1、了解语言文字的信息lThere are 6,800 known languages spoken in the 191 countries of the world. 2,261 have writing systems (the others are only spoken)l语文词典是汇集词语(或词语的某些成分),根据一定的编纂目的加以处理,通常按字顺排列,供人们查考的工具书。l能够提供词语的拼写,读音,含义,用法,音节划分,派生词,词源,同义(反义)词,缩略语,方言俚语等。l语文词典解释词语语言方面的知识或本身的意义,说明其语法和修辞特征。l知识词典提供词语科学方面的知识,注重词语的科协
2、含义,或解释专科领域内的语词所代表的事物和概念,作一定广度和深度的叙述。lAcquisition, lacquisition department lDescriptionlDictionary: An alphabetic list of the words of a language, with their accepted meaninglLexicon:特指古代语文的词典; A vocabulary, not necessarily in alphabetical order, with definitions or explanations for all termlGlossary
3、:词汇表;难字或术语汇编,专科词典lThesaurus:同义词词典,分类词汇汇编l一般情况下,用户自己可以使用语文词典来得到需求答案l参考咨询人员主要职责是了解各种语文词典的内容和特点,掌握如何配备此类工具书,及恰当地推荐给用户使用l规范派(prescriptive school):形成于18世纪中期,强调词典编纂者的责任在于扬弃语言中不妥和谬误之处,以捍卫语言的纯洁性。强调选词稳妥。释义精当,防止俚语、行话污染语言;语词的定义和用法应以传统的、历史的规范为标准,保持语言的稳定性,反对随意改变词义和用法。l代表:约翰逊词典l描述派(descriptive school):20世纪初出现,反映当
4、代语言和文化发展的特点。语言是社会的产物,经常处于变动之中,一切用法都是相对的,约定俗成是语言正确性的前提。词典编纂者的责任不是充当语言的评判者,而是应当忠实地记录语言;反对重视文字记载而轻视口语。词典应减少告诫性标签的使用。只司记录,不予规范。l代表:韦氏三版l足本和按历史原则编纂的词典采用描述派原则较为适宜l各种学生词典宜采用规范派原则l复本(较多)l电子资源的组织利用lCollins Electronic English Dictionary & Thesaurus(1995 ed.)lIt contains the full text of the printed Collin
5、s English Dictionary and the Collins Thesaurus with definitions, information on pronunciation, etymology and usage for 190,000 words linked to 275,000 synonyms which are grouped by parts of speech, or meaning. lSubject coverage: English languagelyourD provides the most comprehensive and authoritativ
6、e portal for language and language-related products and services on the web with more than 1800 dictionaries with more than 250 languages。More than 1,500,000 people a month visit YDClD - Search for one word across multiple dictionaries.lhttp:/ and bilingual dictionaries),多语词典l按词典的规模:足本unabridged ,半足
7、本semi-abridged ,节本abridged ,袖珍本pocketl节本通称案桌词典或大学版词典college dictionary ,collegiate dictionary l足本词典Unabridged dictionary,是指所收词条在26万以上,为某种语言全面提供词的释文、拼写、读音、派生词、音节划分等方面的资料。大多为语言研究者和专家使用,读者群较小,数量少。lH316/W396.3a Websters third new international dictionary of the English language, unabridged l二版收词60万,1500
8、1934年,规范原则,权威的表述者,修辞标识多告诫性l三版收词45 万,删除废旧词25万,增加新词10万,17551960年,描述原则,有单词注音达26种,例证引自当代文献,纵容的代表作。修辞标识只使用substandard和nonstandard。lColloquial (colloq)derogatory (derog)lSlang (sl)emotive (emot)lIlliterate euphemistic (euphem)lErroneousformallRarehumorous (hum)lVulgar (vulg)ironical (ironic)lDialect (dial
9、)sold uselDatedl定期修订以增加新词l9000 words, supplement to Websters third new international dictionary l12000 words, supplement to Websters third new international dictionary lUnlimited access to the complete text of Websters Third New International Dictionary, Unabridged the largest and most comprehensive
10、 dictionary produced in North America. Dozens of search options direct you to just the right word from more than 470,000 entries. Perform basic searches for definitions (or exact words from known definitions through the Reverse Dictionary function), as well as etymologies, rhymes, and puzzle answers
11、. Build and execute complex searches utilizing a wide variety of options.http:/www.m- entry found for hello. Main Entry: hello Pronunciation: h&-lO, he-Function: nounInflected Form(s): plural hellosEtymology: alteration of holloDate: 1889: an expression or gesture of greeting - used interjection
12、ally in greeting, in answering the telephone, or to express surprise lOne entry found for Internet. Main Entry: Internet Pronunciation: in-t&r-netFunction: nounDate: 1986: an electronic communications network that connects computer networks and organizational computer facilities around the world
