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1、in accorda ncewith the provisions to streamline and improve thequality ofmeetingsoftheConference.Thir d, streamlini ngfile briefs, cultur e involve s allaspects ofpropaga nda and i deology, sometimes due to t hepra ctical needs ofinvention notifications, t hisareaneedsfurt herthepri nci pleofsimpl i

2、fied EIA ofconstruction projects i nthe regi on. Interms of land,linke dto theim plementati on of urban and ruralconstruction land i ncre asea nd decrea se,re placeme nt indicator sforpri ority areas pr oject.Charges,int o the proje cts ofwater,ele ctr icity,a dmini strative chargesnd prefere ntialp

3、olicie s.In thearea oftaxation,a ndsettled in are as ofindustryand itspr oductio ncompany,wit hin 5year s afterthecompleti on offiscal incentive stoenter prise s.In termsoffinancing ,integration oflan d,tax,fina ncial a nd other re sour ces, and construct "Gover nmentcre dit +busi ness credit&q

4、uot; cre dit system,esta blishme ntofmarketization,commercializationand moder nization of thei nvestmenta nd fina nci ng platform;effectiveBank -enter prise docking, encourages privatecapitalintothe Park,to raiseindustrydevelopmentfund. 5,optimizethe environment a ndservice i ndustries.To create&quo

5、t;policylowla nds, Highl ands,integrity ofserviceland,devel opme ntland" asthe g oal,to optimizet he area underdeve lopme ntenvir onment.Alladministrative lawenforcement departme nts to a ppointafull -time per sonnelstatione d inareas dedi catedto coordinati ng andsolvi ng pr oblems a ssociated

6、 w ith busi nesses inthi sse ctor. Whenthere ar e substantiali ssues,se ctorlea ders arrange d to per sonally interve ne, in-person,in-personpushtangible are a buildi nga greenlight ,easy line.Tofurt herreducea ndsta ndar dize administrativeexaminationand approval items,simplifyexamination a nd a pp

7、r ovallinks,im proveefficie ncy;accordi ng tothe .Sincethe educati onal practi ce ofthe massline ofthe part y,himselfseriouslyin theeducati on, practicalcontrol central" eight rul es"and opposing "the fourwinds"and practicing "thre e Suns",and check thespiritofJiaoYulu,

8、 ide olog y,s olicitopinions ba sed on outstanding problemschecke d sw ing,carefula nalysi sand reflection. Will now check reportis asfoll ows: first,adherence to theparty's politicaldiscipli ne,eig ht inthe ce ntralprovisi on,changethestyleofthebasi csituati on of1, incomplia nce w iththe party

9、's political discipli nes.Conscientiously a bide bythe party's politica ldiscipline,abi debyt heConstit ution andt he rule s andregulati ons ofthe part y,in t he political,i de ological andmaintain highly consiste ntwiththe CPC Ce ntralCommittee on theaction,therei s no vi olation ofthe part

10、y's political discipli ne pr oblems.2,in t heimpleme ntation ofthe centralaut horities oftheeight provisi ons.Impr ovingresear ch, im proving re search methods, but ther e arelessgrass-r oots units, primaryfirst-ha ndan ina dequate grasp ofthepr oblem,w hich is to be strengt hene d in t he futur

11、e.Second,construction,stri ctlyPEP 四年级英语下册总体备课教学目标:1 、让学生能够听,说,读,写四会单词,句子。2、重视激发和培养学生良好的学习兴趣,帮助学生奠定一定的语音,语调基础。3、帮助学生树立正确的世界观,人生观,价值观。教学重点:掌握一定的语音知识,正确发音。教学难点:正确运用英语进行交流。教学资源 :多媒体,挂图,卡片,录音机。教学方法:讲授,情景法。课 时:讲授单元每单元6 节, 2 个复习单元各3 节。总节数:6 x 6 + 6 = 42 节教材分析treamlining.F ourare sta ndar d visits, excepta

12、 s requiredto partici pate in trai ning, no othera ctivity. Five istoimprove news re porti ng,f orpr opaga nda w orkstri ctlyaccordi ngtothe regulati ons. Sixis stri ctly your prese ntation published strictly accor dingtot hereg ulations.Sevenis strictly thrift, required the useofvehicles a nd offic

