1、安全法制教育教案关注安全 关爱生命 教学目标 :1 、通过学习有关安全知识,培养中小生的安全意识,提高中小生自救自护能力,使学生安全、健康成长。2、培养中小生的法制观念,自觉学法、懂法、守法、护法,懂得运用法律武器来保护自己的合法权益。教学重点: 通过案例分析和学生参与思考讨论增强学生的安全法制观念。教学方法: 案例分析法、图片展示法、亲身体验法教学过程 :( 导入 )( 出示嫩绿的小树苗图片 ) 看到这幅图片,我们想到了什么 , 生命、希望,朝气蓬勃 , 然而这一切都必须在安全的前提下才有它存在的意义。安全是生命之本,没有安全,你的生命便失去了保障,没有安全,世界上美好的一切也将消失,然而生
2、活中不安全的因素时刻存在,我们只有安全警钟长鸣,防微杜渐,才能有效的保护我们的生命健康,今天我们就来共同学习一堂有关安全法制教育的内容关注安全 关爱生命 ( 出示课题 ) 。生活中威胁我们中小学生不安全的因素很多,今天我们着重从校园安全和交通安全两方面来学习。 一、 校园安全take received way, its take received length not is less than 20mm.Plastic or rubber seal piece after cutting hair glue bond, bond lengthis not less than 200mm, ru
3、bber seal should be installed to prevent distortion or tearing. Install good sealing should be fixed andprotected. Asphalt seal installation, elevated with concrete, check the paragraph by paragraph, by pouring asphalt and heavy heating before the pouring of concrete. Expansion joint of concrete sur
4、face smooth and clean, when there are voids and, in accordance with the regulations, all exposed iron removal. 2) drainage: drainage type, size, location and material specifications shall comply with the provisions of the construction drawings, drain hole position and design position deviation is le
5、ss than 10cm, inclination of the hole is less than 2%, depth of error not greater than or less than the depth of 2%. 3) embedded parts: embedded parts should be according to the design drawings for the installation before pouring concrete, concrete pouring process dedicated to embedded parts for pro
6、tection. (8) construction method of concrete part 1) plant lower concrete and construction when excavation to the design of sluice concrete after the elevation, basic cleaning, basic acceptance and artificial groups standing steel profiles, hierarchical fault block placement, height 12m. Template wi
7、th a wood Board Joint rock surface, preventing the loss of liquid. Concrete dump truck 5T material brought on to the site from the mixing station from EX200 long arm backhoe warehousing, labor positions, 6 2 "vibrator vibrating to dense. Artificial water conservation to age. 2) Pier and dam con
8、crete construction manual set set steel template . Freeze and keep the surface moist; 6) avoid pouring concrete at night in the winter, in case of pouring concrete in the night, the use of color cloth installation insulation shed, Studio adopts electrical heating or charcoal firingmethod to increase
9、 the temperature inside the warehouse; 7) template plus straw bags hung in the side, on the side of the thermal insulationof concrete to prevent Frost cracking; 8) extended striking time 3-5days; 9) in order to reduce heat loss during transport, take a dumptruck to install scaffolding, or direct use
10、 of concrete mixing truckhaul; 10) in aggregate silos on scaffolding to prevent rain and snow; 11)when the temperature is too low, the suspended concrete construction. (2)in rainy season( 出示视频新闻 ): 近年来各地发生的校园踩踏事件据交通部统计, 11 年来发生 29起校园踩踏事故。惨案频频发生,“校园安全计划”刻不容缓。思考一 : 如何避免校园踩踏事故的再次发生 ,( 从学校和学生两个方面思考)让学生们
11、先思考,然后发表自己的观点,说一说在学校和学生是如何避免校园踩踏事故的发生的,然后老师总结: 一、学校如何防止踩踏事故的发生1、校方制定防踩踏事故预案2、加强内部管理,明确责任,落实措施3、指示标志要明确4、定期培训演练5、危险区域检查整改。二、学生如何防止踩踏事故的发生1、遭遇拥挤的人群怎么办? 2 、出现混乱局面后怎么办? 3 、危急时刻如何保持心理镇定?思考二 : 除了校园踩踏事故威胁着我们青少年的生命安全外,我们知道还存在哪些校园安全隐患,并且就如何消除这些隐患,献计献策:让学生们注意观察在校园里还存在哪些安全隐患,并且提出一些具体消除安全隐患的做法,从而提高他们的安全意识。 ( 通过
12、出示一些小图片,让学生们直观的看到在学校里他们可能会忽视的一些安全隐患就在身边)最后老师总结: 校园安全十大隐患 ,让学生们引起重视。在生活中除了校园安全需要引起我们大家的重视以外,威胁我们中小学生身体健康的主要因素还有交通安全。abor positions, 6 2 "vibrator vibrating to dense. Artificial water conservation to age. 2) Pier and dam concrete constructionid. Concrete dump truck 5T material brought on to the s
13、ite from the mixing station from EX200 long arm backhoe warehousing, lf liquofiles, hierarchical fault block placement, height 12m. Template with a wood Board Joint rock surface, preventing the loss oo the design of sluice concrete after the elevation, basic cleaning, basic acceptance and artificial