13、 lThe Random House unabridged dictionary:32万词,300页附录,编纂原则介于规范与描述之间l G/H316/R159.2The Random House dictionary of the English language lFunk and Wagnalls new standard dictionary of the english languagel名称:college dictionary ,collegiate dictionary, desk dictionaryl以收基本词汇为主,中等规模,1218万之间,科技词汇比例较大,注意收录新词,
14、修订容易,内容新颖及时,释义侧重常用义,通常是单卷本,使用方便,价格较低。lThe American Heritage dictionary of the English language lOver 90,000 entries feature 10,000 new words and senses, 70,000 audio word pronunciations, 900 full-page color illustrations, language notes and word-root appendixes.Rogets International Thesaurus of Engl
15、ish Words and Phrases C. O. Sylvester Mawson Peter Rogets classic structure coupled with Mawsons modernization becomes even more user-friendly on B with 85,000 hyperlinked cross-referencesthus fulfilling their goal of “each word being related to its neighbors and each part to the whole.” Additionall
16、y, over 2,900 proverbs and quotations from classic and modern authors illustrate the 1,000-plus entries.//lH316/M551a10Merriam-Websters collegiate dictionarylG/H316/W396/cg3Websters New World dictionary of American English lG/H316/C748.8The
17、 Concise Oxford dictionary of current English lH316/C355aChambers 20th century dictionary lH316/C692.5aCollins English dictionary lH316/L863eLongman dictionary of the English language l节本词典的一种,收词量在节本词典的一种,收词量在5万左右,通万左右,通常为规范派。常为规范派。lZ371.2/W893 (v.1)The World book dictionary lG/H316/H783a4Oxford adv
18、anced learners dictionary of current English (OALD)l词典中义项的排列有三种方式:l按历史顺序l按使用频率l无固定方式l按历史原则编纂的词典规模较大,不仅包括某种语言在历史各个时期有文献可据的全部词语,而且对每个词都全面追溯并描述其演变的历史。The Oxford English dictionary 2nd ed. / prepared by J.A. Simpson and E.S.C. WeinerOxford University Press, 1989. 20 v. ; 31 cm. http:/ lhttp:/ dictionary
19、 of American English on historical principlesOEDl收录12世纪中以来见于文献记载的几乎全部英语词语,包括只出现一次的罕见词、现代书面和口语中的普通词汇、主要专业词汇、方言、俚语和科技用语。通过定义和例证追溯英语发展的历史。l描述派原则,供学术研究用工具书。l规模巨大,内容博大精深,集世界英语之大成。The Oxford English Dictionary (OED) Online contains the complete text of the 20-volume Second Edition of the printed Oxford En
20、glish Dictionary, first published in 1989. The Dictionary presents the English vocabulary from the time of earliest records down to the present day, giving all the relevant facts concerning their form, sense history, pronunciation and etymology. It embraces the standard language of literature and co
21、nversation, technical vocabulary, dialectal usage and slang.lmeaning, history, and pronunciation of over half a million wordsl 2011,20卷,包括60万词条,300多万例证。lNumber of words in entire text: 59 millionlLongest entry in Dictionary: the verb set with over 430 senses consisting of approximately 60,000 words
22、or 326,000 characterslWeight of text: 62.6 kiloslNumber of entries: 291,500lNumber of main entries: 231,100lNumber of main entries for obsolete words: 47,100lNumber of main entries for spurious words: 240lNumber of main entries for non-naturalized words: 12,200lLongest entry in Dictionary: the verb
23、set with over 430 senses consisting of approximately 60,000 words or 326,000 characterslNumber of cross-reference entries: 60,400lNumber of cross-references within entries: 580,600lNumber of word forms defined and/or illustrated: 615,100lNumber of pronunciations: 139,900lNumber of etymologies: 219,8