13、e spa ce and cor poratehospitality. 3,change t hestyle.Propaganda andide ologi calwork ofthe newsit uationand ne w requirements ofthenewtasks, had donea l otoffruitfulwork , has mademanya chiev ements, but furt hercl osert o thegrass roots,cl ose t o reality, closetot he masse sand also ina de quate

14、 i nnovati on m ustcontinue to improve. Se cond,the "four winds"some outsta ndi ng issues 1,opposeformalism.One the oryis that he didn't, withle ss closecontact. Theoretical study ofconsciousness i s not high enough,system perform ancei s notstrong enough;more passive l earni ng,active

15、 learni ng fewgeneralitie s and lear nmore, delving i ntoless. Espe cially ba sed on rati onalt hinki ng on majorissue s,applyingt heoryt ogui dethe work done is not goode nough, notreal lyunderstand andgrasp thespirit andesse nce ofthescie ntificOutlook on devel opment , did nottr uly achievemaster

16、y,t o apply, t o acertai n extent,affectthe devel opmenta ndimplementation of ideasand initiatives.Second,w orkarrangement s,and lesssupervisi on. Propaganda andideologicalw orkis the objective,w hich needst okeep t hecontinuityefforts deployed,butstresse d int he w ork time, less supervisi on.Forex

17、am ple, colorw eekendsi nthe summertheatrical activities,citysquareperformances, urgingtownships,communitiesand ruralareas shows theimpleme ntation i sina de quate,i nsufficie ntcultural a neducational rol etopla y.T hird basee nough,master grass-le ss real. Propaganda andideologi calworki n the new

18、 situation ofcharacteristicsa nd reg ularityofenoug h,deep e nough for grass-r oots public opi nion Dynami cs survey,forgrass-r ootstypi cally driv e less.Fore xample,rural culture team active, . I'm nota ctively takethe i nitiativetotakeup,the lackofspirit of dari ngto,resulting i n somejob had

19、 a l otofpower,butnota ngibl e results. Thir d,innovation,lackofmotivation.Emancipation didnotend,innovati on does notexist.Inpractical work , notyour hea d,previ ousworkexperience,lackofinnovation initiatives,study onthe characteristi cs ofpr opagandaand id eol ogicalw ork underthe newsituation thr

20、ough,gripon grassrootside ologi caltrendsa nd change sare notdee p,to pr omote newinitiativesa nd ex plore newmethods of ideol ogicaland cult uralwork is not much,a nd some lack ofrelevanceand timeliness.4,disci pline,low ering,a nd hardw ork arelacki ng.Whilew orking a nd enter prisi ngspirit down.

21、No realsoluti ontotreat yourselfright, correctlytreat pasthonors, their compla cency, a ndw orktose etheir score s more,lesschecki ng his own short coming s, like to liste ntothe praise, satisfiedface, onli nepr omotion,there arety pical,a nd la ckof hig hstandardsa nd strict requirements,t heeffect

22、 is real.Se cond hard drivele ss. On hardandin accorda ncewith the provisions to streamline and improve thequality ofmeetingsoftheConference.Thir d, streamlini ngfile briefs, cultur e involve s allaspects ofpropaga nda and i deology, sometimes due to t hepra ctical needs ofinvention notifications, t

23、 hisareaneedsfurt hertshtaetiporinencidipnlearoefassimpl dediificeadteEIdAtoofccooonrsdtirnuacttiionpnrgojeacntdssiolvingnptrheorbelegimsa on.Isnstoecrmiatsedwofiltahnbdu,lsiinkenessdetsoitnhtehiimsspelectmore.ntatiWhentohneroefaurrbaenasnudbsrtuarnatliacloinstructissues,seoctnolralenadindcerresarar

24、saenagenddtdoecperreasseo,nraellyipnltearcveemennte,inindica-tpoerrson,sinf-opreprsrionopruitsyhatraeas pronjgeicbtl.eCahreargeasb,iuniltdinogthaegreenplirgohjetcts ofw,eaatesry, leilnee.Tofurcttricityh,earreddumcieniastratnivdescthaargesndar dizenaddmprienfiesrtreativeexnatimalinpaotiliocineands.ap

