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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上 牛津6A英语语法总结练习do代表动词原形。doing代表动词加 ing 现在分词1 would like to do=want to do would like to watch TV.=I want to watch TV.2 would like +名词=want +名词I would like a CD Walkman.= I want a CD Walkman.3 can may must should 是情态动词后面加动词原形。I can swim.  May I speak to Helen   You must

2、stay away from it.  You shouldnt smoke here.4now是现在进行时标志,见到它用am is are +动词ing 如果句中给出amisare 则所给动词一定要加 ing 构成进行时态。I am running (run) now.5  often usually on Sundays at the weekends用于一般现在时。表示经常发生的事情或客观规律。动词用原形或加 s 第三人称单数形式。  加s 同名词变复数相同。特殊的有dodoes  gogoes  havehas 。do does 后用动

3、词原形。I often go to school at 6:50.  What does he do on Sundays  Mother usually studies English .6、Its time to+动词=its time for +名词Its time to have lunch.=its time for lunch.7 like doing表示爱好。Like to do表示喜欢做某事。I like swimming. I like to go with you.8What date is it today = what s the date toda

4、y 几月几日,回答不能用on. Its the 24th of January.9 What day is it today= Whats the day today问星期几回答用一周的七天。Its Saturday.10 When is your birthday My birthday is on the 10th of November.用on 回答。11kickthrowgivepass +名词+to+人称代词宾格=kickthrowgivepass+人称代词+名词 Kick the ball to me.= Kick me the ball.12疑问代词what,什么

5、60;  where, 在哪里   who ,谁    whose,谁的    how,怎样指身体和天气    how many, 多少   what colour , 什么颜色   how much ,多少钱    what time,几点    which  哪一个     how old 多大  when 什么时

6、候   What day星期几   What date几月几日   what would you like想要什么   how about提建议怎么样后面接名词或动词加 ing形式。13 否定句:在句中的动词am/are/is或can后面加not.一般是在第二个词后加not.14一般疑问句:把动词am/is/are或can放到句首,并且将首字母改成大写,原来的单词首字母变成小写,最后在句尾加问号。一般将第一个词与第二个词颠倒位置。15 第一人称指我和我们。第二人称指你和你们。第三人称指他和他们。第三人称单数就是指他

7、她、它。用英语即hesheit 时用has.Have用于第一、二、人称和第三人称的复数形式。Has 只用于第三人称的单数。16规律:I 用am   you 用are.   单数用is     复数用are17一般现在时:表示客观规律或经常发生的事情。动词:1 动词原形    2第三人称单数+s 变化形式同名词变复数have   has 表示某人有某物has 用于第三人称单数do does 做。还用于构成一般现在时的一般疑问句和否定句形式。Does 用于第三人称单数。

8、Dodoes后要用动词原形  go-goes  (第三人称单数)   like-likes (第三人称单数)其他只要将动词后加s即可构成第三人称单数形式。特殊有:have-has   go- goes18名词单、复数: 变复数规律:a.      以s,x,ch,sh结尾的名词复数加es.b.     以man结尾的名词把man变成men.c.     以f或fe结尾的名词把f或fe变成ves.d.

9、0;    以辅音字母和y结尾的名词,把y变成ies.e.      不规则变化:child-children, foot-feet, mouse-mice, sheep-sheep people-peoplef.       规则名词直接加s.g.     不可数名词单复数不变。如teasome tea.写出下列动词的第三人称单数形式。sit      &

10、#160;        swim              read                make           

11、0;    run               write                type             go  

12、0;              watch           clean                cry         

13、   wash               jump             come               study    

14、60;   do用一般现在时填空。(每句若有两个空要填,一般第一个空填do 或does,第二个空填动词原形)1 What _ he _ (have)  He _ (have) a toy plane.2 My mother  _ not_  (like) English. She _ (like) Chinese.3 _ you _ (go ) to school by bus No, I _ (go) to school by car.4 Miss Wang _ (swim ) every day.5 I _(like) English .

