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1、Look at the picture. Do you know this story?Whats the name of this story? The Emperors New Clothes.Lets enjoy watching the story ! Unit 6An old man tried to move the mountains.Match the words with the letters in the pictures in 1c. _ gold _ emperor _ silk _ underwearbcd1aaListen and number the pictu

2、res 1-5 in 1c.11b2345Listen again and fill in the blanks. 1cThis story is about an emperor who loved _. clothesTwo _ came to the city to make special clothes for the emperor.brothersThe emperor had to _ them silk and gold, but they _ everything for themselves. They were trying to cheat the emperor.

3、givekeptNobody wanted to sound stupid. But suddenly, a young boy _, “Look! The emperor isnt _ any clothes. ” When the emperor _ at himself, he only _ his underwear.lookedsawshoutedwearing1. Whats the name of the story?The Emperors New Clothes. 2. Is it a traditional Chinese story? No, it isnt. Its f

4、rom Europe. Can you answer the questions?3. What was the emperors hobby? He liked new clothes. He loved buying and looking at his new clothes.Because people couldnt see the new clothes unless they were clever. Because they kept all the gold and silk for themselves.5. How do we know that the two brot

5、hers were really trying to cheat the emperor? 4. Why were the new clothes special?6. Why didnt everyone say that the new clothes were really nice?Because they didnt want other people to know that they were stupid. 7. Who said that the emperor wasnt wearing any clothes?A young boy.Use the pictures in

6、 1c to tell the story.1dOnce upon a time, there was an emperore.g. Luckily to her, her stepmother was kind to her. 幸运的是,她的继母对她很好。幸运的是,她的继母对她很好。wife n. 妻子妻子; 太太太太e.g. He phoned his wife to say hed be late. 他打电话告诉他太太说要晚到。他打电话告诉他太太说要晚到。stepmother n. 继母继母husband n. 丈夫丈夫e.g. Mrs. Brown lost her husband i

7、n the crowd. 在人群中布朗太太和丈夫走散了。在人群中布朗太太和丈夫走散了。whole adj. 全部的全部的; 整体的整体的e.g. All the students succeeded in the exam. 所有的学生考试合格。所有的学生考试合格。 辨析辨析: whole强调整体上强调整体上 the whole + n. all强调全部强调全部(数量上数量上)all the + n. scene n. 场;场景场;场景 e.g. The last scene has been cut off from the film. 最后一个场景已经从电影中剪掉了。最后一个场景已经从电影

8、中剪掉了。bright adv. 明亮地明亮地; 光亮地光亮地e.g. The moon shines so bright tonight. 今晚的月亮如此明亮。今晚的月亮如此明亮。拓展:拓展:bright adj. 明亮的明亮的; 光线充足的光线充足的e.g. The sky is usually bright and blue. 天空通常明亮湛蓝。天空通常明亮湛蓝。shine v. 发光发光; 照耀照耀e.g. Thu sun was shining and the sky was blue. 阳光灿烂阳光灿烂, 天空一片蓝。天空一片蓝。 ground n. 地;地面地;地面e.g. He

9、avy snow has covered the ground. 大雪覆盖了地面。大雪覆盖了地面。e.g. Would you please to lead us around your factory? 你能带我们参观一下你的工厂吗?你能带我们参观一下你的工厂吗?lead v. 带路;领路带路;领路 e.g. I think Liu Yang is a brave soldier. 我认为刘阳是一位勇敢的士兵。我认为刘阳是一位勇敢的士兵。brave adj. 勇敢的勇敢的 voice n. 声音声音e.g. A mans voice is usually lower than womans.

10、 男子的声音通常比女子的低。男子的声音通常比女子的低。 My cousin has a beautiful voice. 我表妹有优美的嗓音。我表妹有优美的嗓音。辨析:辨析:voice 指嗓音指嗓音 sound指自然界里的任何声音指自然界里的任何声音e.g. I woke at the sound of the bell. 随着铃声,我就醒了。随着铃声,我就醒了。完成句子完成句子 1)_ _ _ _,there was a famous singer.(从前从前) 2)Tom _ _ in Beijing yesterday morning.(迷路)(迷路) 3)He _ _ _ a trai

11、n to Qingdao for a trip.(决定)(决定) 4)Lets _ _ _ _ this weekend.(骑车兜风)(骑车兜风) 5)The little girl _ _ a bag yesterday.(捡到捡到)Once upon a timegot lostdecided to takego for a ride picked up Exercises One day Goldilocks walked into the forest and (1) some flowers. It was very (2) and soon she was lost. She lo

12、oked (3) her, and saw a little house, and she walked (4) it. Then she (5) on the door, but there was (6) in. She (7) the door and (8) the house. There were three (9) on the tale, a small one, a big one and a very big one. around bowl dark enter knock nobody pick push towards enteredknockedtowards pu