25、Inprotvhaelaitreemas,simoftaxation,andsettplleifdyinexaarmeinationasaofindnudstaryanpdpitrsopvrallinks,imoducptrioonveceofmfipciaeny,witncy;accohirndi5ynegartothes.a.fterthecompletion offis calincentive stoenter prise s.In termsoffinancing ,integration ofland,tax,financial a nd other re sour ces, an

26、d construct "Gover nmentcre dit +busi ness credit" cre dit system,esta blishme ntofmarketization,commercializationand moder nizationofthe i nvestmenta nd fina nci ng platform;effectiveBank -enter prise docking, encourages privatecapitalintothe Park,to raiseindustrydevelopmentfund. 5,optimi

27、zethe environment andservice i ndustries.To create"policylowla nds, Highl ands,integrity ofserviceland,devel opme ntland" asthe g oal,to optimizet he area underdeve lopme ntenvir onment.Alladministrative lawenforcement departm nts to a ppointafull -time per sonnelSincethe educati onal prac

28、ti ce ofthe massline ofthe part y,himselfseriouslyin theeducati on, practicalcontrol central" eight rul es"and opposing "the fourwinds"and practicing "thre e Suns",and checkthespiritofJiaoYulu, ide olog y,solicit opinionsba sed on outstanding problemschecke d sw ing,car

29、efula nalysi sand reflection. Will now check reportis asfoll ows: first,adherence to theparty's politicaldiscipli ne,eig ht inthe ce ntralprovisi on,changethestyleofthebasi csituati on of1, incomplia nce w iththe party's political discipli nes.Conscientiously a bide bythe party's politic

30、a ldiscipline,abi debyt heConstit ution andt he rule s andregulati ons ofthe part y,in t he political,i de ological andmaintain highly consiste ntwiththe CPC Ce ntralCommittee on theaction,therei s no vi olation ofthe party's political discipli ne pr oblems.2,in t heimpleme ntation ofthe central

31、aut horities oftheeight prov isi ons.Impr ovingresear ch, im proving re search methods, but ther e arelessgrass-r oots units, primaryfirst-ha ndan ina dequate grasp ofthepr oblem,w hich is to be strengt hene d in t he future.Second,construction,stri ctly本套教材体现了交际教学的思想,注重学生语言应用能力的培养。本册教材主要包括6 个单元和2 个

32、复习单元,在内容和形式上都以激发学生的学习兴趣为主,使他们树立自信心,培养学生的语感,打下良好的语音,语调,和书写基础,初步具备用英语进行简单日常交流的能力;帮助学生养成良好的学习习惯。第一单元重点学习学校教室及功能室的名称, 分布和不同的功能。第二单元重点学习时间的表达及描述不同时间进行的日常活动。第三单元重点学习服装名称及其单复数的使用习惯。第四单元重点学习表示天气状况的形容词。第五单元重点学习有关衣服和鞋子的大小,评论价格,颜色和款式。第六单元重点学习农场上常见的牲畜和蔬菜名称及包含名词复数形式的一般学情分析四年级共有两个班。四年一班:共有学生58 人,这个班级整体素质非常好,大多数学生

33、愿意学习英语,并且能够在课堂上积极发言,并且认真完成作业,质量较高,书写工整。也能够积极参与教师布置的课堂活动,与其他同学形成互动,学习态度端正,目的明确。但也有少数学生,由于自己不努力,家长无暇顾及,导致英语成绩一直不好,教师应针对这部分学生的实际情况,与其家长及时沟通,共同提高孩子的学习兴趣,打下良好的基础。四年二班:共有学生58 人,这个班级整体素质也较好,但是在英语学习方面表现出两极分化现象。大部分学生成绩提高的较快,并且能够保持学习兴趣,一部分学生较为懒散,不愿意动脑记忆单词,导致句型不会应用,成绩差。也有一少部分学生由于家庭是单亲,或者跟爷爷奶奶住一起,没人照顾孩子学习,从小没养成

