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1、初一介词讲解及练习介词: 介词是虚词,不能独立充当句子成分介词短语能够充当句子成分介词短语=介词+介词宾语(名词、宾格代词、动名词等充当)根据词形,介词分为三类:1简单介词:in, on, from, at, for合成介词: upon, into, onto, inside, without成语介词:由两个以上单词合成。in front of, in the middle of, on top of一、常用固定搭配的介词短语形式1. 动词 + 介词 look like; look at; talk to; think of2. be +形容词+ 介词 be surprised at; be

2、afraid of3. be +名词 +介词 be mad at sb; the key to; the wayto4. 介词 + 名词 at work; at home; at school; at last; on the farm5. 介词 + 名词 + 介词 in front of; at the age of; at the end of6. 介词+ 动名词短语 after leaving school; after finishingit7. 介词+ 代词for her; from each other; after him8. 其他词 + 介词 instead of; becau

3、se of; according to举例:1. Shelooks like her mother.2. Your coat looks very nice. Wha ts it made of?3. Would you please show mdhe way to_the bank?4. My father is working at the office .5. Don t standin front of the car. Its too dangerous.6. Please tide your schoolbaefore leaving school.7. It is danger

4、ousfor her to swim along.8. What a nice day! We should go sightseeincjnstead of watching TV in the hotel.常用介词用法:in的用法:1. in on at的用法区别:in表示一日中上午、下午、晚上或周、月、季、年on表示日、周日或特定某日中的一段时间at表示点钟,一日中的黎明、中午、黄昏、半夜等in the evening, in the week, in August, in spring, in 2013, in three dayson Monday, on May the first

5、, on a rainy day, on July 10, 2013at five, at night,2. in into inside的用法区别;He spent about 21 hours in space.China sent a man into space.Yang Liwei was inside.in的用法比较多,在这里只讲这三个有共同的意识:在.里的区别in在上面句子里是介词,表示在.里into强调由外及内的过程,而in不强调inside 在.里面,有名词,介词,形容词,副词用法,在上面句子里是名词,而in 不能表示这种意识3. in 与 after 的用法区别;We we

6、nt there in six days. 过去时中(in 表 时间内 )We went there after six days.过去时中 after表.时间后)We often do our homework after school. ( 固定词组 , after class; after supper 等)After finishing his homework, he went to bed. ( after+动名词)He will come in two days. (将来时中 in 表时间后 )He will come within two days. (将来时within 表

7、时间内 )My mother often goes to work after 8 o clock.(现在时中 after+时间 点表 时间后 )4. in ,on在上on 表示两个物体的接触,但不表深度,如墙上的黑板、地图、图画in表示在 上必须具有某种深度,如墙上的门、窗、洞等on 打在某人的头上、腿上、鼻子上等in 打在某人的(脸上、腹部等)on the tree 树上长出的东西in the tree 用来指外界的人、动物在树上5. in with 的用法:in 后所用的材料in ink; in pencil; Don t write a letter in pencil.with 后加

8、所用的工具He does his homework with a pencil.6. in dress wearThe girl in the hat is my friend. (in 或 be in 表状态 )She had on a red dress. (have 谏状态)He often wears a sweater. (we蕨状态)Here is a coat for you. Yod d better put it on. (put on 表动作)She got up and dressed herself quickly. (dress s或 dress onese慨表动作又

9、表状态)7. in time 和 on time 的区别We were just in time for the bus. 及时The train arrived on time. 准时8. in bed, on the bed 的区另 UHe is ill. He is in bed all day. 卧床,睡觉A nice box is on the bed. 床上躺着休息或某物在床上9. in on to 的区别China is in the east of the world.(in表示在某一地区之内的某方位)Korea is on the east of China. (onll示与

10、某地相邻)Japan is to the east of China. (tol示在某一地区之外的某方位).Taiwan is in the south of China.(台湾和大陆虽然以海相隔,但是我国的一个省,要用 in )10. in the street 和 on the street的用法表示“在街上”时,英国常用前者,美国常用后者11. in hospital in the hospitalShe is in hospital. 在住院She is in the hospital.在医院工作12. in school 在学习at school在学校;在上课其他词组:keep in

11、 mind 牢记be in contact with 和 联系with的用法:用工具write with a pencut with knifefill withsee with our eyes表示伴随状态with a wordwith a smilebring sth with sbtake sth with sb固定搭配:with the help ofbe busy with重点句:After the final exam, Peter,_with .her parents,is going to travel to Canada instead of staying at homea

12、ll the time.by的用法:by表示“到之前”by seven oclockby now by the end of last yearby yesterday by thenBy tomorrow, I 1l have the outstanding 出售)five percent.到了明天,我将得到未出售的百分之五。by表示“乘交通工具,用方式或方法”by busby heartby seaby trainby carby shipby boatby airby oneself by the wayon, by用法:on a bike; on与the, ones,或 a这类限定词连

13、用by bike; by train不加限定词by, beside, near, beyond 的用法区另U:by靠近,在近旁beside在 旁边,其距离远于“ by”near在附近,距离远于 beside,而且范围大beyond在以外练习一:用 by, beside, near, beyond 填空1. The little girl is sitting her mother.2. There is a white car our school.3. Many shops are our home.4. our city there is a river.练习二:1. The post o

14、ffice is the police station and the library.A. between B. among C. in2. The old woman lives a small village. It is two hills.A. in, among B. at, among C. at, between D. in, between3. I can t finish my work your help.A. with B. without C. in4. Thank you me to have dinner.A. for invite B. of invite C.

15、 for inviting5. He would like to walk the jungle (丛林 ) on vacation.A. across B. cross C. through6. Its dangerous to go the street now.A. acrossB. crossC. through7. The young man walked the forest and came to a big river at last.A. acrossB. crossC. through8. Why are you standing, Alice?-I can t see t

16、he blackboard clearly. Two tall boys are sitting me.A. behind B. next to C. in front of9. If you do things , usually you can t do them well.A. in a hurry B. from now on C. just now10. She had to sell the house even though it was her own wishes.A. above B. against C. for11. What a nice day! We should

17、 go sightseeing watching TV in thehotel.A. because of B. instead of C. together with12. Your coat looks very nice. Whats it made ?- Cotton, and it is made Wuhan.A. from, in B. of, in C. from, on13. -When and where you born?-I was born October 1st, 1998 Suzhou.A. on, on B. in, in C. on, in14. I reall

18、y can t see anything. His head is of my view.A. on the way B. by the way C. in the way15. There will be many robots people s homes ten years.A. in, / B. in, in C. in, after16. All the workers went home yesterday Mr White. Why?-Because he was on duty.A. except B. besides C. except for17. Its very kind them to pick me up at the railway station and driveme home.A. for B. to C. of18. A UFO landed the Center Street.A. atB. onC. in19. the Spring Festival, the heavy


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