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1、五年级下册知识点总结及检测Unitl My day11一、单词知识归纳1、【重点词汇】:(自我检测:看到英语会读,说出汉语意思;然后拼背)get up'do morning exercisemorningnoon(in the morning)(at noon)activitieshave English classtime-afternoon (in the afternoon)watch TVplay sports wash my clothes (时间) evening (in the evening)climb mountains play sports with- night

2、 (at night)(活动)动词词组, 用来回答 what的特 殊疑问句go shoppinggo to bedgo for a walkvisit grandparentstake a dancing广 always100%go hikingclassusually80%eat breakfast频度®响 1often60%eat dinnersometimes30%,go swimmingplay the piano3、疑问词:when什么时候why为什么 What什么seldom 几乎不< never 从不 0%2、【拓展词汇】(白体同样很重要,英语会读,汉语必须会说。

3、)a.m p.m why shop work last sound also busy need play letter when live after island start alwaysusually cave Spain late win finish class结束上课start class 开始上课 in the water/sea在水里/在海里 isgood at 擅长 get off 逃脱 lots of 许多 go back to school 返回学校 after lunch 午餐过后二、重点句型:1 .对时间提问:-When. 回答:必须有时间结构:-When do yo

4、u +动词原形?-I usually +动词原形 at +时间.-When do you get up? -I get up at 5 o ' clock.-When do you get up every day ?你每天几点钟起床?-I usually get up at 6 o ' clock. Sometimes I get up 郡6:2在 6 点起床,有时是 6: 20。2 .介绍自己的生活,学习习惯I usually finish class at 2:30.我通常两点半结束课程。I often play football on the weekend.Somet

5、imes I go to park with my sister.3 .对动词词组,做白事情进行提问:-What.回答:动词词组结构:-What do you do+时间? -1 often + 动词词组E.g. What do you do on the weekend? 你周末做什么?I often play football. Sometimes I go hiking.我经常踢足球,有时去远足。注意当主语是第三人称单数(he,she,it,单个人名或单数名词)时,助动词 do要变成does,一二人称用原形,三单人称用单三。单三问,单三答does就像照妖镜,后面动词现原形。When do

6、es your fatherdo morning exercises? -He usually does morning exercises at 6 a.m.What does shedo in the evening ?-He often does homework. Sometimes hewatches TV.4 .with和一起后加人称宾格I often play football with my friends.我经常和我的朋友一起踢足球。5 .Thank you for telling me about your day!谢谢您告诉我您一天安排。6 .-Why are you s

7、hopping today?为什么今天是你在购物?-My mum worked last night.我妈妈昨晚工作了。7 .That sounds like a lot of fun. 那听起来好像很有趣。8 .You need a robot to help you.你需要一个机器人来帮你。9 .I always clean my room on Saturdays.我总是在周六打扫我的房间。10 .Friday is good at sports.He often wins.星期五擅长体育,他经常赢。11 . Let' s包词原形。让我们Let ' s go hiking

8、 together next Sunday. 下周让我们一起去远足吧。Let ' s watch TV together. 让我们一起看电视。三、音标板块。cl / kl / clean clock class clever cloudy clothes 特例:unclePl / pl / plate eggplant please play playground 特例:peopleUnit 2 My Favourite Season一单词知识归纳1、【重点词汇】:(自我检测:看到英语会读,说出汉语意思;然后拼 背)Spring which summer best -autumn sn

9、ow winter good job 源 season because picnic vacation Pick pinkpick apples lovely snowman leaf (复数 leaves) fall paintmake a snowman play in the snow plant flowers eat ice cream lots of=a lot ofswim in the sea 在海里游泳2、其他形容天气的形容词:rainy多雨的 windy多风的 sunny晴朗的 cold寒冷的 warm暖和的rcool凉爽的 hot炎热的 cloudy多云的snowy下雪的

10、 foggy有雾的3、由go构成的活动短语go swimming 去游泳 go shopping去购物 go boating去戈珊台 go on a picnic去里子餐go skating去滑冰 go hiking 去远足 go fishing 去钓鱼二、重点句型:1 .询问最喜欢的季节-What' your favourite season?你最喜欢的季节是什么?-Spring / Summer/ Fall/ Winter is (my favourite season ). 是春天 /夏天/秋天/冬天。-Which season do youlike best?你最喜欢哪一个季节

