很幸运很幸运”。 如:如:She is fortunate (enough) to have a rich husband.=She is fortunate in having a rich husband. 她很幸运,有一位富有的丈夫。她很幸运,有一位富有的丈夫。此外,还可用于此外,还可用于It is fortunate that 这一结构

27、这一结构, 意为意为“真是幸运真是幸运”。It is fortunate that we got there in time. 很幸运的很幸运的, 我们及时赶到那里。我们及时赶到那里。fortunately adv. 用来修饰整句话用来修饰整句话, 意为意为“幸运幸运地地, 幸亏幸亏”, 反义词为反义词为unfortunately。 如如:Fortunately, I found his house at once. 很幸运地很幸运地, 我立刻找到了他家。我立刻找到了他家。fortune n. “机会机会; 命运命运; 运气运气” 如如:She has had her fortune told

28、. 她请人算了命。她请人算了命。复合词复合词: fortune-teller n. 算命者算命者 固定搭配固定搭配: make a fortune 发大财发大财谚语谚语: Fortune favors fool. 傻人有傻福。傻人有傻福。6. Unfortunately his father died, leaving the family even worse off worse off: adj. (情况情况)更糟糕的更糟糕的, 更贫困的更贫困的Mark has lost his job and is worse off than ever. 马克的工作丢了马克的工作丢了, 情况比以前更糟

29、。情况比以前更糟。better off 情况更好情况更好He will be better off in hospital. 他住院的话他住院的话, 病情定会好转。病情定会好转。7. No one was ever bored watching him his subtle acting made everything entertaining.entertaining adj. 表示表示“使人快乐的使人快乐的; 有趣的有趣的”He told us an entertaining story yesterday. 昨天他给我们讲了一个有趣的故事。昨天他给我们讲了一个有趣的故事。Films sh

30、ould be entertaining. 【拓展拓展】entertain v. 使感兴趣使感兴趣; 使娱乐使娱乐; 招待招待entertainment n. 娱乐娱乐; 款待款待; 招待招待entertainer n. (娱乐节目的娱乐节目的)表演者表演者8. because known throughout the world.throughout prep. 1) (表示地区表示地区) 遍及遍及, 整个整个 如:如:The company has branches throughoutthe country. 这家公司的分店遍及全国。这家公司的分店遍及全国。2) (表示时间表示时间) 整

31、个整个, 从头到尾从头到尾 如:如:It rained throughout the day. 雨下了一整天。雨下了一整天。throughout adv. 1) 整个地整个地, 在所有各处在所有各处, 全部全部 e.g. The hill was green throughout. 那座山整个都是绿的。那座山整个都是绿的。 2) 自始至终自始至终, 到最后到最后 如:如:She remained silent throughout.她从头到尾都保持沉默。她从头到尾都保持沉默。9. The tramp, a poor, homeless man with a moustache, wore la

32、rge trousers, worn-out shoes.1) homeless adj. 无家可归的无家可归的 -less是表示否定意义的形容词后缀是表示否定意义的形容词后缀, 加在某些加在某些名词的后面构成否定意义的形容词名词的后面构成否定意义的形容词, 类似的如:类似的如:helpless 无力的无力的; 无计可施的无计可施的; 无助的无助的; 无依无靠的无依无靠的careless 粗心的粗心的; 轻率的轻率的childless 没有儿女的没有儿女的harmless 无害的无害的; 无损害的无损害的;没有恶意的没有恶意的; 无邪的无邪的ceaseless 不断的不断的; 不停的不停的co

33、untless 数不尽的数不尽的; 无数的无数的tireless 不会疲倦的不会疲倦的; 不知疲倦的不知疲倦的, 不休止的不休止的2) worn-out adj. (衣类、机器等衣类、机器等)磨破的磨破的; 磨损的磨损的; 用旧的用旧的 如:如: worn-out shoes 穿旧的鞋穿旧的鞋 精疲力尽的精疲力尽的; 憔悴的憔悴的(一般不用在名词前一般不用在名词前) 如:如: She looks worn-out. 她看起来憔悴不堪。她看起来憔悴不堪。10. This character was a social failure but was loved for his optimism a