14、 groups standing steel prion tembedded parts for protection. (8) construction method of concrete part 1) plant lower concrete and construction when excavat hould be according to the design drawings for the installation before pouring concrete, concrete pouring process dedicated toarts stion of the h
15、ole is less than 2%, depth of error not greater than or less than the depth of 2%. 3) embedded parts: embedded pith the provisions of the construction drawings, drain hole position and design position deviation is less than 10cm, inclinamply wth the regulations, all exposed iron removal. 2) drainage
16、: drainage type, size, location and material specifications shall coore the pouring of concrete. Expansion joint of concrete surface smooth and clean, when there are voids and, in accordance wig befted. Asphalt seal installation, elevated with concrete, check the paragraph by paragraph, by pouring a
17、sphalt and heavy heatinthan 200mm, rubber seal should be installed to prevent distortion or tearing. Install good sealing should be fixed and protec bond lengthis not less take received way, its take received length not is less than 20mm. Plastic or rubber seal piece after cutting hair glue bond,son
18、ny seaon scaffolding to prevent rain and snow; 11) when the temperature is too low, the suspended concrete construction. (2) in raiing transport, take a dump truck to install scaffolding, or direct use of concrete mixing truck haul; 10) in aggregate silos 5 days; 9) in order to reduce heat loss dur-
19、e thermal insulation of concrete to prevent Frost cracking; 8) extended striking time 3ring method to increase the temperature inside the warehouse; 7) template plus straw bags hung in the side, on the side of thoal fipouring concrete in the night, the use of color cloth installation insulation shed
20、, Studio adopts electrical heating or charcl set set steel template . Freeze and keep the surface moist; 6) avoid pouring concrete at night in the winter, in case of manua2二、 交通安全出示 2005 年的交通事故统计交通事故猛于虎。沁源发生的学生特大交通事故,更让人触目惊心,公安交通管理部门专家分析, 2005 年全国中小学生共死亡 4205 人,平均每天死亡就有12 人,就是每三四天,全国就有1 个班的孩子消失了交通事故
21、不仅造成财产损失,更主要的是交通事故带给家庭的则是难以弥补的近年来,随着我国经济的快速发展和人民生活水平的提高,汽车逐渐成为人们日常生活的交了的重要工具。汽车在给我们带来众多交了便捷的同时,也给我们带来了痛苦。道路交了事故已成为造成中小学生意外伤亡的主要原因之一。而校车安全问题更是不可忽视。( 出示图片 ) 提问 : 这样的校车你敢坐吗( 出示校车拍客的视频 ) 校车安全引起全社会的关心( 出示校车公益广告视频) 说明校车安全已经引起国家的高度关注。( 出示中国式过马路图片) 说明交通安全问题无处不在,我们要提高安全意识,遵守交通法规,文明出行,告别陋习( 出示几副学生爬栏杆,横穿马路的图片
22、)反思 : 你有过以上行为吗 , 生活中你还有哪些违反交通规则的行为 , 今后你应该 怎么做 , 请为消除中国式过马路,文明出行写一句宣传标语。m EX20ck surface, preventing the loss of liquid. Concrete dump truck 5T material brought on to the site from the mixing station frotificial groups standing steel profiles, hierarchical fault block placement, height 12m. Template
23、 with a wood Board Joint roand arrete and construction when excavation to the design of sluice concrete after the elevation, basic cleaning, basic acceptance rete pouring process dedicated to embedded parts for protection. (8) construction method of concrete part 1) plant lower conc, conc2%. 3) embe
24、dded parts: embedded parts should be according to the design drawings for the installation before pouring concreteiation is less than 10cm, inclination of the hole is less than 2%, depth of error not greater than or less than the depth of n devmaterial specifications shall comply with the provisions
25、 of the construction drawings, drain hole position and design positio e are voids and, in accordance with the regulations, all exposed iron removal. 2) drainage: drainage type, size, location andn thery pouring asphalt and heavy heating before the pouring of concrete. Expansion joint of concrete sur