11、?-I like winter best我最喜欢冬天。2.有 why 就有 because-Why do you like winter ?你为什么喜欢冬天?- Because I canplay with snow/make a snowman.因为我能玩雪 /堆雪人。3.Summer is good,but fall is my favourite season.夏天很好,但是我最喜欢的季节是秋天。4. because响子because of+ 短语I don ' t like winter because it ' 我oolcod天。太冷了。I like summer b

12、est because I can swim in the se我最喜欢夏天。我喜欢在海里游泳。5. in年in月in季节There are beautiful flowers in spring everywhere. 春天至U处者B有漂亮的花儿。6. 询问别人天气怎么样的句型及回答。结构:问:What' s the weather like+时间+地点? (一天气怎么样?)答:It ' s+表示天气的形容词例:问:What' s the weather like in winter in Beijing?(北京冬天的天气怎么样) 答:It ' s cold

13、and windy(有风而且寒冷。)7. Today we' ll draw pictures.今天我们将要画画。we' ll=we will + 动词原形 我们将要8. Spring is green with flowers and songs. Summer is hot and the days are long.Autumn is golden and farmers are busy. Winter is white and the year is gone.9. I like summer, but I can ' t swim.喜欢夏天,但是我不会游泳。

14、I like summer, and I can ' t swim.喜欢夏天,我会游泳。10. What lovely colours! The leaves fall and fall and fall. I love fall.多么漂亮的颜色啊!树叶落啊落啊落。我爱秋天。11. I want to paint a picture.我想要画画。want to do sth.想要做某事12. There is lots of snow. It is white everywhere.13. I like winter because I can play in the snow.我喜欢

15、冬天因为我可以在雪里完。14. Christmas is in summer in Australia, so we never have snow for Christmas.圣诞节在澳大利亚的夏天,我们圣诞节从来不下雪。三、音标板块。br / br /brown librarybrother umbrella bread breakfastgr / gr /greengrapes grandpa grow great grass四、注意对四季的描述,尤其是你最喜欢的一个季节。Unit 3 My school calendar、单词知识归纳1、【重点词汇】:(自我检测:看到英语会读,说出汉语

16、意思;然后拼背)季节天气月份winter(cold, windy snowy)"January(Jan.)New Year' s DayFebruary(Feb.)Winter vacation川archspring(warm, windysunny)(Mar.)Tree Planting Day / Womensummer(hot, sunny)autumn(cool, windy)winter (cold,windy snowy)r"June(Apr.)(无缩写)(Jun.)July(Jul.)August(Aug.) SeptemberOctoberNovem

17、berDecember(Sept.)(Oct.)(Nov.)(Dec.)April Fool ' s Day / Easter partyMay Day / Mother ' s DayChildren ' s Day / Father ' s Day /Summer vacationTeachers ' Day / -Autumn DayChina ' s National DayAmerican Thanksgiving DayChristmas2 .【拓展词汇】(白体同样很重要,英语会读,汉语必须会说。)A few thin sports

18、meet Easter trip year plant contest the Great Wall National Day American Thanksgiving Christmas holiday game roll look for chocolate bunny RSVP by+时间make mooncakes3 .【节日名称】New Year' D ay 元旦(1.1) winter vacation 寒假(2) Tree Planting Day 植树节(3.12) Women s Day 妇女节(3.8)Easter 复活节(4 月) April Fool '

19、; s DOy节(4.1)May Day劳动节(5.1) Mother' s Day亲节(五月的第二个星期天)Children ' s Dy童节(6.1) Father ' s DSyR节(六月的第三个星期天)Dragon Boat Festival端午节(通常在6月份)summer vacation 暑假(7&8) Teachers Day 教师节(9.10)National Day 国庆节(10.1)Mid-Autumn Day 中秋节(9&10)Thanksgiving Day 感恩节(11 月第 4个周四)Christmas 圣诞节(12.25)

20、4 .【活动短语】sports meet 运动会Chinese test语文测试Easter party复活节派对maths test数学测试school trip学校旅行singing contest 歌唱比赛birthday party 生日派对5.【动词词组】Cook dinner 做晚饭make a card制作卡片sing to her给她唱歌tell her a story 给她将故say “Thank youyX 谢谢/Swrite her a letter 给她写封信play the pipa for her 为她弹琵琶 cook for her 为她做饭look for 寻找

21、make zongzi 包粽子eat mooncakes吃月饼eat noodles 吃面条Play ping-pong 打乒乓球sing the birthday song 唱生日歌make a wish 许愿visit grandparents 拜访祖父母eat a birthday cake 吃生日蛋糕 play games 玩游戏go tho the Great Wall 去长城二、语法句型:1、介词in、on、 at的用法。(in+大时间,on+具体的时间,at+小时间) in的用法。in 年 in 月 in 季节 in April, in winter, in 2015.in+ 上