34、nd determination to overcome all difficulties. 这个角色是社会生活中的失败者这个角色是社会生活中的失败者, 但他的乐观但他的乐观精神和战胜困难的决心使他受到人们的喜爱。精神和战胜困难的决心使他受到人们的喜爱。本句为本句为but 连接的并列句连接的并列句, but后的分句承前后的分句承前省略了主语省略了主语this character; to overcome all difficulties为动词不定式短语作定语为动词不定式短语作定语, 修饰修饰determination。failure: n. 失败失败; 失败者失败者The play was a

35、 dead failure. 这场戏完全失败了。这场戏完全失败了。overcome v. (overcame, overcome) 战胜战胜; 克服克服There will be no difficulty in the world thatthey cannot overcome. 世界上任何困难他们都可以克服。世界上任何困难他们都可以克服。 Instead he and another man are hiding in a small hut during a snowstorm with nothing to eat. to do with +宾语宾语+ doing done11. T

36、hen he cuts off the leather top of the shoe as if it were the finest steak.cut off: 切断切断; 断绝断绝A storm cut off power to the whole region. 暴风雨切断了整个地区电力供应。暴风雨切断了整个地区电力供应。The television show was cut off by a special news report. 电视节目被一条特别新闻报道打断了。电视节目被一条特别新闻报道打断了。I had my hair cut off and sold it. 我把头发剪掉

37、卖了。我把头发剪掉卖了。 We were completely cut off from the outside world. 我们和外界完全隔绝了。我们和外界完全隔绝了。【拓展拓展】cut across 取捷径取捷径; 走近路走近路 cut in 插嘴插嘴cut down 减少减少; 缩减缩减 cut up 切碎切碎cut out 切掉切掉; 割掉割掉 cut into pieces 切成碎片切成碎片 I was just talking to Margaret when Jackson _. (湖南湖南2005) A. cut in B. cut down C. cut out D. cu

38、t up A cut down 意为意为“砍倒砍倒”;cut out 意为意为“剪掉剪掉; 除去除去, 省略省略, 删去删去”;cut up 意为意为“切碎切碎”。He was in hospital for six months. He felt as if he was _ from the outside world.A. cut out B. cut off C. cut up D. cut through解析解析: cut out 意为意为“切下切下; 删除删除”;cut off 意为意为“切断切断; 使使(人、城镇人、城镇) 孤立孤立”;cut up 意为意为“切碎切碎”;cut

39、through 意为意为“穿越穿越”;本句的意思是本句的意思是: 他住院六个月感到似乎与他住院六个月感到似乎与外界隔绝了。外界隔绝了。B 12. as if / as though “好像好像”,引导的方式,引导的方式状语如果是虚拟的情况,采用虚拟语气,状语如果是虚拟的情况,采用虚拟语气,be动词用动词用were。He behaves as if he were a child. 过去式过去式 (与现在事实相反)(与现在事实相反)as if have done (与过去事实相反)(与过去事实相反) would/should + v. (与将来事实相反)(与将来事实相反) 如果描述的是可能发生的

40、实际情况,动词如果描述的是可能发生的实际情况,动词就用与主句对应的时态。就用与主句对应的时态。 It looks as if it isnt clean enough to bathe here. It looks as if it is going to rain.Jack wasnt saying anything, but the teacher smiled at him _ he had done something very clever. A. as ifB. in case C. while D. though解析:解析:A“好像,似乎好像,似乎”;B“假若,万假若,万一一”;

41、C “当当时候,然而时候,然而”;D“虽然,虽然,尽管尽管”。 本句意思是:杰克什么都没说,本句意思是:杰克什么都没说,但是老师朝他笑了笑,似乎他做了什么但是老师朝他笑了笑,似乎他做了什么明智的事情一样。根据语境可知正确答明智的事情一样。根据语境可知正确答案为案为A。13. Charlie first picked out the laces and eats them as if they are spaghetti.pick out: 挑出挑出; 辨别出辨别出My father helped me pick out a new book. 我父亲帮我选了一本新书。我父亲帮我选了一本新书。与