13、shedbowls around nobodydarkpickedHomework Share more stories with your classmates and make a report . Unit 6An old man tried to move the mountains.Sleeping BeautyA lovely princess had to sleep for 100 hundred years because of an evil magic. One hundred years later, a young prince came and saved the

14、princes. They got married and had a happy life. CinderellaLittle Red Riding Hood Fairy tales“Grimms Fairy Tales “ Hansel and Gretel“2b. Read the first paragraph of Hansel and Gretel. Think about how the fairy tale will continue. Then read the rest of the story.Hansel and GretelHansel and GretelFindi

15、ng Out the Text TypeBefore you read, decide what kind of text it is. Is it a letter, a play, a short story or something else? Hansel and Gretel lived near a forest with their father and stepmother. One year, the weather was so dry that no food would grow. The wife told her husband that unless he lef

16、t the children to die in the forest, the whole family would die. Gretel heard this, and Hansel made a plan to save himself and his sister.Hansel and GretelHansel and GretelSCENE ONE:_Gretel: Did you hear our stepmother planning to kill us?Hansel: Dont worry! I have a plan to save us.Gretel: How can

17、you save us?Hansel: Be quiet! Im going outside to get something in the moonlight. Now, go to sleep.GSCENE TWO:_Wife: Get up, lazy children!Husband: Yes, dears. You must come with me to the forest to get wood.Wife: Heres some bread. Dont eat it until you get to the forest.BSCENE THREE_Gretel: Hansel,

18、 what are you doing?Hansel: Im dropping white stones along the way. Unless I do, well be lost. Tonight, when the moon is shining bright, well be able to see the stones. DSCENE FOUR_Wife: You bad children! What a long time you slept in the forest!Husband: We thought you were never coming back.Wife: N

19、ow, go to bed. As soon as you wake up, you must go to the forest with your father.Hansel: What, again? I want to go out to look at the moon.Wife: No. You cant go out now.ESCENE FIVE:_Gretel: What can we do? You have no more stones.Hansel: Ill drop pieces of bread. As soon as the moon rises, we can f

20、ollow them instead.SCENE SIX: _Gretel: I cant see any bread on the ground. Maybe it was the birds.Hansel: Never mind! Just keep walking. Unless we do, we wont find our way out.FCSCENE SEVEN:_ Gretel: Hansel, were really lost!Hansel: Listen! That birds song is so beautiful that we should follow it.Gr

21、etel: Look! Its leading us to that wonderful house made of bread, cake and candy.Hansel: Lets eat part of the house!(Then they hear an old womans voice from inside the house.) Voice: Who is that? Who is brave enough to eat my house?AA. The children get lost.B. The children wake up.C. The children ca

22、nnot find the pieces of bread.D. Gretel learns about Hansels plan.E. The children surprise the parents.F. Hansel has to change his plan.G. The children learn that something bad is going to happen.2c. Match each description below with the correct scene.1. Why does the wife tell her husband to leave t

23、he children in the forest?2. What does Hansel go out to get?3. Why does he do this in the moonlight?4. How do Hansel and Gretel find their way home?5. Why do Hansel and Gretel get lost the second time?2d. Read the play again and answer the questions.1. Why does the wife tell her husband to leave the

24、 children in the forest?Because that year, the weather was so dry that no food would grow. And the family had little to eat.2. What does Hansel go out to get?White stones.3. Why does he do this in the moonlight?Because when the moon is shining bright, the stones will be white and bright enough.4. Ho

25、w do Hansel and Gretel find their way home?They left some stones on the way. When the moon is shining bright, the stones will be bright enoughto find the way home.5. Why do Hansel and Gretel get lost the second time?They left some bread on the way. And the bread was gone.3a. Write some key words fro

26、m each scene. Then discuss your answers with your partner.Scene 1: plan, kill, save,. Scene 2:_ Scene 3:_ Scene 4:_Scene 5:_Scene 6: _Scene 7:_get up, forest, breaddrop, stones, moon, brightcome back, wake up, forest, again.bread, moon, followcant, bread, birds, walklost, song, house, bread, cake, c

27、andy.3b. Complete the summary of the play.Gretel heard that their_ plannedto _ her and her brother. But Hansel had a plan to _ himself and his sister. He went to get some white_ before he went to bed that night. The next day, the wife sent the children to the_. Hansel _the stones as they walked. Lat

28、er that night, they could see the stones because of the shining_. The stones showed them the way home. Hansel wanted to get some morestepmotherkillsavestonesforestdroppedmoonstones, but his stepmother did not let him go out. The next morning, the wife sent thechildren to the forest again. Hansel had

