1、制造部 刘祚涛aboutaboutabout目录基础项目如何打造Esmill精细化生产精细化生产规划aboutPart 1基础项目部门组织架构人员优化速冻车间主管罐头车间主管原料处理组长滚揉组长称重组长打包组长手工组长原料处理组长油炸组长煮酱组长灌装组长煮糖水组长杀菌打包组长部门助理数据员锯肉组长速冻车间线长罐头车间线长部门经理原有架构优化后架构专人清洗推行原来所有员工清洗现10人泡沫清洗1小时完成aboutPart 2如何打造Esmill精细化生产我们的现状生产效率低离职率高工作职责不明确全局观员工竞争意识薄弱物料、能源损耗较大改善对策从以下几方面123人员管理项目管理物料、能源管理现状1.
2、离职率高 制造部总离职率 制造部-1年以上如何做?原因分析1234人员准备不充分上岗考核不严格新员工培训不清晰员工竞争意识薄弱 新员工培训编号管理 员工工号岗位储物柜更衣柜鞋柜解冻车刀具磨刀棒电子称操作台21预处理01-C-0201-G-0501-X-0501-J-0501-D-0501-M-0501-D-0501-Z-05速冻车间 类别 序号岗位职责明细化工序班次检查标准检查频率操作工线长品管员预 处 理班前工器具、操作台的消毒:输送带用75%酒精消毒,工器具和操作台用热水烫洗1次/班1次/班1次/班2.根据生产排程及原料实际情况,确定切割工艺1次/班1次/班1次/班3.校准:随机取5条肉放
3、到电子称称取重量,再放到ICUT扫描仪扫描重量5次核对重量,两种方式允许最大偏差:51次/班1次/班1次/班3.限高栏高度设置在相应工艺要求范围内1次/班1次/班1次/班班中1.根据原料实际情况,调整切割工艺按实际调整按实际调整按实际调整2.随机抽取10片切割后的原料测量厚度、称重,如不符合,立即调整至符合工艺要求时刻关注1次/2h1次/2h岗位质量标准物品摆放 标准专人带训岗位拆箱解冻预处理I-CUT压延真空滚揉配料带训员张宝龙雷德明张国芬白山玲魏正菊李玉城王亚考核上岗人员初选、人员多元化食品行业工作过的临时工、暑期工12提高人员竞争意识计件方式改变1计件方式改变2培养员工多能工预处理过磅I
4、-CUT定期沟通沟通行动员工员工小结 行动 上岗证 编号管理主导部门 制造部 制造部协助部门 人力资源部 设备 部现状2.物料、能源损耗较大2.1 物料现状 生产报表提交时间慢物料损耗高领用物料补单多次物料损耗高领用物料补单多次生产报表提交时间慢输入你的标题Add your title2011201220132014Know a lot of sense, but still had bad in this lifeAdd your titleKnow a lot of sense, but still had bad in this lifeAdd your titleAdd your ti
5、tleKnow a lot of sense, but still had bad in this lifeAdd your titleKnow a lot of sense, but still had bad in this life输入你的标题Add your titleAdd your titleKnow a lot of sense, but still had bad in this lifeKnow a lot of sense, but still had bad in this lifePart 3about输入你的标题Add your titleKnow a lot of
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7、 your titleKnow a lot of sense, but still had bad in this lifeAdd your title输入你的标题Add your titleKnow a lot of sense, but still had bad in this lifeAdd your titleKnow a lot of sense, but still had bad in this lifeAdd your titleKnow a lot of sense, but still had bad in this lifeAdd your titleKnow a lo
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9、tleKnow a lot of sense, but still had bad in this life4、Add your title输入你的标题Add your title1234567812345678Know a lot of sense, but still had bad in this lifeAdd your titleKnow a lot of sense, but still had bad in this lifeAdd your titleKnow a lot of sense, but still had bad in this lifeAdd your titl
10、eaboutPart 2输入你的标题Add your titleKnow a lot of sense, but still had bad in this lifeAdd your titleKnow a lot of sense, but still had bad in this lifeAdd your titleKnow a lot of sense, but still had bad Add your titleKnow a lot of sense, but still had bad Add your titleKnow a lot of sense, but still h
11、ad bad in this lifeAdd your title输入你的标题Add your titleKnow a lot of sense, but still had bad in this lifeAdd your titleKnow a lot of sense, but still had bad in this lifeAdd your titleKnow a lot of sense, but still had bad in this lifeAdd your title输入你的标题Add your titleKnow a lot of sense, but still h
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13、 of sense, but still had bad in this lifeKnow a lot of sense, but still had bad in this lifeKnow a lot of sense, but still had bad in this lifeAdd your titleKnow a lot of sense, but still had bad in this lifeAdd your titleKnow a lot of sense, but still had bad in this lifeAdd your titleKnow a lot of
14、 sense, but still had bad in this lifeAdd your title输入你的标题Add your titleKnow a lot of sense, but still had bad in this lifeAdd your titleKnow a lot of sense, but still had bad in this lifeAdd your titleKnow a lot of sense, but still had bad in this lifeAdd your title输入你的标题Add your titleKnow a lot of sense, but still had bad in this lifeAdd your titleKnow a lot of sense, but still had bad in this lifeAdd your titleKnow a lot of sense, but still had bad in this lifeAdd your title输入你的标题Add your titleKnow a lot of sense, but still had bad in this lifeAdd yo
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