42、与 pick 有关的短语有关的短语:pick off 摘取摘取pick oneself up (倒下的人倒下的人) 站起来站起来pick up 拾起拾起, (车车, 船船) 搭载客人搭载客人, 驾车去接驾车去接 (人人), 接收接收(信号信号, 广播、电视节目广播、电视节目), 学会学会 (语言语言)pick up with 在偶然机会认识在偶然机会认识 (人人) This picture was taken a long time ago. I wonder if you can _ my father. (湖北湖北2005) A. find out B. pick out C. look

43、out D. speak outB find out (通过研究、努力通过研究、努力)发现发现, 找出;找出;look out 向外看向外看, 当心当心, 注意;注意;speak out 大声且清楚地说出。大声且清楚地说出。只有只有pick out意思合适。意思合适。 13. He eats each mouthful with great enjoyment. 他一口一口地嚼得津津有味。他一口一口地嚼得津津有味。短语短语: at a mouthful 一大口一大口handful 一撮一撮, 一把一把a handful of sand 一把沙子一把沙子cupful 一满杯一满杯 two cup

44、fuls of milk 两杯牛奶两杯牛奶spoonful 一匙一匙; 满匙满匙two spoonfuls of sugar 两匙糖两匙糖houseful 满屋满屋; 一屋子一屋子armful (单臂或双臂单臂或双臂)一抱之量一抱之量 an armful of books 一抱的书一抱的书14. The acting is so convincing that it makes you believe that it is one of the best meals he has ever tasted! convincing 用作形容词用作形容词, 在这里表示在这里表示“使人信服的使人信服的

45、; 令人心悦诚服的令人心悦诚服的”。如:。如:His articles were always so convincing. 他的文字总是那么令人信服。他的文字总是那么令人信服。常用句型常用句型:convince sb. of sth. 说服某人相信某事说服某人相信某事convince sb. to do sth. 说服某人去做某事说服某人去做某事convince sb. that 使某人信服使某人信服(相信相信)be convinced of 确信确信 be (feel) firmly convinced that 确信;相确信;相信;坚信信;坚信1). 他使我相信他是无辜的。他使我相信他是

46、无辜的。 He convinced me of his innocence. 2). 我无法说服他认识到他的错误。我无法说服他认识到他的错误。 I couldnt convince him of his mistake.3). 这使我相信他确实是诚实的。这使我相信他确实是诚实的。 This convinced me that he is honest.15. Chaplin produced, directed, and wrote the movies he starred in. 卓别林自制、自导、自编一些他自演的电影。卓别林自制、自导、自编一些他自演的电影。1) direct 在句中意为

47、在句中意为“导演导演”, 它还有其它意思它还有其它意思: adj. 直的直的; 直线的直线的; 直达的直达的 如:如:There is no direct train from here to Taichung.此地没有直达台中的火车。此地没有直达台中的火车。a direct road to London 直通伦敦的路直通伦敦的路fly in a direct line 直线飞行直线飞行 adj. 坦白的坦白的; 率直的。率直的。 如:如:He has a direct way of speaking. 他说话坦白。他说话坦白。He gave me a direct answer. 他给我率直

48、的回答。他给我率直的回答。2) star v. (在电影中在电影中)主演主演, 由由主演主演; 以以为主角为主角 如如: The director wants to star Jim in his new film. 这位导演想让吉姆主演他的新片。这位导演想让吉姆主演他的新片。 She has starred in a lot of good films. 她主演了许多好电影。她主演了许多好电影。Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs from the box. entertain astonish overcome chew

49、 convince Their record has sold an _ 15 million copies.2. Childrens TV nowadays is much more _.3. The actress _ her shyness and became a very good performer.4. Mike took out something that looked like a piece of _ gum.5. I didnt find any of their arguments very _.astonishingentertainingovercamechewi

