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1、Strategies for Writing an IntroIts like a burger? nFor the sandwich: two pieces of bread, the filling (sauces, cheese, chilli flakes and slices of meat/vegetables).nFor the essay: an introduction and conclusion, and central paragraphs/the body 引言段的功能引言段的功能: 1. To stimulate your readers interest 吸引读者

2、的注意 2. To present the topic表明文章的话题(topic)3. To manipulate your readers interest towards your thesis p表明文章的主要观点(thesis statement) + 暗示正文结构1. How to stimulate your readers interest nMaybe cooperation is another way for us to attain our goals of life.nAs I have read very little of the authors work, I a

3、m afraid that I can hardly write anything of value on the given topic 不必要的自谦 nHowever, in my opinion/I think cooperation is more important than competition in the present-day society. 过于突出主观 nNowadays with the rapid development of economy, science and technology, some people say that competition is

4、more important than cooperation. 无新意的句子 1.1用较夸张的模糊数字 nEveryday millions of job-hunters in the world write letters of application, wishing that they would be given a chance of interview. n Nowadays tens of thousands of university students graduate from their colleges, and they all want to be successf

5、ul in this modern world.1.2用较夸张的词语nWhen I was eight I always assumed I would shoot myself when I got to 40; it seemed obvious to me that nobody older than that could have any fun at all. Now I am 40 and Id like to shoot all those people who keep alive the ridiculous myth that middle age is a dismal

6、time, especially for women. Though it has come as a tremendous surprise, I find that there are so many things I like about being middle-aged. nYes indeed, competition is there, staring at us right in the face. There are competition in sports games, 1.3 用引语用引语 nThe private who does not aspire to be a

7、 general is not a good private, says Napoleon. Some modern-day proponents of this view enthusiastically advocate that competition is essential for both social and individual development. However, they seem to have forgot that only a few can be generals. The rest must be privates. The things for whic

8、h we are now all competing so frantically can, by their very nature, be available only for a small elite. 1.4 下定义 n(Does space exploration benefit mankind? ) Space, for many people, really is the final frontier. They are excited by the exploration and potential of space. However, not everyone agrees

9、 that this money is well-spent. Many people feel that we should solve problems here on earth before beginning our journey to space. 1.5 用问题 nShould a man put loyalty to his country above loyalty to a friend? Does loyalty to the government come before loyalty to ones family? How we answer such a ques

10、tion depends on 2. How to present the topicn开门见山式 (Direct opening) n驳论式 (Refutation)n收网式 (Narrowing-down)2.1 开门见山式开门见山式 (Direct opening)nNowadays cooperation is becoming more and more important.nIn the modern society, almost all people are involved in competition in variety of forms.2.2 驳论式驳论式 (Refu

11、tation!) As the modern society puts more emphasis on personal difference and personal values, it provides more opportunities for students to seek success./ However, the fact is that not everyone can succeed. Success calls for certain opportunities, but more importantly, it calls for many personal qu

12、alities. (Cooperation and Competition)nIn the present-day society there seems to be a superstition about competition. Some people adores it so much that they consider it to be an indispensable impetus for social development, without which we would still be savages. Well, competition may be as highly

13、 laudable and exemplary a thing as it is held to be by those who practise it. My objection to it is that it alienates the society, and decays our morality. 2.3 收网式收网式 (Narrowing-down)n(The Strange Customs of My Country) Traveling to a foreign country is always interesting, especially if it is a coun

14、try that is completely different from your own. You can delight in tasting new foods, seeing new sights, and learning about different customs, etc. If you were to visit my country, for instance, you would probably think that my people have some very strange customs, as these three examples will illu

15、strate. Narrowing-down: Places (some places vs. other places) n(Should famous people be given more privacy?) Before newspapers, television, and the internet, ordinary people were not exposed to endless stories about pop singers, princesses, and politicians. Today however, we are bombarded with infor

16、mation about who is dating whom, where they eat, and what they wear at their weddings. Narrowing-down: Time ( past vs. present )3. How to manipulate your readers interest towards your thesis p表明文章的主要观点 (thesis statement)p 暗示正文结构 (Structure) A thesis statement A sentence that explicitly identifies th

17、e purpose of the paper and previews its main ideasnI believe that interview is very beneficial.nObviously, interview has been crucial to ensure the quality of employees.nIn my opinion, interview has become very important for both employees and employers. Simple equations for a thesis nSpecific topic

18、 + Attitude/Angle/Argument = ThesisnWhat you plan to argue + How you plan to argue it = Thesis Attributes of a good thesisnSpecificnFocusednProvocativenGuiding1. _?nHemingways war stories are very good in my opinion. nHemingways stories helped create a new prose style by employing extensive dialogue

19、, shorter sentences, and strong Anglo-Saxon words. 2. _?nStephen Hawkings physical disability has not prevented him from becoming a world-renowned physicist, and his book is the subject of a movie. nStephen Hawkings physical disability has not prevented him from becoming a world renowned physicist.3. _?nHip hop h


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