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1、昆明市初中学业水平考试英语试卷(含答案)昆明市2017年初中学业水M考试英语试卷(全卷四个部分共8页0满分120分.考试用时WO分钟)注意事项,1 .本卷为陆照卷考生必须在答踮卡上解题作答答案应书写在答题七的相应位式上. 在试题卷、草稿纸上作答无效.2 .考试结束后,调将试SS卷和答题卡一并交回,所的遍,(共5小腿,每小超1分,满分5分)"-»千ABAB* A AB4鼠修V ABvtOHR/1 c多!c邈c第I部分 听力(共四节.满分30分第 仃听句子,选出与所所句子内容相符的图画.所音的你tnm秒的的读题时间注意英语说七熬I贝,强旦亚,昆明市初中学业水平考试英语试卷(含答

2、案)英语试卷*第a页(共招亚)第二节 根据所听到的句已 选出恰当的应答语。所音前你有1。秒钟的读题时间,注意听C. Good evening t C On June 16th.C. No way'C. She c 闻duiicv.C. Sony ! won't.两遍n (共5小6. A. Good uiDniing7. A. Tn five yc;irs.8. A. Good luck!9. A. She has a cat.lJh A. iJnn,t say 5cL将小躯分,满分5分)B. Good afternoon!B. For two monthS-B Here you

3、 are,B She is tall and diin.B. Yes, please.第:节 所对活及同跑.选择最住答案.听阵前你有10秒钟的读监时间,注意明两遍.t共5小题r每小题2分,满分10分)C. Bread and mi Ik.C Nq, ht didn,t.C Blue.11 .儿 Dumpling喜一B. Heel noodles.12 . A. Yest he did.R. No, he isn t.I3h A Hy making word cards.8. By listening lo English song<.CL By asking the teacher fo

4、r heJp,14. A. RedB. Yellow.15. A. It on Ne StreetB. fs opposite 1he bank.C. firom the hospitaL第四节 所过文,根据短文内容回答问题.听音前你有15秒钟的读照时间,注盍听三遍.(共5小鼠 每小题2分,满分1。分)16. How caji we kjio abcmL Ilic wither according lo the pa片蛤ge?A. From plants.B. From animals.C. From waler】7. Wk用 will the wcaiher be like whs 由匚 b

5、i心 fly high?A. It: will be a nice day.B. ttuiU bea rainy day.C, It will be a windy day.18,明 hill may happen when the rain is turning?Ah Birds may sit in trees.B. Chickens may keep quiet.C. Frogs I 百蚂)may come out of the water19. Wkir animals are NOT mentioned in the passage?C. Ducks.C. Weather and a

6、nimalsA. Chickens,B. Frogs.20. What's the best title ofthis passage?A, Diffbrunt animalsB. Bad weather第二部分 英语知识运用扶二节,满分25分)第一节单项填空从A. IK C,D四个选项中选出脆娘人空白处或替换划线部分的最佳答案。(共15小 甄.每小题1分,满分15分)21. HdloT may I speak . . Mike?一 This 球 Mike speaking.A. atB. coC, inD. onB. What a pityD. No problemC. HerD.

7、Your22. 一 Could you pluase clean your room?A, Me, tooC. See you23. lixcuse me. what's your name?一 name is Betty.A. MyB His24. Did you do anything interesting last Sunday?Not really. 1 justat home.A, stay氏 stayedC will stayD. am staying25. Nowadays, it's convenient and cheap for us a sharcd-b

8、icycle.A. rideB w rideC. flyingD, to fly26. Many are playing an active part in making Kunming a civilized city (文明城市1A. manB. womanU volunteerD. volunteers27.一Alan,?rm soTryt Tm not available.A. did you like my housewamung partyC. can you come to my parry tomorrowB. when is your houswamung partyD. w