26、face smooth and clean, whesealing should be fixed andprotected. Asphalt seal installation, elevated with concrete, check the paragraph by paragraph, bbond length is not less than 200mm, rubber seal should be installed to prevent distortion or tearing. Install good take received way, its take receive
27、d length not is less than 20mm. Plastic or rubber seal piece after cutting hair glue bond,concrete construction. (2) in rainy seasonuck haul; 10) in aggregate silos on scaffolding to prevent rain and snow; 11) when the temperature is too low, the suspended mixing tr 5 days; 9) in order to reduce hea
28、t loss during transport, take a dump truck to install scaffolding, or direct use of concrete-ng in the side, on the side of the thermal insulation of concrete to prevent Frost cracking; 8) extended striking time 3gs huopts electrical heating or charcoal firing method to increase the temperature insi
29、de the warehouse; 7) template plus straw banight in the winter, in case of pouring concrete in the night, the use of color cloth installation insulation shed, Studio ad ete atier and dam concrete construction manual set set steel template . Freeze and keep the surface moist; 6) avoid pouring concr0
30、long arm backhoe warehousing, labor positions, 6 2 "vibrator vibrating to dense. Artificial water conservation to age. 2) P3其实我们同学们除了要注意校园安全和交通安全以外,生活中还有很多需要我们时时处处要注意的安全问题,你能列举哪些,网络问题、意外伤害、食品卫生问题、自然灾害等等活动 : 安全知识我知道:1、发现有人触电该怎么做, 用手去接触触电者对吗2、如果炒菜时油锅起火怎么办 ,3、如果家中发现煤气泄露,应该如何处理,4、如果有网友要约你见面,你会去见吗,5
31、、如果你一个人在家,有陌生人敲门,你应该怎么办,6、如果在路上遇到歹徒抢劫,你怎么做,7、当教室因线路老化,发生火灾时,怎么办,8、当你与同学活老师发生矛盾冲突时,是如何做的 ,9、当有人发生溺水,而你又不会游泳,你该如何救他,10、列举四种报警电话名称,并说出号码。老师总结 : 面对这些问题,我们如何有效的避免它们的伤害,除了要心中有法,树立法制观念外,还要学习一些必要的自救自护常识,用智慧来保护自己。并且让学生知道两部专门保护未成年人的法律未成年人保护法、预防未成年人犯罪法。最后送上一句话: 生命,一个多么鲜活的词语; 安全,一个多么古老的话题 ; 幸福,一个多么美妙的境界。生命它f li
32、quofiles, hierarchical fault block placement, height 12m.Template with a wood Board Joint rock surface, preventing the loss oo the design of sluice concrete after the elevation, basic cleaning, basic acceptance and artificial groups standing steel prion tembedded parts for protection. (8) constructi
33、on method of concrete part 1) plant lower concrete and construction when excavat hould be according to the design drawings for the installation before pouring concrete, concrete pouring process dedicated toarts stion of the hole is less than 2%, depth oferror not greater than or less than the depth
34、of 2%. 3) embedded parts: embedded pith the provisions of the construction drawings, drain hole position and design position deviation is less than 10cm, inclinamply wth the regulations, all exposed iron removal. 2) drainage: drainage type, size, location and material specifications shall coore the
35、pouring of concrete. Expansion joint of concrete surface smooth and clean, when there are voids and, in accordance wig befted. Asphalt seal installation, elevated with concrete, check the paragraph by paragraph, by pouring asphalt and heavy heatinthan 200mm, rubber seal should be installed to preven
36、t distortion or tearing. Install good sealing should be fixed and protec bond length is not less take received way, its take received length not is less than 20mm. Plastic or rubber seal piece after cutting hair glue bond,sonny seaon scaffolding to prevent rain and snow; 11) when the temperature is
37、too low, the suspended concrete construction. (2) in raiing transport, take a dump truck to install scaffolding, or direct use of concrete mixing truck haul; 10) in aggregate silos 5 days; 9) in order to reduce heat loss dur-e thermal insulation of concrete toprevent Frost cracking; 8) extended stri
38、king time 3ring method to increase the temperature inside the warehouse; 7) template plus straw bags hung in the side, on the side of thoal fipouring concrete in the night, the use of color cloth installation insulation shed, Studio adopts electrical heating or charcl set set steel template . Freeze