15、Tom _  _ _(not like ) English.6 The moon _ (go) around the earth.7When_ you _ (go ) to school I _ (go) to school at five every day.19人称代词分主格和宾格(动词前面用主格,动介词后面用宾格)。主格一般用于句首作主语;宾格一般用于句中或句尾作宾语。下面的人称代词前面是主格,后面是宾格。I-me   you-you   he-him  she-her  it-it  we-us 

16、 they-them我    你 、你们    他     她        它    我们  (他、它)她们物主代词:物主代词分形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词。(形容词性物主代词后面跟名词、名词性物主代词多用于句尾)。形容词性物主代词后加名词=名词性物主代词。如:my book=mine  your bag=yours形容词性物主代词my,   

17、; your,    his,     her,      its,     our,      their我的 你的、你们的他的   她的   它的  我们的 他她它们的名词性物主代词 mine    yours    his    hers

18、60;   its    ours    theirs我的 你的、你们的他的  她的    它的  我们的 他她它们的20 a/an 用法区别a、 an 都是表示一个(件、条)等。a: 用在辅音字母开头的单词前面。如:a book a penan:用在元音字母(a,e,i,o,u) 开头的单词前面. 如:an apple an orange 元音音标开头21 some any表示一些。Some用于肯定句,any用于否定句或疑问句。There are some chi

19、ldren in the park. Are there any books here I have not any toys.22there is 、there are表示某地有某物。There is  用于单数句或不可数名词的复数形式。There is some money in my pocket.  There are 用于复数句。Are there any photos on the wall Havehas表示某人有某物。Have用于第一、二、人称和第三人称的复数形式。Has 只用于第三人称的单数。 My mother has a yellow coat. &#

20、160;Tom and Peter have some CDs.23 different 表示不同的,前面不能加the, 后面用名词复数形式。  Same  表示相同的,前面要加the,后面一般要用单数形式。They are in different classes.   Tom and David are in the same school.24like  后面加名词复数或动词的ing形式。I like apples. He likes swimming.25月份、年前用 in,  in May   In 20

21、04   星期、具体哪一天前用on.  On Friday  on the second of January  几点前用at   at six thirty26现在进行时:表示此时此刻正在发生的事情或所处的状态。动词:amis are +doing (现在分词)现在分词:1、直接加ing如:do - doing2、去e+ing  如:have-having3、双写+ing  如:runrunning双写记住这几个:runrunning   swimswimming  sit

22、sitting getgetting  stopstopping  put-puttingShe is runnig on the playground.写出下列动词的现在分词。sit               swim              read    &#

23、160;           make                run             put          &

24、#160;  sing               do               jump            come      &

25、#160;         write               type                 go         

26、;     watch              clean            study               stop    

27、          say                  cry              wash  用进行时填空。1 I _ _ (read ) English now.2 He _ _ (g

28、o) to the park now.3 We _ _ (have ) an English class.4 What _ they _ (do ) They  _ _ (sit) in the park.5 My mother _ _ (clean ) the room now.27一般过去时表示在过去某个时间发生的事情,一般句中都有表示过去的时间。如 昨天前天上个星期六昨天下午等等。动词用过去式。动词过去式1、一般在动词后加ed如  work-worked2、动词后有e只加d如  dance- danced3、 辅音加y结尾去y加ied 如  cry

29、-cried4、特殊的如  havehas -had   amis- was   are- were   do-did  go-went  sitsat readread   swim-swam  make-made   sing-sang  write-wrote  come-came5、双写加ed  如stop- stopped构成句子变化一般在动词前加did 之后用动词原形。如When did you go home y

30、esterday. I did not read English last Sunday.写出下列动词的过去式sit       swim         read        make           watch      

31、;            sing        do           write          type         

32、0;    go                watch      clean         study           stop    &#

33、160;        iscry         wash        jump            come           are用一般过去时填空(4分)1

34、、I _(go) to the cinema last Saturday.2 He_ (is ) ill yesterday.3 We _ (have ) an Art lesson yesterday.4 What _ your uncle _(do) yesterday morning He _ (read ) English.5 She _  (clean) our classroom yesterday afternoon.时态语法练习卷一、选择适当的疑问代词填空1)     A: _ is he from  B: Hes f