9、ho will go to the party with you28. Have you watched the TV pragram named Chinese Poetry Competition?B. I don't like itD. he doesn't mind itYes. If s meaningful andA. I love il er> muchC. she can+t stand it-Twice r week.A. How old are youB. How far is it from your home to schoolC. How do

10、you 削t to whoolD. How often do you exercise30 . As wc on our new journey, w c shouldn't forget where 垂史 came from, A. take outB. set outC cut outD- blow out31 L AH the students in our class are oer fifteen except Nick, He is in our cla*.A, youngerB. olderC. the youngest1). the oldest32. The Belt

11、 and Road iniuativc ( 带一路)is a gwd chans to ict nwre and mort fitreign studcniN study in our countryA. unluckilyB. never C. reallyD. hardly昆明市初中学业水平考试英语试卷(含答案)33. . Could you please tell me ?一 The people and Che fooddocs Tom like ChiiwB. if Tom likes ChinaC what does Tom Jike about ChinaD. what Tom

12、likes about China34. He was down injhc mouib because he misseJ his plane.A, unhappyB. happyC, gladD. relied35. Tell me your story, please. I'm 洲A. I have many eaxB.B, I like all kinds ofean.C I'm listening <o you carefijlly.D. I don't want to listen to you.第二节完形填空从A乩C三个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳答

13、案.(共10小题,每小题i分,满 分1。分)A teacher detiJed to let her cluss play a game. She told each child in the class Id brjng 4口ng a bag with 36 Tomatoes, ach tomato would 37 u name of a person ihat the child haled. So (he number toHutotfs m his or her bag would depend on the number uf people rhe child hated.Whs

14、the day came. ever> child brought some tomatoes with the names of th<j people he or she hated. Some had two tomatoes 一邓 had three tomatoes. Some even had five tomatoes. The teacher then lold the children to carry the tomatoes 明 ith them whereer they went fbr a week Days passed, and the childre

15、n starred to complain (抱怨)39 the rotten (腐烂的)mnatocs let out terriblt smdl. Besides, those having five tomatoes alw had to carry _40 bag«. After one week, The children were very happy because the game had 41 ended.The leather 阳履金 *How did you fcelT* The children started complaining of ihe troub

16、le ihai they had to go through when carrying the hcay and smelly tomatoes.Okfi the teacher told them the 4j. behind the game.Thu teacher said. This is ihe same situaiiop when you carry your haired (憎恨)for somebody 43 your heart. The terrible smell of hatred will 44 your heart, and ycu will carry it

17、with you wherever you go. If you cannot stand the sindi of the rotren tomatoes for just 4, week, can you imagine whai it ts like to have the smell of hainxl m your bean for yourlifetime?”36. A. muchB. a littleC. a few37.A mUB be givenC. have wrincn3& A. AnyB. SomeC. Every39 一 A, becauseH. butC.

18、so40. A. lowerB. lighterC heavier41. A. oftenB. finallyC. always42. A. meaningB. timeC. way43. A. outsideR. insideC. beside44. A. cleanB. washC. pollute45, A、oneB* twoC. five英用试卷第4页(共鸟页)昆明市初中学业水平考试英语试卷(含答案)第三部分 阅读理解,共W小题,满分35分)AArc you still doing the V" for x itiory .ign? h's out, The 1机。斜

19、 popular hand gcsiure ( F势) is putting both your hands together to make a heart sh呼e. It ii called a "hand heart1VMany young pop stars in the USA do this in their photos;. '*The hand hean' gesture means something between kt kwe you, and 4thank you said Taylor Swift, the countn singer. Y

20、ou can *end a sweet and simple message without saying a word/* Swift often does it at her concerts. And some people think Sihe makthis gesture popular.JiMin Bieber imd his supersuir friends did the "hand hearT and put the photos onJine. They did it w help out three children, whose parents died