39、 and keep the surface moist; 6) avoid pouring concrete at night in the wint er, in case of manua abor positions,6 2 "vibrator vibrating todense. Artificial water conservation to age. 2) Pier and dam concreteconstructionid. Concrete dump truck 5T material brought on to the site from the mixing s
40、tation from EX200 long arm backhoe warehousing, l4组成了一首快乐的诗,它构成了一句温馨的话语。安全它构筑了我们美好的家园,它像黑夜里的一盏小桔灯,虽然渺小,却可以指引你迷失的方向 ; 它像千年古寺里的一尊铜钟,虽然久远,却可以敲醒你混沌的神经 ; 它如寒夜里的一根火柴,虽然短暂,却可以点燃你生命的希望所以我们要让平安之灯长亮,让幸福平安常 伴,让安全这盏小桔灯永远闪耀光辉,让安全永驻我们心中。5 days; 9) in order to reduce heat loss during transport, take a dump truck t
41、o install scaffolding, or direct use of concrete-ng in the side, on the side of the thermal insulation of concrete to prevent Frost cracking; 8) extended striking time 3gs huopts electrical heating or charcoal firing method to increase the temperature inside the warehouse;7) template plus straw bani
42、ght in the winter, in case of pouring concrete in the night, the use of color cloth installation insulation shed, Studio ad ete atier and dam concrete construction manual set set steel template . Freeze and keep the surface moist; 6) avoid pouring concrO long arm backhoe warehousing, labor positions
43、,6 2 "vibratorvibrating to dense. Artificial water conservation to age. 2) Pm EX20ck surface, preventing the loss of liquid. Concrete dump truck 5T material brought on to the site from the mixing station frotificial groupsstanding steel profiles, hierarchical fault block placement, height 12m.T
44、emplate with a wood Board Joint roand arrete and construction when excavation to the design of sluice concrete after the elevation, basic cleaning, basic acceptance rete pouring process dedicated to embedded parts for protection. (8) construction method of concrete part 1) plant lower conc, conc2%.
45、3) embedded parts: embedded parts should be according to the design drawings for the installation before pouring concreteiation is less than 10cm, inclination of the hole is less than 2%, depth of error not greater than or less than the depth of n devmaterial specifications shall comply with the pro
46、visions of the construction drawings, drain hole position and design positio e are voids and, in accordance with the regulations, all exposed iron removal. 2) drainage: drainage type, size, location andn thery pouring asphalt and heavy heating before the pouring of concrete. Expansion joint of concr
47、ete surface smooth and clean, whesealing should be fixed and protected. Asphalt seal installation, elevated with concrete, check the paragraph by paragraph, bbond length is not less than 200mm, rubber seal should be installed to prevent distortion or tearing. Install good take received way, its take
48、 received length not is less than 20mm. Plastic or rubber seal piece after cutting hair glue bond,concrete construction. (2) in rainy seasonuck haul; 10) in aggregate silos on scaffolding to prevent rain and snow; 11) when the temperature is too low, the suspended mixing tr 5安全法制教案ring method to inc
49、rease the temperature inside the warehouse; 7) template plus straw bags hung in the side, on the side of thoal fipouring concrete in the night, the use of color cloth installationinsulation shed, Studio adopts electrical heating or charcl set setsteel template . Freeze and keep the surface moist; 6)
50、 avoid pouring concrete at night in the winter, in case of manua abor positions,6 2"vibrator vibrating to dense. Artificial water conservation to age. 2) Pier and dam concrete constructionid. Concrete dump truck 5T material brought on to the site from the mixing station from EX200 long arm backhoe warehousing, lf liquofiles, hierarchical fault block placement, height 12m. Template with a wood Board Joint rock surface, preventing the loss oo th
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