24、00lNumber of quotations: 2,436,600lMost frequently quoted work (in various full and partial version, and translations): Bible (est. 25,000 quotations)lMost frequently quoted single author: Shakespeare (approx. 33,300 quotations)lMost frequently quoted single work of Shakespeare: Hamlet (almost 1,600
25、 quotations)lPercentage of quotations by centuries: 20th century 20 per cent 19th century 31 18th century 11 17th century 16 16th century 10 15th century 4.5 14th century 3.5 13th century 1 1st to 12th centuries 1 Undated (see note) 0.51.缩略语词典(abbreviation)2.词源词典(etymology)3.方言俚语词典(dialect and slang
26、)4.用法词典(usage)5.同义(反义)词词典(synonymy/antonym)6.读音词典(pronunciation)lAcronym :Its a special type of abbreviation, made up from the initial letters of the words of a phrase。首字母拼音词lInitialism:姓氏首字母lAbbreviation:缩写词lAcronyms, initialisms & abbreviations dictionary(Gale Research Company )http:/ Internet
27、 Acronym ServerSearching for the Meaning of L.I.F.E. since 1988http:/acronyms.silmaril.ie/cgi-bin/uncgi/acronymsl词源词典:追溯词典渊源,解释词的原始意义、形式、用法及其演变的词典。l词源学etymology :研究词的产生、消亡过程,探讨词汇变化的规律,借以探索人类文明和文化的发展历史。lH313-62/26英语词源手册 = English etymology handbook lH313.9-61/2Oxford concise dictionary of English ety
28、mology = 牛津英语词源词典 lBoth emblem and its synonym symbol trace back to the Greek verb ballein, meaning to throw. Emblem arose from emballein, meaning to insert, while symbol comes from symballein, Greek for to throw together. lH313.3/17 lContemporary American slang and useful expressions lH313.3/P258s8
29、aA concise dictionary of slang and unconventional English lH313.3-61/N42cNew dictionary of American slang lG/H313.3-61/L584The Random House thesaurus of slang lH317-61/D561 (v.1)Dictionary of American regional English lHe was mad for it. we couldnt get him to stop dancinglMegabucks:A huge quantity o
30、f money.lmy left foot! :Exclam. A dismissive exclamation of denial or rejection.l shit (!) :1. Faeces. 2. An act of defecation. 3. A contemptible person. 4. Rubbish, nonsense. lMa-sheen: Pronounced like machine,this refers to someone who excessively drinks, smokes, and flirts.Anickname given to Char
31、lie Sheen in his heyday.Example: Albert: Hey Isaw Rich smoking a cigar, drinking a Guinness, and talking to this finelady!Paul: Yeah, he is a ma-sheen.l通过分析句法中容易出错的问题来说明一些难懂的语法和句法规则,确定在词汇、语法等方面的使用规范。lA dictionary of modern english usagelHarper dictionary of contemporary usagelWebsters new dictionary
32、 of synonymslRogets international thesauruslBernsteins reverse dictionarylRogets II: The New Thesaurus lThird Edition lContaining 35,000 synonyms and over 250,000 cross-references in an easy-to-use format, this thesaurus features succinct word definitions and an innovative hyperlinked category index
33、.http:/www.m- l表示感情的特殊的数字符号、谐称、俗表示感情的特殊的数字符号、谐称、俗称称 lemoticonsl2B or not 2BlNetLingo is an online dictionary about the Internet. It contains thousands of words and definitions that describe the technology and community of the World Wide Web http:/ International Dictionary of Idioms :This new referen
34、ce book contains around 7000 idioms current in British, American and Australian English today lPhrase Finder :A list of the meanings and origins of over a thousand phrases, sayings, quotes and cliches in English.uk/成语lsomeone who keeps something that they do not really want in order to prevent anyone else from having it lStop being such a dog in the manger and let your sister ride your bike if youre not using it.lThe British have a dog-in-the-manger attitude to the island, no longer needing it themselves, but wanting to deny it to
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