34、好习惯,不知该怎样学习。基于这种情况,需要教师对他们因材施教。treamlining.Fourare standardvisits,except as requiredto participate i ntraini ng,noother a ctivity. F ive isto impr ove new s reporti ng,for pr opaga ndaw orkstrictlyaccor dingtot he regulati ons.Six isstrictlyyour presentation published strictly ac cor dingtothe regul

35、ations.Seven is strictlythrift,requiredtheuseofvehicle s andofficespacea nd cor porate hospitality.3, cha ngethe styl e.Propagandaand ide ologi calwork ofthenew situati on and ne w requirements ofthe new tasks,ha d done alot offruitfulwork,ha s mademanyachieveme nts, butfurthercl osert othe grassr o

36、ots,close t oreality, closetothe massesan d alsoina dequateinnovationmustcontinue t o improve.Se cond,t he"fourwinds"someoutstandi ng issues1,oppose formalism.Onetheory isthat hedi dn't,wit h less closecontact.The oreticalst udyofconsci ousnessis nothigh enough,system performance is no

37、t strong enoug h; morepassive lear ning , active lear ningfew generalities and learn more,delvi ng into le ss.E specially ba sed on rationalthi nkingon majori ssues,applyingt heorytog uidet he work done isnotgoodenough,not reallyunderstand andgrasp thespirita nd essenceofthe scientificOutlook on dev

38、el opment, did nottruly a chievemaster y,toa ppl y,toa certai n extent,affectthe development and implementation ofideas a ndi nitiatives.Se cond,w orkarrangements,and lesssupervision.Propaga nda nd i deological workis theobjective,whichneedst okeep thecontinuityeffortsdeployed, butstressed i n thew

39、ork time, less supervision. Forexample, col orweeke nds inthe summertheatri cal activities,citysquareperformances,urgi ng tow nships, communitiesa nd ruralarea s shows theimplementation isinadequate,insufficientculturalane ducationalrole to play.T hird base e nough, master grass-le ss real.Pr opaga

40、nda and i deologicalw orkin t hene wsituati on ofcharacteri sticsa nd reg ularityof enough,deepenoug h for grass-r oots public opi nionDynami cssurvey,forgrass -roots typi callydrive less.For example, ruralcultureteam active,.I'm notactively takethe initiativetotake up,the lack ofspirit ofdaring

41、 to,resulting i nsomejob had al ot of pow er,but notangi ble result s.Thir d,innovation, la ck ofmotivation.Emanci pationdi dnote nd,innovati on does notexist.Inpractical work , notyour hea d,previ ousworkexperience,lackofinnovation initiatives,studyonthe characteristi cs ofpr opagandaand ideol ogic

42、alw ork underthe newsituation through,gripon grassrootside ologi caltrendsa nd change sare notdee p, to pr omote newinitiativesa nd ex plore newmethods of ideol ogicaland cult uralwork is not much,a nd some lack ofrelevanceand tim eliness.4, discipline,low ering,a nd hardw ork arelacki ng.Whilew ork

43、ing a nd enter prisi ngspirit down.No realsoluti ontotreat yourselfright, correctlytreat pasthonors, their compla cency, a ndw orktose etheir score s more,lesschecki ng his own short coming s, like to liste ntothe praise, satisfiedface, onli nepr omotion,there arety pical,a nd la ckof hig hstandards

44、a nd strict requirements,t heeffect is real.Second hard drivele ss. On hardand 3-time personnelConference.Third, streamlini ngfile briefs,cultur e involve s allaspectsofpropagactical needs ofinvention notifications, t hisareaneedsfurtherSincethe educatiin accorda ncewith theofthe part y,himselfserio

45、uslyin theeducati on, practicalcontrolonWhenthecentral" eight rules"and opposing "the fourwinds"and pranda and i deology, sometimesdue to t heprased on outstandingproblemschecked sw ing,carefulanalysi sand reflection.simoftaxation,aWill now check rep ort isas folldiscipli ne,eig

46、ht inthe ce ntralprovision offiscal incentiveon,changethestyleofthestoenter prise s.In termsoffinancingbasi csituati on,integration ofland,tax,finan of1, incomplia nce withthe party's politicalncial a nd other re sour ces, and construct "Goverdiscipli nes.Conscientiously a bidenmentcre dit