35、rom London.2)     A: _ is the bus stop  B: Its over there.3)     A: _ the new dresses  B: They are nice.4)     A: _ are their jobs  B: Theyre nurses.5)     A: _ are they  B: Theyre Lucy and Lily.6)

36、60;    A: _ are Lin Tao and Wang Ying  B: Theyre fine.7)     A: _ apples can you see in the bag  B: I can see ten.8)     A: _ is his bike  B: Its black.9)     A: _ are your friends  B: They are all eleven.

37、10)A: _ do you want  B: I want a banana.二、用适当的词填空1 Where _  (be) your glasses  They  _ (be) there under the desk.2 What _ (do) he usually do on Sundays He _(study) English.3 Where _ (be) you just now I _ (be) in the classroom.4 What _ the students _ (do) now They _ _ on the playg

38、round.5 My mother _(have ) a beautiful handkerchief.6 There _ (be) some monkey in my pocket.7_(do) throw the ball to _(he). Throw it to _ (she).8 What _(daydate) is it today Its the 4th of May.9 Tom _ (live) near Ben. He likes _( swim).10 You should not _(touch)the wall. Li     &

39、#160;                (read) books now. Hai and I               (be) classmates.13.           (head)

40、the ball to the goal. you               (watch) TV likes to              (collect) stamps.16.            

41、       (not throw) the plane to the tree. you like          (take) some photos shouldnt          (eat) something in the computer room. are my       &#

42、160; (CD) They         (be) on the bookcase yesterday morning.20. Yang lin s sister           (want) to play a game.三、句型转换1, I can help you. (一般疑问句)  _you help _2, Its a nice watch. (改为复数) _ nice

43、 _.3, it, to, her, please, give, Jim (连词成句)Please give _ _ _, Jim.4, Are these your shoes (做否定回答) No, _ _.5, Its ten eighteen. (画线提问) _ the _6, My father is fifty. (画线提问) _ _ is your father7, The boy in the car is Tom. . (画线提问)_ _ is Tom8, These photos are Li Leis. (画线提问) _ are these photos 9, These

44、 apples are red. . (画线提问)_ _ are these apples 10, He is a teacher. (画线提问) _ is _11 There are some children here.(一般疑问句)_四、用动词的适当形式填空。1 My mother _(wash) the plates in the kitchen.2 Please _ (have) some oranges.3 Its seven oclock. I _ (get) up.4 School is over. The pupils can _ (play) games.5 _ you _

45、 (go) to school every day6 Dont _ (run) in the school now.7 We _ (like) music. Now we _ (sing)8 Let me _ (go) to the cinema.9 Mary, _ you _ (clean ) the table Yes.10 My hands are dirty. Let me _(go) and _ (wash ) them.11 Look, Miss White _(have ) a Maths _(like) Maths.12 The workers _ (want) some te

46、a. They are thirsty.13 Listen, who _ (speak) English in the park14 The runners _(run) every morning.15 I can _ (listen ) to the radio on Sunday.五、时态填空1、I _(like) English . Tom _  _ (not like ) English.2 What _ she _ (do) now She _ (make) a plane.3 The moon _ (go) around the earth.4 When_ you_ (

47、go ) to school I _ (go) to school at five every day.5 What _ your mother _ (do ) next Sunday六、选择填空1 _ you play football Yes, I can. A Will  B Could    C Can2 What _ your father do Hes a teacher. A do   B does  C is3 _ is your pencil-box Its in my schoolbag. &#

48、160; A Where   B What    C When4What _ you going to do next week  A will   B do    C are5 Whose book is it Its _ .  A my      B mine        C me6 _ they visit the factory last mont

49、h    ADo     B Did7  When did you _ home yesterday   A come     B came8 Where _ jill meet his friend just now   A does      B did9 What _ you _ last night       