22、午/下午/晚上in the morning/afternoon/eveningon的用法。on+具体的某一天。(星期/节日/某天的早中晚)如:on Monday ,on Mother ' s Dayon April 3 rd, on Friday morning.at的用法。at+具体的时间点/固定搭配。如:at six o ' clock, at 12: 30,at noon 在中午 at school在学校 at home 在家 at night在晚上2、询问季节或活动的时间:-When? 回答:时间结构:问:When is+活动或节日名称?答:It ' sn十月份

23、。-When is Tree Planting Day?(植树节在什么时候?)-It ' sn March.(在三月。)3.we ' ll =we wil我们将要后加动词原形表示将要发生的事情-What will do for your mum on Mother ' sOy?你打算为你的妈妈做什么?-1 will cook for her.我将要为她做饭。(will 问 will 答)4. -Is the singing contest in May? -Yes, it is . No, it isn ' t.5. We have a few fun thin

24、gs in spring. We have an Easter party.6. Children ' s Day is in June.7. It ' s in October. We ' ll go to the Great Wall.三、音标板块。ch / t? / China chickenlunch teacher children muchsh / ? / fish wish sheep shirt shortsUnit4 When is Easter?一、 单词知识归纳1、【重点词汇】:(自我检测:看到英语会读,说出汉语意思;然后拼背)first(lst)

25、第一second (2nd第二third (3rd)第三 fourth (4th)第四 巾fth(5th)第五sixth(6th)第六seventh(7th)®七eighth(8th)第/I . ninth(9th)第九tenth(10th)第十eleventh(11th)HH-fourteenth(14th)第十四 seventeenth(17th)第十七 twentieth(20th)第二十 twenty-third(23rd)第二十三twelfth(12th)第十二吊teenth(15th)第十五eighteenth(18th)第十八twenty-first(21th)第二十t

26、hirtieth(30th)第三十thirteenth(13th)第十三sixteenth(16th)第十六nineteenth(19th)H 十九twenty-second(22nd)第二十二2 .【拓展词汇】(白体同样很重要,英语会读,汉语必须会说。)special fool kitten diary still noise fur open walk3 .【概念】基数词:用于描述物品数量的多少。通常指最常见的阿拉伯数字。序数词:表示顺序的词。汉语意思表示“第几”,4 .【基数词变序数词的口诀】基变序有规律,结尾加上th;一二三特殊记,单词结尾t,d,d ;八去t ,九去e,ve要用f替;

27、见y要改为ie,结尾仍有th ;若是遇到几十几,只变个位就可以。、语法句型:1.对时间提问用 When;回答里面有时K (钟表时间/月份/季节/具体日期)-When is Children ' D ay?(儿童节是哪天?)- -It ' son June 1st. ( 6月 1 日)与-When is Mother ' s Day?亲节在哪天?)- -It 'on the second Sundayin May.(在五月的第二个星期天。)-When is your grandma ' s birthday?H奶的生日是哪天?)- -Her birthda

28、y is on June 16th.(她的生日是 6 月 16 日。)-When is Miss White' s birthgy怀特小姐的生日是哪天?)- -It ' s oJuly 1st. (7 月 1 日。)解析:1.on +具体日期,具体某一天。2.名词所有格:人名+' s称呼+' s ”的”2 .There are some special days in April.3 .When is China s National Day?t s on October 1st.4 .My birthday is on April 4th.5 .What wi

29、ll you do for you mum? -1 ' ll cook noodles for her.6 . We can have a birthday for both of you.7 .My cat has two new kittens.俄:的猫生了 两只小猫。)8 .Chinese noodles are delicious!中国的面条很美味!)9 .We can have a birthday party for both of you!(我们可以为你们一起举办生日聚会。)10 .The kittens are six days old.(、猫六天大了。)11 .The

30、ir eyes are open.他们的眼睛睁开了。12 .They can play with Robin.它们可以和 Robin 一起玩。13 .They are pink because they are very young.They make noise when they are hungry.三、音标板块。th/ qthreethinthirteenmathsth/e/thisthatmotherbrotherUnit 5 Whose dog is it ?、 单词知识归纳1、【重点词汇】:(自我检测:看到英语会读,说出汉语意思;然后拼背)mine yours his hers