50、ngconvincing请根据具体语境请根据具体语境, ,说出同一单词在句中的词性及说出同一单词在句中的词性及含义。含义。1. contenta. I like the style of his writing but I dont like the content of his books.b. He who is content is always happy.c. As we cant go abroad this year, well have to content ourselves with a holiday in our hometown.2. sensea. George h

51、as no sense of humour and is hard to get on with.b. The horse sensed danger and stopped.n.内容内容 adj.满足的满足的 v.使使满足满足 n.理解力理解力 v.感觉到感觉到 3. failurea. Failure can also breed success.b. The systems failure meant the workers had to wait for the engineer to repair it.4. stara. The star of this film is a pre

52、viously unknown actor.b. In his last film he starred as a cowboy. 5. whispera. She said it in a whisper, so I couldnt hear her.b. The leaves whispered in the breeze. n.失败失败 n.故障故障 n. .明星明星 v.主演主演 n.耳语耳语 v. .飒飒作响飒飒作响1. We should learn to _ (克克 服困难服困难), no matter how hard they are.2. Though he is alwa

53、ys wearing old clothes, he is _ (并不如你想的那么穷并不如你想的那么穷) as you think. 3. It _ (很幸运很幸运) that he _ (被选出被选出) for the final competition.overcome difficultiesnot so badly offwas picked outwas very fortunateTranslate the sentences into English.4. Do you _ (觉得他这个人很好相处觉得他这个人很好相处)吗吗?5. She _(感到非常满足感到非常满足) stay

54、at home looking after her children.6. He is a _ (不是个成功不是个成功 的艺术家的艺术家), but a success as an art teacher.7. _ (主演主演) the film Spiderman III, Tobey Maguire is very popular_ (全世界全世界).find it easy to get along with himis quite content tofailure as an artist Having starred in throughout the world8. _ (令我们

55、惊奇是令我们惊奇是), he was not_ (惊奇的惊奇的) the news _ (我们都认为惊奇的我们都认为惊奇的).9.There is _(直达的火车直达的火车) from Germany to France, _ _ (这会节省你很多的时间这会节省你很多的时间)。10.Children _ (来自富裕家来自富裕家 庭的庭的) have more chances to _ (国外深造国外深造).a direct train which can help you save a lot of timefrom well off families go abroad for furthe

56、r educationTo our astonishment astonished at we all think astonishing11.我对这次竞赛的方式很满意。我对这次竞赛的方式很满意。(be/feel content with)12.12.雨下了一整夜雨下了一整夜。(throughout)13.13.黄色的大衣使她在人群中显得非常显眼。黄色的大衣使她在人群中显得非常显眼。(pick out)Im / feel perfectly content with the way of the competition. It rained throughout the night. The

57、yellow coat picks / picked her out in the crowd. 14.14.你不必说服我你是这份工作的合适人选。你不必说服我你是这份工作的合适人选。(convince)15.15.他的孩子们并没有表现出对看电影的兴趣他的孩子们并没有表现出对看电影的兴趣, ,这总这总让他颇感惊讶。让他颇感惊讶。(astonish)You dont have to convince me youre the right person for the job. It always astonished him that his children showed little inte

58、rest in seeing films. Language Points 1. particular adj.特殊的,特别的; n.细节,详情 in particular 特别地 be particular about 对.挑剔 eg. She is usually particular about what she wears. 她通常对穿着很讲究。 Language Points 2. I saw a man sliding on a banana skin. see sb. do sth. see sb. doing sth.Language Points There are thou

59、sands of jokes which use play on words to amuse us. We were all amused at his foolish behaviour. To our amusement, his father watches cartoons for amusement.Language Points The second person treats it as a question about shape. regard .as think of .as 把。看作 look on .as consider. aseg.他们把我当作家人一样看待。Lan

60、guage Points Occasion n.时刻,场合 occasional adj.偶尔的,偶然的 occasionally adv.偶尔地,有时 on one occasion 有一次,曾经 by occasion of 因为. on this occasion 这次Language Points By occation of her work, my friend will make occational travels on business to the city where I live, and on this occasion she will pay me a visit


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