50、;  A do do   B did do10Did your sister go to school early this morning Yes, she _. A is     B did11When did the man _        A cook    B cooked七、用he做主语改写下列句子(10分)1 I have a book. _ _ a book.2 We are sitting on the _ sitt

51、ing on the bed.3 The boys are from China. _ _ from China.4 My mother likes watching TV. _ _ watching TV.5 Does Betty have any books _ _ _ any books八、用代词的适当形式填空。(5分)1、There is a letter for  _ (her hers) mother.2That is _ (she ) coat. The coat is red.  _ (its)is a new one.3 Whose pens are th

52、ese _(their) are _ (we). 4 Give _(he) a toy, please.5 _(we) eyes are black. _ (us) come from Japan.6 Tim and Bill are twins. _ (their)are from England. _  (them) parents are teachers in No 6 school.   练习一、句型转换每题分共100分1. Mike is looking for his pencil. 2. The birds are in the

53、 cage. 3. means, shouldnt, make, it noise, we (.) 4. Does the girl like watching cartoons at home(否定回答) 5. there, the films, were, now just (.) 6. My earphones are under the table now.(用were改为一般过去时) 7. My birthday is in March._    _ _ birthday8. Jim is a new s

54、tudent in Bens class.(同义句)Jim _ _  _ student in _ class.9. It was there a moment ago.(复数句)_  _ _ a moment ago.10. She is looking for her camera.(一般疑问句,肯定回答)。_ _  _ for her cameraYes, _  _ .11. My bag was on the chair just now. (一般疑问句,否定回答)。_ _  _ on the chair _ _No, it _ .12

55、. They are watching a funny cartoon.(改为过去时) 13. It was there a moment ago. 一般疑问句 14. It means “Be quiet.”  15. I was at home just now. 16. Her mothers birthday is on the 2nd of December. 17. Can you pick it up for me, please (改为祈使句) 18. _(be) it there just now Yes, but

56、it _(be) not there now.19. _(Do) Nancy usually go to school at seven thirty Yes, she _(do).20. Would you like some _(strawberry) No, Id like some _(mango).21. Do not _ (skate) .22. Today is Miss _(Wang) birthday. Lets _(go)and say happy birthday to _(she).23. What are you _(do) I am _(make) model sh

57、ips.24. _(be)  you in the bedroom a moment ago No, I _(be) in the study just now.25. 他们正在看一场跑步比赛。They _  _ a _ _ .26. 你的日记本在哪 在电脑后面。_ is your _ Its _ the computer.27.我的耳机刚才在桌子下面。My earphones _ under the table _ _ _ .28. They are talking about Bens birthday. 29. Id like a yo-yo as my b

58、irthday present. 一般疑问句_ _ _ a yo-yo as _birthday_ 30.今天是几月几日9月30日。What _ is it _ Its the _ of _ .31. 它们刚才还在那儿。They _ there  a _ ago.32. 我们经常在家举办生日聚会。We _ _ parties _ _ .33. 杨玲的生日就快到了。Yang Lings birthday _ _ _ .34.我表姐想要一条新连衣裙作为生日礼物。My _ _ _ a new dress _ a birthday present.35. He sees some publi

59、c signs in the park. (一般疑问句,否定回答)。_ he _ _ public signs in the park No, he _ .36. It means “Keep off the grass.” (同义句)It means we _ _ _ _ _ .37. Jack is only four years old. I play computer games(改为肯定句) _ _ play computer games.39. He has a lot of questions.(改为否定句)He _ _ a lot of questions.40. 本

60、正在干什么 他正在看一个故事。What _ Ben _ _  _a _ .二、词性转换 (100分 每题2 分)1. there (反义词)                   2. same (反义词)               (同音词)4. no(同音词)

61、60;                  (名词)                6. cant(完整形式) up              

62、;           8. a ten-yuan note        9. the sign on the birds cage10. 去睡觉                        up

63、                    12. twelfth(基数词)d like(完整形式)                14. child(复数)         

64、;    15. Ben(名词所有格)16. Japanese(名词)                17. tell (现在分词)             a birthday party19. watch “ Aladdin”                 20. On the 16th of October   


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