21、from a car accidentIn sonie Asian countries, the “hand heart1' is popular too, but m a dificrunt way. People there put (heir hands above (heir heads Eind make a bigger heart shape with their arms ft meansi 力 kn4 you".根据短文内容判断句子IE (T)误(F)“(扶5小题,每小题13分,满分73分) 46. It's out to do the ,V fur

22、 victory sign.47, The "hand heart' g-nire means ',don" iove yuu+>P 4K. No ore can express ne's love without saying a word, 49. In this passage, some supersrars did the "hand heart*' to help oui three children, 50.4"Han.d heart" is popular not only in the U

23、SA but also in some Asian countries.BA 12-ycar-old boy named Tim Brown lost in the mountains. Hcweer, he survived at hsL thanks to his amazing survival 幸存)skills.One day in October 2016, Tim went hiking with his group in the Magaliesberg Mountains, South Africa. At first, everything went well. Bui a

24、t about one o'clock in the afternoon, he lost his way and couldn't find any other people. He got wared at first, but then he tried to calm down. Ik knew what to do in such a situation. +'1 should follow the river, follow the light, follow the sun and finally there will be buildings roads

25、 and people and I could call home;1 tw told himself.Tim kept walking. Suddenly he heard sonic SQunch md run towards them. Bui to his surprise, he saw some baboons (靖5 拂).UnuckHyt otic baboon scratched (抓伤)his arm, He found qome 认 flier xq wash the blood off the scratches and continued to *alk, Tim j

26、ust wore a pair of sw inuning trunks。拚泳裨 lt so he felt very cold. He tried to keep warm by covering his body with leaves. About 22 hours later he finwlly mci a farmer an was able 1q chII his momAlter lie came back, his mom asked why he carried on walking when it got dark. The link boy said if he did

27、 that, he would see her again Nothing could beat his love for his mom!根据短文内容选择最佳答案。(共5小题.每小第2分,满分10分) 5 L Where did Tim get lost?Ac a loo.B. In the swimming pool.C In a building.D. In the mountains.52, How long was Tim lost?A. About 22 hours, B. About 22 days. C About 12 hours. D About 2 days.英语试槎第5

28、页共聘更)昆明市初中学业水平考试英语试卷(含答案)53. When he IoujxI he vrus lou, Tim felt scaivd. al first ajul then.A. he tned over find over »gainB. he shuuk'd fur helpC. he stayed and waitedD. he tried cc caltn down54. W hai did Tim do first tier he heard some sounds?,He saw some baboon文R Hr wraithcd babomCr He

29、 ran towards the sounds.D. Hi washed the blood off.55. Which is HOT the reason for Tim's survival?A. He met 各出rm。匚B. Ht was too scored to carry on walking.C. The love ibr hin mom encohrugcd him.D- H 用 a bi to solve proble ms helped him.In the 19th century. iraiTis were the best way to trfivcl lo

30、n dAUrnc(*(曲高)aver land. Trains werp 幅别 4ndJn 山e 20ih tniun; airplanes replied rrains for 1优】歆dghiHcc tiuvclT»<iay, hov ev er, high-speed Trains are attmciin。收弓I) passengers again.Krance has h Iwn culled the TGV. TCV is ''7 ruin a Grande Vilest" in French, tvhiuh. means "hi

31、gh陷peed trainF A TGV train operates al gpeM 叩t0 300 kWh. The passengers can travel from Piiris io Marseilles in only four hours.The iirsc coiuiiry to have a highspeed liaiu js Japan. The Bullet trairi afters a fast, smooth ri拆 between Tokyo end other major diius in Japan. This Ein operates M Speed u

32、p to 210 km巾 and can tr耳* M between Tokyo and Osaka in juit three hours.L hina has the wHd s longed high-speed rail nciwork with ov«r 19J69 S km of track (轨道) in Fiviu from December 2014. China's high-speed ril sysicnn also in&udcs; ihe worlds longeyi lina rtic 2,2*?8 km Bcijin g-Guangz