47、+busi ness credit" crebythe party's politicaldiscipline,abi debytdit system,esta blishme ntofmarketization,commercializatiheConstit ution andthe rule s andregulati ons ofthe partonand modery,in the political,inization of thei nvestmentade ological andmaintainnd fina nci ng platform;effectiv

48、ehighlyBank -enter prise docking,consiste ntwiththe CPC Ce ntralCommittee on theaencourages privatecapitalintction,therei s no viothe Park,to raiseindustryolation ofthe party's politicaldevelopmentfund.discipli ne pr oblems.2,in t5,optimizetheheimplemeenvironment a ndservice intation ofthe centr

49、alautndustries.To create"policylhorities oftheeightowla nds, Highl ands,integrity ofserviceland,develprovisi ons.Impr ovingresearch, im proving re search methods,opme ntland" asthe g oal,to optimizet he areabut there arelessgrass-roots units, primaryfirst-haunderdeve lopme ntenvir onment.A

50、lladministrative lawenforndan ina dequate graspofthepr oblem,which is to be strengtcement departme nts to a ppointafullhene d in the future.Second,construction,stri ctlytreamlining.Fourare standardvisits,exceunderstand andgrasp thespirita nd essenceofthept as requiredto participate intraini ng,nooth

51、er activity. F ive isto improve new s reportiscientificOutlook ondevel opment,did nottruly a chievemaster y,toa ppl y,toa certaing, for pr opaga ndaw orkstrictlyaccor dingtot he regulati ons.Six isstrictlyyour presentation ofideas a ndi nitiatives.Sentation pu blished stricond,w orkarrangements,and

52、lessctly accor dingtothe regulations.Seven is strictlythrift,requiredtheuseofvehicle s andofficespacea nd cor porate hospitality.3,cha ngethe stylPropagandaand idesupervision.Propaga nda a nd ideol ogical workis theobjective,whichneedst okeep thecontinuityeffortsdeployed, butstressed i n thew ork ti

53、me, less supervision. Forexampleologi calwork ofthenew, col orweekesituatii on and ne w requirements ofthe new tasks,ha d done alotnds inthesummertheatri cal activities,citysquareperformances,urgioffruitfulwork,hang tow nshi ps,s mademanyachievemecommunitiesa nd ruralareants, butfurthercls shows the

54、implementatiosert othe grassr oots,close t oreality,clos etothe massesand alsoinadequateinnovationmustcontion isinadequate,insufficientculturalaneducationalrole toplay.T hird base e nough, master grass-lenue to improve.Sess real.Prcond,t he"fourwinds"someoutstaopaga nda and ideologicalw or

55、kin tory isthathene wsituati on ofcharacteri sticsa nd reg ularityof enough,deehedi dn't,with less closecontact.Thepenoug h for grass-r oots public opi nionDynamioreticalst udyofconsci ousnessis nothighenoug h, systemperformance is not strong enougcssurvey,forgrass-roots typi callydrive less.For

56、 example, ruralcultureteam activeh; morepassive learning , active lear ningfew generalities and learn more,delvi ng into le ss.E specially ba sednitiativetotake up,thela ck ofspirit ofdaringto, resultinginsomejobon rationalthi nkingon majorissues,applyingtheorytog uidethad al ot ofpow er,but notangi

57、 ble results.Thir d,innovation, lahe work done isnotgoodenougck ofmotivation.Emancih,not reallypationdi dnote nd,innovati on does notexist.Inpractical work, notyour head,previ ousworkexperience,lackofinnovation initiatives,study onthe characteristics ofpr opagandaand ideologicalw ork underthe newsit

58、uation through,gripon grassrootsideologi caltrendsa nd change sare notdee p,to promote newinitiativesand ex plore newmethodsof ideol ogicaland culturalwork is not much,a nd some lackofrelevanceand timeliness.4,discipline,lowering,and hardw ork arelacki ng.Whilew orking a nd enter prisi ngspirit down.No realsolutihonors, theircompla cency, a ndw orktoseetheir score s more,less checki ng his own short


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