29、 no stones, so he dropped _of _. Butthe_ ate them, so Hansel and Gretel were _ in the forest. They walked until they saw a _made of food. Hanselwanted to_ the house, but then they heard the voice of an old _coming from the house.piecesbreadbirdslosthouseeatwomanso that是一个常见的句式结构,表示是一个常见的句式结构,表示“如此如此

30、以至于以至于”, 副词副词so之后接形之后接形容词或副词,容词或副词,that引导一个完整的句子,引导一个完整的句子,有时有时that还可省略。还可省略。例如本单元的这个句例如本单元的这个句子:子:That birds song is so beautiful that we would follow it.1. One year, the weather was so dry that no food would grow. 有一年,天气太干旱了,有一年,天气太干旱了,以至于粮食颗粒不长。以至于粮食颗粒不长。We thought表示人们对过去的某种想表示人们对过去的某种想法,判断等,可以译作

31、法,判断等,可以译作“我们原想我们原想; 我们本以为我们本以为”。如:如:I thought he would come, but he didnt.2. We thought you were never coming back. 我以为你们再也回不来了。我以为你们再也回不来了。此句中此句中made of bread, cake and sugar作定语,作定语,修饰名词修饰名词house, 形容词形容词wonderful也是也是house的定语。在英语中,大部分形容词作定语修的定语。在英语中,大部分形容词作定语修饰名词时应前置,短语或句子作定语修饰名饰名词时应前置,短语或句子作定语修饰名词

32、时则后置。词时则后置。如:如:the young people in the room 屋子里的年轻人屋子里的年轻人3. Its leading us to that wonderful house made of bread, cake and sugar. 它在把我们引向那座由面包,蛋糕和糖它在把我们引向那座由面包,蛋糕和糖 果做成的美妙小屋。果做成的美妙小屋。4. The wife told her husband that unless he left the children to die in the forest, the whole family would die. 妻子告诉

33、丈夫,如果他不把孩子们妻子告诉丈夫,如果他不把孩子们 扔到森林里让他们自生自灭,整个扔到森林里让他们自生自灭,整个 家庭就会灭亡。家庭就会灭亡。unless的意思是的意思是“如果不,若非,除非如果不,若非,除非”,它引导的是一个条件状语从句,相当于它引导的是一个条件状语从句,相当于ifnot。因此,上面的句子改写为。因此,上面的句子改写为: if he didnt leave the children to die in the forest, the whole family would die.as soon as 表示表示 “一一就就”,再如再如本单元的这个句子:本单元的这个句子:As

34、soon as you wake up, you must go to the forest with your father.你们一醒来就必须和爸爸去你们一醒来就必须和爸爸去森林里。森林里。5. As soon as the moon rises, we can follow them instead. 月亮一升起来月亮一升起来, 我们就可以顺着它们走我们就可以顺着它们走 了。了。1. We will be late unless .2. You wont be successful unless 3. As soon as I got to the bus stop4. Bill open

35、ed his book as soon as .5. The movie was so touching that 6. The boy was so excited that . Use your own ideas to complete the sentences. We will be late unless we run to school now. You wont be successful unless you work hard from now.3. As soon as I got to the bus stop, I gave Mary a call to ask wh

36、ether she had left already.4. Bill opened his book as soon as he came to the classroom.5. The movie was so touching that both of us were sweeping for a long time.6. The boy was so excited that he could hardly say a word.Once upon a time, there_ (be) an emperor. He _(love) buying and looking at cloth

37、es. One day, two brothers _(come) to the city. They _(tell) the emperor that they could make beautiful clothes for him, but he must _ (give) them silk and gold. The brothers_(be) bad people. They_ (keep) all the silk and gold for themselves. They told the2. Fill in the blanks with the correct forms

38、of the words in brackets.waslovedcametoldgivewerekeptemperor the clothes they made_ (be)special because only clever people could_ (see) them. When the emperor_ (put) on the clothes, all he could see was his underwear.But he didnt want people to _ (think)he was stupid, so he_ (say) the clothes were b

39、eautiful. Then he_ (walk) aroundthe city in his new clothes until one boy_(shout), “The emperor isnt wearing any clothewereseeputthinksaidwalkedshouted根据括号中的提示,用根据括号中的提示,用unless完成句子。完成句子。You wont get there on time_ _(hurry).2. We cant have a picnic _ (it, a nice day).3. Dont leave the TV on _ (watch

40、 it).4. We cant do the job_ _(get some help).5. I wont buy the picture_ (like it).unless you hurryup now.unless it is a nice day unless you watch it. unless we can get some helpunless you like it. ExercisesComplete the sentence with if or unless. Rachel will be pleased _she passes her driving test.2. The bus wont stop_ you ring the bell.3. I cant read your writing _you print it clearly.4. Emma will be upset _she doesnt get the job. 5. You cant g


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