33、h ou High-speed Railway. China's highspeed trains are marked wi<h lbCRlI' (China Railway High-speed). They ttre ulso uulkd Hcxic Hao. The fastest trairets. CRH380HL reached the highest lest speed of 487.3 kmii.根据矩式内容,选择最住等案=(共5小题,将小题2分,满分10分)56 - What docs the underlined phrase "al 浊

34、cxd” in the scccmd paragraph mean?A. fastH. lateC, slowlyD. deeply57 The firsi ooun(ry to h#y 询 high-即ed train is.A. ChinnB. JdpanC. FranceD. America58 . Which is the world s 1。咋- h+gM晔<i railway line?A. The line from BeijiaggShanghai.H The line from Parisio M屯C Th。ine Itom Bet.img toGuangzhou.D.

35、 The line frum Tokyo to Osaka*,The highest icsi 冲8a of CRII380BL was.A 21O km/kB.over double the spwd of th# hapan1罪Bulkt tramC 30fl knvliD.more than double the speed of (he French TGV (rain典话或卷第d蜒t共虹)60. What*s ihe main idea of this passage?A. The development of the French T<jV train.B- The hist

36、ory of the Japanese BvlJet Train.C. The teats of the Chinese CRH38OBL train sets.D The introduciiun of high-speed trains.DMany pcuple are trying to save the earth with specia day a like W Barth D啊"and “Buy Nothing Day".Mfaront DaylMeatout Da/' is on March 2(hh. 6L Join this day, and yo

37、u'll get healthier. Also, you can reduce greenhouse gasc%"咸少温室气体)and save the earth.Earth Day62 Muny pcopk all ovtr the world try to do somethii green on 山 is day. h】I My, people don't use phstic bags. In Canada and Norway, people ride bicycles and don't use their cars, in the USA.

38、people dress jp like p亩m片 and animakand ciance in Times Square. New YorkBuy Nothing l>ay“Buy Nothing Pay+' is usually on the f&urth Friday in November 63 'bBu nothing" means ''make no rubbish''. 64Do you want to join them? :5根据版文内容,从期文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项.选项中有西攻为多余

39、选项n(共5小题,每小题1.5分r涵分工5分)A. This is Children's Dny.B. When you make kst; rubbish, you cun make a cleaner eurthC. Many people iround the world don': eat <iny meat for one dayD. 1 hen you can retuember thusc specif days cind do something green H. We have a naboruil ho Iida vF, "Earth Duy

40、” is on April 22nd.G On this day, many people don't buy anything.第四部分 写作 共三节,满分加分)第一节单词填空用括号中所始词的适当形式填空,使语篇理思完整,必要时请用否定式. (共10小摩, 每小题I分,满分10分)M November 191g. pipiis in England 66 (be) able to W鼠由 a new TV program called Monkey. Must of them were hearing this siory for the G (one) time. However,

41、 thi slory is n°t 睡m to Chinese children. The Monkey King or Sun Wukong is the main thariKter in the (radii沁nM Chinese book Journo lu the IfkxL英福试卷转7页1箕8瓦)昆明市初中学业水平考试英语试卷(含答案)I he Monkey King is not just any _ 68 (normally) monkey. In 用此加 sometime does net even hxik like a mon key I This is bec

42、ause he can make sevcnly-dchange) to hi* 由 apeand SLZ4;, turning limisdf into di(Icrent animak and objects. But unlefrs he can hide his tail, K ?。 (can) wm hiniself into a man. To 71 _ (fight】 bad people, the Monkey King 口际 a mg stick. Sometimes 72 (him) cal make the stick so ahiMI that he can keep it in h 齿 ear. . ?3_ otherh个 is able io make it big 曲d 10"名,TM Monkey King M(小加)the children of China for many years. And as sdob as the TV program came oui nx than 3。y加 吟 Western children b«amc interested in(心心 this Stm bcusc M clever


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