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1、1. 想起想起 _ 2. 例如例如 _3. 发行发行; 出版出版 _4. 在二十世纪三十年代在二十世纪三十年代 _5. 主要原因之一主要原因之一 _6. 努力做某事努力做某事 _7. 准备好做某事准备好做某事 _8. 尽最大努力尽最大努力 _Lets review the phrases. think ofcome outin the 1930sone of the main reasonsbe ready to do sth. try ones best try to do sth. such asMulan didnt have any brothers. She took her fat

2、hers place to join the army. Do you like cartoons? Do you know Mulan? Can you say something about her? Mulan dressed up like a boy. Nobody knew she was a girl in the army. 首先首先, 阅读短文阅读短文, 整体把握整体把握短文大意短文大意。其次其次, ,分析分析有空格的每个句子有空格的每个句子, ,判断空格处判断空格处的意思的意思, ,联系所给单词联系所给单词, ,确定空格处应填的确定空格处应填的单词。单词。最后最后, ,再再

3、通读通读一遍短文一遍短文, ,看是否通顺合理。看是否通顺合理。阅读指导:阅读指导:Fill in the blanks in the movie review. Use the words in the box to help you. 3afantastic shows action want comes from played about like exciting planMulan is an _ _ movie. It _ an old Chinese story. The movie is _ a village girl, Mulan. She dresses up like a

4、 boy and takes her fathers place to fight in the army. I think the actress _ Mulans role well. exciting actioncomes fromaboutplayeddress up 装扮,打扮take sbs place代替军队The other actors are also _ andthey did a good job in the movie. I _ Mulan very much. The movie _ her love for her family, friends and co

5、untry. If you _ to watch a movie this weekend and you _ to see something enjoyable, choose Mulan!likeshowsplanwantfantasticdo a good job 做得好The name of the movie: _The kind of the movie: _What the movie is about:_ _What you think of the movie/stars: _The Lion KingCartoonSimbas father was the king. B

6、ut his uncle, Scar killed his father. When Simba grew up, he came back to the forest and became the true king. Write notes for your own movie review. It was fantastic. 3bWrite your movie review using the notes in 3b. 3c 本文为写自己所喜欢的电影的剧情回顾,本文为写自己所喜欢的电影的剧情回顾,因此,因此,时态应用一般现在时态与一般过时态应用一般现在时态与一般过去时态去时态; 首先

7、,可介绍影片的类型,及主人公等首先,可介绍影片的类型,及主人公等; 然后,介绍故事的梗概然后,介绍故事的梗概; 最后,表达你对该影片的看法。最后,表达你对该影片的看法。写作指导写作指导: :The Lion King is a cartoon movie. Its the most popular English movie in the world. The movie is about a young lion, Simba. He was the prince of the forest. But his uncle Scar wanted to be the king. So he k

8、illed Simbas father. When Simba grew up, he came back to the forest and had a big fight with his uncle. At last, Simba won and became the true king. What do you and your partner think of these TV shows or movies? Write description words for each one. 4What do you think of soap operas?I think theyre

9、boring. What about your partner? MeMy parentssoap operastalent showsnewssports showsgame showstalk showscomediesscary moviesaction moviescartoons1. Write questions and answers using the words in the brackets. 1. A: _ (what / think of / soap operas) B: _ (cant stand)What do you think of soap operas?

10、I cant mind them. 2. A: _ _ (what show/ want to watch / tonight) B: _ (talent show)What show do you want to watch tonight?I want to watch a telnet show.3. A: _ _ (what / expect to learn / game show) B: _ _ (interesting information)What do you expect to learn from game show? I expect to learn some in

11、teresting information.4. A: _ _ (what / hope to watch / tomorrow) B: _ (news)What do you hope to watch tomorrow?I hope to watch the news.5. A: _ _ (do / plan to watch / action movie) B: _ (no / plan to watch / comedy)Do you plan to watch an action movie?No, I plan to watch a comedy.1) I think game shows are meaningless. ( ) 2) I cant stand soap operas. ( ) 2. Which of these statements do you agree with () or disagree with ()? Give at least one reason.I think we can learn some interesting things from game shows.I think soap operas are interesting and relaxing. 3) I th


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