31、theirs ours climbing eating playing jumpingdrinking sleepingeach other each other excited like whose is this that are these those2、【疑问词】:whose谁的 where哪里 why为什么3、【一般疑问句的引导词】:Is. ?Are.?Can.?4、【常考短语】:climb tree 爬树 play football 踢足球drink water 喝水look at 看 a beautiful painting 一幅 美丽的画 in the kitchen 在厨房p

32、lay with each other一起玩耍 listen to music 听音乐read books读书take him to the park 带他去公园take pictures 拍照二、【语法和句型】(自我检测:熟练背诵,看到英语句子能读出来并说出汉语意思)1、物主代词:表示所有关系的代词叫做物主代词分为形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词(简称形物和名物)物主代词单数复 数第一人称(我的)第二人称 (你的)第三人称(他的/她的/它的)第一人称(我们的)第二人称 (你们的)第三人称(他/她/它们 的)形物myyourhisheritsouryourtheir名物mineyourshis

33、hersitsoursyourstheirs相同点:汉语都带“的”表示.的不同点:形物 必须+名词;名物后面什么都不加 总结:形物+名词二名物比如:my shoes =mine 我的鞋子2、动词原形变ing规则:直加, 去加, 双写加直力口:直接力口 ing比如:eateating drink-drinking去力口: 去不发音的 e, 冉力口 ing 比如: make-making dance-dancing双写力口: 辅元辅结构中,双写尾字母加 ing 比如:run-running swim-swimming sit fsitting(坐)shopfshopping (购物) get fg

34、etting (得至U)3、询问物品是谁的?-Whose.?回答:形物/名物/名词所有格单数句构成:-Whose(+物品)+is it / this / that?(它/这/那是谁的?)-It ' s+勿./ It ' s+勿+物品./It '/盒's.它是的)。例:Whose dog is ?(它是谁的狗? )-It ' sher dog. / It ' hers. / It Amy s.复数句构成:-Whose(+W 品)+are these/those?(这些 / 那些是谁的?)-They are+形物/名物/名词所有格例:-Whose p

35、ens are these?(这些钢笔是谁的?)-They are my pens / mine /my father ' s.解析:1. whose珞词表示谁的东西2.is 复数 are it 复数 they this 复数 these that 复数 those4、be动词,can, do引导的一般疑问句Is this yours?-Yes, it is. No, it isnt.Is he drinking water? -Yes, he is. No, he isn t.Are these your carrots? -Yes, they are. No, they aren&

36、#39; t.Are these rabbits eating? -Yes, they are.No, they aren' t.Can I play with him now? -Yes, you can. No, you can ' t.Do you want to swim like a fish? -Yes, I do. No, I don ' t.5 .描述正在做某事的句型:主+be (am / is / are)+Ving +其它 I am +Ving + 其它. 例:I am drinking water. 我正在喝水。 He/ She /It / 单数

37、is +Ving + 其它. 例:He is playing football with his friends.We / You / They /复数 are +Ving + 其它. 例:They are eating lunch.6 .正在做什么的句型结构:-What+be (am/is/are)+ 主语+doing? ( 正在做什么?)-主语+be(am/is/are)+ 动词 ing + 其他。 ( 正在 )例:-What is he doing ?(他正在做什么?) -He is sleeping.(他正在睡觉。)-What are you doing ?(你正在做什么?)-1 am

38、 looking at an elephant. I am walking like an elephant.(我正在看一只大象。我正在像大象一样行走。)7 .现在进行时的一般疑问句:be动词提前,I we变为you; my our变为your I am listening to music.问:Are you listening to music?(你正在听音乐吗?)答:Yes, I am (是的)NO, I ' m not. He is singing.问:Is he singing?(他正在唱歌吗?)答:Yes,he is. (是的)/ No,he isn ' t.(不,

39、他不是。) The children are playing games.问:Are the children playing games?(孩子们正在做游戏吗?)答:Yes,they are.(是的)/ No,they aren ' t.(不,他们不是。)8 .That picture of Beijing is beautiful.(那幅北京的画很漂亮。)9 .The carrots are theirs.10 .The yellow picture is mine.11 .There is picture of Shanghai.12.It ' s your dog. The dog is yours是你的狗,那只狗是你的。13.They ' re playing with each other.14.I ' m looking at a monkey. I' m climbi碱底到hmr只猴子。我正在像他一样爬。三、音标板块。ng /?/ long sing ring young thing ringnk /?k / think ink trunk pink bank drink thankUnit 6Work qui


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